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Сборник заданий для формирования читательской грамотности обучающихся 5 класса на уроках английского языка на основе несплошных текстов

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Данная разработка создана для учителей английского языка и напрвлена на формирование глобальной компетенции 21 века- читательской грамотности на основе работы с несплошными текстами.

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«Сборник заданий для формирования читательской грамотности обучающихся 5 класса на уроках английского языка на основе несплошных текстов»




Сборник заданий для формирования читательской грамотности обучающихся 5 класса на уроках английского языка на основе несплошных текстов

Разработчик: Высоцкая Татьяна Георгиевна,

учитель английского языка,

высшая квалификационная категория

р.п. Маркова, 2022

Содержание тем

  1. Школа, школьная жизнь, школьная форма, изучаемые предметы.

  2. Моя семья. Мои друзья. Семейные праздники (день рождения, Новый год)

  3. Досуг и увлечения/хобби современного подростка (чтение, кино, спорт)

  4. Покупки: одежда, обувь и продукты питания

  5. Здоровый образ жизни: режим труда и отдыха. Здоровое питание

  6. Внешность и характер человека/литературного персонажа

  7. Родной город/село. Транспорт

  8. Родная страна и страна/страны изучаемого языка. Их географическое положение, столицы, достопримечательности, культурные особенности (национальные праздники, традиции, обычаи)

  9. Выдающиеся люди родной страны и страны/стран изучаемого языка: писатели, поэты

1. Школа, школьная жизнь, школьная форма, изучаемые предметы.

1. Read the timetables of two schools and write T(True) and F(False)

a) In Woodland school and in Bloomfield school children have lessons 6 days a week.

b) On Monday in Woodland school and in Bloomfield school pupils have History.

c) On Wednesday in Woodland school there are three Maths lessons.

d) On Friday in Bloomfield school there are two lessons of English.

e) In Woodland school lessons begin at 8 o'clock.

f) In Bloomfield school pupils don't have Art.

2. Complete the sentences with a right word:

a) In Woodland School Information Technology is the______________ lesson.

b) In Bloomfield school on Monday there are _______ lessons.

c) In Bloomfield school there is one foreign language - _______________.

d) On Friday in Woodland school the last lesson is ____________________.

e) Saturday is a day off in ________________________________________.

f) In Woodland school there are ________ lessons of Maths during the week.

3. Answer the questions:

a) What is the last lesson on Tuesday in Woodland school?


b) How many lessons do pupils have on Thursday in Bloomfield school?


c) What time does History start on Monday in Bloomfield School?


d) What is the third lesson on Friday in Woodland school?


e) What day is the busiest in Woodland School?


f) What day is the easiest in Bloomfield school?

2. Моя семья. Мои друзья. Семейные праздники (день рождения, Новый год)

1. Read the invitation cards and write T(true), F (false), NS (Not stated):

T (true)

F (false)

NS (Not stated):


Alice and Emily are contemporaries (сверстник, ровесник)


The girls’ parties take place at girls' houses.


Alice's mum is preparing special food for the party.


Emily's party is on Friday.


Alice's birthday is in spring.


For Emily's birthday guests should wear special clothes.

2. Complete the sentences with a correct word:

a) Alice's birthday is on (Monday/Saturday/Tuesday).

b) Emily 's party takes place in (Jungle Gym/Amusement Park/school).

c) The guests will be (dancing / playing games / singing) at Alice's party.

d) For more information about Emily 's party you can call (Jack/Jane/Molly).

e) For Alice's party you should wear (comfortable clothes/trainers/a swimsuit).

f) Alice's party lasts (from 1-3 p.m/ from 2-5 p.m/ from 4-6 p.m.)

3. Complete the invitation card for Ben’s birthday party using the information from the table:

Ben’s age







15.00- 19.00

Dancing, playing games

home garden

3. Досуг и увлечения/хобби современного подростка (чтение, кино, спорт)

Analyze the information from the diagram about famous activities and hobbies of teenagers

  1. Read the pie chart and write T (True), F (False), NS (Not Stated):


Sport is more popular than reading


Only 5% of young people spend their time on pets


Most of their time teenagers spend on sport


Teenagers spend more time on playing games than on cinema


Teenagers spend the same time on reading and playing games


Watching TV is the most popular hobby

2. Correct the mistakes in the sentences:

a) 25 % of the time young people spend on cinema and theatre.


b) Teenagers spend 30 % of their time on playing games.


c) Young people spend more time on reading than on sport.


d) Playing games is not so popular as reading


3. Using this example make your own pie chart (draw with a pencil) and write which is your favourite activity.

My answer: __________________________________________________________ .

4. Покупки: одежда, обувь и продукты питания

Rick, an American student, one day went shopping

1. Look at the picture and say what is it?

a) a price list

b) a receipt from the shop

c) a poster

d) a ticket for a bus

2. Complete the sentences with the information from the receipt

  1. The name of the shop is _________________________________________.

  2. The address of the shop is ________________________________________.

  3. Rick bought the goods at ___________ and ____________________sections.

  4. Rick bought 2 ___________________________________ at the food section.

  5. He bought ________________ and _______________at the Clothing section.

  6. Rick went shopping on the ___________________________________, 2022.

3. Choose and circle the right ending:

a) The most expensive thing was brown rice / a T-shirt / sandals

b) The cheapest thing was a cheeseburger / yogurt/ choko cake

c) 2 cheeseburgers cost more than a T-shirt/ apples / sandals

d) At the Food section Rick paid 10,50 / 12,50 / 8,50

e) At the Clothing section Rick paid 25,00 / 10,00/ 16,50

f) Rick didn’t buy things at Food section / Clothing section / Drinks section

5. Здоровый образ жизни: режим труда и отдыха. Здоровое питание.

1. Look at the picture and say what is it?

a) postcard

b) an article

c) a poster

d) a ticket

  1. What is the aim of the poster?

  1. Be happy

  2. Be successful

  3. Be healthy

  4. Be lucky

  1. Divide the recommendations by the categories:


Doing sports


Healthy rules

  1. Make a text about your healthy lifestyle. Complete the sentences with the phrases from the poster.

To be healthy I should follow these healthy rules.

I should __________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ .

I shouldn’t ________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ .

6. Внешность и характер человека/литературного персонажа

You should meet the Smiths. You have the description of these people:

  1. Find this family in the pictures. Write the number of the picture.

Picture 1. Picture 2. Picture 3.

My answer: picture № ____________ .

  1. Describe the other families.

  1. Complete the sentences with the right word:

  1. The Smiths are ____________________________________.

  2. Mrs. Smith is wearing a red _________, a green _________ .

  3. Her hat is___________ , her shoes are __________________.

  4. Mr. Smith is wearing a white _________, a blue _________ and brown _________________________________________________.

  5. His hat is___________ , his sandals are ____________ .

  6. They have 2 _________________________________.

7. Родной город/ село. Транспорт.

You can see a map of Bradford

1. Complete the sentences with the right answer:

a) In Bradford the book shop is next to

  • the Chinese restaurant

  • the parking lot

  • the Italian restaurant

b) The hospital is next to

  • the swimming pool

  • the cinema

  • the school

c) The toy shop is in

  • Maple street

  • Davis street

  • Main street

d) In the park there is

  • a pond

  • a fountain

  • a zoo

e) The Swimming pool is between

  • the hospital and the park

  • the market and the cinema

  • the hospital and the pet shop

f) The toy shop is in front of

– the bank

– the cinema

– the café

2. Look at the map of Bradford and write the names of the places where you can

a) eat: ________________________________________________________________ .

b) walk your dog: _______________________________________________________ .

c) swim: _______________________________________________________________.

d) buy fruit and vegetables: ________________________________________________ .

e) take a bus: ___________________________________________________________ .

f) watch a new film:______________________________________________________ .

3. Read the sentences and choose T (True), F (False), NS (Not Stated):

a) In Bradford there is a hospital. T/F/NS.

b) There are three schools in Bradford. T/F/NS.

c) There are two restaurants in Bradford. T/F/NS.

d) There are not any shops in the town. T/F/NS.

e) There is a hospital for pets in Bradford. T/F/NS.

f) The entrance to the swimming pool is 45 pounds. T/F/NS.

8. Родная страна и страна/страны изучаемого языка. Их географическое положение, столицы, достопримечательности, культурные особенности (национальные праздники, традиции, обычаи)

  1. Look at the maps of the UK and fill in the table.



  1. Complete the sentences with a right word:

  1. The symbol of London is

  • a double- decker bus

  • sheep

  • ships

  1. Loch Ness creature lives in

  • England

  • Scotland

  • Wales

  1. Manchester is famous for

  • football

  • tennis

  • basketball

  1. It is often ….. in the UK.

  • sunny

  • snowy

  • rainy

  1. Scotland is in the…… of the UK.

  • west

  • east

  • north

  1. The taxi in England is

  • red

  • black

  • yellow

  1. Complete the text about the UK.

The UK

The United ______________ of Great Britain and Northern __________ is an island country. It consists of 4 parts: _________________, ______________________, ___________________ and _________________________________________.

The capital of the UK is ___________________. The symbols of London are _________________________________________________________________.

9. Выдающиеся люди родной страны и страны/стран изучаемого языка: писатели, поэты

Look at the pages from the album “Famous people”

  1. Аnswer the questions about Lewis Carrol using the information from the posters:

  1. What was Lewis Carrol? _____________________________________________.

  2. When was he born?_________________________________________________.

  3. Where did he live?__________________________________________________.

  4. What was he interested in?____________________________________________.

  5. What were his famous books?__________________________________________.

  6. What was his real name?______________________________________________.

  1. Аnswer the questions about Korney Chukovsky using the information from the posters:

  1. What was Korney Chukovsky? _________________________________________.

  2. When was he born?__________________________________________________.

  3. Was he an English or a Russian writer?___________________________________.

  4. What was his real name?_______________________________________________.

  5. What country did he live in?____________________________________________.

  6. What were his famous books?___________________________________________.

  1. Put the facts in the two columns:

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, 1882, an English writer, Alice’s

Adventures in Wonderland, Aibolit, a critic, photography and mathematics, 1832, a Russian writer and journalist, Nikolay Korneichukov

Korney Chukovsky

Lewis Carrol

Характеристика заданий

Целевая аудитория

Обучающиеся 5 класса общеобразовательных школ

Формат использования

Урочная, внеурочная деятельность

Формирование умений

-Извлекать информацию из несплошных текстов

-Трансформировать информацию из несплошных текстов в сплошной

- Оценивать полученную информацию

Область содержания

Чтение для практических целей

Тип текста

Несплошной (пригласительный билет, диаграмма, карта местности, географическая карта, постер, страница из исторического альбома, чек из магазина)

Уровень сложности


Формат взаимодействия

Индивидуальный, в паре, групповой

Формат ответа

- Определение верных, неверных утверждений (оценка достоверной информации)

- Вставить пропущенные слова

- Ответить на вопросы

- Распределить информацию по категориям

- Выбор ответа из списка представленных

- Составить сплошной текст

Критерии оценивания

1 балл за каждый правильный ответ – дан правильный ответ;

0 баллов – дан неправильный ответ или ответ отсутствует.

Ответы к заданиям:

1. Школа, школьная жизнь, школьная форма, изучаемые предметы.

1. a-F, b-T, c-F, d-F, e- T, f- F

2. a- second, b- five, c- Russian,

d- Biology, e- Bloomfield,

f- six

3.a- Mathematics, b- six, c- 11.25, d- French, e-Monday,

f- Monday

2. Моя семья. Мои друзья. Семейные праздники (день рождения, Новый год)

1.a- F, b- F, c-NS, d-T, e-T, f- NS

2. a- Saturday, b- Jungle Gym, c- playing games, d-Jane, e-comfortable clothes, f- from 2-5 p.m.

3. 1st, the 15 th of May, 15.00, home garden, dancing and playing games.

3.Досуг и увлечения/хобби современного подростка (чтение, кино, спорт)

1. a- T, b- F, c- T, d- T, e- T, f- NS

2. a- 15%, b- 20%, c- Young people spend more time on sport than on reading, d- Playing games is as popular as reading.

4. Покупки: одежда, обувь и продукты питания


2. a- Lorem shop, b- Lorem Ipsum, c- food, clothing, d- cheeseburgers, e- a T-shirt and sandals, f- 05/04/2022

3. a- sandals, b- yogurt, c- apples, d- 8.50, e- 16.50, f- Drinks section

5. Здоровый образ жизни: режим труда и отдыха. Здоровое питание

1- c, 2- c.



Doing sports


Healthy rules

have a healthy diet

take regular exercises

sleep 8 – 9 hours

don’t watch TV too long

eat fruit and vegetables

go to the swimming pool

never smoke

don’t eat chips and a lot of sweets

take vitamins

take vitamins

clean teeth twice (дважды) a day

wash hands before eating

6. Внешность и характер человека/литературного персонажа

1. Picture №2, 2.- Pupil’s texts

3. a- young, tall, slim,

b- skirt, blouse,

c- red, green,

d- T-shirt, shirt, shorts (sandals),

e- yellow, brown,

f- suitcases

7. Родной город/село. Транспорт

1. a- the Chinese restaurant, b –the swimming pool, c- Davis street, d –a fountain, e –the hospital and the pet shop, f- the cinema


a) eat: the Chinese restaurant, the Italian restaurant, the cafe

b) walk your dog: the park

c) swim: the swimming pool

d) buy fruit and vegetables: the market

e) take a bus: the bus stop

f) watch a new film: the cinema

3. f- T, b- F, c- T, d- F, e- T, f- NS

8. Родная страна и страна/страны изучаемого языка. Их географическое положение, столицы, достопримечательности, культурные особенности (национальные праздники, традиции, обычаи)






Northern Ireland






2.a -double- decker bus, b- Scotland, c -football, d -rainy, e -north, f -black.

3.- Kingdom; Ireland; England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland; London; a double- decker bus, Big Ben….

9. Выдающиеся люди родной страны и страны/стран изучаемого языка: писатели, поэты

1. a.- An English writer, b- in 1832, c -An English writer, d- in England, e- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking-Glass, f- Charles Lutwidge Dodgson

2. a- a Russian writer and poet, a translator, a critic, a journalist, b- in 1882, c- a Russian writer, d- Nikolay Korneichukov, e- in Russia, f- Moydodyr, Aibolit, Miracle tree


Korney Chukovsky

Lewis Carrol


Charles Lutwidge Dodgson


an English writer

a critic

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

a Russian writer and journalist

photography and mathematics

Nikolay Korneichukov



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