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Разработка методического материала по теме "Клонирование" 11 класс УМК "Enjoy English 11" М. З. Биболетова

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Распечатка-методический материал по теме "Cloning" 11 класс УМК "Enjoy English 11" М. З. Биболетова 

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«Разработка методического материала по теме "Клонирование" 11 класс УМК "Enjoy English 11" М. З. Биболетова»

Name:________________________________ Surname:_____________________________________

1. Read the text Ex 75 p 102 and answer the questions:

1) Who is Victor Frankenstein?_______________________________________________________________________

2) What did the monster demand from Victor Frankenstein? _______________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________________________3) Who did the monster kill?_________________________________________________________________________

4) What did the monster ask at the end of Victor’s life?___________________________________________________

2. Put an 'x' on the line to show how much you agree or disagree with the statements. Think of the arguments for your opinions. Right or Wrong?

1 It is not ethical to clone a human being.


Agree completely Disagree completely

2 It is not ethical to clone any living creature, even an animal.


Agree completely Disagree completely

3 In the next twenty years there will be human clones.


Agree completely Disagree completely

4 Cloning is acceptable if it helps against terrible diseases like AIDS or cancer.


Agree completely Disagree completely

5 Cloning is acceptable if it saves the life of a baby who is very sick or dying.


Agree completely Disagree completely

3. Match the words to make up meaningful phrases.

Make up sentences with 3 of them




4. Put the sentences into the Passive Voice. See the example:

5. Fill in the missing words

although, despite, even though, however, in spite of, on the other hand, whereas

Does Mother Nature know best?

Cloning - using genetic engineering to make exact copies of living plants and animals - has been in science fiction for years. Since 1997, with the cloning of a sheep, Dolly, it has become part of real life and the subject of public debate.

For some people, human cloning is acceptable in medicine 1________ the criticism that it is unnatural. For example, human tissue can be cloned for use in organ replacement or gene therapy. Also, organs provided by human clones could be 100% donor compatible 2________ organs provided in other ways might not be as successful. Moreover, couples who can't have children might be able to clone a child from themselves. Finally, endangered animals could be cloned to increase their numbers.

3__________, there are many arguments against cloning. 4 __________many people saw the cloning of Dolly as a major breakthrough, now they have to face the fact that the sheep is no longer alive. Thus, 5________ what some say, scientists have no idea of the long-term effects of genetic engineering. A growing number of genetically created creatures might be acceptable to society;

6_________ , creating 'perfect' plants and animals could eliminate the great variety of natural species on our planet. Furthermore, 7________ organs from cloned animals could be transplanted into humans, the risks to health are enormous, and some people find the idea repulsive.

All things considered, I am against cloning. It is clear to me that we need to regulate genetic engineering and stop experiments now, before it is too late!

6. Tick the statements you agree with, then translate them into Russian

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________


2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________


3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________


4. _____________________________________________________________________________________________


5. _____________________________________________________________________________________________



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