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Сборник заданий по грамматике ( подготовка к ОГЭ )

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«Сборник заданий по грамматике ( подготовка к ОГЭ )»

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Kitty lived next door to me and we'd been friends since childhood. We learnt at the same school and ______________(WALK) there together. I was sixteen and she was four years ____________(YOUNG) than me but we had a lot in common and enjoyed chatting on ____________(WE) way to school. Every morning Kitty knocked on my door and I had to be ready by that time  — she ____________(NOT LIKE) waiting for me. One day she didn't knock. When I caught up with her at the bus stop, she ___________(READ) a magazine and didn't even look at me. I ___________(NOT CAN) understand what was going on. "Hey, Kitty, what's wrong? Why aren't you talking to___________(I)?" "You yourself know why," Kitty said angrily. "No, I don't." "No, I don't. I wouldn't ask you if I ___________(KNOW)." "You went to the cinema with Lisa Parker yesterday," Kitty was almost crying. I felt puzzled and didn't know what to say. The two _____________(WOMAN) at the bus stop looked amused at our conversation and didn't hide their smiles.


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The phone woke Kim up. She was expecting ___________(SHE) mother to call but it wasn't her. The voice on the other end of the line sounded familiar but Kim ______________(NOT CAN) remember who it belonged to. "Hello," the lady said. "Can I speak to Mrs. Len?" "I'm sorry but she's not at home. She's out. She _____________(WALK) in the park." It was very cold WALK out-of-doors and everything ____________(COVER) in snow but Kim's mother walked in all weathers. She believed that it ____________(HELP) her keep fit and gave her extra energy. She actually looked younger than other ___________(WOMAN) of her age and that was probably because of her walking. "Can I take a message?" Kim asked politely. "No. I ___________(CALL) her later. When is she going to be back?" "She normally ____________(COME) home at five." "Fine," came the answer and the phone went dead. Kim felt a bit hurt. "It's not polite to break off a conversation like that," she thought to herself. If I ___________(BE) older, I would explain to that lady how to talk to people politely."


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Anna was glad that the academic year was about to finish. Like most ___________(CHILD) she was looking forward to the summer but not because she wanted to relax. Her plans ____________(BE) ambitious. Anna wanted to buy a professional digital camera and it wasn't easy to save enough money. Anna had already chosen the model she wanted. Her dad said that he ______________(GIVE) her the camera in a couple of years. But Anna ____________(NOT CAN) wait so long, she needed it right then. “If I __________(HAVE) it now, I would be able to take part in the Professional Photograph Competition. Everyone says I've got talent,” she said to herself looking at the magazine where an article about the competition _____________(PUBLISH). While she was reading the article for the _________(TWO) time, a brilliant idea came to her  — why not take up a summer job as a photographer? She reached for the phone and dialed the number of the ____________(LARGE) photography agency in the town. “Hello, can I help you?” the woman's voice sounded encouraging and Anna _____________(THINK) that she probably had a chance.


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Bella was a good student. She ____________(ENJOY) learning but she always started to feel very nervous when she had to write tests. That Monday ______________(NOT BE) a lucky day for her and she realised it as soon as she came into the classroom. “Oh, no! I ____________(LEAVE) all my pens at home.” She turned to Jenny: “Have you got a spare pen?” “Let me see,” Jenny opened ____________(SHE) bag and pulled out a pen. “I've got this one. But it's green.” “Give it to me anyway,” Bella said. “If I don't find a proper pen, I _____________(WRITE) in green ink. I hope it won't affect my grades.” When the teacher handed out the tests, Bella felt even ____________(BAD) than she felt before. The test was really long  — the tasks _________________(PRINT) on both sides of the page! Bella did the first task quickly, but the _____________(TWO) one was a real problem. Bella got panicky. Time ticked on but she __________(NOT CAN) concentrate on the tasks.


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Tim woke up later than usual. It was Sunday and he __________(HAVE) lots of plans for the day. He was in the bathroom cleaning his ___________(TOOTH) when he heard some unfamiliar voices from the veranda. Who could they be?Tim_____________(THINK). When he came into the room, his mum and two other women ___________(CHAT) happily and didn't notice him. Tim coughed to attract _____________(THEY) attention. “Oh, Tim, you're up already!” his mother sounded excited. “Meet my school friends, Linda and Emma.” Linda shook his hand, Emma smiled and said: “We ______________(BE) happy to meet you, Tim. Your mum showed us your photo, but you are much ____________(YOUNG) there. Join us for tea. I wish we ____________(CAN) talk about our school days for ages, but we have some other business to discuss with your mother. It's going to be interesting for you too.” Tim sat at the table. Emma had some papers in her hands but Tim couldn't read what ____________(PRINT)  — the letters were too small.


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The plane safely took off and Anna breathed a sigh of relief. She ______________(NOT LIKE) flying. She knew that, according to statistics, it was the ____________(SAFE) way of travelling, but it didn't make her feel any better. Statistics were impersonal but when she imagined her plane flying over the ocean, she ____________(FEEL) dizzy. The guy sitting next to ____________(SHE) was, on the contrary, happy and relaxed. He was listening to his CD player. His eyes _____________(CLOSE) but when Anna tried to reach for her bag on the luggage deck, he immediately stood up to help her. “Thanks, I can do it _____________(I),” Anna said and her voice shook. “Are you OK, miss?” the guy asked. “You look pale. Are you afraid of flying?”

Anna nodded. “Take this. It _____________(DO) you good,” the guy handed her a package of candies. “I always have candies when I fly.” It reminded Anna her first flight. She and her granny ____________(FLY) to New York for Christmas. The six-year-old Anna was cheerful and excited. She had a large box of candies on her lap and was afraid of nothing. “I wish I _______________(CAN) feel the same now,” Anna sighed and took a handful of the candies. The guy looked at her in surprise.


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Time was running out. The game was exciting and dynamic but the score was still 0-0. Jim couldn't take his eyes off the TV and ___________(NOT HEAR) when his father came into the room. “Who ____________(PLAY)?” he asked. “The Spanish Club and the Portuguese,” Jim ____________(KNOW) that his dad was not a fan and didn't go into details. “Who are you supporting?”

“The Spanish. If the team _____________(MANAGE) to win this game, it'll get to the final.” “They will. The final score will be 2-1 to the Spanish Club.” Jim turned to his dad: “How do you know?”

“It's not me. A colleague of ___________(I) has predicted the results of ten matches. No mistake yet. Today's the __________(TEN) game.” Jim looked at his father again. “Sounds a bit crazy. But if I were able to predict the results of the game...”

“If you were able to predict it, it ____________(NOT BE) interesting to watch football at all. Are you hungry by the way? I ____________(ORDER) some pizza. Will you join me?” “Yes, sure,” Jim turned to his father. “But I still ___________(NOT CAN) understand...” And at that very moment the Spanish forward scored the first goal.


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When Jacob opened his eyes, it was late morning. He closed ____________(THEY) again as there was no point in getting up. It was the __________(ONE) day of holidays but it was no fun  — all his friends were out of the city and Jacob knew that his parents ____________(COME) home from work late. Suddenly he ____________(HEAR) a noise from the kitchen. Thieves? Jacob felt scared. Someone was there. Then he smelled pies cooking. Thieves do not cook pies and he immediately knew who it was. “Gran! I'm so glad you ___________(COME)!” Jacob rushed to the kitchen and hugged the smiling little lady. “Easy, easy, or I'll drop the saucepan. I ____________(MAKE) your favourite pie with vanilla sauce. Where do you keep cinnamon by the way? Cinnamon ____________(WRITE) here, but there isn't any,” the woman handed him a little spice jar. “I don't know, Gran, honestly! But the cinnamon _________(NOT MATTER). It's great that you are here. I've got a lot to tell you.” The woman smiled. “OK, you get dressed and when you are ready, we _________(CHAT). Hurry up!”


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«Mia was suddenly taken ill at school. She felt very hot and __________(SHE) head ached terribly. The teacher insisted on taking her to the doctor.»

Mia was suddenly taken ill at school. She felt very hot and __________(SHE) head ached terribly. The teacher insisted on taking her to the doctor. However, when Mia __________(BRING) to the school medical room, the doctor was out. The nurse _________(TAKE) her temperature  — it was very high and she immediately called for the doctor. The doctor examined her.

“It's the __________(FOUR) sick child since morning. The symptoms are the same. It's the flu.” The doctor looked worried and upset. Then he addressed. Mia:“When exactly did you start to feel unwell?” “It was in Maths. We ___________(WRITE) a test when I started to feel weak and very tired. I wasn't able to concentrate on the test.” “I see. I'll give you an injection and you'll feel a bit _________(WELL). We have to contact your parents so that they can collect you.”

“I ___________(CALL) her mum already,” the nurse said. “She'll be here soon.” “Fine. And we need to take measures to prevent the virus from spreading throughout the school.” The doctor said that he __________(HAVE TO) see the headmaster and Mia saw him leave the room. But she ____________(NOT CAN) remember anything else  — she'd fallen into a deep sleep.


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Christy enjoyed exploring the world. With her father, she'd been to the most amazing places in New Zealand, her native country. However, everything _____________(BE) different now. She was travelling alone and that made her feel nervous. A couple of weeks before, she received her aunt's invitation to visit Europe. At first Christy ___________(NOT WANT) to go, but her mother insisted that visiting Europe would do her a lot of good. Christy's mother had been to Europe three times and she said that she ____________(GO) there again. She planned her __________(FOUR) trip to be to Italy. Christy sighed. Her mother was different. She was the ____________(COMMUNICATIVE) person Christy had ever seen. She enjoyed __________(MEET) new people and knew many languages. She was clever and brave. The announcement interrupted Christy's train of thought: Ladies and ___________(GENTLEMAN), fasten your belts, please. We __________(LAND) The temperature in Paris-Orly Airport is  — 2 degrees Celsius. Christy shuddered. “What am I going to do in that ice-cold city? I wish I _________(BE) home now. I would give anything to be there,” she suddenly felt like crying.


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John was not surprised to see that nobody had met him at the station. The weather __________(BE) awful  — it was windy and it was raining hard. His __________(FOOT) got wet in seconds. His old jacket _________(NOT CAN) defend him from the rain or the wind. “If I don't find a shelter and a warm drink, I _________(GET) a cold, and no one will benefit from my coming here,” John said to ___________(HE) and went back inside the railway station. It was the _____________(ONE) time the seventeen-year-old John had ever left his home village where he lived with his mother and two sisters. A letter from his uncle was a surprise but not a pleasant one. His uncle had written that his health was getting worse and that he __________(NEED) someone to help him in his grocery shop. John's mother decided that he __________(GO) to the town to work in the shop. He was far from feeling delighted about it but he was the ___________(OLD) child in the family and it was his duty to help his mother and to support his sisters.


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When Allan got to the airport, the airport official said: “I’m sorry, sir, but your plane __________________(TAKE) off. You will have to take the next flight. You __________________(ARRIVE) in New York at about midnight.” Allan was very upset: “I must be in New York at 6pm. I have a job interview there. I can't miss it. It’s the __________________(GOOD) job in the world. Thousands of men and __________________(WOMAN) dream of such a job.” The airport lady __________________(SAY) nothing and turned to another passenger. Allan wanted to ask her about other possible options, but she looked very busy so he stepped aside. Allan didn't know what to do. He realised that he _________(HAVE) to call the company manager and tell him that he would not come. For the __________________(ONE) time in his life Allan felt really disappointed. There probably wouldn't be a second chance for __________________(HE). He pulled out his notebook. The time of the interview __________________(WRITE) there: 6pm, Tuesday. Allan looked at his digital watch and read: 2pm, Monday.


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Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. This story happened to

__________________ (THEY) when they had to leave their home city, London, during the war.

They __________________ (SEND) to the house of an old Professor who lived in the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station. He __________________ (NOT/HAVE) a wife and he lived in a very large house with a housekeeper. He himself was a very old man with white hair which grew over most of his face as well as on his head. The children liked him almost at once. Only Lucy, who was the __________________(YOUNG) of them, felt a little afraid of him. On their __________________ (ONE) evening, after dinner, they said good night to the Professor and went upstairs. It was the largest house they had ever seen, so Peter suggested exploring it in the morning. When the next morning came, there was a steady rain falling. "I wish the weather __________________(BE) more cheerful!" said Edmund. Stop complaining, Ed," said Susan. "I think the weather __________________ (IMPROVE) soon. "We were going to explore the house," Peter reminded them. He __________________ (EAT) a sandwich at the moment and was absolutely happy with the whole situation. Everyone nodded and at that point their amazing adventures __________________ (BEGIN).


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There is an old legend. One day, the animals gathered in the wood for a chat. The Hare came forward and said that he was the ___________ (FAST) of all the animals. "I have never yet been beaten," he said. “If I run at full speed, no one ________ (CATCH) me”, he boasted. “I can beat anyone here. Who wants to race with me?” The Tortoise answered ________ (HE) quietly, "I want to race." “That’s the best joke I’ve ever heard! I could dance round you all the day”, answered the Hare. “I wish I_________ (HAVE) a stronger competitor.” “Keep your boasting for when you’ve won”, smiled the Tortoise. She was wearing large sunglasses and a pretty hat. Her hat ________ (MAKE) of yellow straw and suited her very much. “Shall we race?” asked the Tortoise. The Monkey was appointed as a referee. She signalled the start and, at once, the Hare rushed almost out of sight. Soon he stopped and, to show the Tortoise his disrespect, he _________ (LIE) down to have a nap. He _____________ (NOT/NOTICE) when he fell asleep. When the Hare awoke from his nap, he saw the Tortoise just near the winning-post. There _________ (BE) no time for him to save the race. In a second, the Tortoise crossed the line, turned back to the Hare and exclaimed “Wow! I ___________ (WIN)!" She was aware of the old wisdom that says: "Slow and steady wins the race."


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Jack always put off his homework because he wanted to watch television. At first his mother let him do this. However, after watching television, Jack __________________ (NOT/WANT) to do anything either. He said: “I __________________ (BE) too tired. I’ll get up early tomorrow to do my homework”. Naturally, the next day he __________________ (WAKE) up late and went to school without doing his homework. At last his mother said: ‘You can only watch TV when you’ve done your homework.' However, half an hour later, when she entered the room, she saw that Jack __________________ (WATCH) TV! “I __________________ (DO) my homework already!” Jack announced and turned back to the screen. His mum had a look at his exercise books. The homework was there, but it __________________ (WRITE) carelessly and obviously contained lots of mistakes. “I wish Thomas Edison __________________ (CAN) see how his invention affects some people.” Jack’s mother said. “Who’s Thomas Edison?” asked Jack. “A great scientist. He studied electricity and he invented the light bulb to light our houses. Television wouldn’t be possible without __________________ (HE).” One day, in class, the teacher asked the students who Thomas Edison was. Jack answered at once: “He was the __________________ (ONE) man who gave people the opportunity to watch television without candlelight.”


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Peter asked his mother to give him driving lessons. She was an instructor in a driving school, the best school in _______________ (THEY) town. Peter __________ (KNOW) that his mother could give him a hard time. She would be much _________ (STRICT) with him than with the other students. But Peter __________ (NOT/MIND) that. He wanted to become a very good driver, which meant he should know the car inside out. His mother said she __________ (ALLOW) him to join her course if he promised to fulfill all her requirements. And Peter agreed. In the morning he learnt the traffic rules in his mother’s classroom and in the evening he was in the garage studying what cars _____________ (MAKE) of. “It’s really important to understand how the engine ___________ (WORK),” Peter’s mother kept saying, “When you get your driving license, this knowledge ______________ (HELP) you to drive responsibly.” Peter didn’t understand how the technical things could influence driving skills but he listened to his mother. “You ___________ (LEARN) everything you need,” Peter’s mother said one day, “Now you are ready to take the driver’s seat.” Peter felt happy.


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Michael heard his alarm clock ringing but he could not open his eyes. Then his mum __________ (COME) into the room and turned on the light: “I know there’s nothing _____________ (DIFFICULT) than to get up early in the morning in December.” Mum bent and kissed Michael’s cheek. “Oh, you are boiling! Your head is so hot. Michael, __________ (BE) you all right? Michael at last managed to open his eyes. “Yes, I’m fine. But my head is spinning and my eyes hurt.”

“It’s probably the flu. Look, Michael, I wish I ___________ (CAN) stay with you today, but I can’t. I have to be in our office till at least 3pm.” Don’t worry, Mum. If I need anything, I______________ (CALL) you at once.” “I_____________ (MAKE) sandwiches already.”

“I don’t want to eat, Mum.” “Ok. I’ll put ___________ (THEY) in the fridge.” When his mum left, Michael woke up completely. He reached for the bookshelf and took out an old book of fairy tales. It _______________ (BUY) by his great-grandmother, when he was a small child. She often said that even in her old age she ______________ (LOVE) these tales more than anything else. Michael opened the book and sank into the world of mystery and wonders.


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Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. This story happened to __________________ (THEY) when they had to leave their home city, London, during the war. They __________________ (SEND) to the house of an old Professor who lived in the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station. He __________________ (NOT/HAVE) a wife and he lived in a very large house with a housekeeper. He himself was a very old man with white hair which grew over most of his face as well as on his head. The children liked him almost at once. Only Lucy, who was the __________________ (YOUNG) of them, felt a little afraid of him. On their __________________ (ONE) evening, after dinner, they said good night to the Professor and went upstairs. It was the largest house they had ever seen, so Peter suggested exploring it in the morning. When the next morning came, there was a steady rain falling. "I wish the weather __________________ (BE) more cheerful!" said Edmund. "Stop complaining, Ed," said Susan. "I think the weather __________________ (IMPROVE) soon. "We were going to explore the house," Peter reminded them. He __________________ (EAT) a sandwich at the moment and was absolutely happy with the whole situation. Everyone nodded and at that point their amazing adventures __________________ (BEGIN).


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It was a fresh, clear morning. Pamela opened the window and looked out. Her flat was on the __________________ (THREE) floor and she could see the busy street below perfectly well. Pamela was happy to live in the city. She came from a small village and moved to the city only two years before. Here she had a good job, a nice flat, and lots of new friends – she could not wish for a __________________ (GOOD) life than now. Pamela was about to close the window when a man on the street attracted her attention. The man __________________ (WEAR) an old-fashioned coat and a checked cap. Pamela __________________ (NOT/CAN) see his face but the man looked familiar. She was sure that she __________________ (SEE) him somewhere before. The man looked up and Pamela recognized him. He was Old Tom, the village baker and her former neighbour.

“Hey, Pam!” he shouted to __________________ (SHE). “Can you let me in? The front door __________________ (LOCK) and I can’t get upstairs.” “Yes, sure,” nodded Pamela. “I __________________ (BE) downstairs in a minute.” Though Tom’s voice sounded calm and casual, she __________________ (FEEL) a sudden panic. “What made him travel all the long way from the village?” she wondered.


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It may sound strange but I started roller skating when I was relatively old. A friend of mine gave me a pair of roller skates for my __________________ (EIGHTEEN) birthday. He said that he __________________ (TEACH) me some basic skating skills the next Saturday but disappeared for weeks. At first, I wanted to give the skates to someone else but I __________________ (NOT/CAN) think of anybody who met both requirements – to be keen on roller skating and to have the same size feet as mine. So, I put the skates on the shelf in the pantry and __________________ (FORGET) about them. “What are these?” my mum asked. She saw the skates when she __________________ (TIDY) up the pantry, “Why do you never go skating?” “I __________________ (GO) skating if I could skate. But unfortunately I can’t,” I said. “And it’s better to learn to skate in childhood, isn’t it?” “Right,” Mum nodded, “But you have no choice. You’ll never be any __________________ (YOUNG) than you are now.” That sounded like a good reason to start something new. I put the skates in my rucksack and headed to the park. There

__________________ (BE) lots of skaters in the park. Most of __________________ (THEY) moved gracefully and effortlessly. Some looked really clumsy.


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The class had already started but the desk next to me was still unoccupied. It wasn’t like Ted to be late for school - he usually came ________________ (EARLY) than me. I wanted to text or call him but it was prohibited to use the phone in class. ‘Do you know where Ted is?’ I turned to Amy who was Ted’s neighbour and usually____________ (KNOW) everything about everyone. ‘I have no idea,’ Amy shrugged her shoulders. ‘He ___________ (NOT/TAKE) our school bus in the morning.’ Her answer made _____________ (I) feel even more worried than before. ‘I _________________ (CALL) him up as soon as I can,’ I decided and got back to the maths. We _________________ (WRITE) a test when Ted appeared at the doorway. His left arm was in plaster. Without asking any questions, the teacher gave him a sign to sit down. In a whisper I asked Ted what had happened. ‘Nothing serious,’ Ted whispered back and said that he _____________ (TELL) me everything after the class.’ At break time Ted felt like a celebrity. His arm ________________ (BREAK) in two places but it only made him more popular with his classmates. Everyone wanted to know the details of the accident. ‘There _____________ (BE) one really good thing about it all,’ Ted laughed. “I won’t have to write tests for some time, as I’m lefthanded.


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When you look at this lovely house in the Welsh countryside, you may think it's a picture from J.R.R. Tolkien's book “The Hobbit”. In fact it's a real house designed by a real person.

 When __________________(THEY) first son was born, Simon Dale’s wife, Jasmine, said: “I wish we __________________(LIVE) in the country. It would be so good for the baby”. However, they __________________(NOT/HAVE) enough money to buy or rent a house in the country so they decided to take matters into their own hands. The house __________________(BUILD) by Simon himself, with a bit of help from his friends. The result was impressive. The home is made from natural materials, such as wood, stone and mud. It uses solar panels for energy and its water __________________(COME) from a nearby spring. It took Simon four months to complete his fairytale home. He managed to create a modern wooden eco-home – one of the __________________(WONDERFUL) houses you can imagine. Simon Dale said, “I __________________(START) working on a new house of the same eco-style. My __________________(TWO) house will be smarter than the first one. My son __________________(BE) five now and I hope to celebrate his tenth birthday in a new house.”


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Stonehenge is an ancient monument in south-west England. For me, it’s the __________________(INTERESTING) place I’ve ever visited. I clearly remember my __________________(ONE) visit to Stonehenge with my aunt and uncle. They lived nearby and I often __________________(GO) to stay with them in my summer holidays. On the day of __________________(WE) trip the weather was fine. There __________________(BE) a cool wind blowing, the sun was

bright in the sky and Stonehenge looked calm and magical. In those days it was possible to walk among the stones and even touch them. It's very different now. Stonehenge __________________(BECOME) more crowded than it was. As a result, now people __________________(ALLOW) to walk around the monument but they can’t come up very close to it. Today I wish I __________________(HAVE) an opportunity to get inside the circle again but unfortunately it is not possible any more. The Stonehenge mystery is still unexplained but I believe scientists __________________(SOLVE) it in the near future.


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Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood were our neighbours. They had two __________________(CHILD). Their son Michael __________________(NOT/DIFFER) from the other children very much but their daughter Matilda was a brilliant child. By the time she was five, Matilda was able to read very well. She studied every magazine and newspaper that she __________________(CAN) find around the house. Actually, she read __________________(WELL) than most school pupils. One afternoon when the parents were out of the house, Matilda put on __________________(SHE) dress and shoes and went to the library. The librarian was surprised to see such a small child. "Are you here for the __________________(ONE) time? Would you like me to find a nice book with lots of pictures for you?" she asked. “No, thank you, I __________________(FIND) what I need,” answered Matilda and pointed to a thick book of fairy tales. Then she added, “I __________________(COME) for a new book as soon as I finish this one”. The librarian was really shocked when she saw Matilda only two days later.

“I wish all children __________________(LIKE) reading so much,” the librarian said. From that day on Matilda went to the library every afternoon.


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Dana Miller was a bus driver in the city of Philadelphia. Her working hours __________________(BE) from 10.00 pm till 6:00 am. It was a hard job and very few __________________(WOMAN) worked as bus drivers in those days but Dana loved her job very much. One of her regular passengers was a guitar player. Every Friday night he got on the bus carrying his guitar. The guitar __________________(MAKE) of wood, not plastic and Dana liked the way it sounded. “You should come to see our show,” the guitarist kept saying to Dana.

“I __________________(SEE) it one day,” Dana promised each time, but she never said when exactly she __________________(GO). Another passenger who often used Dana’s bus was a Biscuit Lady. She worked at the biscuit factory and often __________________(GIVE) Dana a small bag of biscuits. Dana __________________(NOT/LIKE) sweets and pastries very much but she could never resist those biscuits  — they were so fresh and tasty. “How was your night?” Dana’s husband liked to ask __________________(SHE) when she came home.

“Good music, good food and a great view of the city,” she cheerfully answered. “I wish I ______________(ENJOY) my work as much as you enjoy yours,” her husband said, “ but I’m going to have just another boring day at the office.”


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Most adults miss their childhood. “Your school years are the __________________(GOOD) years of your life,”  — have you ever heard that phrase? Just recently, while I was on my way to work, I started thinking back to my own school years. They probably were not troublefree but there __________________(BE) many reasons for us to feel happy at school. One of them was spending every single day with friends. We __________________(NOT/GET) tired of being together. The __________________(TWO) one was uniform. Yes, in my opinion, the school uniform had more advantages than disadvantages. __________________(MY) was dark green. It was unfashionable but comfortable. It __________________(MAKE) of natural materials. Besides, the uniform saved a lot of time in the mornings. Now it __________________(TAKE) me hours to decide what to wear. Another thing is that I don’t really like sport. But at school we __________________(PLAY) football, netball, hockey and so on. Sport was compulsory. Now I realise that this was a good thing! And of course there were… holidays! Christmas, Easter, halfterm, and the jackpot  — the summer holidays.

I wish I __________________(HAVE) as much free time now.


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Dad usually comes up with original ideas. Last Sunday Dad __________________(DECIDE) that we should all go on a camping trip. The idea came to him while he __________________(READ) an article about camping. The article said that camping brings families together. “Not true”, I smiled. “What about television? It usually __________________(HELP) families to feel a lot more united.” “If the weather is fine, we __________________(GO) on a trip next weekend,” Dad said and put his magazine on the coffee table. I quickly looked over at my __________________(YOUNG) brother, Paul. He gave me a knowing smile, “Do you remember __________________(WE) last trip?” I certainly did. Last summer Dad told us that fishing would be a great activity for our family. We bought four expensive fishing rods and drove for three long hours to a big lake in Virginia.

When we got there, we discovered that we __________________(FORGET) to take the fishing rods. Ten minutes later we made another unpleasant discovery: we __________________(NOT/HAVE) the tent which meant we couldn’t stay overnight and we had to drive all the way back home again. We __________________(BE) tired and disappointed with the trip.


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It was Friday evening. Liz was looking forward to Saturday because it was her husband’s birthday.

She had been preparing for this event for a long time. She had invited __________________(THEY) college friends and they were all coming from different cities. The best part was that Carlos, her husband, __________________(NOT/KNOW) anything about the arrangements. It was going to be a surprise. Liz __________________(MAKE) sandwiches when Carlos came into the kitchen. “Look, darling,” he said, “I know it’s my birthday tomorrow but I don’t want to do anything special for it.” Liz thought, “I wish I __________________(CAN) cancel the party but I can’t – it’s too late. The party will take place anyway and it will be the __________________(GOOD) party ever”. When Carlos came home on Saturday, there __________________(BE) lots of people there. Carlos __________________(TELL) them that he felt very happy to see them all and it was true! The guests enjoyed their dinner and then Liz brought in a cake. The cake __________________(DECORATE) with chocolates and jellies, and it had as many candles as the number of years Carlos had reached that day. Carlos couldn’t blow them out on the __________________(ONE) try and his friends were delighted to help him.


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After school, I decided to go to university. I __________________(CHOOSE) St Andrews University in Scotland. At that time I __________________(NOT/KNOW) much about the University but when I arrived there, I liked it at once. Now I'm in my last year and I wish I __________________(CAN) stay here forever! St Andrews University is a truly special place. It __________________(BUILD) 600 years ago and it is one of the oldest universities in the English-speaking world. It has many traditions – for example, the ‘May Dip’. It is held on the __________________(ONE) of May every year. All the students run into the North Sea at sunrise to celebrate the coming of spring and for good luck in their exams! One of my classmates said that the tradition __________________(HELP)him to pass his exams last summer. For me the ‘May Dip’ was the __________________(COLD) experience of my life! Because the weather is famously cold, St Andrews students designed __________________(THEY) own uniform which consists of a warm jacket, jeans and boat shoes. The uniform __________________(MAKE) us all look the same, but it is the only way to keep warm!


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It was a cold January day in York, Pennsylvania. Dr. James turned on the television to check on the weather. The weatherman said that it was going to stay cold for several days. According to him, the roads __________________(BE) very dangerous because of the snow and ice and he strongly recommended staying at home if at all possible. Dr. James __________________(NOT/CAN) stay at home. He worked in a hospital and there were patients waiting for him there. He put on a sweater, jacket, gloves, boots and a hat, and opened his front door. Everything __________________(COVER) with snow. A cold wind blew inside. “Wow,” Dr. James said. “The weatherman was right! I wish I __________________(HAVE) a reindeer instead of my old car.” When Dr. James __________________(DRIVE) slowly to work, he saw an accident. He stopped and __________________(RUN) to the damaged car. There was a man and two __________________(CHILD) inside. “Is everyone okay?” Dr. James asked.

“Yes, yes, we are fine,” answered the man. “I __________________(CALL) 911 already. They are coming to help __________________(WE). It looks like we won’t get to school today.”


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Martin was in a hurry as he had to be in the office as soon as possible. His boss __________________(NOT/LIKE) it when anyone missed the morning meetings and Martin had already been late several times that week. His boss had warned him: “If you are late again, you __________________(LOSE) your job.” Martin was afraid of losing his job. His colleagues were nice to him, the salary was good and he sometimes __________________(GO) on business trips abroad. It was actually the __________________(GOOD) job he had ever had. He ran out of the house, jumped into his car and backed up without looking. BOOM!

There __________________(BE) a sound like someone hitting a drum. Martin had hit the car behind him. “Oh, no!” Martin exclaimed.

Martin glanced at his watch. It was 7:18. He looked around. There were no __________________(POLICEMAN) on the street and he decided to drive off quickly. It took __________________(HE) 20 minutes to get to work. The boss was not around. “Thank goodness,” Martin said to himself and sat down at his desk to work.

The boss arrived an hour later. “Somebody hit my car and left without leaving a note,” he said angrily. “I wish I __________________(KNOW) who he was. My car was absolutely new! It __________________(BUY) only a week ago.”

Martin went up to the window, saw the car and understood that he would lose his job anyway.


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Tracey was very unhappy and scared. She was starting a new school.

“I __________________(NOT/WANT) to go to school today,” Tracey told her father. “I understand, Tracey,” he said. “Starting a new school can be very difficult. But you have to.”

A month before __________________(THEY) family had moved to a new town and everything was still new and strange for Tracey. Dad smoothed Tracey’s hair down and __________________(GIVE) her a little hug, “When your classes __________________(BE) over, I’ll pick you up, ok?” When Tracey got to school and looked at the big building, she thought, “I wish I __________________(CAN) run away,” but she knew it was impossible. She took a deep breath and walked up the steps to school. She went straight into her __________________(FIVE) grade classroom. “That must be Tracey,” “Hello, Tracey!”, “Welcome, Tracey!” the __________________(CHILD) in the room welcomed her. Everyone seemed friendly and Tracey felt a little __________________(GOOD). The father picked her up after school. “How was your day?” he asked. To his surprise Tracey answered that she __________________(LIKE) her new school.

“You are a brave girl,” her father said. “I’m proud of you.”


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Jane liked going to the park with her mum. One day when they were there, she said, “There is so much rubbish on the ground.” They looked around. There were old __________________(BOX), waste paper and cans on the ground. Several benches __________________(BREAK). “You are right,” her mum said. “I wish people __________________(CARE) about the environment more.” “I do care about it but I __________________(NOT/KNOW) what I can do to help the park,” said Jane. Jane and her mum went home. In the evening she painted a picture of the park. At the top of the picture she __________________(WRITE) “PLEASE KEEP ME CLEAN”. The next day Jane and her mum went to the park __________________(EARLY) than usual. Jane taped her picture onto a big rubbish bin and started picking up rubbish. Some children ran over to see what was going on. They decided to help Jane. Soon all the rubbish was in the bags.

“Good job,” Jane said, “We __________________(CLEAN) half of the park. If we come and complete the other part tomorrow, the whole park __________________(BE) clean and tidy. I hope people won’t throw __________________(THEY) rubbish here any more.”


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It was an early morning. Ben jumped out of his bed as soon as the __________________(ONE) rays of sun came into the room. He grabbed his backpack and started to pack. Ben put in some of his favourite things to take with

__________________(HE) on the trip to Grandpa’s. He put in his favourite book, his kite and his teddy bear. Soon everything __________________(PACK) and he started to get dressed. Visiting Grandpa had always been the __________________(GOOD) part of his summer vacation. Together, they went fishing and watched football matches.

Ben’s granddad __________________(TEACH) him how to repair bikes and other things. Ben’s mum entered his room. “Grandpa’s here,” she said with a smile. Ben told her that he __________________(BE) ready to go. He grabbed his backpack and ran into the kitchen where Grandpa __________________(DRINK) his tea. “Ready, big guy?” asked Grandpa. “Will you have breakfast before we leave?” “No, I __________________(NOT/BE) hungry”, Ben answered, “I’ll have breakfast at your place. Grandma __________________(COOK) something nice for me, hasn’t she?”


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I was sitting in an arm-chair and watching my sister Alison. She was getting ready for a party. Alison was 15 years __________________(OLD) than me and she always treated me like a child. Alison took her jewelry box from the table. The box __________________(MAKE) of wood and had colourful stones on the top. “You know you must never touch it, right?” Alison said. “If the box was mine, I __________________(ALLOW) you to touch it whenever you wanted,” I answered. Alison said nothing to that. When she put on her jewelry, she looked like a princess. She moved gracefully as if her __________________(FOOT) didn’t touch the ground. Alison kissed me goodnight and left. I tried to resist my curiosity but I __________________(NOT/CAN). I opened the box. There __________________(BE) lots of rings, ear-rings, bracelets and necklaces inside. I got them all out. The __________________(ONE) piece of jewelry I tried on was a silver necklace. After that I lost track of time. Suddenly I __________________(SEE) Alison. She was standing at the doorway and looking at me angrily. I __________________(NOT/KNOW) what to say.

Many years have passed since that night. Now I am a designer – I create clothes and accessories. My sister likes my work very much.


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The phone rang in Clark Taylor’s house at nearly three in the morning. He answered it only after the __________________(FIVE) ring. “Hello,” Clark said in a sleepy voice. “Mr. Taylor. Thank goodness. I need your help.”

Clark definitely __________________(KNOW) the voice. However, he was sleepy and __________________(NOT/CAN) remember who it was. “Mr. Taylor!” the man said. “I am in trouble. The police allowed me only one phone call. And I am calling you.”

Then, the fog cleared. Although nearly ten years had passed since __________________(THEY) last meeting, Clark was able to recognise the voice. It belonged to Martin Hall, one of the __________________(BRIGHT) math students he had ever had. “Martin, what’s happened? Where are you? ” Clark asked. “In the police station. I __________________(ARREST) at the railway station two hours ago. I was going to a conference. The police mistook me for another person. The irony is that I really do look like the criminal that they are looking for.

Besides that, I __________________(LOSE) my ID card and I can’t prove who I am. You are the only person in this town who knows me. Can you help me?” Martin Hall asked. “If you give me the address, I __________________(COME) at once,” Clark said, jumping up of the bed. It was not difficult for him to prove that Martin Hall was his former student. Clark brought a scientific journal with Martin’s article and a photo of him. The __________________(POLICEMAN) were surprised to find out that their prisoner was a capable young scientist.


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By today’s standards, my mobile phone is pretty basic. It’s a Nokia. It’s a small device that receives telephone calls and sends text messages. Other than that, my phone __________________(NOT/DO) much. Most of my friends wish they __________________(HAVE) smartphones because they are cool and trendy. They say the __________________(GOOD) thing about a smartphone is that you ‘can do everything with it!’ That’s right, smartphones have many more functions than a simple phone, however, not all of them are needed. In everyday life, smartphones __________________(USE) mainly for checking social networking sites, replying to emails, and playing games. Grown-ups as well as __________________(CHILD) like playing games. Anyway, I prefer my good old Nokia. It’s my __________________(ONE) mobile phone. When I bought it, it didn’t cost __________________(I) very much. And I am not afraid anyone will ever steal it. It’s also very reliable. Yesterday I dropped it. It __________________(FLY) down the staircase and hit the wall. I thought that __________________(BE) the end of it and I would have to buy a new one. But nothing of the kind  — it still works properly!


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Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. This story happened to __________________(THEY) when they had to leave their home city, London, during the war. They __________________(SEND) to the house of an old Professor who lived in the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station. He __________________(NOT/HAVE) a wife and he lived in a very large house with a housekeeper. He himself was a very old man with white hair which grew over most of his face as well as on his head.

The children liked him almost at once. Only Lucy, who was the __________________(YOUNG) of them, felt a little afraid of him. On their __________________(ONE) evening, after dinner, they said good night to the Professor and went upstairs. It was the largest house they had ever seen, so Peter suggested exploring it in the morning. When the next morning came, there was a steady rain falling.

“I wish the weather __________________(BE) more cheerful!” said Edmund. “Stop complaining, Ed,” said Susan. “I think the weather __________________(IMPROVE) soon.” “We were going to explore the house,” Peter reminded them. He __________________(EAT) a sandwich at the moment and was absolutely happy with the whole situation.

Everyone nodded and at that point their amazing adventures __________________(BEGIN).


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I come from England but now I live permanently in Quebec, Canada. When my parents __________________(BRING) me to Canada, I was fifteen. It was the winter and I __________________(IMPRESS) by the amount of snow there. I asked my new friends what they usually __________________(DO) for entertainment in such a cold climate. Their answer was simple, “In winter __________________(CHILD) and adults go skiing and skating.”

Before arriving in Canada I had never tried skating and my Canadian ice experience was really painful. To start with, it took __________________(I) half an hour to pu on the skates. I _________________(NOT/KNOW) how to move so my new friends showed me some basic techniques. However, when I was left alone on the ice, I __________________(FALL) over immediately. When I opened my eyes, my new friends were standing around. They weren’t laughing, they looked worried. “Are you OK?” they asked. “Fine,” I said, “I wish I __________________(CAN) skate as easily as you do.” “You definitely will,” they smiled. And they were right. By the end of my __________________(ONE) winter in Canada, I felt confident on the ice. More than that, I found out that skating was a really exciting activity!


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