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Сценарий сказки для 2,3,4 классов "Дюймовочка"

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«Сценарий сказки для 2,3,4 классов "Дюймовочка"»






Frog’s son


Butterfly 1,2







Scene 1

Narrator: Once upon a time there lived a woman. she really wanted to have a child and she decided to go to the witch.

Woman: Good evening 

Witch: Good evening. Why are you here?

Woman: I want to have a child. can you help me?

Witch: Take a small grain and put it into a flower pot

Mother: Thank you very much

Scene 2

Woman: Oh, what a pretty flower. 

Thumbelina: Who am I?

Woman: You are my daughter. you are very pretty and small. your name is Thumbelina 

Thumbelina:I like my name. Where do I live?

Woman: You live in this flower. It’s late, go to bed

Scene 3

Frog: Oh what a pretty girl. she’s a perfect wife for my son. 

Narrator: in the morning poor Thumbelina wakes up and sees the ugly frogs.

Frog: wake up dear girl.

F. son: what a pretty girl. what is your name?

Thumbelina: My name is Thumbelina. where am I?

Frog: it’s your new home.

F. Son: You will be my wife. Quaqua.

Thumbelina: Oh, no.

Frog: Be a good girl. The dinner will be ready soon.

Scene 4

Beetle: Poor girl I can help you. What is your name?

Th: my name is Thumbelina.

Butterfly 1: she is slim. She has only two legs. She’s ugly.

Butterfly 2: She’s very ugly. Go away.

Beetle: Go away. You are not pretty. You are ugly.

Scene 5

Mouse: Little girl what is your name?

Th: My name is Thumbelina.

Mouse: Come to my house. You can help me.

Narrator: The winter comes. Thumbelina lives in the mouse’s house.

Mouse: My dear, I have got a good husband for you. It’s the mole.

Th: I don’t need a husband.

Mouse: Stupid girl. He’s rich. His rooms are big.

Mole: Knock-knock, may I come in? 

Mouse: Please come in dear friend. This is Thumbelina.

Th: Welcome, I’m glad to meet you.

Mole: What a nice voice. Are can be my wife. Think about it.

Mouse: She will think.

Scene 6

Th: Dear swallow, are you alive?

Swollow: My wing, my wing, I can’t fly.

Th: I can help you.

Narrator: Many days Thumbelina takes care of the swallow. The winter comes, then the spring comes

Mouse: Thumbelina, Thumbelina, the mole is coming. You will be his wife.

Please come in. Thumbelina is ready for the wedding.

Th: Dear mouse, dear mole, may I say goodbye to the Sun?

Mole: I think you may.

Th: Oh sun, goodbye!

Swallow: Good day dear girl. I have to thank you. My wing is fine. I can fly away.

Th: please take me too.

Swallow: Ok, let’s fly… It is a warm country. It is your home, goodbye.

Queen: Look. It is a little girl. She’s so beautiful. She’s so lonely. Hello! Welcome to our country of elves. I am the queen of elves. Who are you?

Th: my name is Thumbelina.

Elf: Dear Thumbelina, would you like to live with elves in pretty flowers? 

Th: I want it very much.

Elf: Welcome.

Queen: You can take these wings and fly with us.

Th: I can fly! 

Prince: I am the prince of this country. You are a beautiful and kind girl. Will you marry me?

Th: I will.

Narrator: Thumbelina lives with the elves. She’s married to the prince. Every day they fly from flower to flower and they are very happy.


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