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Разработка темы для говорения 7 класс "Транспорт"

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«Разработка темы для говорения 7 класс "Транспорт"»


We use transport to get to work, to get home and to school, to travel around the world.

We have used various transport since early times, starting with animals like donkeys, horses and camels, and ending with rockets, helicopters, planes and submarines. In big cities people prefer public transport like metro or underground. In London it is called the Tube.

The Tube is the longest and the oldest metro system in the world, opened in 1863. The Tube is always overcrowded, in 24 hours more than 3 million people have got on and off a train. Moscow Metro is considered to be the most beautiful in the world. Some stations are decorated by the best designers. You can see sculptures, paintings and even mosaic.

However transport is developing rapidly, and now we can even see experimental types of transport like HYPERLOOP. This is a long train that travels in a long tube with the speed of up to 1200 km per hour. It is so fast that is takes only 30 minutes to get from Los Angeles to San Francisco.

Nowadays there is more and more traffic jams, and this fact has made scientists invent a flying car. You can drive this car on a road and even fly in it like in a plane. The first model has been already tested, it is called the Transition.

Of course people cannot live without transport systems, because cities are getting bigger and bigger, and more and more people have to commute every day. Transport should develop and improve faster. In the future scientists and engineers will sure invent new kinds of transports to solve the transport problems.


We use transport to get to work, to get home and to school, to travel around the world.

We have used various transport since early times, starting with animals like donkeys, horses and camels, and ending with rockets, helicopters, planes and submarines. In big cities people prefer public transport like metro or underground. In London it is called the Tube.

The Tube is the longest and the oldest metro system in the world, opened in 1863. The Tube is always overcrowded, in 24 hours more than 3 million people have got on and off a train. Moscow Metro is considered to be the most beautiful in the world. Some stations are decorated by the best designers. You can see sculptures, paintings and even mosaic.

However transport is developing rapidly, and now we can even see experimental types of transport like HYPERLOOP. This is a long train that travels in a long tube with the speed of up to 1200 km per hour. It is so fast that is takes only 30 minutes to get from Los Angeles to San Francisco.

Nowadays there is more and more traffic jams, and this fact has made scientists invent a flying car. You can drive this car on a road and even fly in it like in a plane. The first model has been already tested, it is called the Transition.

Of course people cannot live without transport systems, because cities are getting bigger and bigger, and more and more people have to commute every day. Transport should develop and improve faster. In the future scientists and engineers will sure invent new kinds of transports to solve the transport problems.


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