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Самостоятельная работа за III четверть в 11 классе (УМК Афанасьева, Михеева «Rainbow English 11».

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Самостоятельная работа за III четверть в 11 классе

(УМК Афанасьева, Михеева «Rainbow English 11».

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«Самостоятельная работа за III четверть в 11 классе (УМК Афанасьева, Михеева «Rainbow English 11».»

Test form 11

Use the correct form of the adverbs in brackets.

  1. Unfortunately, it’s becoming _______ (hard) and _______ (hard) to find a well-paid job.

  2. This phrase is _______ (widely) used in spoken Russian than in written.

  3. Your test isn’t good. You can do _______ (well) than you did.

  4. We walk _______ (fast) than usual to catch the train.

  5. I know Daniel _______ (well) than you do.

  6. I used to play tennis _______ (often) than now.

  7. Could you move a bit_______ (far) away for me to sit here too?

  8. Mary is driving _______ (slowly) than usual, as the road is wet.

  9. Of all the group Jimmy did _______ (badly) in the examination.

  10. Could you speak _______ (distinctly), please?

Complete the sentences with the words for, out, up, on, to,in,at.
1) He was the only person to speak ….against cutting the trees down. 
2) Several members of Parliament called …. a reform in education. 
3) I made the children pick ….their toys and put them away. 
4) If you want your friends at the back of the classroom to hear you, you’ll have to speak….. 

5) She picked ….her heavy bag and set off for the bus stop. 
6) Please don’t pick …your little brother: he’s not doing anything wrong. 
7) I picked my dad …at the station and drove him home. 
8) I never studied French. I just picked it ….when I lived in France. 
9) ) I can’t speak …the others but I personally would like to learn one more foreign language. 

10) Jane usually calls ….at the supermarket on Friday afternoons. 
11) Seeing his daughter in that white dress called…. memories of his wife. 
12) You are late again. Come to my office after classes. I’d like to speak ….you. 
13) If you need help, raise you hand. Don’t call ….. 


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