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Сценарий сказки на английском языке "Новогодние приключения Маши и Вити"

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«Сценарий сказки на английском языке "Новогодние приключения Маши и Вити"»

«The New Year’s adventure of Masha and Vitya»

Сценарий сказки на английском языке для внеклассного мероприятия:

«Новогодние приключения Маши и Вити»

Действующие лица:

Дед Мороз. Father the Frost

Снегурочка. Snow Maiden

Маша, школьница младших классов. Masha

Витя, школьник младших классов. Vitya

Баба Яга. Baba Yaga

Леший. Leshiy

Кот Матвей, дикий кот. Cat

Печь. Oven

Яблонька. Apple tree

Лесовичок. Leshiy

Кощей Бессмертный. Koschey

Слуги Кощея.

Сцена №1

(Jingle Bells)

Маша и Витя спорят о сказках.

Vitya: My dad denies fairy tales and all sorts of miracles, and my dad is a candidate of technical science.

Masha: Professor, aren’t all bespectacles unimaginative?

Маша подводит Витю к Деду Морозу.

Masha: Meet, here’s a real Father the Frost for you.

Father the Frost: Father the Frost.

Vitya: Masha claims that you are a real magical Father the Frost. That means that you have a real Snow girl.

Father the Frost: She was stolen by Koschey. He wanted to arrange a New Year party for his evil spirits.

Masha: We should help the Snow girl.

Father the Frost: It’s not easy to get into Koschey’s Kindom. And it’s impossible to me to get there.

Masha: I’ll get there. I’ll help the Snow girl.

Father the Frost: And won’t you be scared if I let you into a fairy tale?

Vitya (стесняясь): Excuse me, but could you let me get to the fairy tale too? My mom says that girls should always be protected.

Father the Frost: All right, go to the fairy tale together!

Маша и Витя входят в сказочный лес.

Сцена №2

Сказочный лес. На сцене Баба Яга , Леший, Кот Матвей. Гремит гром и молния.

Baba Yaga: Alarm, someone got into the forest. The alarm went off.

Let’s see right now. Eniki- beniki- brooms- crooms!

Баба Яга, Кот и Леший смотрят в подзорную трубу.

Появляются Маша и Витя. (Поют песню «Человек собаке друг»)

Baba Yaga: That is Father the Frost who’s sent them.

Leshiy: What to do?

Baba Yaga: To defeat them we have to separate them.

Все смеются.

I’ll rushed to my place. I will lure them into my hut and fry them together for dinner.

Сцена №3

Стол, стулья, посуда. Баба Яга в избушке поет и танцует.

Витя и Маша подходят к избушке.

Masha: Vitya, look, the fairy hut!

Baba Yaga (заводит детей): You are welcome! Help yourself, my dear guests.

Where are you going?

Vitya: The aim of our expedition is to penetrate to the Koschey’s Kindom.

Baba Yaga: A-a-a…Oh, poor things, he will kill you!

Vitya: I think you exaggerate his abilities.

Baba Yaga: Who? Me? Do you know his power? Who has killed Ivan Tsarevich? Koschey! And who has killed Phenist Ясный Сокол? Again, Koschey!

Masha: Thanks a lot! Everything was delicious!


Baba Yaga: Ha-ha-ha…I will cook these naughty kids now. I need some water. I should go and bring some.

Баба Яга уходит.

Vitya: (просыпается): Masha, it seems to me, his is Baba Yaga. And she wants to eat us.

Masha: Oh, Viten’ka, I am afraid.

Vitya: Don’t be afraid, Masha!

Маша и Витя убегают.

Сцена №4

На сцене печка. Поёт песню.

Маша и Витя подходят к печке.

Oven: Mashen’ka, help, Baba Yaga closed me with stones. Can you make me free?

Masha: Yes, of course!

Освобождают печку.

Oven: Oh,thank you my dear! Try my tasty cakes. (отдает пирожки)

Masha: Help yourself, Victor!

Oven: Mashen’ka, here is a piece of coal. Where it will go, follow it. It will show you the way to Koschey’s Kindom.

Маша и Витя уходят.

Сцена №5

Леший на сцене и поет песню.

Затем подбирает уголёк и прячет за пазухой. К нему подбегают Маша и Витя.

Vitya: Good afternoon!

Leshiy: Hi! What do you want?

Masha: Have you taken our coal?

Leshiy: Which one?

Masha: The red one.

Leshay: Ah…the red one?! “No, I haven’t. (жжёт за пазухой уголёк, он его достает и роняет в воду)

Vitya: What have you done?

Masha: What a shame!

Leshiy: (отводит в сторону Машу) I see you are a kind girl. I can show you the way if you deny this boy.

Let’s go!

Masha: No, I won’t go anywhere without Vitya!

Leshiy: (отводит Витю в сторонку) What do you do with this girl?! Quit her! I’ll show you the way to Koschey as man to the man! Ok? (протягивает руку ВИТЕ)

Vitya: Thank you, I agree. Ok?

Leshiy: Ok!

Берутся за руки, и Леший начинает трястись.

Vitya: Stop shaking! Who were you sent by?

Leshiy: Baba Yaga.

Vitya: the aim?

Leshiy: To separate you.

Vitya: Tell, where is the road to Koschey is.

Leshiy: I don’t know. I’m not let there. Let me go, let me go…

Vitya: Let it be.

Leshiy: Thank you! (и убегает)

Masha: What’s the matter with him?

Vitya: Trivial electric charge. And why did he shake so much?

Сцена №6

На сцене яблонька. Поёт песню.

Apple tree: Help me, Mashen’ka. (дает им яблоки)

Masha: (берет яблоки) Take it! (протягивает Вите одно)

Vitya: It’s impossible! It’s not clean.

Masha: It’s not polite. Eat it!

Apple tree: Thank you Masha and Vitya! Take this apple and it will show you the way to Koschey.

Misha / Vitya: Thank you, Apple tree! Good bye!

Apple tree: Good bye, Masha and Vitya!

Сцена №7

На сцене кот. Подбирает яблочко и ест его.

Cat: Hi, kids! Финита-ля-комедия!

Поет песню.

Cat: Well, kids, it’s very simple. I suggested them to eat you and will do it!

Masha: What shall we do? (говорит Вите)

Cat: I love listening to fairy tales. Well, the girl start telling me!

Masha: The fairy tale about the bun.

Cat: Ok!

Masha: The Granddad planted the bun. The bun grew very big. The grandad is pulling it, pulling it but can’t.

Cat: Ah…he is weak. I see.

Masha: The granddad called the grandma. Pulling, pulling but can’t pull out.

Cat: It was a weak generation, you see. Well?

Masha: Granny called Жучка.

Cat: Who is that?

Masha: Жучкa is a dog, wav-wav…

Cat: No, no Жучка! I can’t stand dogs.

Masha : Wav-wav, that you can’t stand, called the cat.

Cat: That’s another pair of shoes! I approve it. Go ahead!

Masha: Pulling, pulling but can’t pull out.

Cat: I don’t believe it!

Vitya: (запускает мышку) Mascha, I am ready!

Masha: The cat called the mouse.

Кот бросается за мышкой.

Vitya: Masha, run away!

Сцена №8

Маша и Витя дошли до Кощея.

Vitya: Here we come.

Masha: Nothing bad happened to us. We aren’t afraid of you, Koschey!

Маша убегает вперед и их разделяют стражники. Маша оказывается во дворце Кощея.

На сцене Кощей и поет песню.

Koschey: It’s important to be calm. Are you afraid of me?

Masha: Not at all. Why should I be afraid of you? Because I know everything about you.Your death is at the end of a needle, a needle in an egg, the egg in a duck.

Koschey: Okey, okey! You are talking too much. You get it from me now. (набирает воздух в рот) Oh, my god! (хватается за зуб)

Masha: What’s up?

Koschey: You know, I’ve been having a toothache for a long time.

Masha: Well, what will you give me if I help you?

Koschey: Everything, you want! Just help me.

Masha: Let the Snow girl go out! Quickly!

Koschey: Oh my tooth. It’s hurting. I’m breaking the magic spell. And the Snow girl will be free. Lift the gates!

Выходит, Снегурочка и поет песню.

Masha: Bring me a spoon of salt and a glass of water (приносят). Rinse!

Koschey: Wow, it doesn’t hurt anymore.

Приходят Баба Яга, Кот и Леший.

Baba Yaga: Your rival’s at the gates. He wants to cup your head!

Koschey: Who is he?

Cat: Don’t worry. There is a young boy.

Koschey: Give me my deferent clothes, my magic sword and my magic spear.

Baba Yaga: Our Koschey, you’re still strong. You’ll show us your strong.

Leshiy: Hey, buddy. Cool you are.

Koschey: Hey you, catch the girl and don’t let her out! When I’m back I’ll kill her. She forced me to free the Snow girl!

Сцена №9

Витя за воротами мысленно: Let’s see how yoy will stand against my magnet, Koschey!

Выходят Кощей со стражей и нечестью.

Koschey: Ha-ha-ha… Nothing to say, they found a fighter.

It’s easy to kill you!

Кощей пытается сразить Витю копьем. Затем мечом, но Витя палкой с магнитом его обезвреживает.

Koschey: I give up! Oh…

Vitya: Let Masha go at once!

Koschey: Okay, okay, I let Masha, just let me go.

Маша выбегает, видит Кощея с поднятыми руками.

Masha: Vitya, it’s me1 What’s the matter with him?

Vitya: I struck him down, let’s go!

Маша и Витя убегают.

Сцена №10

Маша и Витя выходят из сказки. Праздник!

Snow Maiden: Hello, Father the Frost!

Father the Frost: Hello, my dear! Thank you Masha, thank you Vitya! Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year!

Заключительная песня. Поют все.


Песня Маши и Вити:

We will find the Snow girl

In the magic Kindom

So that the New Year starts

To every house to the guys!

Let the road be so hard

We know it for sure

Good is always will be kind

Everywhere in the life

Песня Бабы Яги:

Dinner and supper are waiting for you

I’ll heat the stove

I love the boys, I love the girls

Very very much!

Песня печки:

I baked pies

For friends, not for enemies,

And there’s not a man around in the forest!

Will you open the door?

Try my pie

And the stove will tell thank you!

Песня яблоньки:

My kids have grown up

Branches bending to the land

There is no one to look me after

You are tired along the way

Will you come to me?

Taste my wonderful apples.

Песня Лешего:

Believe the Leshiy

Hey-hey, I don’t lie

But live as usual

But live as usual

I can’t, can’t, can’t, can’t, can’t!

Песня кота Матвея:

The game is over. I’m a cat. Падабудам

My first move is the last. Падабудам

I’m Matvey, my system is Ok

I don’t like to pull the cat’s tail!

Песня Кащея:

I’m cunning. I’m angry and greedy,

Rude, cruel and merciless

I act my sword with cold my head

Anxiety is unfamiliar

Left my heart I for deposit

And I don’t worry anything!

Песня Снегурочки:

I escaped from Koschey’ prison

How beautiful is freedom!

And now the New Year for sure

Will come to us after the Old Year!


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