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Развернутый план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: "Статуя Свободы".

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Развернутый план-конспект урока по английскому  языку на тему: "Статуя Свободы".

Задачи урока:

•          Практическая: организовать монологическое высказывание учеников по теме «Памятники архитектуры»; организовать аудирование текста «Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty».

•          Общеобразовательные: расширять знания учащихся об истории и архитектурных памятниках США; повысить общую культуру учащихся.

•          Развивающие: стимулировать познавательно-коммуникативную мотивацию обучения; развивать языковые способности учащихся; развивать фонематический слух учащихся.

•          Воспитательные: воспитывать культуру общения; воспитывать позитивное отношение к культуре США.

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«Развернутый план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: "Статуя Свободы".»

План-конспект урока

Класс: 11-Б № урока 31 Дата: 19.11

Тема: Ответственность.

Подтема: Статуя Свободы.

Задачи урока:

Практическая: организовать монологическое высказывание учеников по теме «Памятники архитектуры»; организовать аудирование текста «Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty».

Общеобразовательные: расширять знания учащихся об истории и архитектурных памятниках США; повысить общую культуру учащихся.

Развивающие: стимулировать познавательно-коммуникативную мотивацию обучения; развивать языковые способности учащихся; развивать фонематический слух учащихся.

Воспитательные: воспитывать культуру общения; воспитывать позитивное отношение к культуре США;

Средства обучения: учебник (Английский язык. 11 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений / О. В. Афанасьева, Дж. Дули, И. В. Михеева и др. – 7-е изд. М.: Просвещение, 2016. – 244 с.: ил. – (Английский в фокусе), доска, ноутбук, проектор, презентация Power Point.




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Начало урока

Организационный момент.

Цель: организация класса для проведения урока.

П: беседа

Р: T – Сl

Фонетическая зарядка на основе скороговорки:

Цель: введение в иноязычную языковую среду, подготовка артикуляционного аппарата учащихся.

П: разучивание скороговорки

Р: T – Сl.

подготовительная работа по предъявлению скороговорки.

предъявление скороговорки учителем.

Языковая зарядка на основе поговорок, беседа с классом.

- Good morning, class! I am glad to see you!

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent?

Thank you.

- Let’s start our English lesson. But first of all, let’s practice our pronunciation. Tell me, please what is the difference between such words as “trouble” and “troubles”? Translate them.

Now listen to a tongue-twister. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words with the sound [t].

Never trouble trouble.

Till trouble troubles you.

It only doubles trouble,

And troubles other too.

What words with sound [t] are in this twister?

Now pay attention to this proverb:

Health is above wealth.

What is the Russian equivalent for it?

- Well done. And what do you think about it? Is health really above wealth?

- Good. I agree with you. Now, let’s discuss one more proverb Many hands make light work.

What is the Russian equivalent for it?

Correct. And what do you think about it?

- Very good. Thank you.

- Good morning! We are glad to see you too.

- I am on duty today.

- Vika and Bogdan are absent today. They are ill.

P1: Слово “trouble” – существительное, обозначает «беспокойство, забота».

Р2: Слово “troubles” – глагол, означает «беспокоить».

P1: trouble.

P2: troubles

P3: till, it

P4: too.

Pls: Never trouble trouble.

Till trouble troubles you.

It only doubles trouble,

And troubles other too.

P5: Здоровье не купишь.

P6: I think that health is really above wealth as without health you will not be able to work and to have wealth.

P7: Один в поле не воин.

P8: I agree with the proverb. It is good when you have somebody to help you to cope with the difficulties.









Основной этап урока

Задача 1.

Организация монологического высказывания по теме «Памятники архитектуры».

Постановка задания, стимулирование потребности и интереса: указание на коммуникативную перспективу задания.

Цель: настроить учеников на восприятие и понимание текста.

П: активное слушание.

Р: T – Сl

Подготовка учеников к монологическому высказыванию:

Цель: снятие лексических трудностей текста:

П: активное слушание.

Р: T – Cl.

Обсуждение пунктов плана, который предъявляет учитель как графическую опору для организации монологического высказывания.

Снятие лексических трудностей;

П: работа со словарем

Р: T – Сl / инд. раб.

Наставление к чтению текстов и составление сообщений соответственно с планом.

П: Активное слушание.

Р: T – Cl.

Чтение учениками текстов в малых группах.

П: активное слушание.

Р: T – Cl / инд.раб.

Контроль выполнения работы: составление сообщений по плану.

П: монологическое высказывание;

Р: T – Gr1, Gr2, Gr3.

At the previous lesson we spoke about various monuments of architecture. It’s very interesting и informative.

Today we are going to speak about

monuments of architecture.

So, let’s look at the table. There is a list with questions, which help you in your work and can be used as a plan. Now let’s discuss these points.

Now look at the blackboard. You can see a word, wich we can meet in the texts. Read, please, the words and translate it.

Well done. Thank you.

We got acquainted with this plan and now let’s read the texts about monuments of architecture in USA. Work in groups. Get into groups in three. Choose in your groups the consultants. We have three groups and three consultants. I give you three texts about different monuments of architecture in USA.

Now read these texts in groups and be ready to talk about these monuments of architecture, according to the plan, which we have discussed. We have 5 minutes.

Your time is up. Now let’s listen to your messages. The first group, who is your consultant?

Start, please the first group.

Well done! The second group, please.

Very good! And the last group.

Thank you.

P1: harbour – гавань;

P2: freedom – свобода;

P3: gateway – шлюз;

P4: passed through – прошел сквозь;

P5: immigration –


P6: opportunity – возможность;

P7: would-be –

было бы;

P8: legal – правовой;

P9: homeland – родная страна;

P10: depicts – изображает.

Gr1: Maya Lin’s arresting memorial to the dead and missing of the Vietnam War hosts around three million visitors per year. The main part of the monument, known as “The Wall,” consists of two long walls made of black volcanic stone and inscribed with the names of 58,318 casualties. In 2016, Lin—who was only 21 and an undergraduate when her design for the memorial was accepted—received the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Gr 2: One of the most complicated engineering feats in modern history, the Brooklyn Bridge claimed the lives of about 27 men during its construction between 1869 and 1883. Things are a lot calmer now at the roadway bridge that stretches between Brooklyn and Manhattan and helps define New York City’s iconic skyline. A national historic landmark, the limestone bridge is strolled on daily by more than 4,000 pedestrians and biked over by more than 2,600 cyclists.

This “Gateway to the West” is the world’s tallest arch, as well as the tallest man-made monument in the Western hemisphere at 630 feet. Designed by Eero Saarinen in 1947 and completed in 1965, the stainless steel-clad arch commemorates Western expansion in the U.S. One of the most visited tourist attractions in the world, the arch welcomes about four million visitors each year.

Учитель предъявляет ученикам таблицу с перечислением некоторых памятников архитектуры США (Приложение 1)

Учитель предъявляет таблицу с планом «Talk about monuments of architecture». (Приложение 2).

Ученики работают в группах по 3 человека с текстами (Приложение 5). Во время чтения ученики выделяют предложения для ответов на вопросы по плану (Приложение 2).

В случае необходимости учитель помогает.

Консультанты от каждой группы выступают по очереди.












Задача 2.

Организовать аудирование текста «Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty» с извлечением основной информации.

Постановка задания, стимулирование интереса

Цель: запуск механизма прогнозирования текста.

П: беседа по теме аудиотекста.

Р: T – Pls/

Подготовка учеников к восприятию текста «Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty» на слух:

Работа с заглавием текста (догадка о возможном содержании текста по названию);

Снятие языковых (лексических) трудностей.

П: повторение за учителем, перевод слов.

Р: T – Pls.

Целевое наставление к первичному прослушиванию:

Цель: прослушать и понять общее содержание, уметь ответить на вопросы.

П: активное слушание.

Р: T – Pls.

Первичное аудирование текста «Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty» с использованием иллюстративной опоры.

П: аудирование текста.

Р: T – Pls.

Контроль понимания общего содержания текста «Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty» с помощью общих и специальных вопросов.

Цель: проверить понимание прослушанного текста.

П: ответы на вопросы.

Р: Т – P1 – P2 – P3.

Наставление к вторичному прослушиванию текста:

Прослушать и понять детали содержания текста; выполнить упражнение 4 стр.57.

Вторичное прослушивание текста «Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty» без какой – либо опоры.

Цель: прослушать и понять детали содержания текста, быть готовыми дать ответы на специальные вопросы.

П: активное слушание.

Р: T – Pls.

Контроль глубокого понимания содержания текста «Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty» с помощью упражнения.

П: выполнение упражнения.

Р: T – P1 – P2 – P3

We are going to listen to the text about «Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty». Have you ever heard of it?

Before doing the listening let’s look through the words you’ll hear in the text.

Look at the blackboard, please, and repeat after me. Then read the translation:

Please, listen to the text for the first time, try to get general idea and be ready to answer my questions. While listening, look at the presentation at the screen to understand the text better.

Now be ready to answer the question:

Were there a lot of immigrant between 1892 and 1954?

Is it true that about half at least one ancestor who entered the USA through Ellis Island?

What does the Statue depicts?

Does a life-size replica of the statue’s face and foot exist?

Now listen to the text for the second time and be ready to do ex.4 on page 57.

Now imagine you are a tour guide. Use the main information from the text to give a guided tour to these two landmarks.

The teacher is reading the text for the first time (Приложение 3).

The teacher is reading the text again.

Примерный ответ учеников (Приложение 4).




Заключительный этап урока.

Оглашение домашнего задания.

Цель: настроить учеников на самостоятельную деятельность по выполнению домашнего задания.

П: активное слушание

Р: T – Cl

Подведения итогов урока, выставление оценок.

Цель: актуализация, обобщение и оценивание работы на уроке.

П: беседа.

Р: T – Cl

Your homework is to write a composition about famous monuments in your town. You may use this plan and I think it will help you.

Thank you for your answers. It was well done. I hope, that today’s information was useful for you. Today Igor, Natalie and Kate retold the text, so they get ten points. Vika, Stas and Helen presented the recipe and get 11 points. We shall continue to work next lesson.

The lesson is over. Good – bye everyone.

Good – bye.

Учитель записывает задание на доске



«Talk about monuments of architecture».

These are the most famous buildings and monuments in America.


Empire State Building in New York


Brooklyn Bridge in New York


Statue of Liberty in New York


Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.


Washington Monument in Washington, D.C.


Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.


Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.


Gateway Arch in St. Louis, MO.


Trinity Church in Boston.


Willis Tower in Chicago.


План пересказа

Название памятника.

В каком году построен?

Где расположен монумент?

Кому / чему посвящен?

История его создания.

Какой памятник ты бы хотел посетить?


Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty

Sail to Liberty and Ellis Islands in New York City’s harbor and see the world’s most symbolic monuments to freedom and the historic gateway to America!

Ellis Island

Between 1892 and 1954, more than 12 million, mainly passengers sailing third-class from Russia, Italy, Ireland and many others European countries, passed through the immigration station on Ellis Island in search of democracy, freedom and opportunity. I fact, about 50% of Americans have at least one ancestor who entered the USA through Ellis Island! Here, each would-be immigrant had to meet strict health and legal requirements before they were allowed to begin their new lives as American citizens.

Liberty Island and the Statue of Liberty

For millions of immigrants, the Statue of Liberty was the first sight they had of their new homeland as they sailed into New York Harbour. Given to America as a gift from the French in 1884, it stands 93m tall and depicts a woman dressed in a loose-fitting robe escaping oppression, symbolized by the shackles which lie at her feet. In her right hand she holds a torch, representing liberty, and in her left she holds a tablet reading “July 4th, 1776” – the date of the declaration of American Independence. She wears a crown with seven sun-like rays on her head, representing the seven continents and seas of the world. On your tour of Liberty Island, take a look inside ‘Lady Liberty’ and visit the museum to see a life-size replica of the statue’s face and foot. Don’t miss the famous inscription by Emma Lazarus which has come to symbolize the statue’s message of hope for those coming to America or searching for freedom around the world!


… disembarked from their ships to smell the clean air of freedom and gaze up at the towering statue that represents the dreams of a nation. In one hand, the torch of liberty, a beacon that burns through the darkness of oppression. In the other hand, the tablet on which the date when independence was truly declared is forever recorded. Look further up, to the heavens, and see the seven continents of the world. Don’t forget to visit the museum and relax after with a nice cappuccino from the café. The gift shop is on your left.


Brooklyn Bridge in New York

One of the most complicated engineering feats in modern history, the Brooklyn Bridge claimed the lives of about 27 men during its construction between 1869 and 1883. Things are a lot calmer now at the roadway bridge that stretches between Brooklyn and Manhattan and helps define New York City’s iconic skyline. A national historic landmark, the limestone bridge is strolled on daily by more than 4,000 pedestrians and biked over by more than 2,600 cyclists.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington.

Maya Lin’s arresting memorial to the dead and missing of the Vietnam War hosts around three million visitors per year. The main part of the monument, known as “The Wall,” consists of two long walls made of black volcanic stone and inscribed with the names of 58,318 casualties. In 2016, Lin—who was only 21 and an undergraduate when her design for the memorial was accepted—received the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Gateway Arch in St. Louis.

This “Gateway to the West” is the world’s tallest arch, as well as the tallest man-made monument in the Western hemisphere at 630 feet. Designed by Eero Saarinen in 1947 and completed in 1965, the stainless steel-clad arch commemorates Western expansion in the U.S. One of the most visited tourist attractions in the world, the arch welcomes about four million visitors each year.


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