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Разработка упражнений для закрепления темы Герундий и инфинитив

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Упражнения для проверки знаний или закрепления темы "Герундий и инфинитив"

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«Разработка упражнений для закрепления темы Герундий и инфинитив»

А. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form

Every year, New Yorkers look forward to 1) ………….(see) one of the

world's greatest races take place on their streets - The New York City

Marathon! About 40,000 people including celebrities, world-class athletes, and,

of course people who just want 2) ............. . . (have) fun, enjoy

3) ... (run) this famous race each year! To finish the race, runners must

4) ..•.•. (complete) a 26.2 mile course. Two million people and more than 100 music bands cheer them on from the streets. The atmosphere is so fantastic many runners consider 5) .... (cross) the finishing line in Central Park to be one of the best fee lings in the world! Would you like 6) ........ .(take part) in the NYC marathon? All you need to do is put your name on a list. Afraid you are too unfit 7) ......... . ..... (enter)? Don't be! 8) .............. . (walk) is entirely acceptable. In fact, over the years, people as old as 88 have completed the marathon. What's more, you may just 9) ………. (win) some

of the $800,000 prize money that is up for grabs. Good luck!

B. Underline the correct preposition and fill in the gaps with the -ing form of the

verb in brackets.

1 It was difficult for Laura to get used to / with……. (live) in a foreign country.

2 David is looking forward about / to…………………. (travel) across Asia this summer.

3 In addition of / to . . ……... (clean) his room, Bob also did the washing-up

4 Peter is accustomed to / in ………......... (work) long hours in the office.

5 There's no point in / about ............ . (ask) me again - I've made up my mind.

6 Lisa admitted to / in ……………….. (wear) her sister's top without asking

7 What's the use of / with. . .. (paint) the house if we are going to sell it soon?

8 As well as / with …………………(raise) money for children , the charity offers advice to parents.

C. Fill in the correct form of the infinitives.

1.Tom stopped .............. (pick up) his dry cleaning on the way home.

2 If you don't stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (eat) so much chocolate, you 'll make yourself ill.

3 Try ........................ (phone) John at the office if he's not at home.

4 I tried my best ........................ (finish) the test, but there just wasn't enough time.

5 He was promoted in 1990 and went on ..... ......... . .. . .. (become) a company director.

6 The band went on ........................ (play) even after the lights had gone out.

7 I'd like………… (book) a return ticket to London, please.

8 Stop pretending………… (eat) your food - just finish it up, please.

9 It was very kind of Paula ……………….(lend) me her laptop.

10 Leslie seems ………………. (enjoy) her new job.

D. Fill in the correct form of the infinitives.

1.My boss expects me …………(work) overtime tonight.

2 The suspect claimed………… (work) at the time of the robbery.

3 I was sorry……….. (hear) that she had failed the exam.

4 The burglars must have come in through the window as the lock seems ........ (force).

5 "Robert appears …………..(overtake) John on the last lap ." "Yes, he's passed him!"

6 Mike was the last runner …………(finish) the marathon.

7 Jane was afraid ...................... (show) her school report to her parents.

8 I'm afraid of ........................ (lose) my way in the forest.

9 What do you mean ...................... (do) with all that money?

10 Playing a musical instrument well means ........ .... . ..... (practise) for years.


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