Сафоновский филиал областного государственного бюджетного
профессионального образовательного учреждения
«Смоленская академия профессионального образования»
(Сафоновский филиал ОГБПОУ СмолАПО)
Организация-разработчик: Сафоновский филиал областного государственного бюджетного профессионального образовательного учреждения «Смоленская академия профессионального образования» (Сафоновский филиал ОГБПОУ СмолАПО) |
Разработчик: И.В. Кладко, преподаватель Сафоновского филиала ОГБПОУ СмолАПО Согласовано с работодателем: АО «Авангард» Рассмотрено цикловой комиссией общеобразовательных дисциплин Протокол №1 от «27» августа 2020 г. Рассмотрено методическим советом Сафоновского филиала областного государственного бюджетного профессионального образовательного учреждения «Смоленская академия профессионального образования» Протокол №1 от «27» августа 2020 г. |
Пояснительная записка | 4 |
Раздел 1. Основное содержание | 6 |
Тема 1.1 Приветствие, прощание, представление себя и других людей в официальной и неофициальной обстановке. | 6 |
Тема 1.2 Описание человека (внешность, национальность, образование, личностные качества, род занятий, место работы и др.) | 12 |
Тема 1.3 Семья и семейные отношения, домашние обязанности. | 17 |
Тема 1.4 Описание жилища и учебного заведения (здание, обстановка, условия жизни, техника, оборудование). | 24 |
Тема 1.5 Распорядок дня студента. | 31 |
Тема 1.6 Хобби, досуг. | 37 |
Тема 1.7 Описание местоположения объекта (адрес, как найти). | 44 |
Тема1. 8 Магазины, товары, совершение покупок. | 51 |
Тема 1.9 Физкультура и спорт, здоровый образ жизни. | 60 |
Тема 1.10 Экскурсии и путешествия. | 65 |
Итоговый тест | 70 |
Литература | 75 |
Пояснительная записка
Растущие потребности в общении и сотрудничестве между странами и людьми с разными языками и культурными традициями требуют существенных изменений в подходе к преподаванию, обновления содержания и методов обучения иностранным языкам в образовательных учреждениях.
Сборник тематических текстов по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)» для студентов 1 курса всех специальностей составлен в соответствии с Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом СПО Основой разработки послужила рабочая программа по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)».
Формирование практических навыков овладения различными видами речевой деятельности представляет собой один из основных видов групповых учебных занятий, предусматривающий систематическую и последовательную отработку лексического, фонетического и грамматического материала.
Структура и содержание сборника содержит материал для развития компетенций, контроль и оценку результатов освоения учебной дисциплины. Содержание практических заданий разработано в соответствии с логикой изучения дисциплины, содержит необходимый лексический и грамматический минимум согласно тематике курса.
Сборник тематических текстов по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)» необходимы как для работы студентов на занятиях, так и для самостоятельной подготовки студентов к сдаче зачета и контролю остаточных знаний по различным разделам программы дисциплины «Иностранный язык (английский)» в свободное от основных занятий время в произвольном режиме.
Сборник тематических текстов входит в состав учебно-методического комплекса учебной дисциплины в соответствии с ФГОС СПО.
Данная методическая разработка может быть оценена положительно и рекомендована для студентов 1 курса всех специальностей Сафоновского филиала ОГБПОУ СмолАПО в качестве учебно-методического пособия.
Раздел 1. Основное содержание
Тема 1.1 Приветствие, прощание, представление себя и других людей в официальной и неофициальной обстановке.
Study the following words and expressions
introduce — представлять, знакомить
Black Sea coast — побережье Черного моря
a first-year student — студент первого курса
region— область
appearance— внешность
slim — стройная
career— карьера
gymnastics — гимнастика
mathematician — математик
housewife — домохозяйка
several — несколько
to do well — зд. Успевать
chance — случай, шанс
kind — добрый
a lot — много
the Netherlands — Нидерланды
the United Kingdom — Соединенное Королевство (Великобритания)
tall — высокий
short — маленького роста
stout — приземистый, коренастый
slim — стройный
fat — толстый
plumpy — полный
fair hair — светлые волосы
blonde — блондин
brunette — брюнет
gray hair — седые волосы
bold headed — лысый
short sighted — близорукий
smart, clever, bright — умный (я)
stupid — тупой, глупый
boring — скучный
fun to be with — веселый человек
easy to go along — легкий в общении
quiet — спокойный
impulsive — порывистый, импульсивный
aggressive — агрессивный
rude — невежливый, грубый
shy, confused — застенчивый
active — активный
talkative — разговорчивый
enthusiastic — энтузиаст, затейник
Read the text A
Hello, friends. Let me first introduce myself. My name is Ann or Anya for my friends. My surname or last name is Sokolova. I was born on the 2nd of October in Sochi, Krasnodarsky Krai. This is the most beautiful city in Russia situated on the Black Sea coast. Now I am a first-year student at the Technical Academy. In five years I’ll be an engineer.
Now let me describe my appearance. I am tall and slim and have fair hair and blue eyes. My friends say that I am pretty. I think I am just good-looking. I love sports and music. I was very serious about a career in gymnastics when I was in the 5th form. But then I broke my arm and doctors didn’t let me go in for gymnastics. I love to listen to modern music and dance. I dance a lot and I hope I am good at it. I also love swimming. I always swim in the Black sea when I visit my parents, my dear family.
I would like to tell you about my family. There are five people in our family. My father’s name is Vladimir Stepanovich. He is a mathematician by education and businessman by profession. My mother’s name is Tatyana Petrovna. She is a housewife. She has much work about the house because I have a younger sister. She is a pupil. My sister Natasha is in the fifth form. My grandmother, my mother’s mother, lives with us. She is very kind and helps us a lot.
Our family is very friendly, we have many friends. In summer many relatives come to visit us. And, of course, they use a chance to spend several weeks in beautiful Sochi.
In May I have finished school No 5 in Sochi. I did well in all the subjects but my favourite subjects at school were Physics and Computer Science. I also enjoyed English lessons.
I am very interested in learning English because I always wanted to become a programmer or maybe a businesswoman. I also think that the knowledge of foreign languages helps in everyday life and career.
Two years ago I travelled much around Europe. I have visited France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. There the knowledge of English helped me a lot.
As you see,’ my biography isn’t very long yet. But we’ll meet again in the next lesson and I’ll tell you more about myself. See you later...
Do exercises
Please, introduce yourself. The questions below will certainly help you:
1. What is your name?
2. Where and when were you born?
3. How old are you?
5. Have you got a family?
6. How many people are there in your family?
7. Do you have brothers, sisters, grandparents in your family?
8. Where do you live?
9. Did you study well at school?
10. What school did you finish?
11. Did your teacher of English help you to choose your future profession?
12. What was your favourite subject?
13. What do you like to read?
14. What sport do you go in for?
15. What are you going to be?
16. Do you still live with your parents?
17. Do you have a girlfriend / boyfriend?
Bring a picture of a person you know well (mother, father, grandfather, friend) to class. Show it and describe that person. Use the active vocabulary of the unit.
Text B
after Mark Twain
I was born on the 30-th of November 1835 in the village of Florida, Missouri. My father was John Marshal Clemens.
According to tradition some of my great-great parents were pirates and slave traders — a respectable trade in the 16-th century. In my time I wished to be a pirate myself.
Florida contained a hundred people and when I was born I increased the population by one per cent. It had two streets and a lot of lanes. Both the streets and the lanes were paved (мостить) with the same material — black mud in wet times, deep dust in dry. Most of the houses were of wood — there were none of brick and none of stone. Everywhere around were fields and woods.
My uncle was a farmer. I have never met a better man than he was. He was a middle-aged man whose head was clear and whose heart was honest and simple. I stayed at his house for three months every year till I was thirteen years old. Nowhere else was I happier than at his house. He had eight children and owned about fourteen Negro slaves whom he had bought from other farmers. My uncle and everyone on the farm treated the slaves kindly. All the Negroes on the farm were friends of ours and with those of our own age we were playmates. Since my childhood I have learned to like the black race and admire some of its fine qualities. In my school days nobody told me that it was wrong to sell and buy people. It is only much later that I realized all the horror of slavery.
The country school was three miles from my uncle’s farm. It stood in a forest and could take in about twenty five boys and girls. We attended school once or twice a week. I was a sickly (хилый) child and lived mainly on medicine the first seven years of my life.
When I was twelve years old my father died. After my father’s death our family was left penniless. I was taken from school at once and placed in the office of a local newspaper as printer’s apprentice (подмастерье) where I could receive board and clothes but no money.
For ten years I worked in printshops of various cities. I started my journalistic life as a reporter on a newspaper in San-Francisco. It was then that I began to sign my publications by my penname Mark Twain.
General understanding:
1. In what state was Samuel Clemens born?
2. What were the great-great parents of Mark Twain?
3. What did Mark Twain want to be?
4. What were the streets and lanes of Florida paved with?
5. How does the author describe his uncle?
6. How many slaves did Mark Twain’s uncle own?
7. What was the author’s attitude toward slavery?
8. Was Mark Twain a healthy boy?
9. When did the author start his career of a writer?
Тема 1.2 Описание человека (внешность, национальность, образование, личностные качества, род занятий, место работы и др.)
Study the following words and expressions
Sociable — общительный
of the same age — ровесник
to be fond of sth — увлекаться чем-либо
acquaintance — знакомый
to exchange sth — обмениваться чем-либо
My name is Alexander, Alex for short. I am a college student. I am sixteen. I’m a sociable person. 1 have three foreign friends — Nora, Peter and Jane. We are of the same age. We are fond of modern music, books, sports and travelling. Nora is Swedish. She is a college student too. She is a tall blonde. She is very beautiful. Peter is from Warsaw. He is a future designer. Jane is from Great Britain. She is a sociology student from London. None of us is married. We are too young for that! We are really good friends, not just acquaintances. We exchange emails, speak very often on the phone and Skype and even visit each other.
Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
1. Jane is sixteen.
2. Peter is Polish.
3. Peter is a designer.
4. All the friends are smart computer users.
5. Alexander, Jane, Nora and Peter are pen friends.
In pairs make up dialogues using the following prompts.
— Where are you from?
— I’m from ... My nationality is
— How old are you?
— I’m ...
— What is your occupation?
— I’m a ..
— Who is your best friend?
— It’s ...
Is he/she married? No/Yes, he/she ... What is he/she fond of? He/she is fond of...
Introduce yourself and your friend(s). Write 10 —15 sentences.
Here is some useful language for introducing people:
I’m Maria Ivanova. This is Maria Ivanova, my best friend. I’d like you to meet Maria Ivanova, my
Describe yourself or any person of your choice. The following vocabulary will help you.
Appearance | nice | симпатичный |
Внешность | beautiful | красивый (о женщине) |
| handsome | красивый (о мужчине) |
| with a beard | с бородой |
| with a moustache | с усами |
| with glasses | в очках |
Height | tall | высокий |
Рост | short | невысокий |
Body Телосложение
Skin Кожа
Dress Одежда
Slim худой
thin худой
slender стройный, изящный
plump полненький (о ребенке,
strong крепкий
well-built хорошо сложенный
pale бледный
rosy румяный
tanned загорелый
smart хорошо одетый, нарядный
neat опрятный
Hair Волосы
Eyes Глаза
Face Лицо
Nose Нос
blond/blonde светлый (о мужчине/женщине)
fair русый
dark темный
black черный
grey седой
straight прямой
waved волнистый
curly кудрявый
long длинный
medium-length средней длины
short короткий
blue голубой
grey серый
green зеленый
hazel карий
round круглый
long продолговатый
snub курносый
For Project 1
Over a few weeks you are going to make a TV programme about a celebrity
(or a couple of celebrities) and you need to collect some information about them.
Work in groups of 3 — 4. Choose the celebrity you would invite to the programme. Find some interesting photos and collect the following data from the Internet, books and magazines:
• full name;
• date of birth, age;
• place of birth;
• nationality;
• education, degree, profession;
• appearance (height, hair and eye colour etc).
Is there any information above that you cannot find?
Prepare interview questions.
Тема 1.2 Семья и семейные отношения, домашние обязанности.
Study the following words and expressions
To make sb feel at ease — помочь кому-либо почувствовать себя как дома
to stay with sb — останавливаться у кого-либо
to be united — быть сплоченным, крепким (о семье)
elder — старший (о детях в семье); также older
to get on well (with sb) — ладить, иметь хорошие отношения (с кем-либо)
to spend a lot of time together — проводить много времени вместе
considerate — внимательный, доброжелательный
hard-working — трудолюбивый
intelligent — умный
to keep house — вести домашнее хозяйство
to look after sb — заботиться о ком-либо
strict — строгий
to arrange sb's time — организовывать/планировать чье-либо время
to fool around — слоняться без дела
to be fond of (doing sth) — увлекаться (чем-либо)
faculty — факультет, отделение; также department
to have one’s duties about the house — иметь обязанности по дому
tidy — аккуратный
Read the text
Alexander has a new pen friend from Great Britain. Her name is Jane and she comes to Moscow on a British-Russian educational exchange programme. This is what he writes:
Hi Jane!
I know you are coming to Moscow, and to make you feel at ease, I want to invite you to stay with us.
I think the family is the most important thing for every person. The family are people who always love you, support you and help you. People say: “No Man Is an Island.” For me it is impossible to live without my family.
My family is rather large. It is very friendly and united. I have parents, an elder brother and grandparents. We all get on with each other very well. We spend a lot of time together.
My father’s name is Konstantin Alexeevich. He is a plastic surgeon; he helps people become more beautiful. He is a real professional. He is considerate, hard-working and intelligent.
My mother’s name is Liudmila Mikhailovna. She is an engineer, but she does a lot of work about the house. She keeps the house and looks after us. She cooks very well. Our mother is very kind but strict with us. She always checks how we do our homework. Mother arranges our free time, so that we cannot just fool around. She is fond of reading.
My brother Alexei is 22 years old. He is a student at the Medical Faculty in Tver State Medical Academy. He wants to become a good surgeon like our father. He is also a member of the local theatre club. He often plays main parts in the plays. He comes home almost every weekend.
My grandfather is a historian and grandmother is a linguist. They give lectures in universities and write scientific books.
I have my duties about the house. I go shopping and clean the rooms. I like my home to be clean and tidy. I think home is the nicest place. There is no place better than home and there are no people more dear than your relatives.
I am looking forward to getting your reply
Best regards
Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
1. Alexander has a younger brother.
2. His brother studies in a theatre school.
3. Liudmila Mikhailovna is a cook.
4. She spends a lot of time reading.
5. She sometimes checks Alexander’s and Alexei’s homework.
6. Konstantin Alexeevich is a professor at a medical university.
7. He arranges the free time of his sons.
8. Alexander’s grandparents do scientific research.
9. Alexander likes everything to be in order.
10. Alexei’s duty is to clean the rooms.
Talk about your family using the following prompts.
My family is ... (small).
There are ... (three) of us in the family:...
We spend/don’t spend a lot of time together.
We go to ..., visit...
My mum’s name is ...
She is a ... (teacher).
She works in/at a ...
My dad’s name is . ..
He is a ...
He works in/at a ...
My brother(s)/sister(s) is (are)...
We all have our duties about the house.
My mum ...; my dad ...; 1...
1 think our family is ...
Write a letter to your English-speaking pen friend (100 —140 words). In your letter describe your family and ask questions about your friend’s family.
Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box.
Cleans the rooms
fond of chatting
feel at ease
considerate and helpful
have my duties about the house
to be tidy
a professional
look after
do a lot of work about the house
k. to go shopping
1. intelligent m. united
n. East or West, home is best
o. our free time
a. b. с d. e. f.
1. Welcome to my house!......!
2. My sister is......over the phone.
3. Our relatives are.......
4. My mother is very......, she is the
brain of our family.
5. Our parents arrange.......
6. My friend......me in everything I do.
7. In my family the elder children......
the younger ones.
8. All members of our family......, so we
are always very busy.
9. My favourite pastime is.......
10. Anna seldom......on Sundays.
11. We like our house.......
12. Our college group is.......
Put the verbs in the correct form.
My working day (to begin) at 7 o’clock. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning exercises. It usually (to take) me fifteen minutes. My younger brother (to jog) in the park. I occasionally (to jog) with him. At half past seven we (to have) breakfast. My father and I (to leave) home at 8 o’clock. He (to take) a bus to his factory. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at 9 o’clock. In the evening the whole family (to gather) in the living room. My father (to watch) news on TV. My mother (to knit). My sister (to draw) or (to play) with her dolls. My younger brother (to try) to build a ship model. Our cat (to catch) a toy mouse.
What do these people like to do and when?
Revise the texts and answer the questions.
1. Is Alexander a university student?
2. Where are his foreign friends from?
3. How old are they?
4. What are they fond of?
5. Are they married?
6. Are they good acquaintances?
7. Does Alexander live in Tver?
8. Do his parents work at the hospital?
9. What do his grandparents do for a living?
10. Who arranges the boys’ free time?
11. What duties does Alexander have about the house?
12. What does Alexander think about the family?
Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right.
1. grandmother
2. mother-m-law
3. nephew
4. grandson
5. niece
6. great-grandfather
7. uncle
8. twin
9. great-granddaughter
10. aunt
a. daughter of your brother or sister
b. mother of your wife or husband
c. brother of your mother or father
d. one of two children born at the same time to the same mother
e. son of your brother or sister
f. daughter of your grandson or granddaughter
g. father of your grandfather or grandmother h. sister of your father or mother
i. mother of your mother or father j. son of your son or daughter
For Project
Continue preparing your programme about your celebrities. Find some interesting photos and collect the following data from the Internet, books and magazines:
• marital status;
• family members (parents, brothers, sisters, spouse, children etc), their occupations. Draw their family tree;
• pets;
• duties about the house, if any.
Is there any information above that you cannot find? Prepare interview questions.
Тема 1.4 Описание жилища и учебного заведения (здание, обстановка, условия жизни, техника, оборудование).
Study the following words and expressions
block of flats — многоэтажный, многоквартирный дом
on the outskirts — на окраине
landing — межквартирная лестничная площадка
modern conveniences — современные удобства
central heating — центральное отопление
running hot and cold water — водопровод с горячей и холодной водой
rubbish chute — мусоропровод
to give a piece of advice — давать совет
wallpaper — обои
to arrange — расставлять (мебель)
stylish — стильный
right (left)-hand corner — правый (левый) угол
cosy — уютный
to be in fashion — быть в моде / модным; to be out of fashion — быть
немодным; fashionable — модный; unfashionable — немодный
to be at a loss — растеряться, быть в растерянности
entry phone — домофон
study — кабинет
hall — коридор
wall unit — стенка
sideboard — сервант
stool — табурет
flat-screen TV — плоский (жидкокристаллический) телевизор
divan bed — диван-кровать
standard lamp — торшер
built-in wardrobe — встроенный шкаф
to examine — разглядывать
projector alarm clock — будильник-проектор
lampshade — абажур
bedside table — прикроватная тумбочка
dressing table — туалетный столик
Read the text
Alexander's family has a flat in a new block of flats on the outskirts of Moscow. Their flat is on the fourth floor.
Alexander's foreign friends — Peter, Jane and Nora — are now in Moscow. At the weekend they come to Alexander to have a look at his new flat. Alexander welcomes them on the landing. He shows them all the modern conveniences: central heating, running hot and cold water, electricity, gas, the Internet, two lifts and a chute to carry rubbish down, as well as three rooms, a kitchen and a balcony.
Peter is a future designer. He gives Alexander a piece of advice to change the wallpaper colours in his bedroom and rearrange some pieces of furniture. Peter says: "Look! It would be right to put the bookcase closer to the right-hand corner. I think your wallpaper should be pink."
Jane is not a designer. She is a sociology student, but she has good taste. Jane likes Alexander's library with a lot of English and Russian books, the cosy kitchen and the paintings on the walls. But Jane doesn't like the carpet on the floor. "It is not in fashion now," she explains to Alex. As for the wallpaper colours in Alex's room, Jane prefers them in green.
Alexander is at a loss. He looks at the wallpaper in his room and at the carpet on the floor. Whose advice to follow?
There Is no Place like Home
Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
1. Alexander's pen friends are now in Moscow.
2. At the weekend Alexander meets them at the metro station.
3. He shows them a rich collection of English and Russian books.
4. Peter likes Alexander's library and pictures on the walls.
5. Jane is not a designer but she works for a building company.
6. Jane thinks that Alexander does not follow fashion trends.
7. She recommends Alexander to change the wallpaper in the living room.
8. Jane prefers it in pink.
9. Peter thinks it is better to move the bookcase.
10. Alex is ready to follow his advice.
Read the second part of the text and choose its main idea.
A. Nora gives another piece of advice.
B. Nora criticizes the bedroom.
C. It is always easy to follow advice.
Talk about your flat/house using the following prompts.
I live ... (in the centre of Moscow).
My flat is on the ... floor of a .. .-storey block
of flats.
It has (all) modern conveniences:...
It is a .. .-roomed flat with a ... (living room etc).
My favourite room is a ...
It is ... (large, cosy etc).
The wall/wallpaper colour is ...
The furniture there is ... (modern, stylish etc).
It includes ... (я round table etc).
I like/dislike rearranging the furniture.
You have received a letter from your pen friend Tim. He writes:
"... My parents want to buy a semi-detached house. I want it to have a large lounge, a kitchen, a study downstairs and six bedrooms upstairs. I don't want an open fireplace. I prefer to have central heating. We have two cars, so we need at least two parking places or garages ..."
Write to Tim (100 —140 words). Ask him questions about the new house and give your opinion and/or advice.
Put the words in the right order to make sentences.
1. are I there I three cushions I the sofa I on.
2. want I in the right-hand corner I they I put I a coffee table I to.
3. eight chairs I opposite the door I a round table I there is I and.
4. new I his family I a vacuum cleaner I has got.
5. on I a lot of I there are I pictures I the walls.
6. not I the bedroom I there are I bedside tables I in I any.
7. likes I room I sometimes I in I their granny I to rearrange I her I the furniture.
Put the verbs in the correct form.
There (to be) 22 million homes in Britain – big homes and small homes, old cottages and new buildings, houses and flats. Many British people (to love) old houses. They also (to love) gardening, and there (to be) gardens everywhere you go: in towns, villages and out in the country. Two thirds of families in Britain (to own) their houses. Millions of these houses (to be) the same with two or three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs, dining room and kitchen downstairs. There (to be) a great many different kinds of homes in Britain, but there (to be) not enough! It (to be) often very difficult for young people to find a home when they (to want) to start a family. British homes (to be) usually smaller than American homes. But like Americans, different generations usually (not to live) in the same house.
g. a garden and an orchard
h. wardrobes
i. modern conveniences
j. cosy
k. block of flats
1. in fashion
m. the left-hand corner
n. dish washer
o. the outskirts
Read the text and match the kitchen equipment mentioned in it with the pictures.
Kitchen Smart is a specialized retailer of high-quality kitchen furniture and appliances. We offer many different products for your kitchen such as kitchen islands, kitchen sinks, kitchen mats, storage and serving carts, desks, knife holders, cutting boards and much more to keep your kitchen well-organized, safe and beautiful. All of our products are chosen from safe kitchen equipment manufacturers with excellent reputations in the kitchen furniture and equipment industries.
Complete the dialogue and get ready to act it out in class.
— Good afternoon! Are you......, the landlady?
— Yes, I am. You must be.......Pleased to meet you.
— Pleased to meet you too.
— Welcome and come in. Let me show you your room. This way, please. It is not very large, but.......
— Oh, I see. Is it furnished?
— Yes. There is/are.......
— This is really good. And where is the bathroom?
— It's.......Lefs go and have a look at it.
For Project
Continue preparing your programme. Find some interesting photos and collect
the following data about your celebrity from
the Internet, books and magazines:
• location (country, city/town, area, house/flat);
• living conditions (type of the building, number of rooms, conveniences);
• style of the furniture.
Provide a brief description of the room you like best. Would you like to
rearrange anything? Why? Give the celebrity a piece of advice.
Is there any information above that you cannot find? Prepare interview
Тема 1.5 Распорядок дня студента.
Study the following words and expressions
to do one's best — делать все от тебя зависящее
to achieve — достигать
goal — цель
radio alarm — радиобудильник
to buzz — звонить, давать сигнал
lazybones — лентяй
to do one's morning exercises — делать утреннюю гимнастику
health — здоровье
wealth — достаток
to have a shower — принимать душ;
также to take a shower
to get dressed — одеваться
to brush one's hair — причесываться
to take sb some time to do sth — занимать определенное время, чтобы
сделать что-либо
to be in the habit of doing sth — иметь
привычку что-либо делать
to grab — хватать
to rush — бежать, спешить
mood — настроение
to flash by — пролетать
the humanities — гуманитарные науки
to drag — тянуться
break — перерыв, перемена
canteen — столовая
to be over — заканчиваться
groupmate — одногруппник
to be busy doing sth — быть занятым чем-либо
Read the text
My usual working days look practically the same. But I do my best to make them more interesting and useful. Life is impossible without work. Teachers and parents always say that hard work is the only way to achieve our goals.
What Do College Students Do?
My working day usually starts like this. At exactly 6:00 my radio alarm buzzes. Though I am not a lazybones, in winter it is always difficult for me to wake up early. I do my morning exercises every morning. I know that good health is better than wealth. After having a shower I get dressed and brush my hair. It takes me about 40 minutes. I am in the habit of having only a light breakfast. After breakfast I grab my school bag and rush for college. Unfortunately I live far from the college. It takes me about one hour to get there.
Sometimes my mood depends on what classes I have. On some days lessons flash by very quickly, especially if they are on the humanities or Maths, which I like most, but they drag more slowly if they are on Chemistry or Biology and
Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
Alexander's working day starts at 6:30.
He is in the habit of having a big breakfast.
Alexander's favourite subject is Maths.
In the middle of the day the students go
to the canteen.
Alexander likes to play football.
In the evenings he goes for a walk with
his friends.
Listen and repeat after the speaker
mud — mad — made sing — sang — sung pen — pan — pain hot — hat — heart
bank — bag — back can — cash — catch ham — has — hat jam — jazz — jacket
Talk about your working day using the following prompts
My usual working day starts at... At.. . o'clock our classes are over.
I get up at... I come back home at...
It takes me ... At home I...
My classes start at... If I have time, I...
We usually have ... lessons a day. I go to bed at...
What Do College Students Do?
What do you usually do from 7 to 11 pm? Write 10 —15 sentences.
Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box.
a. | buzzes |
b | wealth |
с | busy |
d | goal |
e. | hard |
f. | takes a shower |
8 | lazybones |
h | cold water |
i. | canteen |
J. | gathers |
k. flash by |
1 | to organize |
m | health |
n | lasts |
o | to stay in bed |
1. Life is impossible without......work.
2. Alexander tries......his working day well.
3. At 6:15 my alarm clock.......
4. I usually try......as long as possible. Am I a......?
5. Good......is better than.......
6. I wash my face with.......
7. In a common school every lesson...... 40 minutes.
8. This weekend I am......doing my project.
9. At dinner all our family......at the kitchen table.
10. At 11 o'clock he......and goes to bed.
Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple.
1. Andrew (to watch) some educational programmes in English.
2. This team (to play) like a champion.
3. Parsons (to catch) the ball and (to pass) it to Roberts.
4. The seminar (to finish) at 12:00.
5. Emma (to dream) at the lesson.
6. Ivan (to leave) school next year.
7. Ann (to brush) her hair in front of the mirror.
8. He (to grab) his bag and (to rush) to the bus stop.
9. She often (to forget) her lunchbox at home.
10. My groupmates (to say) that I (to dress) fashionably.
Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions.
1. The plane arrives......time.
2.......the evenings 1 am busy doing my homework.
3. The meeting takes place......April, 14.
4.......April we take part in an international conference.
5.......our meetings we discuss college issues.
6. They go to the swimming pool......Fridays.
7. ......supper I tell my parents about my day at college.
8. Our lessons begin......the afternoon,......2 pm.
9. The TV show starts......5 minutes.
10. We take exams two times a year:......winter and ....
What do these people regulary do and when?
What Do College Students Do?
1. What modern facilities are there in Alexander's block of flats?
2. How does Peter suggest rearranging the furniture in Alexander's bedroom?
3. What is the colour of the wallpaper in Alexander's bedroom?
4. Who likes Alexander's kitchen?
5. Who dislikes the carpet on the floor?
6. Who finds the living room stylish?
7. How many lessons a day does Alexander have?
8. What are his favourite subjects?
9. What lessons drag slowly?
10. When does Alexander read?
Тема 1.6 Хобби, досуг.
Study the following words and expressions
hobby — увлечение
concern — беспокойство
to share sb's ideas with sb — делиться мыслями с кем-либо
activity — деятельность
entertainment — развлечение
performance — спектакль, представление
to attend — посещать
leisure — отдых, досуг
sense — чувство
excitement — восхищение
expectation — ожидание, надежды
pursuit — занятие
to pass sb's free time — проводить свободное время
environment — экологический
occupation — занятие
to surf the Internet — сидеть в Интернете, бродить по Интернету
to go in for sport — заниматься спортом
contest — состязание, конкурс
pastime — времяпрепровождение
calm — спокойный
widespread — распространенный
rabbit — кролик
trick — трюк
plant — растение
cacti pi — кактусы
motorbike — мотоцикл
part — деталь
the World Wide Web — Всемирная паутина
reggae — регги (музыкальное направление)
gainer — предпочтение
fantasy — фэнтези
to develop — развиваться
to satisfy — удовлетворять
Read the text
Alexander thinks that he has too many hobbies and too little time. He wants to share his concern with his friend Peter from Poland. As Peter is coming to Moscow only in two month's time, Alexander decides to write him. But before writing an email, he puts his ideas in his diary:
"Nowadays it's hard to name all the activities, entertainments and hobbies practised by people in their free time. A growing number of people prefer watching films, performances, sporting events on TV to attending them. There exist quite different sorts of leisure activities which give thousands of people a sense of excitement and expectation. There are various pursuits that people choose to pass their free time. Today people spend hours watching different informative, educational or environment programmes. Other popular occupations are surfing the Internet, playing computer games, listening to the radio, reading books (often ebooks!), painting and so on. Many people prefer to go in for different kinds of sports and lead an active way of life. Sometimes they participate in competitions or contests and have a very good pastime. There are people that prefer a calm way of spending their free time. They are fond of walks in parks or gardens. More serious people prefer to visit museums, art galleries or theatres.
Aerobics and shopping are two of the most popular pursuits for women. Cooking is also a very widespread activity among them. But nothing can be compared to your favourite hobby. A hobby is a special interest or activity that you do in your free time. Some people have animals as hobbies. They keep rabbits, or go fishing, or train dogs to do tricks. Some are crazy about plants. They try to grow cacti or tropical flowers in their kitchens and sitting rooms. Others are mad about their cars or motorbikes. They spend their Saturdays and Sundays washing them, painting them or buying new parts to make them go even faster. Many people make things as a hobby ..."
What's Your Hobby?
Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
1. Alexander writes in his diary a list of all activities, entertainments and hobbies practised by people in their free time.
2. Alexander has no hobby and wants to select one.
3. He meets with his friend to discuss this problem.
4. Hobbies give people a sense of excitement and expectation.
5. Today people spend a lot of time watching different informative, educational or environment programmes.
6. Women prefer aerobics, shopping and cooking.
7. A hobby is an active pastime like sports or training dogs.
8. In order to relax most people prefer a calm way of spending their free time.
9. Animals can also be a hobby
10. People prefer ready-made things to hand-made ones.
Listen to the text and name all Alexander's hobbies Listen again and check.
Talk about your favourite hobby using the following prompts.
I have ... (many, several, a few, only one)
My favourite hobby is ...
I enjoy ...
It is ... (expensive, cheap, free).
I do it... (in a company, alone).
This hobby is done ... (inside, outside).
I love it because it is ... (funny, relaxing,
intellectual etc).
The best thing about my hobby is that...
But I don't like ...
Peter replies to Alexander's email. What does he advise? Write 100 —140 words.
Listen and repeat after the speaker
man — men — mean heard — head — had mate — met — meat sit — set — sat
test — death — red friend — said — many check — shelf — leg felt — bread — well
Put the words under the following headings. Some words can go under several headings. Use a dictionary if necessary.
Knitting & Sewing,
Drawing & Painting,
Stamp Collecting,
Watercolous, spoon, exhibition, wool, salt, album, frying pan, canvas, pattern, gas cooker, pencil, needle, food processor, sewing machine, cutting board, button, magnifying glass, brush, scissors, knife, fabric, forceps, eraser, measuring tape, fork, mannequin, sketch, cotton, pepper, thread, paper, catalogue.
What's Your Hobby?
Make sentences
1. he I not I jazz I enjoy.
2. we I like I not I shopping.
3. interests I have I I I many.
4. hate I ebooks I she I reading.
5. he I buy I to I fishing rods I like.
6. time I spend I much I they I don't I at home.
7. good I a I of I educational I collection I CDs I has I Lucy.
8. I I for I hobby I this I need I and I needles I yarn.
9. David I fond I is I of I coins I collecting.
10. makes I happy I reading I me I and I to I music I listening
Complete the text with the words and phrases from the box
music, favourite, listen to music, information, news, collect, singers, programmes, compact discs, museums
Rich people often......paintings, rare things and other art objects. Often such
private collections are given to......, libraries. As for me, I like to.......
Therefore I collect.......I like different music.......I collect discs of my
favourite groups and.......I carefully study the printed.......I try to find
everything about my......singers. I also like to watch music......on TV.
I want to keep up with the......in the world of music.
Put the verbs in the correct form
A hobby is what a person (to like) to do in his or her spare time. Hobbies (to differ) like tastes. Your hobby (to make) your life more interesting. The most popular hobby (to be) doing things. It (to include) a wide variety of activities from gardening to travelling, from chess to volleyball. Both grown-ups and children (to be fond) of playing different computer games. This hobby (to become) more and more popular every year. Making things (to include) drawing, painting, handicrafts. Many people (to collect) something - coins, stamps, compact discs, toys, books.
Read the text and guess what hobby is described.
I love to spend the winter thinking about what I want to plant. I enjoy cleaning out the beds in the spring and finding the little shoots coming out of the ground for another year. I love to plant annuals in my containers. I love to wander out in the mornings or evenings just to see what has grown since the last time I was out. It amazes me how fast some things grow!
Which hobbies are more suitable for women, for men and for both?
Playing chess, mountain climbing, astrology, reading, model trains collecting, animal communication, playing football, knitting, horse riding, photography, yoga, parachuting, riding motorbikes, cooking, exploring volcanoes and underwater caves, sewing, travelling, dancing, fishing, computers, fashion, windsurfing, playing the piano, aerobics in the water, collecting postcards, diving.
What do these people enjoy doing and why?
What's Your Hobby?
Answer the questions
1. What is behind Alexander's college?
2. What is on the ground floor?
3. How are the classrooms equipped?
4. Where do the physical training lessons take place?
5. What kind of activities do the students have at the English lessons?
6. Why does Alexander like his college?
7. What are Alexander's hobbies?
8. What kind of music does he like?
9. Why does he think that it's good to have many hobbies?
10. Can you name all the activities and hobbies practised by people in their free time?
For Project
Just like you, your friends and your relatives, celebrities have some interesting hobbies. Your celebrity is no exception. Perhaps one of his/her hobbies will inspire you to take up a new hobby of your own! Find some interesting photos and collect the following data from the Internet, books and magazines:
• what his/her hobby/hobbies is/are;
• when and how he/she started it;
• if this hobby expensive;
• where he/she does it;
• why he/she does it.
Is there any information above that you cannot find? Prepare interview questions.
Тема 1.7 Описание местоположения объекта (адрес, как найти).
Study the following words and expressions
Autonomous District......
I "Decipher" this address: find the country, town, postcode, street, county, house, occupier.
Mrs Mary Green
32, Godson Crescent, Kidderminster,
Worcestershire, UK, DY11 7JT
How Do I Get There?
There was an Old Man on a hill,
Who seldom, if ever, stood still;
He ran up and down,
In his Grandmother's gown,
Which adorned that Old Man on a hill.
M Work in groups of two and perform a dialogue using the following questions.
What is your address?
Do you live far from the centre?
How long does it take you to get to ... ?
What transport do you take to get from?
Study the following words and expressions
to get off — выходить
up the stairs — наверх (по лестнице)
square — площадь
exit — выход
straight — прямо
side street — переулок; также back street;
lane (в названии улицы)
down the stairs — вниз
crowded — переполненный, многолюдный
towards — по направлению к, в сторону
crossroads — перекресток
Read the text
Today Alexander and his foreign friends are going to the rock concert "Music, help!" in the Polytechnic Museum. Alex lives on the outskirts of Moscow. He does not know how to get to this place, so he asks his father:
— Dad, can you tell me the way to the Polytechnic Museum? How can I get there quickly?
— Sure. It's situated in the very centre of Moscow. Take the metro and get off at the Lubianka station. Then go up the stairs to the street. There is a square opposite the exit, called Novaya Ploshchad. The Polytechnic Museum is a big long building just in front of you. Go straight across the Square. It is behind the bus stop.
— Thanks Dad.
Alexander goes to the local metro station. He leaves the entrance to his block of flats, walks along the side street, turns left and then right. It takes him only a ten-minute walk to get to the metro station. Alex goes down the stairs and takes a train. In forty minutes he is at the Lubianka station. He turns left to the escalator. Today the station is not so crowded. He goes up. He sees the old building of the Polytechnic Museum across the square and walks straight towards it. At the crossroads next to the Museum he meets with his friends - Peter, Jane and Nora. They are glad to see Alex. They come into the Museum hall. The concert starts in a quarter of an hour.
Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
1. Alexander goes to the Polytechnic Museum for the first time
2. He knows a quick way to get there.
3. He lives on the outskirts of Moscow and far from the metro station.
4. There are a lot of people at the Lubianka station.
5. The Polytechnic Museum is in Lubianskaya Ploshchad.
6. If s a modern tall building.
7. There is a bus stop just in front of it.
8. His groupmates are at the entrance waiting for him.
9. The concert starts in fifteen minutes.
10. The friends want to attend this concert as they are fond of country music.
Listen and repeat after the speaker
peak — pick — pack wheel — will — while set — sit — sat feet — fit — fat
king — kid — kit pink — pig — pick fill - fish - fit big — Bill — biscuit
Listen to the dialogue and fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
Draw a map of this area.
opposite, turn right, walk, on the right, tell me the way, turn left, along the street, cross, go ahead, crossroads
Excuse me. Can you......to the college, please?
Yes, of course. Now.......Then......to Narrow street. Go .
to the first......and......to Fancy Street. It's five-minutes'.
How Do I Get There?
Shall I......the crossroads first?
No, the college is......, next to the bank and
Thanks a lot. You are welcome.
the cinema.
Say how you get to the most popular place in your area from your home using the following prompts.
I live in ... (city), in ... street.
... is ... my home.
To get to the metro/bus station ... (name) I.. . (walk, take a bus No. 246 etc).
It takes me ... minutes.
I have to change the line at the ... station and go to the .. . station.
It takes me ... minutes / ... stops.
The ... metro line/bus is usually ... (crowded, empty).
Then I go up the stairs to the street and turn ...
... is ... (on the left etc).
How do you get to:
your college?
• your favourite shopping centre?
• the nearest cinema?
Read the text and answer the question:
Why do the British drive on the opposite side of the road?
The "rule of the road" in mainland Europe and the majority of countries in the world, including the United States, is "to drive on the right".
In the United Kingdom and some of her former dominions: Australia, New Zealand, Kenya, Zambia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, some Caribbean Islands including Barbados and St Lucia, India and Pakistan and the Mediterranean island of Malta, the rule of the road remains to drive on the left. This also applies in Japan and Thailand. The origin of this rule dates back to how people travelled in feudal societies. As most people are right-handed, it made sense to carry any protective weapon in this hand. When passing a stranger on the road, it would be safer to walk on the left, so ensuring that your weapon was between yourself and a possible opponent. Knights would hold their lances in their right hand, therefore passing on each others' left.
Revolutionary France changed this historic practice, as part of its social rethink. Their military general and Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was left-handed, therefore his armies had to march on the right, so he could keep his sword arm between him and the advancing enemy. From that time any part of the world that was colonized by the French would travel on the right, and the rest would remain travelling on the left.
How Do I Get There?
Put questions to the words in the italics.
1. Kate likes to walk along the streets in good weather.
2. You need to turn to the right.
3. His father leaves his car in the street.
4. Alex has his English lessons three times a week.
5. He drives fast.
6. They drive on the right side of the road in that country.
7. We have several thousands books in our home library.
8. Peter's granny cooks very tasty dishes.
9. She is looking for a map to find that workshop.
10. A waiter brings the customers their desserts.
Put the words in the right order.
1. when I start I competitions I your I do?
2. from I left I to get to I turn I Red Square I here.
3. in I popular I kind I of transport I what I is I China I a?
4. she I does not I why I the hospital I take I the metro I to get to?
5. he I does I play I football I how often?
6. rides I a motorbike I your I who I family I in?
7. old I this I bridge I is I how?
8. lead I side I does I to where I this I street?
9. get off I at I third I stop I the train I the.
10. coming I give way I to cars I at crossroads I from the right.
Match the questions with the answers.
1. Excuse me, sir. Can you show me the way to the British Museum?
2. Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office here?
3. Is the bank around the corner?
4. How long does it take you to get to the station?
5. Where is the cafe here?
a. You turn left, and it is right there By the way, they have a special n this week.
b. Only ten minutes.
с No. It is at the right-hand corner of Darwin Street. Can you see the machine?
d. Yes, sure. It is over there. This we
Where do these people want to go? How to get there?
Read the dialogue and get ready to act it out in class. Draw the route from the students' hostel to the Royal Botanic Garden.
Nick: Excuse me.
Policeman: Yes? Can 1 help you?
Nick: Is this the Royal Botanic Garden?
Policeman: No, I'm afraid it's not. This is Princess Street Gardens. On the left is
Edinburgh Castle.
Nick: Hm ... I think we have lost our way. We want to go to the Royal Botanic
Garden. We started from our hostel in High Street and walked along Cockburn
Street, then straight on over Waverley Bridge for about 500 metres and then turned
Policeman: Oh, I see. Don't turn left at the end of Waverley Bridge. Carry on
straight along St Andrew's until you reach the bus station.
How Do I Get There?
Ann: But we don't want to go to the bus station. We want to see the Royal
Botanic Garden.
Policeman: Well, ifs a long way from here. If you want to get there quickly, you
can take a bus from the bus station.
Ann: We would like to walk. How long does it take?
Policeman: Go straight along Hannover Street and then, when you come to the
park, carry on along Dundas Street. You will be there in about an hour. There is
the National Portrait Gallery at the end of the park. If you wish to see it, you will
need more time.
Ann: That's a good idea but we don't have much time.
Nick: Thank you very much!
Policeman: You are welcome.
For Project
Over a few weeks you are going to make your town/city/district presentation and you need to collect some information to it.
Work in groups of 3 — 4. Find information about your local history museum (or any other museum in your area) on the Internet, from booklets and the museum itself:
• When was the museum founded?
• Who was it founded by?
• What are the main exhibits there?
• What are the most interesting exhibits?
• How many visitors are usually there?
Add some other interesting data. Take pictures and/or videos
Тема 1. 8 Магазины, товары, совершение покупок.
Study the following words and expressions
grocer's — бакалея
baker's — булочная
greengrocer's — магазин «Овощи —фрукты»
dairy — молочный магазин
butcher's — мясной магазин
ready-made — готовый
fabric — ткань
china — фарфор
electrical appliances —
linen — постельное белье
customer — покупатель
counter — прилавок
underwear — нижнее белье
knitwear — трикотаж
pasta — макаронные изделия
flour — мука
poultry — мясо птицы
beetroot — свекла
ready-weighed and packed —расфасованный
Read the text
When we want to buy something, we go to a shop. Although every town or city has many kinds of shops, many of these are typical: a supermarket, a department store, men's and women's clothing stores, a grocer's, a baker's, a greengrocer's, a dairy and a butcher's.
Alexander's family like to do their shopping at big department stores and supermarkets. These sell various goods under one roof and this is very convenient. A department store, for example, true to its name, consists of many departments: ready-made clothes, fabrics, shoes, sports goods, toys, china and glass, electrical appliances and electronics, cosmetics, linen, curtains, books, gifts, jewellery etc. You can buy anything you like there.
There are also escalators in big stores which take customers to different floors. The goods for sale are on the counters so that they can be easily seen. In the women's clothing department you can find dresses, suits, blouses, skirts, coats, beautiful underwear and many other things. In the men's clothing department you can choose suits, trousers, overcoats, ties etc. In the knitwear department one can buy sweaters, cardigans, short-sleeved and long-sleeved pullovers, woollen jackets. In the cosmetic department they sell perfume, face creams and powders, lipsticks, lotions, shower gels, soap, shampoos ...
Shops and Shopping
In the supermarket we can also buy many different things in the same location: meat and sausages, fish, sugar, pasta, flour, cereals, tea, coffee, bread and whatnot.
At the butcher's there is a wide choice of meat and poultry. At the baker's you can buy white or brown bread, rolls and biscuits.
Another shop we frequently go to is the greengrocer's, which is stocked with cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, green peas and various fruits. Everything is sold here ready-weighed and packed.
If you call round at a dairy, you can buy milk, cream, cheese, butter and many other milk products.
Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
1. You can buy vegetables in the greengrocer's.
2. To buy various goods under one roof is very convenient.
3. To buy meat and poultry you have to go to the butcher's.
4. The dairy sells milk, cheese and sausages.
5. Cereals are sold in the baker's.
6. Everything in the greengrocer's is ready-made.
7. You can find various fruits in the Frut & Veg shop.
8. The department store is a store with escalators.
9. The knitwear department offers everything for knitting.
10. To buy china one needs to go to China.
Listen and repeat after the speaker
mate - might - meet bay - buy - boy tip - type - tape quit - quite - quiet
why - wide - wife buy - buys - bike fly - flies - flight try - tries - tribe
might buy type quite
What types of shopping are mentioned in them? What are the advantages of the first and the second types?
Select from the list
• Lower prices
• Ability to purchase from sellers around the world
• Excitement
• Ability to smell and sometimes taste products
• Quick price and product comparison
• Ability to take goods home right away
• Increased product selection
• Convenience in terms of time and place
• Ability to see goods physically
• Time saving
• Environmental benefits
• No queues
Describe how you do your shopping.
(cheap, easy, convenient, better)
I like/hate doing shopping.
I shop (exclusively) online/offline because it's ..
choice, fun etc).
I do my weekly shopping on ... (Sunday).
My favourite stores are ...
I do my food shopping at...
I usually buy ... there.
I have / don't have a passion for buying clothes.
I spend a lot of money on .. .
I (often) buy ...
To save time and/or money I stick to a routine:.
check the supermarket catalogue, buy goods in the sale, collect coupons, use
a discount card etc).
(make a shopping list, Shops and Shopping
Make a shopping list for the next week.
Write out all the shopping terms and explain their meaning.
The methods of shopping may vary. It may be a self-service shop where
the customer goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket what
he or she wishes to buy. Then he or she takes the basket to the check-out counter,
where the prices of the purchases are added up. If it is not a self-service shop, and
most small shops are not, the shop assistant helps the customer in finding what
he or she wants. You pay money to the cashier and he or she gives you back the
Reconstruct the dialogue and get ready to act it out in class
— That's fine. I'll take them, please.
— Oh, the left shoe is a bit tight. Could I try a larger size?
— How about these? They're very comfortable.
— .. . roubles.
— Could I try them on in a ... {size), please?
— I'll just see if we have them in a ... . Yes, here we are. How's that?
— Good morning, madam. Can I help you?
— Of course. Here you are.
— Oh, that's much better. How much are they?
— That's fine. I'll take them, please.
— Yes. I'm looking for some comfortable ... (colour, model) shoes.
Fill in the gaps with the words in the box.
a. shopping
b. cosmetic
c. things for sale
d. basket
e. clothes
f. counter
g. in fashion
h. ready-weighed and packed
i. select
j. cashier
k. food
1. comfortable
m. quality
There is a......department in this shop where
you can buy perfume.
You can come to the......and choose your
In our greengrocer's you can buy......
You pay money to the.......
You can......food and put it into the......
She does the......in their family.
I enjoy going shopping for new......
They spend quite a lot of money on.......
I don't feel......in these shoes.
1 always try to be
Group the words under names of departments. There is more than one solution. Add 10 words of your own.
Bracelets, sandals, hats, bath robes, cologne, sports nutrition, sweaters, rugs, shower gels, creams, jackets, bedding, tops, running shoes, weather stations, home phones, flip-flops, floorcare, wallets, personal fragrance, boots, computers, lingerie, cameras, soaps, necklaces, shorts, swimming costumes, vests, handbags, basketball shoes, herbs, lighting, T-shirts, candles, cell phones and devices, lotions, home fragrance, jeans, playstation games, vitamins, sleepwear, home decor, belts, mattresses, luggage + backpacks, pet care, skating boots, wedding rings, watches, cardigans, mascara, scarves, bath towels, shower curtains, trousers, shoes, earrings.
Answer the questions
1. What is a continental breakfast?
2. When do English people have lunch?
3. Who prefer to have lunch at cafes or restaurants?
4. What is the role of afternoon tea?
5. Is dinner the biggest meal of the day?
6. Where do Alexander's family prefer to do their shopping?
7. Why do they find it convenient?
8. What kinds of shops do you know?
9. What do they sell at the butcher's?
10. Where can you buy fish?
Match the phrases in the right column with the replies in the left column.
a. No, I haven't.
b. I'd love to, but I don't need anything. с I'm afraid, that's just not possible.
d. Here you are. That's £6.50.
e. Here is some aspirin for you.
f. Do you have batteries for this camera?
g. Yes, we do.
h. Let me check for you. Yes, I've got one
here. i. Yes, here they are, on this upper shelf. j. It's £19.99. It's a little expensive.
I'd like a kilo of tomatoes, please.
2. How can I help you?
3. Why don't you come to the mall with me?
4. How much is this scarf?
5. I'd like my money back, please.
6. Have you got the receipt, sir?
7. Can you give me something for a headache?
8. Have you got it in a smaller size?
9. Do you accept credit cards?
10. Do you sell dictionaries?
Continue preparing your presentation. Collect information about the best shopping places in your area:
Departments Goods sold there Price level
• Name
• Type
• Address
• Opening hours
Add some other interesting data. Take pictures and/or videos.
Тема 1.9 Физкультура и спорт, здоровый образ жизни.
Study the following words and expressions
player — игрок
team — команда
opponent — противник
to lose — проигрывать
to win — побеждать
to score — забивать (гол)
to comprise — включать (в себя)
races — гонки; horse races — скачки, motor
races — автогонки, cycle races — велосипедные гонки
representative — представитель
cycling — велосипедный спорт
skating — конькобежный спорт
skiing — лыжный спорт
rowing — гребля
yachting — яхтенный спорт
devoted — преданный
Read the text
We are sure you are all interested in sport. Many of you certainly play such games as volleyball or football, basketball or tennis. People who play a game are players. Players form teams and play matches with other teams - their opponents. Two players playing with each other are partners. Each team can lose or win. In a football match players try to score as many goals as they can. Most matches take place in large stadiums.
Athletics is the most popular sport. People call it "the queen of all sports". It comprises such kinds of sports as running (for different distances), jumping (long and high jumps) and others.
From time to time international championships and races (horse races, motor races, cycle races) take place. Representatives of various countries can win gold, silver or bronze medals. Such great championships in sport are organized every four years and we call them the Olympic Games. Only the best may take part in them.
There are so many kinds of sports, such as cycling, swimming, gymnastics, boxing, skating, skiing, rowing, yachting and many more in which you can take an active part or just be a devoted fan.
Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
1. People who play a game are sportsmen.
2. Two players playing with each other are opponents.
3. Gymnastics is the queen of all sports.
4. The most popular sport is tennis.
5. Athletics comprises such kinds of sports as running, jumping, racewalking, throwing and others.
6. International championships take place every four years.
7. The Olympic Games are a major international championship in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions.
8. The Olympic Games are organized every five years.
9. Everyone who likes sport can take part in the Olympic Games.
10. The athletes or teams who place first, second or third in each event receive medals.
Listen to the three dialogues and fill in the gaps with the words from the box
teams, convenient, a football match, season, rest, swimming pool, success, tickets, invitation, a game of golf
— Hello, is that Tom?
— Yes, that's me. Hello, Dave.
— What about......?
— Certainly, Dave. When do you plan it?
— Actually, I was thinking of Friday. Will it be......for you?
— That's a good idea. I haven't got anything fixed up for Friday yet.
— What time shall we meet then?
— I hope 3 pm will be fine.
— OK, see you on Friday.
— Frank, would you like to go to......with me? I've got two......for today's
— I think I can go. I'm doing nothing special tonight. Who is playing?
— Zenit is playing against Spartak.
— Oh, that should be an exciting match! Both......have been very strong this
— Yes, you're right. Let's meet at five at our usual place.
— Fine, thank you for the.......
— Hello, Ann! How about going to the......together tomorrow?
— I'd love to! But unfortunately I'll have to prepare for my exam tomorrow.
— Well, I suppose you could take a short......from your studies.
— Sorry, Pete, lef s go there some other day, maybe right after the exam.
— OK. Let's go on Wednesday then. 1 wish you......at your exam.
— Thank you!
Give simple reasons for liking/disliking different sports, using the following prompts.
I'm good / not very good at
Truly speaking, 1 don't like
etc) because ...
But I'm fond of ... because
To my mind the most exciting kind of sports is ...
Personally I would never go playing ... because it's
very .. . (dangerous, expensive etc).
(running, team games (it helps me feel riting
What can you say about the importance of sport? Write 10 —15 sentences.
Enumerate all the kinds of sports which are mentioned in the text in Ex. 8. Which of them are you fond of? Why?
Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. | | |
1. Each team tries to....... | a. | a draw |
2. If a team wins, they are called....... | b. | a set |
3. The players of the other team are called....... | с | score a goal |
5. If a team loses the match, they are....... | d. | fair play |
6. There's usually a leader of a team or....... | e. | a long jumper |
7. A part of a game of tennis is called....... | f. | the opponents |
8. We call correct play....... | g. | a coach |
9. The person who does the long jump is....... | h. | the winners |
| i. | the losers |
| j. | the captain |
| | |
Using the following words, make up sentences according to the Model.
Rock climbing is the most dangerous sport.
Rock climbing is more dangerous than tennis.
Rock climbing is as dangerous as parkour.
Rock climbing is not so dangerous as / less dangerous than cave diving.
1. golf | interesting |
2. tennis | fast |
3. skateboarding | dangerous |
4. chess | intelligent |
5. football | popular |
6. swimming | capturing |
7. boxing | fairy |
8. athletics | famous |
9. windsurfing | expensive |
10. horse races | fun |
Which of these sports are indoor, outdoor, winter, summer, water sports?
Figure skating, draughts, windsurfing, table tennis, skiing, yachting, cycling, rugby, boxing, rock climbing, cricket, water polo, hockey, synchronous swimming, basketball, chess, water skiing, curling, roller skating, rowing, gymnastics, motor races, volleyball, diving, baseball, karate, skydiving, billiards, field hockey, rafting, judo, wrestling.
Here are the answers. Write the questions to them.
1. Hockey is a very attractive game. Why......?
2. A football team consists of 11 players. How many......?
Sports on Land, in Water, in the Air
3. Men are more interested in sport than women. Who......?
4. Cricket is the fairest game in the world. Which......?
5. Climbing is one of the most dangerous sports. What kind......?
6. Field hockey is played during summer. When......?
7. Football is popular in schools, colleges and universities. Where......?
8. Horseball is a game played on horseback where a ball is handled and points are scored by shooting it through a high net. How......?
9. Sambo is a Russian martial art and combat sport. Whose......?
10. The marathon is a long-distance running event with an official distance of 42.195 kilometres.
How long......?
For Project
Continue preparing your presentation. Find information about sports in your area:
Sports clubs
Stadiums and sports grounds
Sports activities you can do there or in your local park Sports shops and goods they sell
Add some other interesting data. Take pictures and/or videos.
Тема 1.10 Экскурсии и путешествия.
Study the following words and expressions
to decide — решать
place of interest — достопримечательность
to arrive — прибывать
coach — туристический автобус
suggestion — предложение
luxurious — роскошный
ferry — паром
deck — палуба
cabin — каюта
lounge — холл, фойе, гостиная
entertainment — развлечение
Promenade — палуба-улица со множеством магазинов и ресторанов
suite — многокомнатный гостиничный номер
tax-free shop — магазин беспошлинной торговли
smorgasbord — шведский стол; также buffet
helicopter — вертолет
City Hall — ратуша
attraction — достопримечательность
What Are You Doing Now?
Read the text
We are at Alexander's flat. Alexander and his friends are deciding which places of interest they are going to visit during their winter holidays.
Alexander: We are leaving Moscow for St Petersburg by train on January 3rd at night. At about 5 am we are arriving in St Petersburg and taking a coach to Helsinki. In Helsinki we are having lunch, a tour of the historical centre of the city and free time.
Jane: Any suggestions on how to spend the free time?
Nora: Going shopping! Shopping streets are Aleksanterinkatu and Esplanadi. They are connected to Senate Square.
Alexander: At 5 pm we are moving to Stockholm in the luxurious ferry Symphony.
Nora is telling her friends about this 14-deck ferry, its cabins, lounges, restaurants and cafes, shops and entertainments. It is famous for its Promenade, luxurious suites with a bathroom, tax-free shops, 600-seat restaurant "Buffet" (or smorgasbord) with a fantastic choice of dishes, spa salons, night clubs and bars, a swimming pool, cinema and even a helicopter deck!
Alexander: At 9:30 am we are in Stockholm where we are visiting the Royal Palace, Drama Theatre, City Hall, Cathedral, Old Town and many other attractions. Stockholm is one of the most crowded museum-cities in the world with around 100 museums. At 5 pm we are leaving Stockholm for Helsinki and back to St Petersburg and Moscow.
Peter: Excellent. I think we are going to have a very interesting trip.
Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
1. Alexander and his friends are planning to visit several Scandinavian countries.
2. They are travelling by train.
3. In Helsinki they are staying at a luxurious 5-star hotel.
4. Senate Square is the historical centre of Stockholm.
5. The shopping streets in Helsinki are in the very centre of the city.
6. Alexander is giving some information about the ferry.
7. The 14th deck of Symphony ferry is a helicopter deck.
8. They are arriving in Stockholm in the evening.
9. Stockholm is rich in museums.
10. Their coach arrives in Moscow in the morning.
Read the three dialogues and fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
am going, are coming, is he going, are we having, is he taking, am making, am talking about, are we going, is going
— I say, mum, what......to have for dinner today?
— Oh, I......a pizza now. I......to make some salads too. Don't you
remember that today our friends the Stepanovs......?
— Really?......dinner together?
— That's what I.......
— Where is Nick?......a shower?
Yes, he is. He......to the theatre with Ann.
— Fantastic!......to buy some flowers for her?
— Well, I don't know. Give him such advice.
— Ok, I will.
Describe what your groupmates are doing at the moment or planning to do using the following prompts.
I can see that...
Let's have a look at... (Anastasia). She
I know that tomorrow ...
Next week . ..
This/next year ...
Talk about your plans for tomorrow. Write 10 —15 sentences
Do these actions and comment on them.
Stand up. — I'm standing up.
1. Go to the door.
2. Open the door.
3. Close the door.
4. Take a book.
5. Read a sentence.
6. Put the book aside.
7. Switch on the light.
8. Switch off the light.
9. Look at your watch and tell the time.
10. Sit down.
Put the verbs in the correct form
1. I (to go) out later.
2. He (to cook) an omelette for dinner.
3. In ten years' time I (to be) boss of my own successful company.
4. We (to watch) the news in the evenings.
5.......he (to do) his homework? — No, he (to listen) to music.
6. What......you (to do) these days? — Unfortunately, I (to work) a lot.
7.......you (to work) at your essay?
8. What......you (to do) in this shop? — I (to buy) a pair of shoes.
9. My girl (not to come) with me to the disco.......you (to come) with me,
10. This motorbike (to belong) to my neighbour.
For Project
Over a few weeks you are going to send material to a publishing house compiling travel guides in English. Plan a hop-on/hop-off bus tour of your city/area. Hop-on/hop-off bus tours, also often known as loop tours, provide a quick and convenient way to get an overview of a city. They are frequently used by visitors on their first day or two in a new city as it quickly gives them an overview of how the area is laid out, while a tour guide provides a history and interesting facts of the city as well. After seeing most of the major sites via the hop-on/hop-off bus, they can then determine an itinerary for the rest of their stay, deciding which area of the city they want to visit again on their own and which sites they would like to see in more detail.
Hop-on/hop-off tours are also used by visitors who only have a very short amount
of time in an area. The loop tour enables them to cover a lot of ground in a short
period of time and experience most of the major attractions of a city.
Decide on:
• the route;
• the number of stops;
• the duration of the tour;
• the most interesting attractions to visit, their history, interesting facts;
• the best places to eat, shop and rest.
Complete the sentences. Use I/she/they etc and us/him/you etc.
1 He likes Jane but She doesn’t like him.
2 We're looking at Mr and Mrs Warner but......................................................
3 She wants to talk to me but.............................................................................
4 Jo and Mary often write to you but..................................................................
5 I want to meet him but....................................................................................
6 You can telephone us but................................................................................
7 He visits his grandparents but .......................................................................
Put in my/your/his/its etc.
1 Did you enjoy your holiday?
2 I forgot..........................umbrella this morning so I got wet.
3 When are we moving to..........................new house?
4 The neighbours are angry because someone stole..........................car last night.
5 Sydney is famous for..........................opera house.
6 Oliver's got two sisters...........................older sister is married.
7 The lion lifted..........................head and looked at us.
8 Jill had a wonderful time. It was the best holiday of..........................life.
9 My husband gave me..........................grandmother's ring when we got married.
10 I'm sorry I didn't telephone you. I lost..........................number.
Complete the sentences. Use himself/themselves etc. or by myself / by herself etc. or each other.
1 He was very surprised when he looked at himself in the mirror.
2 I don't like going to the cinema with other people. I prefer going by myself.
3 Joseph loves Christina and Christina loves Joseph. They love each other.
4 The child had no brothers or sisters, so she often had to play......................... .
5 My husband and I lived in the same street when we were children, so we saw ...........................................................very often.
6 A: Are you talking to me?
B: No, I'm talking to...........................................................!
7 Paul and Mike have known...........................................................for 10 years.
Continue in the same way. Use the verbs in the box.
wrote cut lived understand enjoyed went
8 Charles lived by himself in a large house by the sea..
9 I'm afraid that the children are going to......................... on the broken glass.
10 Marie speaks only French and Jill speaks only English so they can't ...........
11 She didn't go to Madrid with anyone. She...................................................
12 We had a great time in London together. We really......................................
13 Marianne and Catherine were pen friends for a long time. They.............. to
.....................................................every week for 5 years.
What's wrong? Re-write the sentences correctly. One sentence is correct.
1 Is this book your? Is this book yours?
2 Meg and I have known us for five years.
3 James gave me those books. I really like it......................................................
4 Some friends of them told them the news.......................................................
5 Patty gave her brother a cassette and he gave she a video..............................
6 My brother and his wife are not happy together. They don't love themselves any more.
7 John is a good friend of me...............................................................................
8 It's your decision, not ours...............................................................................
9 I like this house but her windows are broken..................................................
10 I know Mary but I don't know his brother.....................................................
11 I sometimes ask me why I work in a noisy, dirty city. .............................
Put in some or any.
DAN: Let's go for a picnic by the river tomorrow.
RUTH: OK. We'll make (1) some sandwiches. What do we need?
DAN: We haven't got (2)...............bread. Can you buy (3)..............?
RUTH: Yes, sure. What about butter?
DAN: We've got (4)................I'll buy (5)...............cheese.
RUTH: OK, and is there (6)...............orange juice in the fridge?
DAN: No, I'll get (?)................
RUTH: Good. Do we need (8)...............apples or cherries?
DAN: Just (9)...............apples.
RUTH: Oh dear! I haven't got (10)..............money to buy the bread!
DAN: Don't worry. I'll lend you (11).................
Put in somebody (or someone) / something / anybody (or anyone) / anything.
1 I feel a bit sick. I think I've eaten something bad..
2 Did...........................................................telephone me last night?
3 a: What's the matter? в: І think there's...........................................in the garden.
4 a: What's wrong? B: I've put...........................................................in my coffee, and it wasn't sugar!
5 Please don't tell.......................................... about the letter. It's a secret.
6 You look bored. Would you like...........................................................to do?
7 Has.................................seen my bicycle? It's not in the garage.
8 There isn't.......................................to watch on TV tonight. Let's go out.
9 ...........................dropped a £10 note in the street outside my house yesterday.
10 I don’t think I've learnt...........................................................from his lecture.
ook at the picture and see what is left after the wedding party is finished. Write sentences. Use: There aren't many... / There isn't much ... / There isn't/aren't any....
1 There isn’t much champagne.
Liz is asking you some questions. Write questions with How much/many...? Then write your own answers. Use a lot / not (very) much / not (very) many a few a little / none.
1 LIZ: (books / be / on your table?)
you: ………………………………………………
2 . LIZ: How many books are there on your table?
you: ............................................................
3 LIZ: (cars / you / see / out of the window?) ..........................................?
you: ............................................................
4 LIZ: (money / you / spend / in one month?) ...........................................?
you: ............................................................
5 LIZ: (good friends / you / have?) ...........................................................?
you: ............................................................
6 LIZ: (football / you / play?)...........................................................................?
you: ............................................................
7 LIZ: (pairs of socks / you / have?) ............................................................?
you: ............................................................
8 LIZ: (fruit / you / eat / every day?) ..........................................................?
you: ............................................................
9 LIZ: (water / you / drink / every day?)............................................................?
you: : ............................................................
Complete the text about Antarctica. Put in little / a little, few / a few.
Antarctica is a snow-covered continent. The average temperature at the South Pole is -51 °С. (1) Few plants or animals can live on the land - it is too cold for them. The animal life is found on and in the sea. There are (2)..............................scientists from different countries who live and work on special bases in Antarctica. On midsummer's day (December 22nd) there is daylight for 24 hours and so during this period (3)..............................tourist ships and planes come to see this strange land. But in the winter there is
(4)..............................daylight for months. It must be a terrible place during the winter. The snow is always there - winter and summer - but in fact (5)...........snow falls in the year (an average of 12-20 cm). People say that it can be a beautiful
place. At first, it appears frightening but after (6)..............................time, some people fall in love with it.
Complete the story about Jane's visit to China. Use the adjectives from the box + a suitable noun.
delicious long famous old big difficult friendly hot busy
Yesterday, Jane Greenwood flew back to London from China. It was a very (1) long flight - 20 hours - and she feels tired today.
She was on holiday in China. She stayed in an (2)...............................Three hundred years ago an emperor built it. The only problem was that there was no (3)..............................in the rooms so everybody had cold showers. She visited many (4).............................., for example, The Great Wall of China. She ate some (5)...............................Her favourite was egg fried rice. She met a lot of very
(6)...............................Jane can't speak Chinese so they spoke to her in English. She tried a few words in Chinese but people said it is a (7)..............................to learn.
A lot of things in China surprised her. For example, the (8)..........................There were hundreds and hundreds of bicycles on the roads all day and all night. There was never a quiet moment. Jane wants to go back to China next year. She knows it is a (9)..............................and she only saw a small part of it.
1. Безкоровайная Г.Т., Койранская Е.А., Соколова Н.И., Лаврик Г.В. Planet of English: учебник английского языка для учреждений СПО. — М., 2014.
2. Восковская А.С., Карпова Т.А. «Английский язык» - Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2012 г.
3. Безкоровайная Г.Т., Койранская Е.А., Соколова Н.И., Лаврик Г.В. Planet of English: учебник английского языка для учреждений СПО. — М., 2014.
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