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Сценарий английского вечера "St. Patrick's Day"

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Знакомство  учащихся с традициями англоязычных стран на примере празднования Дня святого Патрика.

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«Сценарий английского вечера "St. Patrick's Day"»



Дата проведения: 17 марта 2019 года

Учитель: Вотинова Ирина Витальевна, учитель английского языка высшая квалификационная категория

Участники вечера: обучающиеся 7-8 классов МБОУ «МСОШ».

Оборудование: эмблемы команд, национальный флаг Ирландии, плакаты, рисунки, электронные презентации, кроссворды, протоколы подсчета баллов, варианты правильных ответов для жюри, стихи, тексты, раздаточный материал на английском языке, фотоаппарат.

Ход проведения:

Звучит национальная ирландская музыка, выходят команды, цвет одежды – зеленый, зеленые шары, свечи и фонарики.


- Hello, my dear friends. St. Patrick is here. It’ time when everybody joins us in the fun. It’ time when all goes green. Our party is called St. Patrick’s Day. I hope you will have a nice time, because we are going to have some fun competitions. Let’s have a great St. Patrick’s Day.

- Let’s get acquaintance with Ireland. /Presentation 1.

- Listen to our captains, presenting their teams and emblems.

Представление команд.

Captains: Hello, my name is… This is my team…/Meet my team..

In my team there are8 pupils and this is our emblem. Nice to meet you.

Team 5а form - « Leprechauns». Motto- «Find Leprechaun’s pot of gold!»

Team 5 b form - «Patricks». Motto- Green for Patrick’s is the best!

Teacher: Thanks a lot. Nice to meet you, too.

Задание 1. «A secret code».

You can see a secret code. Use the code key to find the secret message.

The winner is the team that finds the secret message first.

For this task you will get 0-1 point. GOOD LUCK, TEAMS!

Teacher: It’s time to check your home task. You’ve prepared some poems and their Russian translations. So, let’s start.

Team 5а form - « Leprechauns» will present the poem «I’ll wear a Shamrock».

Team 5 b form - «Patricks» will present the poem «Theу аre wearing’o’the green»

Thanks a lot. Well done. How good of you.

Задание 2.Страноведческий квиз.

Teacher: Now the teams should be very attentive and see the presentation 3 St. Patrick’ s Day. After you’ll have to answer the questions of the Quiz. For this task you’ll get 1-5 points. Answer the questions of the Quiz in 2 minutes, pass the papers with tasks 1, 2, 3. This is the sand clock. For each correct answer you’ll get 1 point.

Задание 3. Кроссворды

Teacher: .Are you good at crosswords? We’ll start now. Please, answer the questions of the crossword . For each correct answer you’ll get 1 point.

The crossword « St. Patrick’s Day»


  1. St.Patrick’ Day Parade was first held here /USA/ in 1761.

  2. St.Patrick’ Day is the national holiday of this country.

  3. St.Patrick’ Day is celebrated every year on …of March.

  4. Who keeps a pot of gold

8. An Irish musical instrument.


5. St. Patrick’ Day is believed to have driven these creatures out of Ireland.

6. It is the color of St. Patrick’ Day.

7. A three-leafed plant associated with St. Patrick’ Day.

9. The British place where St. Patrick was born.

10. The largest St. Patrick’ Day Parade in Britain is held here.

Задание 4. Конкурс песен.

Teacher: Our next task is the song competition «AN IRISH BLESSING».

May the road rise up to meet you,

May the wind be always at you back,

May the rain fall soft upon your field

And until we beet again,

May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Задание 5. Игры по теме праздника:

- Найди трилистник «Find the shamrock» / COLD, WARMER, HOT/.

- Шутки эльфа «Leprechaun’s tricks».

- Найди чашу с монетами эльфа « Find Leprechaun’s pot of gold».

- Найди 4 слова « Find 4 words» : Shamrock, Patrick, rainbow, holiday.

Задание 6. Ярмарка кулинарных изделий. (Домашнее задание).

Подведение итогов. Награждение победителей.



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