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Разработка урока к УМК "Spotlight 10" , А.П.Чехов «Душечка».

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«Разработка урока к УМК "Spotlight 10" , А.П.Чехов «Душечка».»

Класс:10-Б, 10-В ,10-Г УРОК № _____.11.2022


Тема: А.П.Чехов «Душечка».

Цель: Развитие навыков поискового чтения.


  • развить навыки аудирования с целью полного понимания услышанного;

  • развить навыки поискового чтения; пополнить словарный запас по теме «Эмоции»;

  • сформировать лексические навыки говорения.

Класс: 10

Оборудование: УМК О. В. Афанасьева, Дж. Дули и др. “Spotlight - 10 Student’s book”, проектор (или другая аудио и видео аппаратура), раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

1. Введению в тему. Речевая разминка.

На экране или на доске портрет А.П. Чехова

Look at the portrait. Do you know him? What’s his name? Have you ever read his works? What are they? Did you like it?

So, think some questions you would like to ask about Chekhov. Then we’ll watch a video and at the end of our lesson will see if you can answer them.

Suggested answers: Where did he travel?  What books did he write?  What cities are connected with his name? What famous play did he write?

  1. Работа c краткой биографией А. П. Чехова

Введению в тему. Речевая разминка.

I Предтекстовый (Pre-reading);

2. Работа c краткой биографией А. П. Чехова (по видео)

Учитель раздает задание по видео. Учащиеся изучают задание, задают вопросы.

Read the task, look through the sentences. Are there any questions? Let’s start.

Choose the correct item.

1. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was born in Taganrog.

a) True          b. False       c. Not stated

2. Chekhov had got 5 brothers and sisters

a) True          b. False       c. Not stated

3. His first published works appeared in the magazine called “Spectators”

a) True          b. False       c. Not stated

4. The play “The seagull” was badly received by critics in Saint Petersburg.

a) True          b. False       c. Not stated

5. Chekhov died of a fever.

a) True          b. False       c. Not stated

6.Chekhov died aged 64 in Germany.

a) True          b. False       c. Not stated


II Текстовый (While-reading);

  1. Работа с текстом А. П. Чехова стр.52 (учащиеся самостоятельно читают текст )

Open your books at page number 52. We are going to read more information about this famous writer. Read one by one.

Учащиеся изучают задание, задают вопросы.

Now let’s try to add necessary information and finish the sentences.

You have to finish the sentences.

  • Anton Chekhov was born in …Taganrog in Russia.

  • When he was 19, he went to … a medical school in Moscow and became… a doctor.

  • He started writing stories to …support his family.

  • By 1886… he had become a famous writer of … .place and short stories.

  • Among his well-known plays and stories there are such works as… .The Seagull, The Darling, The Steppe

  • A typical Chekhov’s story is about … .

III После текстовый (Post-reading)is

  1. Рефлексия.

Well, it’s time to sum everything up. Let’s try to ask special questions.

Suggested questions:

4. Работа с лексикой

- Now. We’re going to lean new words and phrases. P.53 ex.4a Match the highlighted words in the text with their meanings below.

  • abandoned - left alone for a long time

  • fixed up - set up, organised

  • sound - deeply (asleep)

  • shoved - puched quickly and carelessly

  • stout - rather fat

  • aroused - awakened

  • difficult - hard

5. Работа со словами по теме «Эмоции»

p. 53 ex5. -Try to match picture with the appropriate word (см презентацию).

- Now decide who felt these emotions and feelings: Olenla or Sasha and complete the diagram in your copybooks.

Резерв : ex.6 p53. –Look at the pic at p/52 one more time and say which of the text best describes this picture.

6. Домашнее задание

С.52-53 слова и фразы учить, уметь объяснять, с.53 у.7 РТ с.24 у.1-3.

7. Подведение итогов

Well, it’s high time to sum everything up.

What do you know about A.P. Chekhov? When and where was he born? What was his works? What are main characters of the story “The darling”.

What are they like?

Which new words did you remember?

- So, the bell has already gone. Thank you for the lesson. You may be free.


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