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Rubric for the project plan

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Plan Assessment rubric for the project.

Turarova Akzhan and Abdrakhmanova Madina. (31-EK)

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«Rubric for the project plan»






Essential Questions

Students independently identify at least 5 reasonable, meaningful, creative questions to follow when doing the research.

Students independently identify at least 5 reasonable questions to follow when doing the research.

Students identify, with some teacher help, at least 4 reasonable questions to follow when doing the research.

Plan for Organizing Information

Students have created a clear plan for organizing the information as it is gathered and in the final research product. All students can independently explain the planned organization of the research findings.

Students have created a clear plan for organizing the information in the final research product. All students can independently explain this plan.

Students have created a no clear plan for organizing the information as it is gathered. All students can independently explain most of this plan.

Quality of Sources

Students independently found at least 2 reliable, interesting information sources for their ideas or questions.

Students independently found at least 2 reliable information sources for their ideas or questions.

Students with some adult help, locate at least 2 reliable information sources for their ideas or questions.

Including learning skills

All the skills are included to the plan (speaking, reading, listening, writing).

Three out of four skills are included to the plan.

Two out of four skills are included to the plan.

Group Timeline

The plan has a reasonable, complete timeline describing when different parts of the work will be done.

The plan has a reasonable, but not complete timeline describing when most parts of the work will be done.

The plan does not have a timeline describing when most parts of the work will be done.


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