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School life. Education. Открытый урок в 8 классе

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«School life. Education. Открытый урок в 8 классе»

School life. Education. Открытый урок в 8 классе. Учитель Матвеева С.В.

Цели урока:

  1. Расширить кругозор учащихся знаниями об образовании и видах школьной деятельности в других странах.

  2. Учить понимать и извлекать основную информацию из короткого аудио текста на предвиденный сюжет.

  3. Развивать умение высказывать своё согласие/несогласие в ответ на полученную информацию.

  4. Развивать умение работать в парах и группах, выражая своё отношение к поступкам сверстников.

  5. Воспитывать позитивную «Я-концепцию» и сознательное отношение к получению образования.

Тип урока: усвоения новых знаний. Level B1+

Учебник Upstream B1+ Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley Express Publishing 2006 (2010)

Этапы урока


Формы работы



Т: Good morning, dear children! Today we shall speak about our school, your education and school life. I hope that you our lesson will be useful and interesting for you. I wish you good luck and active work

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent?


беседа с дежурным

1 мин

2.Warming up

3. Phonetic drills

T. When we speak about school we use different words and have different associations. Please complete the lists with these words.

Further Education school

College University Types of school

Primary secondary high state private

School subjects French

Maths Art Geography Music

Science English School facilities library lab playing fields

playground canteen gym

People in a school head teacher headmaster pupil nursery librarian

T. The motto of our lesson is “Education made us what we are”. Claude Adrian Helvetius. We have a very important sound [ςn] Repeat it after me [ςn] Education, demonstration, illumination, reputation, resolution, destination.

Мозговая атака

Spider gram


1 мин

4. Problem question

Work hard and try to understand why we use the words of famous French philosopher as a motto of our lesson?

1 мин

5. Vocabulary

1. assignment

2. absence

3. apply

4. attend

4. blame

5. catch up

6. co-educational

7. compulsory

8. degree

9. enroll

10. exception

11. exhibition

12. graduate

13, rehearsal

14. schedule

15. threaten

[ əˈsaɪnmənt ]

[ ˈæbsəns ]

[ əˈplaɪ ]

[ əˈtɛnd ]

[ bleɪm ]

[ kæʧ ʌp ]

[ kəʊ-ˌɛdju(ː)ˈkeɪʃənl ]

[ kəmˈpʌlsəri ]

[ dɪˈgriː]

[ ɪnˈrəʊl ]

[ ɪkˈsɛpʃən]

[ ˌɛksɪˈbɪʃən]

[ˈgrædjʊət ]

[ rɪˈhɜːsəl ]


[ˈθrɛtn ]






подхватить, догнать

совместное обучение

обязательное (обучение)

градус, степень, ступень

вносить в список



кончать (любое) уч.завед.




Хором, по цепочке,

в парах

2-3 мин

6.Discussion of the questions

T. Discuss the questions with your partner. You can use words from ex1 to help you.

Do ex.2.p42

Диалоги, работа в парах

3 мин


T.: Listen to Slava talking about his school life and make notes using the following headings on the board. Copy the headings in your notebooks.

(Track №34)

Вып. зад. по извл.информ. из ауд\текста

3-4 мин

8. Project work

T. Let’s compare our school life with Slava’s. your home task was to prepare your project work. You should collect information about your favourite school subjects and prepare a commentary.

P1. Our work was very interesting. As for me, I have distributed the sheets of paper with such questions as “Which is your favourite school subject?” (for pupils) and “ Which is more important school subject for your kid?”

P 2, 3 Our task was to read the answers and analyze them.

P 4. My task was to made a diagram. Look. Here are the results.



Защита презентации

2 мин

9. Writing

Ex.4, p.42 match the verbs to the nouns to make phrases related to things you do at school as in the example.

Memorise these phrases.

индивидуально, взаимоконтроль;

2 ученика – у доски составляют предложения, объясняя времена глаголов

2 мин

10. Reading

Look at the texts 1-4 p. 43 What type are they? Ex 8a, p.43

(note, e-mail, notice, advert)

Read the texts. What does each mean? Circle the correct letter A, B C

You have 3-5 minutes to do the task. Compare your answers with your partner.


индивидуально, взаимоконтроль;

1 min

11. video

T. Look the video story. Try to guess what country is it about? What school subjects do the learn?

3 min

11. Consolidation facts

T. Let’s work in groups. Each group has a letter from your pen-friend who describes his school life. Read your letters and think about your problem situation for the second group.

Group work

8 min

1st letter

Dear friend,

How are things doing? Just dropping you a line to tell you about my school in York.

I really like going to school here. My classmates are all really friendly. The teachers are strict but very helpful. We are taught Art, Business Studies, Citizenship, Design And Technology, ,Drama, English, Geography, History, ICT, Languages, Maths,

Modern Studies, Music and other subjects. My friend Tim doesn’t like using computers. He says that it doesn’t matter whether he needs to use them for education or for anything else. Anyway, got to go now – I’ve got an English test tomorrow. Keep in touch.


-P: What do you think about using computers? Give your opinion

- Computers help us to find information, to find new friends, to listen music, to play games, to send e-mails and so on.

2nd letter

Dear Julia,

Hi! How are you? Sorry I haven’ been in touch for a while but I’ve been really busy. Anyway, I’ve got some free time, so I thought I’d drop you a line and tell you about my school. I go to a co-educational, middle school in Chicago. We are taught Language arts, American History, Algebra, Geometry if you're really smart, Phisical Science and

Phisical Education. My favourite subject is American History. What is yours? But it is rather hard to remember some dates. Last lesson the teacher gave me a very law grade and I was very upset. Say me, please, what should I do? Write soon.

Love, Ann.

-P: Give your advice how to remember history dates? Read and learn by heart, read more books.


What did you do at our lesson? What have you learnt?


T. Well done! Why have we used the words of Claude Adrian Helvetius. “Education made us what we are”.

Education gives us : knowledge, freedom, respect, school, lessons, books…

When we speak about education, we speak about teachers, school subjects, the study and the fun! Sometimes we love school, sometimes we hate it. It is our school, where we learn to read and write. Why is Education Important?

Education gives us knowledge of the world around us. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. Some say, education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world while knowledge is something very different. They are right. But information cannot be converted into knowledge without education. Education makes us capable of interpreting things rightly. It is not just about lessons in textbooks. It is about the lessons of life.

Мозговая атака

Заключительное слово учителя.

1 мин.

14 Home work

Ex10, p. 43 revise the new words and write the e-mail layout on the board.

Записывают в дневники

1 мин.


Рекомендуем курсы ПК и ППК для учителей

Вебинар для учителей

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