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Сообщение на тему "World ocean pollution" (Ecological page)

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Проблема  загрязнения мировых океанов - глобальна. На эту  тему мы размышляли с обучающимися. Защита проекта ученицы 10 класса.  

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«Сообщение на тему "World ocean pollution" (Ecological page)»

World ocean pollution

World ocean pollution

Oil and oil products The most dangerous today ocean pollutant is oil. Five to ten million tons of its annual results in marine waters of the planet. About two - four percent of the area of the Atlantic is constantly covered by oil films!

Oil and oil products

  • The most dangerous today ocean pollutant is oil. Five to ten million tons of its annual results in marine waters of the planet. About two - four percent of the area of the Atlantic is constantly covered by oil films!
 Wastewater   World Ocean pollution by sewage is perhaps the second most hazard. The most dangerous is the waste of chemical and metallurgical plants, textile and pulp mills, and agricultural complexes. Initially, they merge into rivers and other bodies of water, and then somehow fall in the world's oceans.


  • World Ocean pollution by sewage is perhaps the second most hazard. The most dangerous is the waste of chemical and metallurgical plants, textile and pulp mills, and agricultural complexes. Initially, they merge into rivers and other bodies of water, and then somehow fall in the world's oceans.
Heavy metals The extreme concern at the environmentalists pollution of the oceans with heavy metals. In particular, It is caused the fact that their percentage in seawater only recently increasing. Now every year in the oceans gets up to 650 thousand tons of lead. A tin content in seawater in the world is three times higher than the conventional rate dictates.

Heavy metals

  • The extreme concern at the environmentalists pollution of the oceans with heavy metals. In particular, It is caused the fact that their percentage in seawater only recently increasing. Now every year in the oceans gets up to 650 thousand tons of lead. A tin content in seawater in the world is three times higher than the conventional rate dictates.
Radioactive waste Radioactive waste fall into the world's oceans in different ways: as a result of dropping containers of hazardous waste, nuclear tests or due to operation of nuclear reactors of submarines.

Radioactive waste

  • Radioactive waste fall into the world's oceans in different ways: as a result of dropping containers of hazardous waste, nuclear tests or due to operation of nuclear reactors of submarines.
Plastic waste Tons of plastic waste are now in the world's oceans, and their number is only growing. Few people know that there are huge

Plastic waste

  • Tons of plastic waste are now in the world's oceans, and their number is only growing. Few people know that there are huge "plastic" island. Today we know about five of these "spots" - clusters of plastic waste. Two of them are in the Pacific, two more - in the Atlantic, and one - in the Indian.
Chemicals Chemicals that fall into this huge body of water in different ways, also have a negative impact on ecosystems. Especially dangerous is the pollution of the oceans pesticides.


  • Chemicals that fall into this huge body of water in different ways, also have a negative impact on ecosystems. Especially dangerous is the pollution of the oceans pesticides.

 Ways to solve the pollution of the oceans: limiting harmful emissions into the ocean, toxic and poisonous substances; measures aimed at preventing possible accidents on ships and tankers; reducing pollution from the plants, which are involved in the development of seabed mineral resources; activities aimed at the fast and reliable emergency response; tougher sanctions and penalties for the unauthorized release of harmful substances into the ocean; complex educational and promotional measures to generate sustainable and environmentally sound behavior of the population.

Ways to solve the pollution of the oceans:

  • limiting harmful emissions into the ocean, toxic and poisonous substances;
  • measures aimed at preventing possible accidents on ships and tankers;
  • reducing pollution from the plants, which are involved in the development of seabed mineral resources;
  • activities aimed at the fast and reliable emergency response;
  • tougher sanctions and penalties for the unauthorized release of harmful substances into the ocean;
  • complex educational and promotional measures to generate sustainable and environmentally sound behavior of the population.
Save the planet! !

Save the planet! !


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