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Сценарий ко дню Св Валентина

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Сценарий мероприятия ко Дню Св Валентина

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«Сценарий ко дню Св Валентина»

Dear guests! Dear boys & girls! Good evening! Nice to see you at our traditional St. Valentine’s party.

1.There are many legends about St. Valentine.

( Legends are stories that are handed down from the past. No one really knows the actual origin of Valentine’s Day. Many historians seem to trace it to an ancient Roman festival called “Lupercalia”. This was held on February, 15 to honour Faunus the God of animal life, hunting, herding, the patron of husbandary, & the guardian of the secret love of nature. After Christianity spread, some think this pagan festival eventually become St. Valentine’s Day.

Other experts connect Valentine’s Day with Two saints of the early Christian Church. According to one story, St. Valentine was a priest who would marry young couples against the orders of the Roman Emperor Claudius II, who believed that single young men made better soldiers. This story goes back to about A.D.200.

There was also another St. Valentine who was a good friend to children. Because he would not worship the gods decreed the Roman emperor, he was put in prison. While he was imprisoned, the children missed him & thought him loving notes. He was supposedly executed on February 14 A.D. 270. Some people think this is why we exchange friendly & caring messages on this day.

Others believe that the world “valentine” came from a Norman world “galantine”, which means “a gallant” or a “lover”. Some people connect the celebrating of Valentine’s Day with an old English belief that birds choose their on February 14)

For warming up please answer some questions.

  1. When did St Valentine’s day originate? (A.D.200, in Europe in middle ages XIII-XIV c.)

  2. Where did it originate?( ancient Rome)

  3. When did the custom of sending valentine cards start? (in the middle ages)

4. What god has sharp arrows to pierce people’s hearts with? (Cupid)

5. What is the symbol of love?(heart)

6. How do people sign valentine cards? (they are usually anonymous)

  1. In what country would a young girl stand at her window before sunrise waiting for her potential husband? (Italy)

  2. In what country did the girls read fortunes about their future husbands planting onions?(Germany)

  3. Who was the god of love in ancient Greece? (Eros)

2. Now please do the crossword puzzle.

Valentine Heart Arrow Cupid February Chocolate Friendship Admirer Doily Sweetheart

3. Look at the statements and say if they are true or false

  1. Venus is the God of love.(False, goddess)

  2. Valentine’s day is celebrated in spring. (False, winter)

  3. Blue is the colour of Valentine’s day.(False, red)

  4. Cupid likes to shoot shamrocks.(False, arrows)

  5. Cupid was the grandson of Venus.(False, son)

  6. A box of chocolates is a popular Valentine’s present. (True)

  7. There are a lot of stories about the origin of Valentine’s day. (true)

  8. Valentine’s day is celebrated only in the USA.(false)

  9. A red rose is a sign of romantic love. (true)

4. One of the most traditional gifts for Valentine’s is a box of chocolates. I need two people from each team. Your task is to unwrap a candy and eat it as quickly as possible without the help of hands!

5. Now we’ll see how good you are at literature, art and history. You should match the famous couples.

6. Unfortunately, sometimes hearts are broken. Put the parts of broken hearts together.

7. Now let’s check how accurate you are. You should shoot the arrows into hearts. for each accurate shoot you’ll get a point.

8. Your next task is to put the parts of the text in the correct order.

9. Our last task is to compare two pictures and find the differences.

10. Now it’s time to sum up our contests.

Our festival is over. Thank you!


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