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«Россия и Греция – душой вместе»

Категория: Внеурочка

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Разработка посвящена году Греции в России и году России в Греции в 2016 году.

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««Россия и Греция – душой вместе»»

My name is Tsandekova Svetlana , I study in the 9th biology-chemistry form of Korkatovo lyceum .

I have been interested in Greece since my childhood. I want to see this ancient country with rich history ,wonderful mild climate and picturesque nature. I think my dream will come true and I hope one day I will be there. And I have a reason for it because my grandfather lives in Greece. My father’s nationality is Greek though he lives in mari village in Mari El Republic . So our family’s history is connected with the Greek people.

My grandmother Zoya Stepanovna told me everything . It was many years ago. A young mari girl with a diploma of livestock expert went to Rostov region to work on the integrated poultry farm. There she met a young man Konstantin Tsandekov He was a builder. They fell in love, supported each other in difficult situations . He was from Georgia S.S. Republic, town Teri-Tskaro. Some time later he took the girl to Georgia. The girl from Mari El and the young Greek got married in Georgia. They were my grandmother and grandfather.

As a result of their love my father Stanislav was born. Marriages are said to be made in heaven but my grandmother was homesick she preferred to divorce . And she came to Mari El with her son Stanislav. Then the SU fell apart, my grandfather and his family went to Greece.

Now my grandmother remembers all her Greek relatives with respect .They were good-looking, graceful , tall, hardworking, healthy and nice.

As for my grandad ,he has got a new family: a wife , two sons , a daughter , some grandchildren. His sons and a daughter are successful persons in Greece ,mind their own business. .Nowadays we send and receive messages from them by the Internet, talk by Skype with my grandfather. In summer he will be sixty and he is waiting for my parents. I am going to wish him many happy returns.

The theme about the friendship between Russia and Greece sparked in me the desire to find out as much as I could about my family. I think it adds to my identify , it gives me a sense of who I am and where I’ ve come from. Thanks to my grandmother Zoya I feel that I have got an immediate connection with the Greek people and in future I am going to learn the Greek language.

День дипломатического работника

«Россия и Греция – душой вместе»

(Г.Л. Мурадов, Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол, заместитель руководителя Россотрудничества в 2011- 2014 гг., о российско-греческих отношениях), посвящено Году Греции в России и Году России в Греции в 2016 году.

Выполнила: ученица 9 класса

МОУ «Коркатовский лицей»

Цандекова Светлана Станиславовна.

Руководитель:Васильева .

Людмила Якшаевна

учитель английского языка

МОУ «Коркатовский лицей»

Тлф. 89877066987

My father is Tsandekov Stanislav Konstantinovich.

He is a teacher.

My grandfather Tsandekov Konstantin Romanovich with his wife.

My grandmother is Tsandekova Zoya Stepanovna,

She is about 22 years old in this photo.


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