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Spotlight 7. Module 6. Having fun. Разноуровневые задания по обобщению материала модуля

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Spotlight 7. Module 6. Having fun. Разноуровневые задания по обобщению материала модуля

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«Spotlight 7. Module 6. Having fun. Разноуровневые задания по обобщению материала модуля»


Variant 2

  1. Match the collocations:

eat candy floss

летать на пиратском корабле

go souvenir shopping

пожать руку героям мультфильма

fly in pirate ship

исследовать замок с привидениями

see famous landmarks

есть сахарную вату

shake hands with cartoon characters

покататься на американских горках

explore a haunted mansion

покупать сувениры

ride on a rollercoaster

смотреть знаменитые достопримечательности

  1. Complete the table:

dancing classes swimming hiking video games a robot basketball a webpage





  1. Fill in back, out, round or across:

  • Mike has come _______ this backgammon for his grandfather in London.

  • They haven’t come ________ to NY yet.

  • Beyonce’s new single has already come_________ .

  • I always come _________ my grandparents after school.

  • Bobby has never come ___________ to his hometown after his finishing school.

  1. Underline the correct word:

  • It’s imbelievable / unbelievable, a polar bear is a very good hunter.

  • It’s just inpossible / impossible to live without a mobile phone today.

  • It was an ilforgettable / unforgettable trip for me. I am a photographer and I took lots of pictures of people and nature.

  1. Complete the gaps with have gone to / have been to / have been in:

  • My sister ___________________ Bristol for two months now.

  • Wendy isn’t here at the moment. She ______________ the supermarket to buy some milk and eggs.

  • The Miltons ________________ Glasgow twice.

  • Greg and Terry ________________ the park to play football. They’ll back by 6 o’clock.

  • Jenny’s brother ________________ hospital since Monday.

  • Jim _________________ the cinema. He left an hour ago.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect:

  • The boys ________________ (not/eat) their breakfast.

  • I _____________ (buy) a new bag.

  • Eric ____________ (not/brush) his hair yet.

  • Lisa _____________ (send) an email to her cousin.

  • Mom and Dad _____________ (do) the shopping.

  1. Choose the correct response:

Would you like to come to the library with me?

Sounds great! It would be an interesting work!

Do you fancy going bungee jumping with me?

It would be lovely! It’s a perfect morning.

How about making a web page together?

Yes, I’d loved to. I need some new books on biology

Would you like to go camping?

I’m afraid I can’t. I have lots to do around the house.

Do you fancy going to the cinema tonight?

Maybe another time, when I’m less scared.

How about going fishing on Saturday?

I’d love to but I have another plans.

Let’s go to St. Petersburg this summer!

Great idea! I’ll prepare sandwiches.


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