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Sights in London

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Цель урока: развитие умения подготовленной монологической речи на основе текта из учебника Starlight 5 "Sightseeing in London"

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«Sights in London»

Тип урока: урок развития умений

Задачи урока:

Практические задачи

  • развивать умения подготовленной монологической речи до уровня развернутого монологического высказывания на основе текста из учебника Starlight 5 “Sightseeing in London” p.102 и дополнительных текстов из приложения 1 по ситуации «Сдача экзамена на курсах гидов по Лондону»

Сопутствующие задачи:

  • способствовать развитию умения аудирования с общим пониманием на основе текста из учебника Starlight 5 “Sightseeing in London” p.102 и дополнительных текстов из приложения 1.


  • способствовать формированию позитивного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка на основе текстов о достопримечательностях.


  • способствовать расширению лингвокультурного кругозора учащихся посредством ознакомления с достопримечательностями Лондона.


  • способствовать развитию у учеников умений работы в команде;

  • способствовать развитию умения выступления перед аудиторией.


  • дополнительные мини-тексты по достопримечательностям Лондона со словариком (Приложение №1);

  • первое задание для команд «Собери слова» (Приложение №2);

  • второе задание для команд на соотнесение (Приложение №3).

Ход урока

Общая продолжительность урока – 40 мин.

I. Речевая подготовка (~5 мин.)

1. Организационный момент


Teacher: Hello, children! Glad to see you! How are you today?

2. Речевая разминка

Режим работы: фронтальный

Teacher: Do you know which city is the capital of Great Britain? Have you ever been to London? Do you want to visit London? Today we have such opportunity, we are going to speak about London and it’s sights. But it’s not so interesting to be just tourists, especially for you, who speak English so good. That’s why we will try to pass a guide exam. So that we will have a chance to be guides in London. These are our experts who will decide how good we are as guides.

Teacher-Class: Who is a guide? It is someone whose job is to show interesting places to tourists.

3. Фонетическая зарядка

Режим работы: фронтальный

Teacher: First of all a good guide needs to have a good pronunciation. And it will be your first task. You all have small sheets of paper with the tongue twister.

Диагностирующее чтение: Please read it, paying attention to the sound [l] and to the sound [ʌ] in the word “London”.

Читает «средний» ученик. На доске висит картинка, помогающая понять смысл скороговорки. В словах выделен звук [l] и [ʌ].

Lots of little London lamp-lighters lit London's little lamps.


Teacher: Thank you. Who is a lamp-lighter?

Teacher-Class: Let’s find the words with the sound [l].

Обучающее чтение: Now, please, listen to me and repeat after me. Don’t forget about the sound [l] and the pronunciation of the word „London“.

Teacher-S1,2,3: Please, S1,2,3 read the tongue twister. It was excellent! You all have successfully passed the first part of the exam!

На доске таблица оценки, куда учитель ставит плюсы после прохождения каждого этапа «экзамена».

1. Pronunciation

2. The names of sights

3. Understanding of the texts

4. Facts about sights

5. The sightstour

II. Основной этап урока (~30 мин.)

1. Развитие умения подготовленной монологической речи

Режим работы: в группах (по 4-5 человек, в каждой группе есть 1-2 сильных ученика)

Teacher: At home you have already read about the most important sights in London. So I think it will be easy for you to pass the next part of the exam.

We will work in 3 groups. You have the names of some sights. Your task is to put the pieces together and to write the name of the sight correct. For each correct answer you will get a point. I give you 5 minutes to complete the task. См. приложение 2.


1. Westminster Abbey

2. Tower Bridge

3. London Eye

4. Covent Garden

5. Nelsons Column

6. Tower of London

7. Buckingham Palace

8. St. Paul’s

Во время проверки ответов отрабатывается произношение. Учитель просит учащихся повторить за ним.

Teacher: The next part of the exam is the knowledge of information about sights. We are still working in groups and get points for answers. Please, give the full answer to my questions:

1) What bridge does go over the river Thames? (Tower Bridge)

2) Where was the queen crowned? (Westminster Abbey)

3) Near which palace you can see the Changing of the Guard? ( Buckingham Palace)

4) Which cathedral is constructed by Sir Christopher Wren? (St. Paul’s Cathedral)

5) Which statue can you see in the centre of Trafalgar Square? (Nelsons Column)

6) Which theatre is well known thanks to Shakespeare? (Globe Theatre)

Teacher: We continue working in groups. And your next task is to read the information about some London sights and write what they are. Then match the words to the pictures. См. приложение 3.

You have 5 minutes to complete the task.

Проверка задания: учитель показывает картинки достопримечательностей, встретивших в этом задании.

Please, look at the picture and say 2-3 sentences about this sight. Other groups listen and add the information.


1-Big Ben

2- Westminster Abbey

3 – Hyde park

4-Tower Bridge

5-The Tower of London

6-Piccadilly Circus

7-The National Gallery

  1. E

  2. C

  3. F

  4. A

  5. H

  6. B

  7. G

  8. D

Режим работы: фронтальный

Teacher: This part of the exam you have also passed very good! And the last and the most important part of the exam is the sightseeing tour around London. Each of you choose one sheet of paper with one sight of London. Imagine that our guests are tourists and experts at the same time. And you are professional guides in this double-decker bus. So tell the tourists about your sight. I give you 1 minute to think it over and we will begin.

Учитель раздает опоры слабым ученикам. В каждой группе учитель спрашивает одного сильного ученика в качестве примера. 3-х сильных учеников учитель просит при рассказе не говорить название достопримечательности.

Teacher: Your time is over.

Listen and try to guess about which place S1,2,3 tells us.

Ok, S1,2,3 have already passed the exam, so they can help our experts.

Учитель назначает сильных учеников помощниками экзаменаторов и раздает им маршрутные листы оценки других учеников.

The name of the guide

Evaluation criteria


+ or -

1. Pronunciation

2. Grammar

3. Content

Учитель собирает маршрутные листы.

III. Завершающий этап (~5 мин.)

1. Подведение итогов и оценка учащихся

Teacher: It was a great tour around London! You all are really good guides and you have passed the exam. And you get the certificates for completing course of guides training.

2. Домашнее задание

Teacher: Imagine that your family and you are going to visit London. Write 8-10 sentences about 3 places that you would like to visit and why.

Have a good day! Bye!

Приложение 1.

London's Tower Bridge is one of the most recognizable bridges in the world. It was opened in 1894 by the Royal Family. The bridge goes over the river Thames. It is 244 metres long, 16 metres wide and weighs 11000 tonnes. You can also go inside the bridge and visit the Tower bridge exhibition.

This is the Tower of London. The fortress were a castle, a prison, and a place of execution. The guards of the Tower are called beefeaters. They live at the castle together with their families. About 100 people live here. Worth seeing in the Tower are old armours and weapons, the crown jewels and the famous ravens. People say that as long as there are six ravens at the Tower, England is safe from invasion.

The Tower has about 2,5 million visitors every year.

Big Ben is the name of a huge clock in one of the tall towers of the Houses of Parliament; the clock tower is 316 feet high. The clock tower looks spectacular at night when the four clock faces are illuminated. In June 2012 the House of Commons announced that the clock tower was to be renamed the Elizabeth Tower in honour of Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee.

London Eye is the biggest Ferris wheel in the world (135 m high). 32 cabins, 25 persons each, it takes 30 minutes to make the full circle. It is by the river Thames in the middle of London. On the other side of the river lies the Houses of Parliament.

Tate Modern is a modern art gallery housed inside a former power station. You can take a guided tour and learn a lot about art through interactive exhibits and multimedia presentations. You can also play games, watch films and read books about art as well as see exhibitions.

This is Westminster Abbey. It is also a church. It was founded in the 11th century. The queen was crowned here and many famous people are buried here. The royal weddings are held here. The church lies right behind the Houses of Parliament.

This is Buckingham Palace. It is the official home of the Royal Family. If the queen is at home the flag is up.

The palace has 775 rooms and 78 bathrooms. There is a cinema and a swimming pool. It also has its own post office and police station. There are about 400 people working here. There are even 2 people who are responsible for the 300 clocks in the palace. London’s most popular spectacle is Changing the Guard near the palace.

London's Hyde Park is one of the greatest city parks. Hyde Park has something for everyone. You can enjoy swimming, boating, cycling and skating. It is famous for the Speakers’ Corner, where anyone can stand up and say what they want. It is the most democratic park.

Piccadilly Circus is a square in the middle of London. It is a meeting point of 6 streets. Nowadays it a favourite place for people to meet before going to the nearby shopping and entertainment areas.

Saint Paul’s Cathedral is the greatest work of the architect Sir Christopher Wren. The construction of the Cathedral started in 1675. The magnificent classical structure is crowned by the dome. Inside the Dome are scenes from the life of St. Paul.

Trafalgar Square is a big square in the middle of London. On the column in the centre, there is a statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The building in the background is the National Gallery.

The National Gallery has a collection of Italian, German, Dutch and French pictures. It houses a collection of over 2,300 paintings. The entry is free. It is among the most visited art museums in the world.

Covent Garden is known for its many open-air cafés, restaurants, pubs, market stalls and shops. Famous are the many street performers who entertain the visitors. The Covent Garden district is also home to several theaters and the Royal Opera House.

Madame Tussaud’s is a museum that contains wax models of famous people. There are numerous galleries such as Pirates of the Caribbean, The Royal Family, the Culture zone and the History of London. You can take picture alongside celebrities like Nicole Kidman or Leonardo DiCaprio.

The Houses of Parliament was the Royal Family’s home. But now it is the seat of the British government. The business of Parliament takes place in two places, the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

The Globe Theatre was opened in 1997. It is a replica of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, which burned down in 1613 during a performance of Shakespeare's play Henry VIII.

Saint James’s Park is at the heart of London and covers 23 hectares (58 acres). It's also home to the Mall, with many ceremonial parades and events of national celebration. It is the setting for spectacular pageants, like Trooping the Colour.


armour – доспехи

burn down – сгорать

Changing the Guard – смена караула

clock face – циферблат часов

crown jewels – королевские драгоценности

defeat – наносить поражение

dome – купол

entertainment – развлекательный

execution – казнь

ferris wheel – чертово колесо

fortress – крепость

go over – пересекать

invasion – вторжение

magnificent – роскошный

open-air – под открытым воздухом

power station – электростанция

raven – ворон

recognizable – легко узнаваемый

the House of Commons – Палата Общин

the House of Lords – палата лордов

to crown – короновать

to found – основывать

to house – разместиться

to weigh – весить

Trooping the Colour – церемония выноса знамени

weapon – оружие

wedding – свадьба

Приложение 2.

1. tmi bbey wes era nst

2. erb ge tow rid

3. ye nd one lo

4. rd en en tga cov

5. neoslns cmounl

6. twore fo ldonon

7. bihmackgun paleac

8. ts palus


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