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Статья "Conceptual foundations of business education in Russia"

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Conceptual foundations of business education in Russia Annotation Determined, that the main problem in the area of professional education in the transition to an innovative type of economic development is to meet the needs of new theoretical and methodological approaches, principles and tools for management of educational institutions. The article suggests measures to enhance the innovation of educational structures.

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«Статья "Conceptual foundations of business education in Russia"»

Conceptual foundations of business education in Russia


Determined, that the main problem in the area of professional education in the transition to an innovative type of economic development is to meet the needs of new theoretical and methodological approaches, principles and tools for management of educational institutions. The article suggests measures to enhance the innovation of educational structures.

Key words: education, development, methodology, innovation

The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 indicates that the transition to an innovative community-oriented type of development is impossible without the formation in Russia of an appropriate institutional environment. One reason for the low level of innovative activity at the present stage can be called that conducted earlier reforms have radically changed in our country, economic conditions, almost did not affect the foundations of the old institutional model. In this case, the institutional environment of innovation economy is characterized by development of competitive environment, favorable conditions for the mass emergence of new companies, including the innovative sectors of the economy, good governance and local government, meet the modern needs of the socio-economic development.

In the post-industrial society of human capacity, human capital is the dominant factor for innovative development. The first priority is to create legal, economic and organizational conditions for solving problems to improve the quality of human capital and socio-economic development.

One of the most important areas of the formation of innovation-oriented institutional environment, both in long-term and medium term is education. The modernization of vocational education is becoming a factor being of citizens, national security and a prerequisite for the formation of an innovative economy. The significance of modernizing the education system is determined by its key role in enhancing competitiveness and accelerating economic growth.

The face of modern system of vocational education in Russia due to the significant political and socio-economic changes happening in our country since the late 80`s of the twentieth century and continues to happen today. One of the most significant features of these changes was the diversification of vocational education due to economic liberalization, development of private ownership of means of production and business. Emerged as significant in quantity and quality segment of the market of educational services, focused on training entrepreneurs, business leaders, functional specialists commercial structures, which is the sphere of business education.

Business education occupies a special place, as part of a major social institution. Business education ensures the formation and development of human capital, which is the basis of innovative transformation of society, characterized by post-industrial trends. Business education is actively cooperating with other, equally important to achieve the objectives of innovation development, the Institute - Institute for Entrepreneurship. Innovative economic growth is determined by the institutional environment that encourages entrepreneurship. The most important factor is the availability of innovative development of innovation infrastructure, the elements of which include business incubators, technology parks, innovation and industrial complexes, resource centers ,.availability of infrastructure to create and implement innovative and effective mechanism for innovation are a prerequisite for innovative growth.

Quite obvious special role of business education, focusing on training and professional development not only managers and functional specialists of large companies, but entrepreneurs representing small and medium businesses. That's small and medium business is the foundation of innovation development of economy, and that business education creates the necessary institutional environment build this foundation.

In the field of business education, as in most emerging markets, the phase of rapid growth, which is typical for the period of formation of the domestic market of educational services, now goes to the organizational phase or the phase of systematization .Urgent need for the formation and development of business education, which would bring together not only the public and private institutions of higher, secondary and primary vocational education, but also such subjects the business education market as:

1) the educational structure of commercial entities,

2) the educational structure of self-regulating professional associations,

3) the sectoral educational structures, non-specialized structures of additional vocational education; 
4) international educational structures, and others. 

The absence of such a system is currently the most serious problem hindering the development of this sector of education services. The time dictates the need to strengthen the positions of our country in the international educational space. Despite the fact that the pace of development of the Bologna process and other international integration of educational initiatives significantly behind the set targets, the globalization of educational space objective. Substantive and methodological level of Russian professional education is still high, but along with it a number of obvious problems of an organizational nature, first of all, ineffective communication processes, which prevents not only the task of improving the quality of education, but also reduces the prospects for integration of Russian education in International Education space. It is also important that the formation of a business education does not contradict the goals, priorities, principles of state education policy of the Russian Federation at the present stage. Today has created favorable conditions not only for the exterior, but also for the internal integration of business education in vocational education in our country. In this regard, requires special attention the role of regional education systems, for which at present is characterized by opposite tendencies. Improving socio-economic role of regions in the education sector is accompanied by the relative passivity of the regional education authorities, inefficient activity of various educational institutions who are unable to offer consumers a competitive educational products.

Higher, secondary and primary vocational education in general and business education as an integral part, are essential factors for economic growth and socio-economic development at the present stage of transition to an innovative type of economy. Currently, a business education should be regarded as one of the key elements of innovation infrastructure. The scope of business education is the subject of organizational innovation-oriented development systems business, to enhance the efficiency of interaction of subjects of the market of business education at the international, national and regional levels.

Formation of organizational and management concepts of business education, development of conceptual frameworks of formation and development of business education, the totality of the organizational changes that promote sustainable development of business education are the factors of innovation development of economy.

Formation of organizational and management concepts of business education, development of conceptual frameworks of formation and development of business education, the totality of the organizational changes that promote sustainable development of business education are the factors of innovation development of economy.

Currently, political, socio-economic and cultural changes lead to what is now being revised public importance of vocational education. Previously, the priority is the social aspect, improving the intellectual and educational level of the nation, the development of citizens, encouraging their active position. Now vocational education is regarded more as one of the most important factors of innovative development and economic competitiveness of the state. At the same time as the development of vocational education in general and individual educational institutions must now be considered in a regional context, as modern educational institutions are sufficiently powerful business structures that shape the regional economy and competing globally.

A big problem in the management of vocational education in the transition to an innovative type of economic development is the need to systematize the current economic and social processes and phenomena that needs a new theoretical and methodological approaches, principles and tools for management of educational institutions. But the problems of educational administration can not be divorced from issues of socio-economic development of modern society. The education system plays an important role in society, but it has a certain level of inertia and its development is largely determined by economic conditions of operation.

Various researchers have proposed the following conceptual model of the modern socio-economic interactions: knowledge economy, new industrial society, post-industrial society, information society, etc. In this case, all the concepts are not intended to fix the final state of modern society, and have a transitional character, which in our country was even more strengthened by the change of political system. That change in the political system, the liberalization and economic diversification were major factors in the formation of the education market. With the development of institutions of private property and entrepreneurship emerged conditions for the emergence of a segment of consumers of educational services in the field of business education, which by definition could not exist under the command economy.

On the formation of modern Russian education market influenced by the following key political, social and economic transformation of the late twentieth century: 1) liberalization of the economy, forming the legal basis and new modalities for the implementation of economic, commercial activity, and 2) the formation and upgrading the legal framework of educational activities, the emergence of non- educational structures, the official recognition principle of payment for educational services, and 3) the development of relations of private property, entrepreneurship and the emergence of a significant number of new businesses, which have influenced the dynamics of the labor market, and 4) a change in the attitude of the public, consumer education products (services), the willingness to pay learning, understanding that the educational service can be paid. This is one of the most significant social trends, as the practice and pay for educational services in our country did not have several generations of consumers. And the most revealing trend for higher vocational education, which is historically perceived as a kind of free benefit.

Development of the domestic education market creates the conditions for the formation of its structure, similar to the structure of markets for educational services in most countries in Europe, USA and Australia. This is important especially in the field of business education. Ownership and organizational-legal form of an educational institution depart and continue to take second place, then there will be an increasingly blurred distinction between public and private sector. This, in turn, has lead to changes in the management of educational structures and the emergence of new strategies and concepts of management in vocational education.

With the development of the education market in the early 1990's in Russia has been actively developed and growing market for business education. Its features include the existence of a well-developed educational system, which on the one hand, it has a powerful resource base that has a high level education and high culture consumers, and on the other hand, is characterized by conservatism, the pressure of the dying tradition in the organizational and managerial aspects. The main problems of post-industrial society are problems of "organized complexity", that is the problem of managing large-scale systems with a large number of interacting variables in order to achieve certain goals. The scope of vocational education in general and in business education represent a similar large-scale socio-economic systems, and in terms of organization sector business education is at present the system more formally

The scope of business education and its isolation in the formation and development of the domestic market of educational services is the result of organizational changes in vocational education. Today, for higher, secondary and primary vocational education in Russia there is need for a system of business education, in which would create conditions for the integration of any and all relevant market participants, including education authorities and consumers of educational services

Need to define the institutional roles of various participants in the process of forming the system of business education is beyond doubt and is still relevant. Of great importance is the educational infrastructure that provides efficient interaction between all actors without exception, the business education market. The basic infrastructure elements of business education are: 1) information on the availability of educational programs, and 2) the collection of public or social standards governing the quality of educational services, and 3) mechanisms to ensure mobility of students, educational methods and consulting resources, etc.

The system of business education should meet the requirements of students and employers; 1) cover the widest possible range of educational programs already implemented, including a less formal basis, and 2) provides an unambiguous perception of the relative value of various educational programs, and 3) provide adequate, the client- oriented procedures for registration of educational institutions and accreditation of educational programs, monitoring and evaluation of educational institutions. Having more successive levels will allow for a qualitative comparison of educational programs. Application of scoring system of credit units will quantify and compare the volume and quality of various training programs. This will make it possible to combine all the programs of business education into a unified system, allowing to compare the different levels of training in a variety of educational structures

The scope of business education is the most rapidly growing segment of the market of educational services in both quantitative and qualitative terms. But business education, having a solid content and methodological basis, not investigated in the organizational and management plan. The complexity and ambiguity of the definition of economic parameters of the business due to a lack of education or the dispersion of statistical information. Many researchers are limited to the assessment segment of MBA programs of professional training as the most open to statistical observation. Most of the programs, additional professional education, particularly relating to the segment of business education, ignored by government education authorities.

In world practice, the revision of paradigms of business education in parallel with changes in the business. Fundamental socio-economic and political changes that have occurred in our country in the years 1980-90 - in the first place, the liberalization of the economy, development of private property, establishment of business - lead us to the fact that by examining the processes in the field of business education should not talk change, and the formation of a paradigm of business education from scratch. The main problem hampering the further development of business education is the lack of a single, integrated system of business education.

At the beginning of XI century periodically made some not systematic attempts to standardize the activities and quality of market entities of business education. For example, the Russian Association of Business Education (RABE) initiated a project to certification of professional business coaches in Russia. Studies indicate that among participants the business education market is no consensus on the need for certification. Strong enough opposition to certification, based on such ideas as: 
Russia traditionally high level of corruption in the licensing, certification, substantially reduces the objectivity and appropriateness of these procedures; 
in our country there is a sufficient number of industries and markets in goods and services of poor quality, and business education is just one of them and does not deserve such attention; 
still a high probability of fraud in the licensing and certification; 
there is a serious problem of the ambiguous status and authority of the licensing and certification organizations; 
procedures for licensing and certification, as a rule, are characterized by complexity, duration, and excessive bureaucracy. 
Despite all the negative arguments, standardization and licensing of any and all market participants of vocational education are absolutely essential 

Organizational and managerial concept of business education should be based on the following principles: 
unification Qualifications various educational institutions, the use of a single coordinate system for all levels of educational programs; 
compliance with national occupational standards (Qualification schedule, managers and other employees), etc.; 
close cooperation with industry self-regulatory organizations, the simplicity and uniqueness of the organization of information security and system maintenance; 
a common approach to the licensing of educational institutions and accreditation of educational programs; 
the use of common approaches to monitoring the quality of educational services; 
a holistic approach to assessing knowledge and skills of students, the unique identity of the holder of a specific professional level qualification; 
Implementation of these approaches will help to unify the relative evaluation of various educational programs. Another important goal is to ensure mobility of students and implement the principle of continuous professional training through ensuring compliance and continuity of programs in different educational institutions. 


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