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Разработка урока к УМК "Spotlight 10" , Молодежная мода в Британии.

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«Разработка урока к УМК "Spotlight 10" , Молодежная мода в Британии.»

Класс:10-Б, 10-В ,10-Г УРОК № _____.09.2022


Тема: Молодежная мода в Британии.

Цели: обобщить и систематизировать материал по страноведению;

развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи;

развивать познавательные интересы учащихся;

развивать навыки систематизации, обобщения, сравнения;

воспитывать интерес к изучению иностранного языка;

воспитывать культуру общения, эстетический вкус;

формировать личностные качества: самостоятельность, трудолюбие, творчество.

развивать логическое мышление;

формировать качества гражданина и патриота;

воспитать нравственные ценности и ориентиры.

Оборудование:УМК "Spotlight"- 10, под редакцией Ю.Е. Ваулиной, Дж. Дули, аудиодополнение, доска, презентация.



Greeting 1.Беседа.

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

 P-s: Good morning, teacher.

 T: I’m glad to see you.

 P-s: We are glad to see you too.

T: Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. Answer my questions, please. What date is it today?

 P1: Todayis ….

Aim 2. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

T: Fashion is very important to you, isn’t it? Some of you want to be attractive and look different from others. Sometimes clothes the students wear are not suitable for school. E.g. If you like sport style it doesn’t mean that you should wear sport suits to school. I think you can look stylish if your clothes are suitable for the occasion. Today we’ll try to discuss the problems of school uniform and dress code.

Warming-up 3.Введение в иноязычную атмосферу.

T : Everybody knows our appearance is very important/ But people in different countries prefer to wear different clothes. First, we are going to revise some facts about teenagers’ fashion in the UK. What can you say about fashion in the UK? What English pupils think about fashion? This table will help you.

P1: I know that boys wear comfortable clothes just to show their individuality/ They are not really bothered about brands and logos.I want to add they prefer cheap clothes.

P2: Speaking about the girls, we can say they keep up with the latest trends. They want to be fashionable and buy clothes from top designers.

P3: I don’t agree that every girl in England is crazy about fashion/ Some of them use their inspiration.

P4: They buy clothes in supermarkets and in second – hands shops.


Presenting vocabulary 1.Введение нового лексического материала. Ex1, p21.

to describe fashion

T: Pay attention to thepictures. Answer the questions individually. Listen to the recording and follow the text in your books. Let’s explain the meaning of any unknownwords in the rubric.

Reasonably well-dressed


Довольно элегантный

dressed quite well




being yourself/different to others

Bothered about


Беспокоиться о

interested in sth

Tend to


Стремиться к

to usually do sth

stick to



not to change





Keep up with


Идти в ногу

following a trend

Top designers


Ведущий дизайнер

the most famous designers








at a reasonable price

Hit the shop


Опустошать магазины

to go shopping




sth that influences your decisions/ choices




involving people of different cultures





Pick up bargains


Дёшево купить

buying things at a low price

Second-hands shop


Магазин подержанной одежды

shops that sell used items

Stand out in a crowd


Выделяться из толпы

to be noticed

Influenced by


Быть под влиянием


The other way round



the opposite

P: British teenagers like wearing comfortable, cheap clothes like baggy jeans and trainers, second-hand clothes and modern colourful designs.

Presentingvocabulary 2.Активизациялексическогоматериалаурока. Ex4, p16.

to describe fashion

T: Use your dictionaries to explain the words in bold and give an example, explanation or synonym. Try to guess the meaning of the words from the context first.

T: You have some time to scan the text for words related to shopping places. Say what similar places exist in our country.

P1: high street shops, street markets, second-hand shops

P2: Yes, we have similar places to buy clothes in my country.

P3: shopping expedition, shopping centre/mall,shopping therapy, shopping around, discountshopping

P4: There’s a large shopping centre opening in thetown centre soon.

P5: Shopping therapy is a good way to cheeryourself up when you feel down.

P6: Shops in my town are open for late-nightshopping on Thursdays.

Reading 3. Поисковоечтение. Reading for specific information.Ex2, p21.

T: You have some time to read the text. Answer the questions individually.

P: 1 John 2 Lisa 3 Amy 4 John 5 Lisa/Amy


Speaking 4. Развитие монологиеской речи. Practising vocabulary on teenage fashion.Ex4, p21.

T: Take roles and work in pairs.

P1: So, Amy, tell me, do you like to keep up with the latest fashion?

P2: Oh, yes! I just love fashion and I buy a lot of fashion magazines.

P1: Where do you shop mostly?

P2: I do most of my shopping in the high street shops.

P1: Why’s that?

P2: Because they are full of trendy affordable clothes.

Writing 5.Развитие навыков письма. Writing a short paragraph on teenage fashion.Ex5, p21.

T: Look through the questions. You have some time write a short paragraph.

P: In my country, there are always several trends and so teenagers wear a variety of clothes. Alot of teenagers are influenced by American TV and they copy the clothes some American kids wear. Many boys like to wear large baggy trousers, Nike or Adidas trainers and baseball caps. Most girls seem to follow the latest fashion that they see in magazines and so they wear whatever is in. Others are inspired by rock groups and wear the same clothes that their favourite singer wears. Teenagers who keep up with the latest fashion and who have the money to spend, tend to go to high street shops while others like going to markets or second-hand shops. I think most teenagers would spend about ъ100 a month on clothes.


Homework 1. Домашнеезадание.

T: Openyourdiaries, please, andwritedownyourhometask:Прочитатьиустноперевестиупр 2 настр.22. Письменновыполнитьупр.2настр.166. Повторить лексический материал прошлых уроков. Выучить новый.

Summarizing 2. Подведение итогов урока.


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