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Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии: история, литература, искусство, традиции.

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«Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии: история, литература, искусство, традиции.»

Английский язык   Конкурс для учащихся 7 – 8 классов Соединенное королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии: история, литература, искусство, традиции Научный руководитель: Ганина Светлана Эдуардовна,   учитель английского языка

Английский язык

Конкурс для учащихся 7 – 8 классов

Соединенное королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии: история, литература, искусство, традиции

Научный руководитель: Ганина Светлана Эдуардовна,

учитель английского языка

Task 1   GEOGRAPHY 1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. These Isles are separated from the continent by the English Channe l and the Strait of Dover in the south and  the North Sea in the east. Great Britain and Ireland are separated by the Irish Sea.


1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles.

  • These Isles are separated from the continent by the English Channe l and the Strait of Dover in the south and the North Sea in the east.
  • Great Britain and Ireland are separated by the Irish Sea.

Task 1 4. Historically the territory of the UK is divided into four parts. They are   England, Scotland ,  Wales,  Northern Ireland.

Task 1

4. Historically the territory of the UK is divided into four parts. They are England, Scotland , Wales, Northern Ireland.

 Task 1 5. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. The capital of Northern  Ireland  is Belfast.

Task 1

5. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.

  • The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
Task 1 The highest mountain of the British Isles is Ben Nevis (1344 m) in Scotland.

Task 1

  • The highest mountain of the British Isles is Ben Nevis (1344 m) in Scotland.
Task 1 8. The most important rivers of the UK are the Severn, the Tyne, the Trent, the Thames, the Mersey and the Clyde. 9. The Highlands are situated in Scotland ( the part of Great Britain).

Task 1

8. The most important rivers of the UK are the Severn, the Tyne, the Trent, the Thames, the Mersey and the Clyde.

9. The Highlands are situated in Scotland ( the part of Great Britain).

   Task 2   HISTORY   Edward the Elder – Эдуард Старший  (  899  – 924  ) 2. Edward the Martyr – Эдуард Мученик  ( 975 – 978 )    3. Harold Harefoot – Гарольд Заячья Лапа  ( 1035 - 1040 )


  • Edward the Elder – Эдуард Старший

( 899 – 924 )

2. Edward the Martyr – Эдуард Мученик

( 975 – 978 )

3. Harold Harefoot – Гарольд Заячья Лапа

( 1035 - 1040 )

 Task 2 4. Edward the Confessor - Эдуард  Исповедник  (  1042 – 1066  ) William the Conqueror – Вильгельм I  Завоеватель ( 1066 – 1087 ) 6. Richard I the Lion - Heart -   Ричард I Львиное Сердце ( 1189 – 1199 )

Task 2

4. Edward the Confessor - Эдуард Исповедник

( 1042 – 1066 )

  • William the Conqueror – Вильгельм I

Завоеватель ( 1066 – 1087 )

6. Richard I the Lion - Heart - Ричард I Львиное Сердце ( 1189 – 1199 )

 Task 2 7 .  John Lackland – Иоанн Безземельный  ( 1199 – 1216 ) James I - Яков I   ( 1603 – 1625 )

Task 2

7 . John Lackland – Иоанн Безземельный

( 1199 – 1216 )

  • James I - Яков I

( 1603 – 1625 )

 Task 2 Charles I – Карл I  ( 1625 – 1649 )  George VI - Георг VI  ( 1936 – 1952 )

Task 2

  • Charles I – Карл I

( 1625 – 1649 )

  • George VI - Георг VI

( 1936 – 1952 )

 Task 3  1. The Roman general Julius Caesar lands in Britain with an expeditionary force in 55 BC.  The battle of Hastings occurred in 1066.   3. The murder of Thomas Becket was in 1170.

Task 3

1. The Roman general Julius Caesar lands in Britain with an expeditionary force in 55 BC.

  • The battle of Hastings occurred in 1066.

3. The murder of Thomas Becket was in 1170.

 Task 3  4. The Magna Carta is an English  charter, originally issued in 1215 .  5. The Act of Supremacy of  November 1534 was an Act of the Parliament of England.    6. Sir Francis Drake completes the first  voyage round the world by an Englishman  in 1580.

Task 3

4. The Magna Carta is an English

charter, originally issued in 1215 .

5. The Act of Supremacy of November 1534 was an Act of the Parliament of England.

6. Sir Francis Drake completes the first

voyage round the world by an Englishman

in 1580.

 Task 3  7. The Gunpowder Plot took place in 1605.  8. Charles I is executed in 1649.    9. The Great Fire of London was in 1666.    10. The Battle of Trafalgar took place  in 1805.

Task 3

7. The Gunpowder Plot took place in 1605.

8. Charles I is executed in 1649.

9. The Great Fire of London was in 1666.

10. The Battle of Trafalgar took place

in 1805.

 Task 4 The Romans built the first bridge across the Thames.  2. Samuel Johnson said “When a man is  tired of London he is tired of life”. 3. Guy Fawkes is the name of a man who  wanted to blow up Parliament in 1605.

Task 4

  • The Romans built the first bridge across the Thames.

2. Samuel Johnson said “When a man is

tired of London he is tired of life”.

3. Guy Fawkes is the name of a man who

wanted to blow up Parliament in 1605.

 Task 4  4. The Globe is the name of  Shakespeare‘s famous theatre. 5. Prince Harry lives in Kensington Palace .

Task 4

4. The Globe is the name of

Shakespeare‘s famous theatre.

5. Prince Harry lives in Kensington Palace .

 Task 4 6. The word “dungeon” means  an underground prison.  7. The largest and the oldest museum  in Britain is  the British Museum.

Task 4

6. The word “dungeon” means

an underground prison.

7. The largest and the oldest museum

in Britain is

the British Museum.

 Task 4 8. “Loaf of bread” means “head” in Cockney rhyming slang.  9. Big Ben is a bell.   10. The Square Mile is another  name for  “ the City of London”.

Task 4

8. “Loaf of bread” means “head” in Cockney rhyming slang.

9. Big Ben is a bell.

10. The Square Mile is another

name for

the City of London”.

  HOLIDAYS Task 5    Burns‘ Night (the birthday of Scotland's most famous poet, Robert Burns (1759-1796)) is celebrated  on the 25 th of January. Burns' Night celebrates the life and work of Robert Burns. The day also celebrates Burns' contribution to Scottish culture. Burns' best known work is


  Burns‘ Night (the birthday of Scotland's most famous poet, Robert Burns (1759-1796)) is celebrated

on the 25 th of January. Burns' Night celebrates the life and work of Robert Burns. The day also celebrates Burns' contribution to Scottish culture. Burns' best known work is "Auld Lang Syne".

St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on the 14 th of February. Valentine's Day is celebrated in the memory of Saint Valentine, the Christian martyr who gave his life in the honor of love.

17 March (a public holiday in Northern Ireland) is

St. Patrick‘s Day. Irish people wear green clothes, play Irish music, have parades and wear shamrock, the Irish emblem.  

 Task 5  The first Monday in May is May Day.  Traditional English May Day celebrations include Morris dancing, crowning a May Queen and dancing around a Maypole.

Task 5

The first Monday in May is May Day.

Traditional English May Day celebrations include Morris dancing, crowning a May Queen and dancing around a Maypole.

 Task 5 The second or third Saturday in June is the Queen’s official birthday. The official birthday of Queen Elizabeth II is marked each year by a military parade and march-past, known as  Trooping the Colour  (Carrying of the Flag). The official name is “the Queen’s Birthday Parade”.

Task 5

The second or third Saturday in June is the Queen’s official birthday. The official birthday of Queen Elizabeth II is marked each year by a military parade and march-past, known as  Trooping the Colour  (Carrying of the Flag). The official name is “the Queen’s Birthday Parade”.

 Task 5 October is Hallowe'en.  The tradition of Hallowe'en goes back with its roots to a time when people believed in evil spirits.    Some people hold Hallowe'en parties on or around this date, where the hosts and guests often dress up as skeletons, ghosts or other scary figures. Common symbols of Hallowe'en include pumpkins, bats and spiders.  5 November is Guy Fawkes Day (Bonfire Night).  This tradition comes from old times when King James I was on the throne. Guy Fawkes and his people tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. The King discovered the plan and his soldiers found Guy Fawkes and executed him. Since then British people mark this day by burning a dummy made of straw and old clothes on a bonfire. They call this dummy simply “a guy”.

Task 5

  • October is Hallowe'en.

The tradition of Hallowe'en goes back with its roots to a time when people believed in evil spirits.

  Some people hold Hallowe'en parties on or around this date, where the hosts and guests often dress up as skeletons, ghosts or other scary figures. Common symbols of Hallowe'en include pumpkins, bats and spiders.

5 November is

Guy Fawkes Day (Bonfire Night).

This tradition comes from old times when King James I was on the throne. Guy Fawkes and his people tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. The King discovered the plan and his soldiers found Guy Fawkes and executed him.

Since then British people mark this day by burning a dummy made of straw and old clothes on a bonfire. They call this dummy simply “a guy”.

 Task 5  25 December is Christmas Day. Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.  26 December is Boxing Day.  Traditionally, it was a day when employers distributed money, food, cloth (material) or other valuable goods to their employees.   In modern times, it is an important day for sporting events and the start of the post-Christmas sales .

Task 5

25 December is Christmas Day.

Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

26 December is Boxing Day.

Traditionally, it was a day when employers distributed money, food, cloth (material) or other valuable goods to their employees.

  In modern times, it is an important day for sporting events and the start of the post-Christmas sales .

 Task 5 1 January is New Year's Day. It marks the start of the New Year in the Gregorian calendar.  In the UK Easter is one of the major Christian festivals of the year. They celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Britain Easter occurs at a different time each year.  It is the end of Lent.

Task 5

1 January is New Year's Day.

It marks the start of the New Year in the Gregorian calendar.

In the UK Easter is one of the major Christian festivals of the year. They celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Britain Easter occurs at a different time each year.  It is the end of Lent.

 Task 5 Mother‘s Day It is celebrated on the fourth Sunday in Lent in March.  A time for people to think about their mothers. People often give flowers or chocolates or organize a special day out for their mothers at this time, and send a special

Task 5

Mother‘s Day

It is celebrated on the fourth Sunday in Lent in March.

A time for people to think about their mothers. People often give flowers or chocolates or organize a special day out for their mothers at this time, and send a special "Mother's Day" card.

1 April - April Fool's Day

On this day people play jokes and tricks on each other.

Father's Day is held on the third Sunday of June in the United Kingdom. It is a day to honor fathers and father figures, such as grandfathers and fathers-in-law. Many people make a special effort to visit their fathers or to send them a card or gifts.

 Task 6  I think it is Hallowe'en . There is a pumpkin with candles inside it in the tree. It is a traditional Halloween symbol. It is autumn. The leaves in the trees are of different colours –green, yellow, orange, red and brown. The children are wearing strange costumes. In the middle of the picture we can see a girl. She is dressed up as the witch. Her dress and her hat are black. This girl is thinking about something. Of course, about the treat. The children are standing near the house and waiting for the treat – sweets or fruit. Their bags and the bucket are still empty.  On the right side of the picture we see a child in a white costume. In my view the boy is pretending he is a mummy king. He is looking at the girl. The girl has got a costume of the pirate: a long black waistcoat, black leggings, black boots tops, a bandana and a bag with the pirate flag on them. “The mummy king” and the “pirate” are laughing. The next character is a pirate parrot. The costume is bright and beautiful. The child is holding a pirate bag in the hand. Behind the children we see a man. In my opinion he is looking after the children because they are small. This man is taking part in Hallowe'en too , he is wearing the traditional German costume. Both the children and the parents are having a lot of fun.

Task 6

I think it is Hallowe'en . There is a pumpkin with candles inside it in the tree. It is a traditional Halloween symbol. It is autumn. The leaves in the trees are of different colours –green, yellow, orange, red and brown. The children are wearing strange costumes. In the middle of the picture we can see a girl. She is dressed up as the witch. Her dress and her hat are black. This girl is thinking about something. Of course, about the treat. The children are standing near the house and waiting for the treat – sweets or fruit. Their bags and the bucket are still empty.

On the right side of the picture we see a child in a white costume. In my view the boy is pretending he is a mummy king. He is looking at the girl. The girl has got a costume of the pirate: a long black waistcoat, black leggings, black boots tops, a bandana and a bag with the pirate flag on them. “The mummy king” and the “pirate” are laughing. The next character is a pirate parrot. The costume is bright and beautiful. The child is holding a pirate bag in the hand. Behind the children we see a man. In my opinion he is looking after the children because they are small. This man is taking part in Hallowe'en too , he is wearing the traditional German costume.

Both the children and the parents are having a lot of fun.

 Task 7  1. Queen Elizabeth I  - was the last of the Tudor monarchs.  - was kind to pirates (for example, F. Drake.)  2. Oliver Cromwell  - was a member of Parliament  before the Civil War.

Task 7

1. Queen Elizabeth I

- was the last of the Tudor monarchs.

- was kind to pirates (for example, F. Drake.)

2. Oliver Cromwell

- was a member of Parliament

before the Civil War.

 Task 7  3. James Cook  - undertook three voyages.  - sailed round the world.  - met his death on the Hawaiian Islands.  4. The Beatles wrote a song about  yellow submarine.

Task 7

3. James Cook

- undertook three voyages.

- sailed round the world.

- met his death on the Hawaiian Islands.

4. The Beatles wrote a song about

yellow submarine.

 Task 7  5. Elizabeth II  - was born in London  - was the first child of King George VI.

Task 7

5. Elizabeth II

- was born in London

- was the first child of King George VI.

 Task 8 Welcome to the Tower of London. It is in the centre of the City. The Tower of London is one of the most ancient buildings in London with very long history. The Tower of London has been a fortress and a royal palace, a prison and a place of execution and even a zoo for over 900 years. Today it is a museum. You can see the famous White Tower and a lot of interesting things in its halls. You will learn why William the Conqueror built it in the eleventh century. The Tower is guarded by Beefeaters who know all secrets of the Tower. They are dressed in traditional medieval clothes of Tudor times. They will tell you about old traditions and ceremonies which are kept in the Tower of London. Every night for the last 700 years at 21.53 the Tower has been locked up in the Ceremony of the Keys. Don’t miss your chance to see and to enjoy the Ceremony. This is unforgettable impression. You will visit the place of execution where many famous people lost their heads. They say their ghosts wander about the place at night…. The Jewel House at the Tower of London is the home of the most valuably collection of jewels in the world, the Crown Jewels. They are well looked after. But once they were stolen by a man called Colonel Blood. Thomas Blood didn’t have to go to prison. This story you will be told during the tour.  But don’t forget about black ravens in the Tower of London which live there. The ravens are not tame and they do bite. There is a legend why the ravens are taken particular care of. You will learn about it if you visit the Tower of London. The Tower of London is worth seeing. More than 2 million people visit it each year. It is an amazing place.

Task 8

Welcome to the Tower of London.

It is in the centre of the City. The Tower of London is one of the most ancient buildings in London with very long history. The Tower of London has been a fortress and a royal palace, a prison and a place of execution and even a zoo for over 900 years. Today it is a museum.

You can see the famous White Tower and a lot of interesting things in its halls. You will learn why William the Conqueror built it in the eleventh century.

The Tower is guarded by Beefeaters who know all secrets of the Tower. They are dressed in traditional medieval clothes of Tudor times. They will tell you about old traditions and ceremonies which are kept in the Tower of London.

Every night for the last 700 years at 21.53 the Tower has been locked up in the Ceremony of the Keys. Don’t miss your chance to see and to enjoy the Ceremony. This is unforgettable impression.

You will visit the place of execution where many famous people lost their heads. They say their ghosts wander about the place at night….

The Jewel House at the Tower of London is the home of the most valuably collection of jewels in the world, the Crown Jewels. They are well looked after. But once they were stolen by a man called Colonel Blood. Thomas Blood didn’t have to go to prison. This story you will be told during the tour.

But don’t forget about black ravens in the Tower of London which live there. The ravens are not tame and they do bite. There is a legend why the ravens are taken particular care of. You will learn about it if you visit the Tower of London.

The Tower of London is worth seeing. More than 2 million people visit it each year. It is an amazing place.


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