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Разработка урока "Let's talk about postcrossing"

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Let’s talk about Postcrossing J

Before we start:

  • Can you explain the word “postcrossing”?
  • Have you ever come across postcrossing or have you ever exchanged letters from people all around the world?

You’ll see a short video of a girl talking about her postcrossing experience. After watching it, what can you say:

  • About her favorite postcrossing service?
  • About the way people exchange the letters on postcrossing.com?
  • About her postcards?

Watch the video one more time and mark these sentences as true or false:




1)    Postcrossing.com is a social network.



2)    On postcrossing.com you can reсieve postcards from a limited number of countries.



3)    The girl shows her favorite postcards received in 2013.



4)    One of her postcards is connected with Napoleon.



5)    She got some postcards with the images of the Royal Family.



6)    She adores A. Mucha[1] and his commercials



 Tick the countries which are mentioned  in the text:











Check Republic




















  1. Match the words and their definitions:

A.   A postcrossing

1.     a quality that causes someone or something to be very likeable : an attractive quality

B.   A dot

2.     a person who is skilled at drawing, painting, etc.

C.   A postcard

3.     project that allows its members to send and receive real postcards from all over the world

D.   A community

4.     really

E.    A wish list

5.     a group of people having some particular characteristics in common

F.    To look for

6.     expect or hope for

G.  A charm

7.     a commercially sponsored ad on radio or television

H.   An artist

8.     a person you come to know by frequent friendly correspondence

I.      A commercial

9.     give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to

J.      To make sure

10. a very small circular shape

K.   Truly

11. make a pointmake certain

L.    A pen pal

12. a list of desired but often realistically unobtainable items

M. To support

13. A card for sending messages by post without an envelope

  1. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from above . There are three extra words:


The goal of this project is to allow people to receive ____________ from all over the world, for free. The main idea of this ___________ is that: if you send a postcard, you will receive one back from a random postcrosser from somewhere in the world. But ____________ that you give a right address.

There are lots of people who ____________  real mail and make a ___________ of the postcards.    The element of surprise of receiving postcards from different places in the world (many of which you probably have never heard of) can turn your mailbox into a box of surprises - and who wouldn't _________ like that?  We connect random people all around the world through postcards  and turn them into ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________!


  1. Translate. Underline the new vocabulary you use
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  • Составь список предметов, которые ты хотел бы получить на день рождения.
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  • Не обязательно искать этот учебник в библиотеке, он есть в Интернете.
  • На телевидении  сейчас действительно слишком много рекламы.


[1] Аphonse Mucha, was a Czech Art Nouveau painter and decorative artist, known best for his distinct style. He produced many paintings, illustrations, advertisements, postcards, and designs

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