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Сценарий театральной постановки на английском языке "BOOKS".

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«Сценарий театральной постановки на английском языке "BOOKS".»


  1. disco

STUDENT: (обращаясь к залу, эмоционально, с негодованием и раздражением)

Oh teachers, isn’t it annoying

To read books?

They are so boring!!!

Songs, novels – everything’s in English;

It’s difficult just to distinguish.

I pass exams... tomorrow... in the morning...

I can’t remember – it’s so boring! (зевает)

Who is that Hamlet?

He’s a friend of Desdemona...

His neighbor’s Dr Watson...

He’s a German...

Well, that’s enough,

Some minutes for a sleep

Or I’ll begin to sob or weep.

Come in, my sweetest dreams!!!

  1. Romeo and JULIET

JULIET: (обращается к залу, прижимая руки к сердцу, эмоционально, с выражением )

O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?

Deny thy father or refuse thy name;

Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love.

And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.

Thou art thyself, thou not a Montague.

What’s a Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,

Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part

Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet;

So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,

Retain that dear perfection which he owes

Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,

And for that name which is no part of thee

Take all myself!

  1. Flower girl

FLOWER GIRL:  (весело, громко) Oh, do buy a flower off me. I can change half-a-crown. Take this for tuppence.

JULIET: O Romeo, my Romeo! (взмахнув рукой, убегает со сцены)

FLOWER GIRL:   (обращаясь к залу, вздыхая печально)  Nobody does want my flowers. What shall I do?


FLOWER GIRL: (печально)   Tell me where I should go.

CHESHIRE CAT:   (хитро)   And where do you want to come?

FLOWER GIRL:   (просто)   Well, it doesn’t matter.

CHESHIRE CAT: Then it doesn’t matter where to go.

FLOWER GIRL:  Oh, only to come somewhere.

CHESHIRE CAT:  Somewhere you’ll get, you have just to walk long enough to get there.


OTHELLO: (обращается к Цветочнице, которая не понимает, кто это и почему он зол на нее)


Have you prayed tonight, Desdemona? .............

My God! What have I done?!


ROBINSON CRUSOE:  Friday! Friday! My dear friend!............

I understood him in many things, and let him know that I was pleased with him. In a little time I began to speak to him, and teach him to speak to me; and at first I made him know his name would be Friday, which was the day I saved his life ... Oh Friday! My dear friend!


HAMLET: (размышляет вслух, торжественно, с чувством)

To be or not to be, that’s the question:

Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind,

To suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them?

To die – to sleep; no more.


SHERLOCK HOLMES: (обращается к зрителям)

My dear sirs, you know that we were mixed

Because this student doesn’t like to read.

We are right now in his dreams...

It isn’t easy as it seems

For Sherlock Holmes to solve this case

But we will find a proper place

For Flower Girl. It is your book...

Oh, poor Juliet, come and look:

Your book was written by Shakespeare,

I wish you happiness, my dear!

Othello, Hamlet, follow her

And give the readers happy hours.

Oh, Mr Crusoe lost his island!

I hope this book will help to find it...

We rushed into your dreams, it’s time we said goodbye!

  1. Clock

STUDENT: (в ужасе)

Ah, well, what a nightmare!

For my exam I must prepare.

Now quite well I realize:

Books must be read and memorized!

  1. The end”.


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