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Сборник заданий к тестам "Путешествие по Волге"

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В данном сборнике представлены готовые задания к текстам (  по шесть заданий) о городах: Уфе, Самаре, Казане, Волгограде,Нижнем Новогоде, Саратове,Ульяновсе и Ижевске. Задания  могут быть использованы по разному.Например после работы с каким- то определенным текстом, в качестве контроля знаний( шесть вариантов), или после защиты проектов во время коммуникативной вертушки итп.

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«Сборник заданий к тестам "Путешествие по Волге"»

Guide to cities along the Volga River

Автор-составитель Латипова Р.Д.

Учитель английского языка школы ВДЦ «Орлёнок»


Ufa is один 1_______________________(из самых больших городов) in Russia, the capital of Bashkortostan Republic. It is one of the largest economic, 2___________(культурный), sports, religious, and scientific centers of the country, an important transport hub. 3_______________(численность населения) of Ufa is 1,120,547 (2019), the area - 708 sq. km.

In 1557, the area inhabited by the Bashkirs became part of Grand Principality of Moscow. In 1574, on the orders of the Russian Tsar Ivan IV, a fortress was founded on the site of present Ufa. In 1586, the 4__________(поселение) became a town. The original name of the settlement was Tura-Tau, after the name of the hill it was standing on.

This city, 5____________________________находится на слиянии of the Ufa and Belaya rivers, is one of the largest industrial centers in Russia.

Ufa is a large_6____________________________ транспортный узел of Russia. The Trans-Siberian Railway runs through the city. Ufa International Airport offers regular flights. It is also the only city connected with Moscow by two federal highways.

7______________(памятник) to Salavat Yulaev –8 ______________(главный символ) of Ufa. This monument to the Bashkir national hero, and poet was opened in 1967.

Ufa museums and galleries.

  • 9_________________ Дом музей В.Ленина,

  • 10__________________(музей археологии и этнографии)

  • National Literary Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan,

  • National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan,

  • National Museum of Military Glory.

Ufa theaters and other cultural institutions

11__________________________________(Башкирский государственный театр оперы и балета)

12__________________________________________(Башкирский академический театр драмы имени Мажита Гафури)

Russian Academic Drama Theater of Bashkortostan

National Youth Theater named after Mustai Karim

13____________________“Nur”(Уфимский государственный татарский театр «Нур» Bashkir State Puppet Theater

The population

Geographical position

Historical facts








Ufa is one of the biggest cities in Russia, the capital of 1_______________ Republic. The population of Ufa is 2__________, the area - 3_____ sq. km.

In 1557, the area inhabited by the Bashkirs became part of Grand Principality of Moscow. In 1574, on the orders of the Russian Tsar 4________, a fortress was founded on the site of present Ufa. In 1586, the settlement became a town. The original name of the settlement was 5______, after the name of the hill it was standing on.

This city, located at the confluence of the 6_______and 7 _________rivers, is one of the largest industrial centers in Russia.

Monument to_8___________ – the main symbol of Ufa. This monument to the Bashkir national hero, and poet was opened in 1967.

Ufa museums and galleries





Ufa theaters






Ufa is one of the biggest cities in Russia, the capital of Bashkortostan Republic. It is one of the largest economic, cultural, sports, religious, and scientific centers of the country, an important transport hub.

1_______________of Ufa is 1,120,547 (2019), 2___________- 708 sq. km.

In 1574, on the orders of the Russian Tsar Ivan IV, a fortress 3_________________on the site of present Ufa. In 1586, the settlement became a town. The original name of the settlement was Tura-Tau, after the name of the hill it was standing on.

This city, 4______________________ of the Ufa and Belaya rivers, is one of the largest industrial centers in Russia.

Monument to Salavat Yulaev – 5_________________________ of Ufa. This monument to the Bashkir national hero, and poet was opened in 1967. The height of the sculpture is about 10 meters.

Ufa museums and galleries





Ufa theaters






Region, geographical position_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Main attractions___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Interesting fact (uniqueness)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Samara (Kuybyshev in 1935-1991) is a large city in Russia, the center of the Volga economic region and the capital of the Samara region, standing on the left high bank of the Volga River, in the place of its 1______________(слияние) with the Samara River. It is a major economic, transport, 2____________(научный), educational, and cultural center of the country. 3__________(численность населения) of Samara is 1,163,399. The official 4____________________(дата образования) of Samara is 1586.

Samara is a multi-faith city with many 5__________(православных) churches, monasteries, old believers’ churches, mosques, a synagogue, Catholic and Protestant churches.

Samara is one of the biggest 6___________(транспортных узлов) in Russia, crossed by the shortest ways from Central and Western Europe to Siberia, Central Asia, and Kazakhstan.

Samara places of interest.

There are many various historical buildings in Samara, which make the city precious from the architectural point of view. 7______________(набережная Самары), the longest in Russia (about 5 km), is one of the main sights of the city. 8______________________(площадь Куйбышева) is the largest square in Europe.

9____________________________________(здание железнодорожного вокзала) is the highest railway station in Europe (its height with a spire is 101 meters). You can climb to the observation deck of the station, a large balcony around the dome, to look at Samara from above.

10________________________(Архитектурные ансамбли) of Kuibyshev and Leningrad streets, Glory Monument, the monuments “Lad’ya”, “Chapaev”, “The cat on a radiator”, “Comrade Sukhov”, “Pinocchio” and others are known in Russia and abroad because of thousands of photos made by Russian and foreign tourists.

The tourist infrastructure in the region is represented widely enough: more than 100 hotels, 50 health centers, 122 recreation centers, and 74 children’s health camps. On the territory of the Samara region, there are about 600 monuments of nature and 3,600 monuments of history, a large number of religious sites.

The population

Geographical position

Historical facts

Nickname or historical name




Famous streets




Region, geographical position_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Main attractions___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Interesting fact (uniqueness)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Samara  was called 1_______________ in 1935-1991. It is a large city in Russia, the center of the Volga economic region and the capital of the Samara region, 2______________the left high bank of the Volga River, in the place of its 3___________ with the Samara River (hence the name of the city). It is a major economic, transport, scientific, educational, and cultural center of the country.4_________________ of Samara is 1,163,399 (2019), the area - 541 sq. km. The official foundation date of Samara is 1586.

Samara is a multi-faith city with many Orthodox churches, monasteries, old believers’ churches, mosques, a synagogue, Catholic and Protestant churches.

Samara is one of the biggest 5 ______________ in Russia, crossed by the shortest ways from Central and Western Europe to Siberia, Central Asia, and Kazakhstan. The main airport of Samara - Kurumoch international airport - offers regular flights

Samara places of interest.

There are many various historical buildings in Samara, which make the city precious from the architectural point of view. Samara Embankment, 6_________________ (about 5 km), is one of the main sights of the city. Kuibyshev Square is the largest square in 7__________.

The building of Samara railway station is 8_______________________ in Europe (its height with a spire is 101 meters). You can climb to the observation deck of the station, a large balcony around the dome, to look at Samara from above.

You will enjoy walking through the historic center of Samara, where the buildings of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th centuries keep the atmosphere of an old Russian merchant city.

Architectural ensembles of 9___________ and Leningrad streets, Glory Monument, the monuments “Lad’ya”, “Chapaev”, “The cat on a radiator”, “Comrade Sukhov”, “Pinocchio” and others are known in Russia and abroad because of thousands of photos made by Russian and foreign tourists.


Samara (Kuybyshev in 1935-1991) is a large city in Russia, the center of the Volga economic region and the capital of the Samara region, standing on the left high bank of the river1______________, in the place of its confluence with the 2__________(hence the name of the city). It is a major economic, transport, scientific, educational, and cultural center of the country. The population of Samara is 3_______________. The official foundation date of Samara is 4___________.

Samara is a multi-faith city with many Orthodox churches, monasteries, old believers’ churches, mosques, a synagogue, Catholic and Protestant churches.

Samara is one of the biggest transport hubs in Russia, crossed by the shortest ways from Central and Western Europe to Siberia, Central Asia, and Kazakhstan. The main airport of Samara - Kurumoch international airport - offers regular flights

Samara places of interest.

There are many various historical buildings in Samara, which make the city precious from the architectural point of view. 5_________________, the longest in Russia (about 5 km), is one of the main sights of the city. 6_______________ is the largest square in Europe.

7_________________________ is the highest railway station in Europe (its height with a spire is 101 meters). You can climb to the observation deck of the station, a large balcony around the dome, to look at Samara from above.

You will enjoy walking through the historic center of Samara, where the buildings of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th centuries keep the atmosphere of an old Russian merchant city.

Architectural ensembles of Kuibyshev and Leningrad streets, Glory Monument, the monuments “8____________”, “9___________”, “10________________” and others are known in Russia and abroad because of thousands of photos made by Russian and foreign tourists.

The tourist infrastructure in the region is represented widely enough: more than 100 hotels, 50 health centers, 122 recreation centers, and 74 children’s health camps. On the territory of the Samara region, there are about 600 monuments of nature and 3,600 monuments of history, a large number of religious sites.


Kazan, a city in Russia and a 1______________(крупный речной порт) on the Volga River, is the capital of Tatarstan Republic. Kazan is 2___________(находится) on the left side of the river Volga, where the river Kazanka 3____________(впадает в нее), about 820 km east of Moscow. It is one of the most 4_________________________(важных экономических), scientific and cultural centers of the country. 5____________(численность населения) of Kazan is 1,251,969 (2019), _______(площадь) - 425 sq. km.

According to the official version, Kazan 6_______________(был основан )no less than 1000 years ago. The evidence is a Czech coin found on the territory of Kazan Kremlin and dated 929-930s. Kazan was founded as an outpost on the northern borders of Volzhkaya Bulgaria. The favorable geographical location on the trade ways connecting East and West was the reason for the growth of Kazan.

Kazan Kremlin is 7__________(включен) in the UNESCO list of monuments of World Heritage. Present day Kazan is one of the most popular Russian cities among 8__________ (внутренний)and foreign tourists. The international airport “Kazan” is located about 26 km to the southeast of the city. A number of domestic and foreign flights are available.

Kazan places of interest.

Kazan has a lot of museums, including 34 state museums, several public and private galleries. The largest museum of the city is the National Museum of Tatarstan Republic, founded in 1894. The Kazan Kremlin, there is a branch of the State Hermitage. Also, the Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan and 9_________________________(музей тысячелетия Казани) are among the most popular museums in the city. The city has a large number of theaters.

Kazan has many parks. The most ones are the 10_________________ (развлекательный) park “Kyrlay”, Millennium Park, Victory Park, Uritsky Park, Central Park, as well as Russia’s oldest and one of the oldest in Europe, Kazan zoological and botanic garden.

The Kremlin is a 11_________________(любимое направление) of tourists coming to Kazan. You can buy a lot of different souvenirs and gifts there. The historic center of Kazan was rebuilt in 1990-2000s in preparation for the celebration of the millennium of the city. Some historic buildings and monuments were demolished.

Tourists and pilgrims also visit Peter and Paul Cathedral, Kazan Virgin Monastery, unique historical and architectural complexes of Raif monastery and 12____________(город-остров) Sviyazhsk located near Kazan.

The population

Geographical position

Historical facts


Transport system






Region, geographical position_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Main attractions___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Interesting fact (uniqueness)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Kazan, a city in Russia and a large river port on the Volga River, is the capital of 1________________ Republic. Kazan is located on the left side of the river 2 ______, where the river 3________ flows into it, about 4______ km east of Moscow. It is one of the most important economic, scientific and cultural centers of the country. The population of Kazan is 5 ________.

According to the official version, Kazan was founded no less than 1000 years ago. The evidence is a Czech coin found on the territory of Kazan Kremlin and dated 929-930s. Kazan was founded as an outpost on the northern borders of Volzhkaya Bulgaria. The favorable geographical location on the trade ways connecting East and West was the reason for the growth of Kazan.

6___________ is included in the UNESCO list of monuments of World Heritage. Present day Kazan is one of the most popular Russian cities among domestic and foreign tourists. The international airport “Kazan” is located about 26 km to the southeast of the city.

Kazan places of interest.

Kazan has a lot of museums, including 34 state museums, several public and private galleries. The largest museum of the city is the7 ________________________, founded in 1894. The 8____________, there is a branch of the State Hermitage. Also, the Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan and The Museum of Kazan Millennium are among the most popular museums in the city. The city has a large number of theaters.

Kazan has many parks. The most ones are the amusement park “9______________,_10_____________,_11_________________,_12__________, as well as Russia’s oldest and one of the oldest in Europe, Kazan zoological and botanic garden.

The Kremlin is a favorite destination of tourists coming to Kazan. You can buy a lot of different souvenirs and gifts there. The historic center of Kazan was rebuilt in 1990-2000s in preparation for the celebration of the millennium of the city. Some historic buildings and monuments were demolished. Today, the most valuable areas in terms of historic buildings are 13 ______ Street, 14___________ Street, 15__________, Maxim Gorky Street, 16___________ Street, Bulak channel area, Svobody Square, Old-Tatar sloboda.

Tourists and pilgrims also visit Peter and Paul Cathedral, Kazan Virgin Monastery, unique historical and architectural complexes of Raif monastery and island-town 17__________ located near Kazan.


Kazan, a city in Russia and a large river port on the Volga River, is the capital of Tatarstan Republic. Kazan 1 __________ on the left side of the river Volga, where the river Kazanka flows into it, about 820 km east of 2______________. It is one of the most important economic, scientific and cultural centers of the country. 3______________of Kazan is 1,251,969 (2019), the area - 425 sq. km.

According to the official version, Kazan was founded no less than 4______ years ago. The evidence is a Czech coin found on the territory of Kazan Kremlin and dated 929-930s. Kazan was founded as an outpost on the northern borders of Volzhkaya Bulgaria. The favorable geographical location on the trade ways connecting East and West was the reason for the growth of Kazan.

Kazan Kremlin is included in the 5______________ list of monuments of World Heritage. Present day Kazan is one of the most popular Russian cities among domestic and foreign tourists. The international airport “Kazan” is located about 26 km to the southeast of the city.

Kazan places of interest.

Kazan has a lot of 6___________ including 34 state museums, several public and private galleries. The largest museum of the city is the National Museum of Tatarstan Republic, founded in 1894. The Kazan Kremlin, there is a branch of the 7______________. Also, the Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan and 8________________ are among the most popular museums in the city. The city has a large number of theaters.

Kazan has many parks. The most ones are the amusement park “Kyrlay”, Millennium Park, 9__________ Park, 10_______ Park, Central Park, as well as Russia’s oldest and one of the oldest in Europe, Kazan 11___________ and botanic garden.

The Kremlin is a favorite destination of tourists coming to Kazan. You can buy a lot of different souvenirs and gifts there. The historic center of Kazan was rebuilt in 1990-2000s in preparation for the celebration of the millennium of the city. Today, the most valuable areas in terms of historic buildings are 12_______________Street, Kremlin Street, Mushtari Street, 13_________ Street, 14____________Street, Gabdulla Tukai Street, Bulak channel area, Svobody Square, Old-Tatar sloboda.


Volgograd (in 1589-1925 - Tsaritsyn, in 1925-1961 - Stalingrad) is a city in Russia, the capital of the Volgograd region 1___________(расположен) in the southeast of the European part of Russia, on the banks of the Volga River. Volgograd has the status of 2“____________”(город-герой) because of the Battle of Stalingrad that took place here during the Second World War. The 3___________(численность населения) of Volgograd is 1,013,533 (2019), the area - 859 sq. km.

Volgograd is one of the fastest growing tourist centers with a long tradition of historical tourism. The monument-ensemble of Mamayev Hill, the museum-panorama 4“__________________” (Сталинградская битва) are the world famous symbols of the Second World War, which to this day attract tourists in Volgograd. The silhouette of the sculpture “Motherland” is one of the main symbols of Volgograd.

It is a large 5_______________(транспортный узел) connecting the city with the Caucasus, Moscow, Siberian regions, the Donbas region of Ukraine.

Volgograd, due to its favorable transportation and geographical position and high industrial potential, plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the South of Russia. It is an important industrial center. Volgograd hydroelectric power station is located in the north of the city. The city stretches for 90 km along the right bank of the Volga River. You can get to the left bank of the Volga via the dam of the hydroelectric power station (to Volzhsky city) or Volgograd Bridge (to Krasnoslobodsk). The Volga-Don Canal begins in the southern part of the city connecting Volgograd with the Caspian, Black, Baltic and White Seas, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Volgograd museums: 6____________________________________________, (исторический и мемориальный комплекс Мамаев курган),the Museum-Reserve “The Battle of Stalingrad” - the largest and most famous museum in Volgograd that includes Gerhardt’s Mill, an exhibition of Soviet military vehicles of the 1940s, 7________________________(волгоградский мемориальный исторический музей) etc.

Volgograd theaters and other cultural institutions: 8________________________________ (государственный донской казачий театр), Volgograd Regional Puppet Theater, New Experimental Theater, 9__________________________ 10“__________”(волгоградский государственный театр «Царицынская опера).

The population

Geographical position

Historical facts

Historical names







Volgograd  was called -1_________ in 1589-1925, 2__________- in 1925-1961. It is the capital of the 3__________ region located in the southeast of the European part of Russia, on the banks of the 4____________. Volgograd has the status of 5“_______________” because of the Battle of Stalingrad that took place here during the 6______________War. The 7____________ of Volgograd is 1,013,533 (2019).

Volgograd is one of the fastest growing tourist centers with a long tradition of historical tourism. The monument-ensemble of Mamayev Hill, the museum-panorama 8“__________________” are the world famous symbols of the Second World War, which to this day attract tourists in Volgograd. The silhouette of the sculpture “Motherland” is one of the main symbols of Volgograd.

Volgograd, due to its favorable transportation and geographical position and high industrial potential, plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the South of Russia. It is an important industrial center. Volgograd hydroelectric power station is located in the north of the city. The city stretches for 90 km along the right bank of the 9 _______ River. You can get to the left bank of the Volga via the dam of the hydroelectric power station (to Volzhsky city) or Volgograd Bridge (to Krasnoslobodsk). The 10 __________________ Canal begins in the southern part of the city connecting Volgograd with the Caspian, Black, Baltic and White Seas, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Volgograd museums: the Historical and Memorial Complex 11____________ Kurgan, the Museum-Reserve 12“____________________” - the largest and most famous museum in Volgograd that includes Gerhardt’s Mill (a steam mill built in the early 20th century that was destroyed during the Battle of Stalingrad and was not restored in memory of the war), the panorama of the 13___________ (the biggest picture in Russia), an exhibition of Soviet military vehicles of the 1940s, Volgograd Memorial and Historical Museum etc.

Volgograd theaters and other cultural institutions:





Volgograd (in 1589-1925 - Tsaritsyn, in 1925-1961 - Stalingrad) is a city in Russia, the capital of the Volgograd region 1___________ in the southeast of the European part of Russia, on the banks of the Volga River. Volgograd has the status of “Hero City” because of the Battle of Stalingrad that took place here during the Second World War. The population of Volgograd is 2 _________ (2019), the area -3_______ sq. km.

Volgograd is one of the 4___________ tourist centers with a long tradition of historical tourism. The monument-ensemble of Mamayev Hill, the 5__________________ “The Battle of Stalingrad” are the world famous symbols of the Second World War, which to this day attract tourists in Volgograd. The silhouette of the sculpture 6“__________________” is one of the main symbols of Volgograd.

Volgograd, due to its favorable transportation and geographical position and high industrial potential, plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the South of Russia. It is an important ____________ center. Volgograd hydroelectric power station is located in the north of the city. The city stretches for 90 km along the right bank of the Volga River.

Volgograd museums:




Volgograd theaters and other cultural institutions:





Region, geographical position_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Main attractions___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Interesting fact (uniqueness)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod is a large city in Russia, the capital of 1__________________ oblast and the Volga Federal District. It is an important economic, transport, and cultural center. From 1932 to 1990, the city was called 2____________. The 3__________of Nizhny Novgorod is 1,259,013 (2019), the area - 411 sq. km. In 1221, Russian Prince 4________________, founded a wooden fort at the confluence of the 5______ and the 6________rivers. The settlement was named Nizhny Novgorod (“lower newtown”).

Nizhny Novgorod is located 417 km east of ______, in the center of the East European Plain, at the 7_________ of two major waterways of the European part of Russia - the Oka and Volga rivers. This location made the city an important shipping center of the country. The Oka divides the city into two parts.

Nizhny Novgorod is the fifth most populous city in Russia. The city is one of the largest Russian centers of river tourism. The historical part of the city rich in tourist attractions and is an important tourist center. 8__________ included Nizhny Novgorod in the list of Top 100 cities in the world, which are of great historical and cultural value.

Parks and forests cover one-fifth of the city. 9“_____________”, the biggest park, occupies 380 hectares. In total, there are more than 15 parks in Nizhny Novgorod.

Nizhny Novgorod attractions.

There are more than 600 unique historic, architectural, and cultural monuments in Nizhny Novgorod. 10_______________ (“Pokrovka”) is a historic street in Nizhny Novgorod. Different bronze sculptures are placed all along the street. Narodnogo Edinstva Square is located about a hundred meters from the Volga River, near the walls of the Kremlin. Here you can find a monument to 11________________ - a reduced copy of the monument standing on Red Square in Moscow. It is the beginning of another pedestrian street - 12__________________ Street. The most popular attractions of the street - Church of the Nativity. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, a two-kilometer brick fortress with 13 towers, is the center of the city. Originally, there were a lot of churches in the Kremlin. Today, there is only one church - the 13_____________ built no later than the middle of the 16th century, rebuilt in 1628-1631. It is the oldest building in the kremlin.

In 1949, in the Lower Volga embankment, a big stairs named after Chkalov was built. It rises from the waterfront to Chkalov monument, Minin and Pozharsky Square, and St. George’s tower of the kremlin.

The population

Geographical position

Historical facts

Historical name


N. Novgorod


Famous streets



Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod is a large city in Russia, the capital of Nizhegorodskaya oblast and the Volga Federal District. It is an important economic, transport, and cultural center. From 1932 to 1990, the city was called Gorky. The population of Nizhny Novgorod is 1_____________, the area - 2______ sq. km. In 3_________, Russian Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich of Vladimir,4 _________ a wooden fort at the confluence of the Volga and the Oka rivers. The settlement was named Nizhny Novgorod (“lower newtown”).

Nizhny Novgorod is 5 _________ 417 km east of Moscow, in the center of the East European Plain, at the confluence of two major waterways of the European part of Russia - the Oka and Volga rivers. This location made the city an important shipping center of the country. The Oka 6_________ the city into two parts.

Nizhny Novgorod is the fifth most populous city in Russia. The city is one of the largest Russian centers of river tourism. The historical part of the city rich in tourist attractions and is an important tourist center. UNESCO 7____________ Nizhny Novgorod in the list of Top 100 cities in the world, which are of great historical and cultural value. Parks and forests cover one-fifth of the city. “Switzerland” is the biggest 8 ________, occupies 380 hectares. In total, there are more than 9______ parks in Nizhny Novgorod.

Nizhny Novgorod attractions.

There are more than 10______ unique historic, architectural, and cultural monuments in Nizhny Novgorod. Bolshaya Pokrovskaya (“Pokrovka”) is a historic street in Nizhny Novgorod. Different bronze sculptures 11_________ all along the street. Narodnogo Edinstva Square is located about a hundred meters from the Volga River, near the walls of the Kremlin. Here you 12__________ a monument to Minin and Pozharsky - a reduced copy of the monument standing on Red Square in Moscow. It is the beginning of another pedestrian street - Rozhdestvenskaya Street. The most popular attractions of the street - Church of the Nativity. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, a two-kilometer brick fortress with 13 towers, is the center of the city. Originally, there were a lot of churches in the Kremlin. Today, there is only one church - the Cathedral of Archangel Michael built no later than the middle of the 16th century, rebuilt in 1628-1631. It is the oldest building in the Kremlin.

In 1949, in the Lower Volga embankment, a big stairs named after Chkalov was built. It rises from the waterfront to Chkalov monument, Minin and Pozharsky Square, and St. George’s tower of the Kremlin.

Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod is a large city in Russia, the capital of Nizhegorodskaya oblast and the Volga Federal District. It is an important economic, transport, and cultural center. From 1932 to 1990, the city was called Gorky. The population of Nizhny Novgorod is 1,259,013 (2019), the area - 411 sq. km. In 1221, Russian Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich of Vladimir, 1__________(основал) a wooden fort at the confluence of the Volga and the Oka rivers. The 2_____________(поселение) was named Nizhny Novgorod (“lower newtown”).

Nizhny Novgorod is 3_________(находится) 417 km east of Moscow, in the center of the East European Plain, at the 4_______________(на слиянии) of two major waterways of the European part of Russia - the Oka and Volga rivers. This 5_________(расположение) made the city an important shipping center of the country. The Oka divides the city into two parts.

Nizhny Novgorod is the fifth most populous city in Russia. The city is one of the largest Russian 6_________(центр речного туризма). The historical part of the city rich in tourist attractions and is an important tourist center. UNESCO included Nizhny Novgorod in the list of Top 100 cities in the world, which are of great historical and cultural value.

Parks and forests cover one-fifth of the city. “Switzerland”, the biggest park, 7______________(занимающий) 380 hectares. In total, there are more than 15 parks in Nizhny Novgorod.

Nizhny Novgorod attractions.

There are more than 600 8________(уникальных) historic, architectural, and cultural monuments in Nizhny Novgorod. Bolshaya Pokrovskaya (“Pokrovka”) is a historic street in Nizhny Novgorod. Different bronze sculptures are 9________(расположены) all along the street. 10______________________(Площадь народного единства) is located about a hundred meters from the Volga River, near the walls of the Kremlin. Here you can find a 11 ____________(памятник) to Minin and Pozharsky - a copy of the monument standing on 12___________(Красной площади) in Moscow. It is the beginning of another pedestrian street - Rozhdestvenskaya Street. The most popular attractions of the street - Church of the Nativity.

13________________________(Нижегородский кремль), a two-kilometer brick fortress with 13 towers, is the center of the city.

Nizhny Novgorod

Region, geographical position_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Main attractions___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Interesting fact (uniqueness)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Saratov is a large city 1_________ in the southeast of the European part of Russia, on the right bank of the Volga River. The capital of the Saratov region, it is located about 840 km south-east of Moscow. It is an important cultural, economic and educational center of the Volga region. The 2____________ of Saratov is about 842,000 (2015), the area - 394 sq. km.

The town of Saratov was 3_________ in 1590, halfway between Samara and Tsaritsyn. There are several hypotheses of origin of the name of Saratov. One of them says that it is from the Tatar phrase “Sary Tau” meaning “yellow mountain” (Saratov is 4________by several sandy hills).

The city is known as a center of higher education, research and scientific activities. Saratov is an important industrial center of the Volga River area.

Saratov attractions Present Saratov combines the architecture of an old merchant town and modern city. Kirov Avenue with a lot of hotels is 5_______ “Saratov Arbat”. At the end of the avenue you will find a quiet and picturesque 6_____________. On the famous Cosmonauts Embankment of Saratov, you can enjoy the beauty of the 7_______River and will be able to walk over the bridge 8“____________”. Chernyshevskogo Street is the longest street in Saratov. The oldest building in the city is 9_________________ (1674-1695) located on Museum Square. The largest green area in the city is 10______________________ named after Maxim Gorky opened in 1935. The park covers an area of about 30 hectares. The place where the first 11____________________Yuru Gagarin landed, located about 16 km away from Engels, as well as Uvek, the remnants of an ancient town and a large center of the Golden Horde, located to the south of Saratov, are among the other sights.

Saratov museums and theaters: Saratov Art Museum named after A.N.Radishchev; Saratov Regional Museum of Local Lore has rich ethnographic, firearms and bladed weapons, manuscripts and early printed books, entomological, numismatic collections, a collection of exhibits related to the history of theater in Saratov; Saratov State Museum of Battle Glory on Sokolovaya mountain (Victory park) - military equipment of the Second World War and the later period. The Museum of Yuri Gagarin; Glass Museum; Saratov Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet; Saratov Academic Drama Theater named after I.Slonov, Saratov Theater of Magic and Tricks 12“________”, the Russia’s first professional theater of magic and tricks; 13__________________ the first Russian stationary circus. In 1951, 14___________, a world-famous clown, began his career here.


Region, geographical position_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Main attractions___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Interesting fact (uniqueness)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The population

Geographical position

Historical facts

Famous streets








Saratov is a large city located in the southeast of the European part of Russia, on the

1____________________River. The capital of the Saratov region, it is located about ______ km south-east of Moscow. It is an important cultural, economic and educational center of the Volga region. The population of Saratov is about 2_________ , the area -3 _______sq. km.

The town of Saratov was founded in 4______, halfway between Samara and Tsaritsyn. There are several hypotheses of origin of the name of Saratov. One of them says that it is from the Tatar phrase “Sary Tau” meaning 5“_____________” (Saratov is surrounded by several sandy hills).

The city is known as a center of higher education, research and scientific activities. Saratov is an important industrial center of the Volga River area.

Saratov attractions Present Saratov combines the architecture of an old merchant town and modern city. 6______ Avenue with a lot of hotels is called “Saratov Arbat”. At the end of the avenue you will find a quiet and picturesque Lipki park. On the famous 7______________ Embankment of Saratov, you can enjoy the beauty of the Volga River and will be able to walk over the bridge “Saratov-Engels”. 8___________ Street is the longest street in Saratov. The 9_________ in the city is Holy Trinity Cathedral (1674-1695) located on Museum Square. The largest green area in the city is Saratov Park of Culture and Rest named after Maxim Gorky opened in 10_____. The park covers an area of about 30 hectares. The place where the first spaceman 11______________ landed, located about 16 km away from Engels, as well as Uvek, the remnants of an ancient town and a large center of the Golden Horde, located to the south of Saratov, are among the other sights.

Saratov museums and theaters:








Saratov is a large city located in the 1__________(юго-востойчной части) of the European part of Russia, on the right bank of the Volga River. The capital of the Saratov region, it is located about 840 km south-east of Moscow. It is an important cultural, economic and 2____________(образовательный) center of the Volga region. The population of Saratov is about 842,000 (2015), the area - 394 sq. km.

The town of Saratov was 3__________(был основан) in 1590, halfway between Samara and Tsaritsyn. There are several hypotheses of origin of the name of Saratov. One of them says that it is from the Tatar phrase “Sary Tau” meaning 4“__________”(желтая гора) (Saratov is surrounded by several sandy hills).

The city is known as a center of higher education, research and scientific activities. Saratov is an important industrial center of the Volga River area.

Saratov attractions Present Saratov combines the architecture of an old merchant town and modern city. Kirov Avenue with a lot of hotels is called “Saratov Arbat”. At the end of the avenue you will find a quiet and picturesque Lipki park. On the famous Cosmonauts 5__________(набережная) of Saratov, you can enjoy the beauty of the Volga River and will be able to walk over the bridge “Saratov-Engels”. Chernyshevskogo Street is the 6__________(самая длинная улица) in Saratov. The oldest building in the city is Holy Trinity Cathedral (1674-1695) located on Museum Square. The largest green area in the city is 7____________________ (Саратовский парк культуры и отдыха) named after Maxim Gorky opened in 1935. The park covers an area of about 30 hectares. The place where the 8_______________(первый космонавт) Yuru Gagarin 9__________(приземлился), located about 16 km away from Engels, as well as Uvek, the remnants of an ancient town and a large center of the Golden Horde, located to the south of Saratov, are among the other sights.

Saratov museums and theaters:








Ulyanovsk (in 1648-1780 - Sinbirsk, in 1780-1924 - Simbirsk) is a city in the European part of Russia, the capital of the Ulyanovsk region, standing on Privolzhsky hill, 1. (на берегах)_____________ of the Volga River (Kuybyshevsky water reservoir) and the Sviyaga River, 879 km southeast of Moscow. The 2.(численность населения)________________ of Ulyanovsk is about 621,500 (2015), the area - 317 sq. km. Ulyanovsk 3.(был основан)_________________ by Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich’s decree as a fortress called Sinbirsk in 1648. The fortress was built to protect the Russian kingdom’s eastern borders from the raids of nomadic tribes. City Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of September. 3. (неофициальное имя)______________ of the city: Aviation Capital of Russia.

Ulyanovsk places of interest. Ulyanovsk can rightly be called a 4. (город музеев)_________________. Numerous museums offer exhibitions about the city’s history, culture and architecture. The history of several museums has its origins in the distant past, when Simbirsk scholars and merchants collected and presented to their hometown great cultural and scientific heritage.

The most popular museums in Ulyanovsk are: Museum of the History of Civil Aviation - one of the largest aviation museums in Russia.

4.(музей В.Ленина)__________________________________________-.

Ulyanovsk Local History Museum named after I.A.Goncharov, located in the house-monument to I.A.Goncharov, was founded in 1895. The state historical and memorial preserve “Lenin’s Homeland”. This museum is a unique complex of historical, cultural and architectural monuments of old Simbirsk.

The museum “Simbirsk merchants”,Exhibition Hall at Pokrovskaya, meteorological Station of Simbirsk, planetarium, the picture gallery of A.A.Plastov, the Gallery of the Russian Union of Artists, the literary-historical museum of I.A.Goncharov, Simbirsk Photography, Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum

5.(Музей балалайки) ________________________________________.

Ulyanovsk theaters:

Ulyanovsk Regional Drama Theater named after Ivan Goncharov

Ulyanovsk Youth Theater “Nebolshoy Theater”, Ulyanovsk Philharmonic


Ulyanovsk (in 1648-1780 - Sinbirsk, in 1780-1924 - Simbirsk) is a city in the European part of Russia, the capital of the Ulyanovsk region, 1.___________ on Privolzhsky hill, on the banks of the Volga River (Kuybyshevsky water reservoir) and the Sviyaga River, 879 km southeast of Moscow. The 2._________________ of Ulyanovsk is about 621,500 (2015), the area - 317 sq. km. Ulyanovsk 3._______________ by Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich’s decree as a fortress called Sinbirsk in 1648. The fortress was built to protect the Russian kingdom’s eastern borders from the raids of nomadic tribes. City Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of September. 4._________________ of the city: Aviation Capital of Russia.

Ulyanovsk places of interest. Ulyanovsk can rightly be called a city of 5.____________. Numerous museums offer exhibitions about the city’s history, culture and architecture. The history of several museums has its origins in the distant past, when Simbirsk scholars and merchants collected and presented to their hometown great cultural and scientific heritage.

The most popular museums in Ulyanovsk are:






Ulyanovsk theaters:


Ulyanovsk (in 1648-1780 - Sinbirsk, in 1780-1924 - Simbirsk) is a city in the European part of Russia, the capital of the 1.____________region, standing on Privolzhsky hill, on the banks of the _________ River (Kuybyshevsky water reservoir) and the Sviyaga River, 879 km southeast of Moscow. The population of Ulyanovsk is about 3_____________ (2015), the area - 317 sq. km. Ulyanovsk was founded by 4.________________________ decree as a fortress called Sinbirsk in 1648. The fortress was built to protect the Russian kingdom’s eastern borders from the raids of nomadic tribes. City Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of September. Informal name of the city: 5.________________of Russia.

Ulyanovsk places of interest. Ulyanovsk can rightly be called a city of museums. Numerous museums offer exhibitions about the city’s history, culture and architecture. The history of several museums has its origins in the distant past, when Simbirsk scholars and merchants collected and presented to their hometown great cultural and scientific heritage.

The most popular museums in Ulyanovsk are:

6._____________________________________ - one of the largest aviation museums in Russia. The Memorial Museum of 7._____________________ opened in 1941.

Ulyanovsk Local History Museum named after I.A.Goncharov, located in the house-monument to I.A.Goncharov, was founded in 1895. The state historical and memorial preserve “Lenin’s Homeland”. This museum is a unique complex of historical, cultural and architectural monuments of old Simbirsk. The museum “Simbirsk merchants”,Exhibition Hall at Pokrovskaya, Meteorological Station of Simbirsk. Planetarium, The picture gallery of A.A.Plastov, The Gallery of the Russian Union of Artists, The literary-historical museum of I.A.Goncharov, Simbirsk Photography, Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum, Balalaika Museum.

Ulyanovsk theaters:

Ulyanovsk Regional Drama Theater named after Ivan Goncharov

Ulyanovsk Youth Theater “Nebolshoy Theater”, Ulyanovsk Philharmonic

The population

Geographical position

Historical facts

Informal name







Region, geographical position_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Main attractions___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Interesting fact (uniqueness)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Izhevsk is a large industrial, commercial, scientific, educational, and cultural center of the Volga and Ural regions, the capital of the Udmurt Republic. This city 1.(находится)________about 1,300 km east of Moscow is known for its defense and engineering industries and is unofficially called the “arms capital” of Russia. Izhevsk is located in the eastern part of the East European Plain, between the Vyatka and Kama rivers, on the non-navigable Izh River. The main reservoir of the city is the Izhevsk 2(пруд)___________. Created in the second half of the 18th century, the Izhevsk Pond is one of the largest artificial reservoirs in Eastern Europe. The 3.(численность населения)____________ of Izhevsk is about 649,000 (2019),

The name of the city comes from the name of the Izh River on the bank of which the Izhevsk Ironworks was built and a village 4.(был основан)_______________ in 1760. The City Day of Izhevsk is celebrated on June 12.On the territory of Izhevsk there are more than 300 objects of historical and cultural heritage: 166 architectural monuments, 4 monuments of archeology, 81 objects of monumental art, and about 60 plaques.

Main Attractions of Izhevsk:

St. Michael’s Cathedral. Located in the central part of Izhevsk, this church is considered a symbol of the revival of the spiritual life in Udmurtia and all of Russia.

5. (музей и выставочный комплекс имени М.Калашникова)_____________________________________________ a - the most popular museum in the Udmurt Republic, a must-see place for everyone who is interested in the history of Russian small arms.

6.( Национальный музей удмуртской республики) __________________________________. Located in the building of the former Arsenal of the arms factory, an architectural monument of the 19th century, it is one of the largest museums in Udmurtia.

Udmurt Republican Museum of Fine Arts. The museum has about 13,000 exhibits: works of artists and folk craftsmen of Udmurtia, a collection of graphics, paintings, arts and crafts, Russian icons, and sculptures.

7.(памятник «Дружба народов»)____________________________________. This monument was erected in honor of the 400th anniversary of the entry of Udmurtia into Russia in 1972. 8.(памятник ижевскому крокодилу)_____________________________________________. This postmodern monument is a two-meter statue of an imposing anthropomorphic crocodile sitting on a bench. It was planned that the monument was to become an unofficial symbol of Izhevsk. The choice of a crocodile as a symbol was not accidental. At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a legend about crocodiles living in city rivers.


Izhevsk is a large industrial, commercial, scientific, educational, and cultural center of the Volga and Ural regions, the capital of the Udmurt Republic. This city located about 1,300 km east of Moscow is known for its defense and engineering industries and is unofficially called the “arms capital” of Russia. Izhevsk is located in the eastern part of the East European Plain, between the 1.__________ and 2.___________ rivers, on the non-navigable 3.______ River. The main reservoir of the city is the Izhevsk Pond. Created in the second half of the 18th century, the Izhevsk Pond is one of the largest artificial reservoirs in Eastern Europe. 4.____________ of Izhevsk is about 649,000 (2019) people.

The name of the city comes from the name of the Izh River on the bank of which the Izhevsk Ironworks was built and a village was founded in 5 _______. The City Day of Izhevsk is celebrated on June 12.On the territory of Izhevsk there are more than 300 objects of historical and cultural heritage: 166 architectural monuments, 4 monuments of archeology, 81 objects of monumental art, and about 60 plaques. The city has a lot of beautiful churches, unusual monuments, interesting museums, and pleasant green areas for walking.

Main Attractions of Izhevsk:

St. Michael’s Cathedral. Located in the central part of Izhevsk, this church is considered a symbol of the revival of the spiritual life in Udmurtia and all of Russia.

Museum and Exhibition Complex named after Mikhail Kalashnikov - the most popular museum in the Udmurt Republic, a must-see place for everyone who is interested in the history of Russian small arms.Here you can see not only the weapons created by Mikhail Kalashnikov. National Museum of the Udmurt Republic named after Kuzebay Gerd. Located in the building of the former Arsenal of the arms factory, an architectural monument of the 19th century, it is one of the largest museums in Udmurtia.Udmurt Republican Museum of Fine Arts. The museum has about 13,000 exhibits: works of artists and folk craftsmen of Udmurtia, a collection of graphics, paintings, arts and crafts, Russian icons, and sculptures. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (1818-1823).Izhevsk Zoo - one of the main attractions of the capital of Udmurtia and one of the largest zoos in the Volga region with an area of 16 hectares. There are several exhibition zones: “White North”, “Far East”, “Our Taiga”, “Pond”, and “Udmurt Village”.Embankment of the Architect Dudin. Located on the shore of the Izhevsk Pond mostly in the central part of the city, it was named in honor of the first architect of Izhevsk S.E. Dudin. Monument “Friendship of Peoples” (“Forever with Russia”). This monument was erected in honor of the 400th anniversary of the entry of Udmurtia into Russia in 1972. Monument to the Izhevsk Crocodile. This postmodern monument is a two-meter statue of an imposing anthropomorphic crocodile sitting on a bench. It was planned that the monument was to become an unofficial symbol of Izhevsk. The choice of a crocodile as a symbol was not accidental. At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a legend about crocodiles living in city rivers.


Izhevsk is a large industrial, commercial, scientific, educational, and cultural center of the Volga and Ural regions, the capital of the 1___________ Republic. This city located about 1,300 km east of Moscow is known for its defense and engineering industries and is unofficially called the “arms capital” of Russia. Izhevsk is located in the eastern part of the East European Plain, between the Vyatka and Kama rivers, on the non-navigable Izh River. The main reservoir of the city is the Izhevsk Pond. Created in the second half of the 18th century, the 2________ Pond is one of the largest artificial reservoirs in Eastern Europe. The population of Izhevsk is about 3/____________(2019).

The name of the city comes from the name of the Izh River on the bank of which the Izhevsk Ironworks was built and a village was founded in 1760. The City Day of Izhevsk is celebrated on June 12.On the territory of Izhevsk there are more than 300 objects of historical and cultural heritage: 166 architectural monuments, 4 monuments of archeology, 81 objects of monumental art, and about 60 plaques. The city has a lot of beautiful churches, unusual monuments, interesting museums, and pleasant green areas for walking. Tourists often buy souvenirs with weapons themes, patterned woolen socks and mittens, dolls in national Udmurt clothes, and paintings made by local artists.

Main Attractions of Izhevsk:

St. Michael’s Cathedral. Located in the central part of Izhevsk, this church is considered a symbol of the revival of the spiritual life in Udmurtia and all of Russia. Museum and Exhibition Complex named after Mikhail Kalashnikov - the most popular museum in the Udmurt Republic, a must-see place for everyone who is interested in the history of Russian small arms. National Museum of the Udmurt Republic named after Kuzebay Gerd. Located in the building of the former Arsenal of the arms factory, an architectural monument of the 19th century, it is one of the largest museums in Udmurtia.Udmurt Republican Museum of Fine Arts. The museum has about 13,000 exhibits: works of artists and folk craftsmen of Udmurtia, a collection of graphics, paintings, arts and crafts, Russian icons, and sculptures. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (1818-1823).Izhevsk Zoo - one of the main attractions of the capital of Udmurtia and one of the largest zoos in the Volga region with an area of 16 hectares. There are several exhibition zones: “White North”, “Far East”, “Our Taiga”, “Pond”, and “Udmurt Village”.Embankment of the Architect Dudin. Located on the shore of the Izhevsk Pond mostly in the central part of the city. Monument “Friendship of Peoples” (“Forever with Russia”). This monument was erected in honor of the 400th anniversary of the entry of Udmurtia into Russia in 1972. Monument to the Izhevsk Crocodile. This postmodern monument is a two-meter statue of an imposing anthropomorphic crocodile sitting on a bench. It was planned that the monument was to become an unofficial symbol of Izhevsk. The choice of a crocodile as a symbol was not accidental. At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a legend about crocodiles living in city rivers.


Region, geographical position_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Main attractions___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Interesting fact (uniqueness)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The population

Geographical position

Historical facts









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