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«Спорт Презентация проекта»

Judo  Anastasia Pavlik 7 “A”


Anastasia Pavlik 7 “A”

Judo is a kind of martial arts, where along with throws painful and suffocating techniques are allowed. Unlike boxing, karate and other percussion styles of martial arts, the basis of judo are throws, painful techniques, retention and strangulation in the stalls. The blows and some of the most traumatic techniques are studied only in the form of kata. From other types of wrestling judo differs less by the use of physical force in the performance of techniques and a wide variety of permitted technical actions.

Judo is a kind of martial arts, where along with throws painful and suffocating techniques are allowed.

Unlike boxing, karate and other percussion styles of martial arts, the basis of judo are throws, painful techniques, retention and strangulation in the stalls. The blows and some of the most traumatic techniques are studied only in the form of kata. From other types of wrestling judo differs less by the use of physical force in the performance of techniques and a wide variety of permitted technical actions.

Tagir Khaibulaev Tagir has been practicing judo since 11 years. At the 2011 World Championships in Paris in the final fight, Tagir won ahead of schedule with the ippon of the Kazakhstani judoka, 2009 World Champion Maxim Rakov. At the 2012 Olympics in London, in the fight for gold, he won the Mongolian judoka, the 2008 Olympic champion Naidan Tuvshinbaiar.

Tagir Khaibulaev

Tagir has been practicing judo since 11 years.

At the 2011 World Championships in Paris in the final fight, Tagir won ahead of schedule with the ippon of the Kazakhstani judoka, 2009 World Champion Maxim Rakov.

At the 2012 Olympics in London, in the fight for gold, he won the Mongolian judoka, the 2008 Olympic champion Naidan Tuvshinbaiar.


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