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Relative clauses

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«Relative clauses»

A relative clause is a part of a sentence with a relative pronoun – относительные придаточные предложения определительные с предлогами и без предлогов Относительные придаточные определительные Относительные придаточные уточняющие

A relative clause is a part of a sentence with a relative pronoun – относительные придаточные предложения определительные с предлогами и без предлогов

Относительные придаточные определительные

Относительные придаточные уточняющие

Относительные придаточные определительные WHO/ THAT / WHICH – могут выполнять роль подлежащего Важная информация о людях и предметах Следуют за определяемым словом в главном предложении WHO WHOM THAT WHICH I like the TV show that/which is broadcast on MTV I like Chris Tarrant who is a TV presenter

Относительные придаточные определительные

WHO/ THAT / WHICH – могут выполнять роль подлежащего

Важная информация о людях и предметах

Следуют за определяемым словом в главном предложении





I like the TV show that/which is broadcast on MTV

I like Chris Tarrant who is a TV presenter

Относительные придаточные определительные WHO(M)/ THAT / WHICH – могут выполнять роль прямого или косвенного дополнения Chris Tarrant is the TV presenter who(m) I like most of all The BBC 6 Music radio station gives information on which I can always rely

Относительные придаточные определительные

WHO(M)/ THAT / WHICH – могут выполнять роль прямого или косвенного дополнения

Chris Tarrant is the TV presenter who(m) I like most of all

The BBC 6 Music radio station gives information on which I can always rely

Относительные придаточные определительные (союзные слова – косвенные дополнения) с предлогами Предлоги употребляются: Перед союзными словами (формальный стиль) В конце придаточного предложения (неформальный стиль) The BBC 6 Music radio station gives information on which I can always rely Союзные слова WHO и THAT после предлогов не используются The BBC 6 Music radio station gives information which/that I can always rely on

Относительные придаточные определительные (союзные слова – косвенные дополнения) с предлогами

Предлоги употребляются:

  • Перед союзными словами (формальный стиль)
  • В конце придаточного предложения (неформальный стиль)

The BBC 6 Music radio station gives information on which I can always rely

Союзные слова WHO и THAT после предлогов не используются

The BBC 6 Music radio station gives information which/that I can always rely on

Относительные придаточные определительные WHO(M)/ THAT / WHICH – можно опустить, если они не выполняют функцию подлежащего BBC 1 is the TV channel WHICH/THAT I like most of all BBC 1 is the TV channel I like most of all BUT! I like the TV show WHICH/THAT is broadcast on MTV

Относительные придаточные определительные

WHO(M)/ THAT / WHICH – можно опустить, если они не выполняют функцию подлежащего

BBC 1 is the TV channel WHICH/THAT I like most of all

BBC 1 is the TV channel I like most of all

BUT! I like the TV show WHICH/THAT is broadcast on MTV

Относительные придаточные определительные WHOSE – может выполнять роль определения I admire people whose ideas can change the world

Относительные придаточные определительные

WHOSE – может выполнять роль определения

I admire people whose ideas can change the world

Относительные придаточные уточняющие Несущественная информация об уже известных людях или предметах The BBC 6 Music, which was launched on 11 march 2002, is very popular in the UK

Относительные придаточные уточняющие

Несущественная информация об уже известных людях или предметах

The BBC 6 Music, which was launched on 11 march 2002, is very popular in the UK

THAT – определительные придаточные - одушевленные и неодушевленные существительные Can you give me a book that is really interesting to read? I give him Henry Longfellow’s poems, which are really interesting to read В уточняющих придаточных предложениях опускать союзные слова нельзя

THAT – определительные придаточные - одушевленные и неодушевленные существительные

Can you give me a book that is really interesting to read?

I give him Henry Longfellow’s poems, which are really interesting to read

В уточняющих придаточных предложениях опускать союзные слова нельзя

Fill the gaps with relative pronouns  1.This is the bank ___________ was robbed yesterday. 2.A boy __________sister is in my class was in the bank at that time. 3.The man __________robbed the bank had two guns. 4.He wore a green cap____________ made him look like Peter Pan. 5.He came with a friend___________ waited outside in the car. 6.The woman ____________gave him the money was quite old. 7.The bag __________ contained the money was pink. 8.The people ___________were in the bank were very frightened. 9.The man ___________mobile was ringing did not know what to do. 10.The woman ____________ daughter was crying tried to calm her. which whose who which who who which who whose whose

Fill the gaps with relative pronouns

1.This is the bank ___________ was robbed yesterday.

2.A boy __________sister is in my class was in the bank at that time.

3.The man __________robbed the bank had two guns.

4.He wore a green cap____________ made him look like Peter Pan.

5.He came with a friend___________ waited outside in the car.

6.The woman ____________gave him the money was quite old.

7.The bag __________ contained the money was pink.

8.The people ___________were in the bank were very frightened.

9.The man ___________mobile was ringing did not know what to do.

10.The woman ____________ daughter was crying tried to calm her.











Fill the gaps with relative pronouns  11.The car __________the bank robbers escaped in was orange.  12.The robber___________ mask was obviously too big didn't drive. 13.The man____________ drove the car was nervous. 14.He didn't wait at the traffic lights ________were red. 15.A police officer______ car was parked at the corner stopped and arrested them. 16.The girl _________ parents were in the bank is my neighbor. which whose who which whose whose

Fill the gaps with relative pronouns

11.The car __________the bank robbers escaped in was orange.

12.The robber___________ mask was obviously too big didn't drive.

13.The man____________ drove the car was nervous.

14.He didn't wait at the traffic lights ________were red.

15.A police officer______ car was parked at the corner stopped and arrested them.

16.The girl _________ parents were in the bank is my neighbor.







which are quality papers, tabloids and

which are quality papers, tabloids and "middle-market", can be divided into daily newspapers and Sunday newspapers.

who want to read shorter, entertaining stories and reports of the latest scandals

for readers who want detailed information on a wide range of home and overseas news and issues.

which are published every day.

which are published once a week, can be both quality newspapers and tabloids.

who want to have colourful supplement, free magazines or television guides.

which concerns the community.

who want to know information about the community as well as the details of local theatre and cinema performances

which usually contain nothing but advertisements, are delivered free


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