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Ryazan railway college

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Текст про Рязанский железнодорожный колледж и задания к нему.

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«Ryazan railway college»


  1. Learn the new words.

applicant – абитуриент

principal – директор

department – отделение

monitor – староста

student membership card – студенческий билет

student record book – зачетная книжка

library card – читательский билет

to cope with the work – справляться с работой

to lag behind the group – отставать от группы

to fail at the exam – провалиться на экзамене

society – общество, кружок

to pass entrance exams – сдать вступительные экзамены

  1. Read the text.


The merry-go-round of college life is something that you never forget. It is a fantastic experience no matter if you are a full-time student or a part-time student.

Who can forget the first day at the college when one turns from an applicant into a first-year student (a fresher)?

Ryazan railway college is a very good educational institution. It is modern and well-equipped. There are special classrooms for Geography, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, History, English and Russian, workshops, a gymnasium and a library. The classrooms are well-equipped. Each classroom has a teacher’s table, students’ desks, a board, a computer and a multimedia projection unit. There are all kinds of tools and machines in the workshops. The principal is at the head of all the work here. The teaching staff is also very professional. So the college provides students everything to help them become good specialists.

There are different departments in this college.

Applicants can choose from a number of different professions:

  • technical operation of railway rolling stock

  • automation and telemechanics in railway transport

  • railway transport service

  • operational activities in logistics

  • electrician of electrical networks and electrical equipment

  • master of carpentry and furniture production

  • agricultural tractor driver

  • plasterer

  • green farm worker

When you enter the college, in each group a monitor is chosen. He or she hands out student membership cards, student record books and library cards. You will have so many classes, so many subject to put on the time-table. So, you should very careful and attentive.

If you are good at most of the subjects you will get good marks and you will be at the top of the group. But if you can’t cope with the work you will lag behind. And as a result, you will fail at the exam.

The social life is really interesting. There are many different societies in the college: sports clubs, dancing and singing groups. Different contests, concerts and excursions are held regularly. So, if you are interested you may join any of them.

  1. Do the activities below.

  1. Give the Russian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations.

college life, applicant, to pass entrance exams, principal, teaching staff, department, to enter the college, student membership card, to cope with the work, student record book, library card

  1. Give the synonyms to the following words.

a first-year student, to do something well, schedule, to study the whole day, the head of the college or a school, the head of the class (group)

  1. Give the antonyms to the following words.

a part-time student, to be bad at something, to be at the top of the group, to pass an exam

  1. Answer the questions.

  1. Who is an applicant?

  2. Are you a student or an applicant?

  3. Where do you study?

  4. Do you like your college? Why?

  5. What subjects are you good at?

  6. What subjects are you bad at?

  7. Did you enter any sport or other society?



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