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Sport today keeps a doctor away

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«Sport today keeps a doctor away»



Преподаватель Маилова Гюльдана Вагифовнв

Цели урока:

  • дидактические: обобщить знания студентов по изученному материалу;

  • воспитательные: воспитывать уважительное отношение к культурным ценностям, спорту; воспитывать такие черты характера, как взаимопомощь и сотрудничество;

  • развивающие: совершенствовать произносительные навыки, умения применять лексику по теме “Спорт”, развивать логическое мышление, умение обобщать, сравнивать; развитие навыков самостоятельной работы.

Раздаточный материал: карточки с заданиями, распечатки с текстами.

ТСО: мультимедийная установка.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning, students, sit down, please. Glad to see you today at our lesson. It's very difficult to imagine our life without sport today. We live in a very difficult time, every day we must go to school, to college, to work, every day we must solve problems and it takes a lot of time and energy. Scientists proved6 that if you want to be fit and be healthy, you must go in for sport. Look at the blackboard, the theme of our lesson is «Sport today keeps a doctor away». Let's prove that sport is a very important part of our life and we must go in for sport.

  1. Речевая зарядка.

Teacher: Let's speak a little. Girls, answer my questions. 1) Do you like sport? 2) What kind of sport do you like? 3) Do you go in different sport clubs or sport sections? 4) What a man must do to be healthy, except sport? 5) What can you say about diet, do you think it's useful for our health?

  1. Основная часть.

Teacher. Now, girls, look at the blackboard and read some words and expressions about sport and sport games, translate them:

  • to play sport

  • to go in for sport

  • kind of sport

  • favourite

  • heath

  • to be healthy

  • to be fit

  • to be fat

  • to eat fruits and vegetables

  • to sleep enough

  • sport's club

  • football

  • basketball

  • volleyball

  • tennis

  • swimming

  • weight-lifting

  • hockey

  • figure-skating

  • horse-racing

  • snowboarding

  • national kind of sport

Teacher: Make up your sentenses with these words and we'll play with them. (Студенты составляют свои предложения на английском языке с данными на доске словами, затем игра «Пойми меня», в которой один студент называет свое составленное предложение, сосед переводит его и называет свое предложение для следующего студента и т. д.).

Teacher: Now, translate my sentences from Russian into English:

  1. Спорт — важная часть жизни человека.

  2. Футбол — мой любимый вид спорта.

  3. Хороший сон, спорт и правильное питание — основные правила здоровой жизни.

  4. Я всегда смотрю фигурное катание по телевизору.

  5. Моя сестра ходит в спортивную школу, она играет в настольный теннис.

  6. Я на диете, я ем только фрукты и овощи.

  7. Сноуборд — это зимний вид спорта.

  8. Здоровье — самая дорогая вещь в жизни.

Teacher: Let's play. Now I shall give you descriptions of some kinds of sport and your task is to listen and say what sports they are.

  • It is a game for two or four players who hit a ball with rackets across a net. (tennis)

  • A round ball is used in this game. Two teams of players kick it. They are not allowed to handle the ball. (football)

  • It is a team game played with oval ball. (rugby)

  • It is a game played on a table using round wood bats and a small plastic ball. (ping-pong)

  • This sport is connected with water. If you don't want to drown in the river or in the sea, you must go in for this sport. (swimming)

  • This is winter kind of sport. It is popular in Kamchatka, especially among young people, what is it? (snowboarding)

Teacher: We shall read and translate one text about sport. Then your task is to answer my questions.

Sport in our life.

We may not imagine our life without sport today. It is an important part of our everyday's life. Many people like to go in for sport, many people like to watch different sport events on TV, other people like to be fans of their favourite teams or players.

There are a lot of different sport clubs and schools in many cities of the world, they are very well equipped, many professional sport trainers work there. Physical training is a compulsory subject in schools, colleges and universities.

All doctors and scientists say: «If you want to be healthy, fit and beautiful, if you want to have a good shape, skin, teeth and body — you must go in for sports, have a good sleeping and eat only useful food». It is also very important to do morning exersises and remember: you must not have bad habbits — don't smoke, don't drink, don't use drugs!

There are many popular kinds of sport today: football, basketball, hockey, swimming, gymnastics... Tastes differ, and everybody can choose what he wants! Do you agree?


  1. What is important in our life today?

  2. Why do many people go in for sport?

  3. What is one of the most important subject in our schools today?

  4. What do many doctors advise us to do to be healthy?

  5. What popular kinds of sport do you know?

Teacher: Some students made up presentations about sport for today's lesson. Let's watch them and discuss them. They are very interesting. (смотрим презентации, подготовленные студентами группы на разные темы, связанные со спортом, обсуждаем их).

4. Обобщение. Подведение итогов.

Teacher: Let's make a conclusion at the end of our lesson. What interesting information have you known? Do you agree, that sport today keeps a doctor away? Thank you for the lesson. Your marks. Good-bye!!!


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