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Разработка урока - тема " Human Rights"

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«Разработка урока - тема " Human Rights"»

Конспект урока английского языка

УМК: Английский язык. Spotlight. Module 3 „Responsibility “. Учебник для 11 класса: учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений / [О.В. Афанасьева, Дж. Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.]. – 2-е изд., доп. и перераб. – М. Express Publishing: Просвещение 2017.

Место проведения урока: Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 13» г.Калининград

Возраст учащихся: 16-17 лет.

Практическая цель: формирование умений устной речи по теме «Права человека», умений аудирования по данной теме.

Воспитательные цели: воспитание интереса к языку, культуры общения и поведения, уважения к правам человека, умения работать в группе, парами, выражать свое собственное мнение.

Общеобразовательные цели: обеспечить усвоение нового материала, обсудить права человека, закрепить знания учащихся данной темы, осуществляя межпредметные связи с обществознанием.

Развивающие цели: развитие лингвистического мышления и мыслительной активности учащихся.

Задачи: формирование лексического навыка по теме «Права человека», формирование навыка техники чтения.

Формы обучения: фронтальная, групповая, парная.

Средства обучения: раздаточный материал (карточки), презентация, видеофильм, компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска.


Этап урока

Ход урока

Методические пометы для учителя


Организационный момент

- Good morning, boys and girls! Sit down, please, let’s begin our lesson.

- Who is on duty today?

- What day is it today?

- What is the date today?

- Who is away from the class today?

Написать на доске дату.


Задачи урока

- Today we are going to discuss a very important topic. You will watch a video and know something new and we will do some exercises.


Фонетическая зарядка

- Look at the smart board. Let’s read a poem that will help you to train your tongues and to guess the topic of our lesson. Repeat after me:

Both adults and children

Equal in law

Not depend on language,

Creed, and race, so forth

You should have the right to talk

And, of course, the right to leisure,

You should have the right to rest

And enjoy the life for pleasure.

Don`t forget that all the laws

Treasure” should be called,

Never should be broken, course,

Often one is told!

- So, what are we going to discuss today?

- Yes, you’re right. The problem of human rights is an important issue in our world.

Открыть презентацию

(1 слайд – стихотворение для фон. зарядки).

Написать на доске тему урока, но не открывать до прочтения стихотворения, пока дети сами ее не сформулируют. + открыть слайд 2 в презентации с темой урока.


Формирование умений устной речи и аудирования по теме “Human Rights”

- Now, I want you to watch a video about the human rights which are proclaimed by the Universal Declaration of human rights. First of all pay attention to some words, that can be unfamiliar to you:

Отчитать с учащимися новые слова хором с переводом.

  1. To revoke – лишать,

  2. Inalienable – неотъемлемый,

  3. Rightfulness – законность,

  4. Justice - справедливость,

  5. To reaffirmвновь утверждать,

  6. Slavery – рабство,

  7. Servitude – каторга, порабощение,

  8. To respect smb’s rights – соблюдать чьи-либо права,

  9. Interdependence – взаимозависимость,

  10. To abuse - пренебрегать,

  11. Transgressorправонарушитель

- Please, write down all the human rights that you will hear and you will see in the video and then we will discuss it. Besides, pay attention which group of human rights they are referred to. Is everything clear? Then, start watching.

Видео: (досмотреть до 02: 08 минуты )

- First of all tell me, please, what document was adopted by the General Assembly in 1948?

- That’s right. So, what human rights have you heard?

- Are you aware of these rights or are they new for you?

- We can divide these rights into several groups. You could hear these groups in the video. So, who remember these groups of rights? What rights can we refer to these groups:

1) positive rights,

2) negative rights,

3) basic civil and political rights,

4) socio-economic and cultural rights.

- What other human rights can you add to our list? Work in groups, I give you 4 minutes to think it over. The first group (4 человека ),please, think about the first group of rights, the second group (4 человека) - about the second group, the third group (5 человек) – about the third and the fourth groups. Use your knowledge of Social Science.

- Are you ready? Let’s begin.

- Well done! Are these rights always respected? What do you think?

- Well, let’s continue watching the video and find it out.

Видео: (продолжение просмотра с 02:08 минуты до конца). Pay attention to the information in the video which is important to answer some questions that are given on your sheets of paper. Let’s read them:

1) Why are the human rights abused and ignored?

2) What is the basic activity of the main bodies of the UN who are in charge of protecting human rights?

3) Which court is considered to be powerful in protection of human rights?

Now, start watching the video.

-Well, answer the questions.

- Very good, thank you!

- Now, let’s speak about children and their rights. Work in pairs and discuss some topics in a form of a short dialogue.

The first pair - topic № 1 (Teenagers today have too much freedom/ not enough freedom/ the right amount of freedom).

The second pair - topic № 2 (The strictest people are parents/ teachers/politicians).

The third pair - topic №3 (Do you have freedom to choose your own friends, the music to listen to, how to spend your own money).

The forth pair - topic № 4 (Which of the things (hats, piercing, baggy clothes, short skirts, make-up, dyed hair) do you think should be banned from school and why?).

The fifth pair - topic № 5 (Parents today should have the right to control the TV programs their children watch and to limit what their children can access via the internet).

And topic №6 is for you, guys (3 человека), you prepare a trialogue (At what age do you think the following things (getting married, getting a driving license, smoking cigarettes, having tattoos, piercing, part time jobs, drinking beer) should be allowed and why?).

I give you 4 minutes to do this task.

- So, let’s start. The first pair, begin, please, and the others can add some information.

- Is there anything to add?

-Ok, thank you, well done!

Отчитать с учащимися новые слова хором с переводом.

Подготовить видео к просмотру.

Группы прав человека с примерами изображены на слайде 3 в презентации.

Вопросы ко второй части видео прочитать с учениками до просмотра.

Учащиеся делятся на пары и получают карточки с темой мини-диалога.

Опрос диалогов и добавление со стороны учителя и учеников.


Подведение итогов урока.

- So, children, what have you learnt today?

- Do you think this information is important for you or not? -Why?


Домашнее задание.

- Now, open your day books and write down your home task. You are to write an essay, choosing one of the two opinions:

1) I think I get too much freedom.

2) I don’t think I get enough freedom.

You choose the opinion to start your essay with and write a list of arguments to support your opinion. Don’t forget about the conclusion of your essay. Is everything clear?

- So, your marks are…

-The lesson is over! Good-bye!

Написать домашнее задание на доске.

Выставить оценки за работу на уроке.


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