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Разработка открытого урока на тему *Health and Body Care*

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Разработка урока по теме *Health* для учащихся 5 класса

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«Разработка открытого урока на тему *Health and Body Care*»


План-конспект урока на тему

*Health and Body Care*

Тема: «Health and Body Care»

Задачи: - Образовательные

- Повторить и закрепить пройденный лексический и грамматический материал;

- Совершенствовать коммуникативные навыки учащихся - монологическую и диалогическую речь, чтение, аудирование на материале темы «Health and Body Care» с использованием грамматического материала(Modal Verbs);

- Развивающие

- Продолжить развитие мышления, памяти, внимания, логики;

- Развитие восприятия на слух чужой речи;

- Воспитательные

-- Развитие мотивации к изучению иностранного языка;

- Воспитание познавательной активности гимназистов.

Методы и приёмы обучения: вовлечение в деятельность; создание ситуаций успеха, занимательности; опрос; беседа.

Наглядность: меловые записи на доске; картинки для активизации лексических единиц; карточки с глаголами, лексикой; плакат тела человека; индивидуальные карточки.

Этапы урока:

1. Организационный момент

2. Предъявление целей и задач урока

3. Warming-up (речевая разминка)

4. Отработка лексики в разговорной речи.

5. Работа с плакатом, картинками

6. Отработка модальных глаголов must and should.

7. Аудирование.

8. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.

1. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning.

Pupils: Good morning.

Teacher: Sit down. Today we'll speak about a very important problem which is very actual nowadays. You'll understand the problem of our lesson when you guess the crossword. Look at the blackboard. You should answer the questions. The key-word is the topic of our lesson. I'll ask you the questions and you should answer it.

1. When can you buy medicine? (pharmacy)

2. Who works at the pharmacy? (chemist)

3. Look at the picture. What kind of sport is it? (athletics)

4. The illness when you have high temperature. (flu)

5. Who works at hospital? (doctors)

Now you can see the key-word. What is the problem of our lesson?

Pupil: The problem of our lesson is Health.

2. Предъявление целей и задач урока.

Teacher: Yes. Right you are. The problem of our lesson is Health. At our lesson we'll repeat the words of parts of the body and we'll speak about the health, how to keep fit and how to be healthy. So, let's start. First we’ll remember the words which you should learn.

3. Warming-up (речевая разминка).

Teacher: Now I'll read you the word expressions and you should give it a name.

  • The upper front part of the body of a person or animals.

Pupils: It is chest

Teacher: A feeling of being hurt.

Pupils: It is pain

Teacher: An organ in the mouth used for tasting, swallowing or speaking.

Pupils: It is tongue

Teacher: One of the 2 organs of breathing in the chest of a man and animals.

Pupils: It is lung

Teacher: To force air from the lungs with sudden sound.

Pupils: It is cough

Teacher: To put a hand or other part of the body on or against something.

Pupils: It is the verb to touch

4. Отработка лексики в разговорной речи.

If you don’t feel well, you should consult a doctor. If you feel too ill to go to the doctors, send for him. He will examine you. Finally he'll prescribe the treatment and write out a prescription.

Let's imagine we are in doctor's room. Who wants to reproduce the conversation between a doctor and a patient? You are welcome.

The dialoge

Teacher: It's very important to take care of the health. How do you think?

1. Should people smoke to be healthier?

2. Should people go in for sports to be healthy?

3. What should we do to be healthy?

4. Should people eat healthy food to keep fit?

5. Where should you go if you have toothache?

6. What should you do if you have any pain?

5. Работа с плакатом, картинками.

Teacher: The exercise is to match the names with the parts of the body. Look at the blackboard. You can see a man.

6. Отработка модальных глаголов must and should.

Teacher: We repeated the words and now it's time to speak about what we should know about the health and what we must do to be healthy. Look at the blackboard. Let's remember the modal verbs. Read the sentences:

They must help their parents.

She should go in for sports.

What modal verbs do we use in these sentences?

Pupils: we use such modal verbs as must and should.

Teacher: When do we use modal verb must? When do we use modal verb should?

Teacher: Now we'll do exercises with this verbs.

  1. To insert missed verbs: must or should. And translate these sentences. I'll give you the cards. You will do the exercise for 2 minutes. Then we'll check it.

  2. Look at the blackboard. You can see the pictures and you should make your own sentences with these situations.

7. Аудирование.

Teacher: When some parts of the body hurt you should consult a doctor. Now I'll give you the cards. I'll read you the poem. On the first column in your cards you can see the names. On the second column you can see some illnesses. You should match the names with the illnesses they have.

The poem: “Ruth has a toothache.”

Ruth has a toothache.

Teddy has a cold.

Fred has a headache.

Eddie's getting old.

Sam has a stomachache.

Frankie has the flu.

Jack has a headache.

Tony has it too.

Ruth has a toothache.

Teddy has a cold.

Fred has a headache.

Eddie's getting old.

The exercise:

Ruth has a cold

Teddy stomachache.

Fred has the flu

Eddie headache

Sam toothache




8. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.

Teacher: You worked very hard and now your marks. .

The lesson is over. Thank you for the lesson.


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