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Special days (6кл., англ.яз.)

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Special days (6кл., англ.яз.)

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«Special days (6кл., англ.яз.)»

Special days Знаменательные дни

Special days

Знаменательные дни

What is he doing? perform tricks take pictures throw streamers He is taking pictures. He is performing tricks. He is throwing streamers.

What is he doing?

perform tricks

take pictures

throw streamers

He is taking pictures.

He is performing tricks.

He is throwing streamers.

 Listen to the music and find out the country where it is from: The USA England Japan India

Listen to the music and find out the country where it is from:

  • The USA
  • England
  • Japan
  • India
Match the words (ex1b p 50) pray have a meal visit people exchange gifts watch the fireworks decorate the house make special lamps посещать кого-либо смотреть фейерверк украшать дом есть, кушать делать специальные огни, лампы молиться обмениваться подарками

Match the words (ex1b p 50)

  • pray
  • have a meal
  • visit people
  • exchange gifts
  • watch the fireworks
  • decorate the house
  • make special lamps

посещать кого-либо

смотреть фейерверк

украшать дом

есть, кушать

делать специальные огни, лампы


обмениваться подарками

 Diwali  or Deepavali is the Hindu festival of lights celebrated every year in autumn [dɪˈwɑːli] Праздник Дивали

Diwali  or Deepavali is the Hindu festival of lights celebrated every year in autumn


Праздник Дивали

READING Ex. 2, p. 50 Which words/phrases does Sumit use to show the order of the events? Before the festival In the evening On that day


Ex. 2, p. 50

  • Which words/phrases does Sumit use to show the order of the events?

Before the festival

In the evening

On that day

Rebuild the sentences in the text from Present Simple to Present Continuous
  • Rebuild the sentences in the text from Present Simple to Present Continuous

Name: Maslenitsa Date/Season: one week, late Winter early Spring Country: Russia Activities/Food: blini, burning of scarecrow(чучело), dancing, sledging, horse sleigh riding, fistfights Feelings: fun, joy Good afternoon . Today I’m going to talk to you about an important festival in my country, Russia. In late Winter early Spring, we celebrate Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa lasts one week. Before the festival, the whole family makes some preparations. We cook pancakes (blini). On the day we visit relatives and have festive meals. On Maslenitsa people burn a scarecrow, dance, sledge, do horse sleigh riding and fistfights. Everybody has a great funny time and enjoys the day. Thank you for listening. Do you have any questions? Ex4 p50 Ex6 p50
  • Name: Maslenitsa
  • Date/Season: one week, late Winter early Spring
  • Country: Russia
  • Activities/Food: blini, burning of scarecrow(чучело), dancing, sledging, horse sleigh riding, fistfights
  • Feelings: fun, joy

Good afternoon .

Today I’m going to talk to you about an important festival in my country, Russia. In late Winter early Spring, we celebrate Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa lasts one week. Before the festival, the whole family makes some preparations. We cook pancakes (blini). On the day we visit relatives and have festive meals. On Maslenitsa people burn a scarecrow, dance, sledge, do horse sleigh riding and fistfights. Everybody has a great funny time and enjoys the day.

Thank you for listening. Do you have any questions?

Ex4 p50

Ex6 p50

Hometask: Ex.4 p.50 (заполнить заметку о любом знаменательном дне) Ex.6 p.50 (написать речь об этом дне 50-60 слов, с использованием слов из рамочки)


  • Ex.4 p.50 (заполнить заметку о любом знаменательном дне)
  • Ex.6 p.50 (написать речь об этом дне 50-60 слов, с использованием слов из рамочки)

"Venice of the North“ - What Russian city is this?

Saint Petersburg

Waterway – водный путь a silver glow – серебряное сияние Crowds (толпы)= a large number of  Why do people call Saint Petersburg  the  “Venice of the North”?  What river is in Saint Petersburg ? What do people do by the Neva river?
  • Waterway – водный путь
  • a silver glow – серебряное сияние
  • Crowds (толпы)= a large number of

  • Why do people call Saint Petersburg the “Venice of the North”?
  • What river is in Saint Petersburg ?
  • What do people do by the Neva river?


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