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Рождество и Новый год в Великобритании

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«Рождество и Новый год в Великобритании»

The origin of Santa Claus begins in the 4 th century with Saint Nicolas. He was a very kind man and he loved children very much. He was their patron.  .

The origin of Santa Claus begins in

the 4 th century with Saint Nicolas.

He was a very kind man and he

loved children very much.

He was their patron.


Christmas Tree Christmas Tree is another Symbol of Christmas. There Are many legends about it.

Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree is another

Symbol of Christmas.


Are many legends about it.

Christmas Tree in London in Trafalgar Square .

Christmas Tree

in London

in Trafalgar Square .

Christmas Wreaths. It is usually hung on the door of a house. Many  centuries ago the wreaths were presented as gifts on Christmas.

Christmas Wreaths.

It is usually hung on the door

of a house. Many centuries ago

the wreaths were presented as

gifts on Christmas.

 Christmas Star A bright star appeared in the sky when Jesus was born. The star showed the way to the place of his  birth.

Christmas Star

A bright star appeared in the sky when Jesus was born. The star showed the way to the place of his birth.

 Christmas Candles  The Bible says that Mary had trouble finding  shelter on the night Jesus was born. So on Christmas Eve,some people light candles in the window. They symbolize a welcome to cold people .

Christmas Candles

The Bible says that Mary

had trouble finding shelter

on the night Jesus was born.

So on Christmas Eve,some

people light candles in the


They symbolize a

welcome to cold people .

 Christmas Stockings  According to the legend, one kind man had three daughters. His wife died. The daughters wanted to get presents on Christmas but their father didn`t have money. Kind St. Nicolas heard the girl`s plight and at night he threw three gold coins down the chimney where they fell into their stockings the girls had hung by the fireplace to dry.

Christmas Stockings

According to the legend, one kind man

had three daughters. His wife died. The

daughters wanted to get presents on

Christmas but their father didn`t

have money. Kind St. Nicolas heard

the girl`s plight and at night he

threw three gold coins down the

chimney where they fell into their

stockings the girls had hung

by the fireplace to dry.

Развитие лексических навыков. Знакомство с новой английской песенкой Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

Развитие лексических навыков. Знакомство с новой английской песенкой

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

The 25 th of December is a) Christmas Day b) New Year c) Boxing Day

The 25 th of December is

a) Christmas Day

b) New Year

c) Boxing Day

Father Christmas puts his presents …  a) under the New Year`s tree   b) in bags  c) in children`s stockings

Father Christmas puts his

presents …

a) under the New Year`s tree

b) in bags

c) in children`s stockings

Every year there is a big New Year`s tree in … square a) Trafalgar  b) Times c) Red

Every year there is a big New

Year`s tree in … square

a) Trafalgar

b) Times

c) Red

Скажи, что бы ты хотел получить в подарок от Деда Мороза. Начни своё высказывание со слов: I would like to get....

Скажи, что бы ты хотел получить в подарок от Деда Мороза.

Начни своё высказывание со слов:

I would like to get....


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