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Рим, вечный город

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Презентация о Риме, городе с необыкновенной историей и архитектурой

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«Рим, вечный город»

Rome the Immortal City

Rome the Immortal City

The Colosseum  The symbol of Rome and Italy as a whole, the Roman Colosseum got its current name because of the statue of the madman Nero (Coloss) installed in front of him, originally it was known as the Flavian Amphitheater. Built in the 1st century, the amphitheater became the largest building for mass entertainment throughout the Roman Empire.

The Colosseum

The symbol of Rome and Italy as a whole, the Roman Colosseum got its current name because of the statue of the madman Nero (Coloss) installed in front of him, originally it was known as the Flavian Amphitheater. Built in the 1st century, the amphitheater became the largest building for mass entertainment throughout the Roman Empire.

The Panteon  The construction of the II century BC,

The Panteon

The construction of the II century BC, "the temple of all gods" translated from Greek. The Pantheon was created at the peak of ancient Roman architecture. For many centuries, under the dome of the building, they worshiped pagan gods until the Pantheon was turned into a Christian church at the beginning of the 7th century.

The Vittoriano  Memorable architectural complex of the XVIII-XIX centuries. in honor of King Victor Emanuel - the first ruler of a united Italy. On the site in front of the monumental palace, the Eternal Flame burns and a guard of honor is on duty.

The Vittoriano

Memorable architectural complex of the XVIII-XIX centuries. in honor of King Victor Emanuel - the first ruler of a united Italy. On the site in front of the monumental palace, the Eternal Flame burns and a guard of honor is on duty.

The Castle of Saint Angel  The construction began to be built back in the era of the Roman Empire in the II century A.D. During its existence, it served as the papal home, prison, warehouse and even the tomb. Today, the fortress houses the Military History Museum. The castle received its name in the VI century A.D. after Pope Gregory appeared the image of the Archangel Michael.

The Castle of Saint Angel

The construction began to be built back in the era of the Roman Empire in the II century A.D. During its existence, it served as the papal home, prison, warehouse and even the tomb. Today, the fortress houses the Military History Museum. The castle received its name in the VI century A.D. after Pope Gregory appeared the image of the Archangel Michael.

The Roman Forum There is a monument, as ancient as the Eternal City itself - this is the Roman Forum (Latin Forum Romanum) in the very heart of Rome . The inconsistent series of antique columns and dilapidated arches of temples demonstrate the former greatness of the Roman Empire.

The Roman Forum

There is a monument, as ancient as the Eternal City itself - this is the Roman Forum (Latin Forum Romanum) in the very heart of Rome . The inconsistent series of antique columns and dilapidated arches of temples demonstrate the former greatness of the Roman Empire.

The Temple of Dioscuros  One of the buildings of that period is the Temple of Dioscuros (Aedes Castoris), in which the sons of the god Jupiter - Castor and Pollux - were worshiped. The ancient sanctuary came to modern days in the form of antique columns, called the

The Temple of Dioscuros

One of the buildings of that period is the Temple of Dioscuros (Aedes Castoris), in which the sons of the god Jupiter - Castor and Pollux - were worshiped. The ancient sanctuary came to modern days in the form of antique columns, called the "Three Sisters".

The Temple of Saturn  A great temple was erected in honor of the victory of the Romans over the Etruscan ruler Tarquinius. The attraction had a difficult fate, it turned to ashes and resurrected, like a Phoenix bird. For a long time, the temple of Saturn served as the treasury and tax service, called Erarius from the Latin word

The Temple of Saturn

A great temple was erected in honor of the victory of the Romans over the Etruscan ruler Tarquinius. The attraction had a difficult fate, it turned to ashes and resurrected, like a Phoenix bird. For a long time, the temple of Saturn served as the treasury and tax service, called Erarius from the Latin word "aerarium" - "salary, treasury."

The Arch of Titus  The southeast entrance to the Roman Forum is adorned by the Arch of Titus, erected in the 1st century A.D. Emperor Domitian (lat. Flavius ​​Domitianus) in honor of the deceased ruler Titus.

The Arch of Titus

The southeast entrance to the Roman Forum is adorned by the Arch of Titus, erected in the 1st century A.D. Emperor Domitian (lat. Flavius ​​Domitianus) in honor of the deceased ruler Titus.

The Temple of Anthony and Faustina.  Anthony Pius (Latin: Antoninus Pius) in 141 A.D. built a beautiful temple dedicated to the untimely departed wife, Faustina. After his death in 161, the sanctuary received its current name - the Temple of Anthony and Faustina.

The Temple of Anthony and Faustina.

Anthony Pius (Latin: Antoninus Pius) in 141 A.D. built a beautiful temple dedicated to the untimely departed wife, Faustina. After his death in 161, the sanctuary received its current name - the Temple of Anthony and Faustina.

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