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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке для учащихся 5-11 классов "Праздник, посвященный Дню Святого Валентина"

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Данный сценарий содержит информацию об истории возникновения праздника Дня святого Валентина, символы и традиции празднования в разных странах, а также несколько увлекательных конкурсов

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Party “St Valentine’s Day”


Обучающая: формировать умения монологической речи по теме «День святого Валентина».

Развивающая:  развить коммуникативные навыки и навыки письменной речи по теме.

Воспитательная: сформировать у учащихся познавательный интерес и уважение к истории и культуре  стран изучаемого языка; расширить кругозор учащихся.

Оснащение мероприятия: ноутбук, проектор с экраном, колонки; презентация с необходимым материалом, раздаточный материал.

Новые слова: celebrate, celebration, is celebrated, fall on – выпадать на, decorate, make decorations, sweetheart, marry, get married to, fall in love with (fell, fallen), have a secret date, send a Valentine card, have a message of affection, share feelings of affection,

Valentine’s Day [ˈvæl.ən.taɪnzˌdeɪ] — День святого Валентина (праздник всех влюблённых,

valentine [‘væləntaɪn] — 1) валентинка (любовное или шутливое послание, стихи, посылаемые в День св. Валентина); 2) возлюбленный, возлюбленная (выбираемые в шутку обыкн. в день св. Валентина);
love [lʌv] — любовь, kiss [kɪs] — поцелуй, целоваться, hug [hʌg] — обнимать, объятие
heart [hɑːt] — сердце; romantic [rə’mæntɪk] — романтичный; romance
Cupid [‘kjuːpɪd] — Купидон; Cupid with a bow and an arrow, arrow – стрела, bow - лук, shoot an arrow
chocolate [‘ʧɔklət] — шоколад; sweets - candy, present — gift- подарок;
card [kɑːd] — открытка; e-cards — электронные открытки; jewellery [ˈdʒuːəlrɪ] — ювелирные изделия;
bouquet [bu’keɪ] — букет= a bunch of flowers
propose [prə’pəuz] — предложение; promise – обещать, make promises – делать обещания, be full of – быть полным offer предлагать, fulfil- выполнять symbolize - , do wonders- делать чудеса

care - забота, faith – верность, passion- страсть, cute - , cuteness –

cure a physical pain – исцелять физическую боль, heal many diseases - лечить болезни
public displays of affection — публичными проявлениями теплых чувств / любви;
couple [ˈkʌp(ə)l] — пара; loving couple, pair of lovers/sweethearts — влюблённая пара;
be in love (with) — быть влюблённым; fall in love (with) [fɔːl] — влюбиться (в кого-л.);
dislike  [dɪsˈlaɪk] – не любить; love, adore [əˈdɔː(r)] – обожать;
be crazy about somebody – сходить с ума по кому-то; be fond of somebody – любить кого-то;
fall for somebody – влюбиться в кого-то;
beam on/at somebody – смотреть, излучая любовь; walk out with somebody – ухаживать за кем-то.

Religious – религиозный, Secular - светский

Commemorate - , Christian saint –христианский святой, enthusiasm and charm - , express- , custom - , a huge variety of - , baskets - , heart shaped candies (boxes), tie - , ribbon -

joy - радость, joyful – радостный, Priest – священник, Christian saint - , jail – prison- тюрьма

Dear friends! Today we are having a Saint Valentine`s Party. We are going to celebrate this wonderful holiday, to learn about its history, to listen to some beautiful songs and poems and to take part in different competitions dedicated to Saint Valentine`s Day. Moreover, we have a unique opportunity to talk about love.  

And now, ladies and gentlemen, make yourselves comfortable and enjoy our party.  

Valentine’s Day is one of the most favorite holidays in the world. The festival falls on February the 14th every year and is celebrated all over the world. The festival commemorates a Christian saint called St Valentine, the festival isn’t a religious one. Nowadays Valentine's Day is a secular festival which is celebrated by people of all ages and races. February the 14th is a festival of love, romance and friendship. People send greeting cards to their sweethearts and friends and ask them “Be my Valentine”. This means “be my friend or love”. People also decorate their homes with big red hearts and give red roses and chocolate to their sweethearts, friends and family members.

The origin of St. Valentine’s Day

What is the origin of St. Valentine’s Day? No one really knows the actual origin of Valentine's Day. There are several legends about St.Valentine’s Day.

Pupil 1: Many historians consider it was held on the 14th of February to honour Faunus, the god of animal life, hunting, the patron of husbandry. After Christianity spread, some people think this pagan festival eventually became Valentine's Day.

Pupil 2: One of the legends says that Valentine was a Christian priest who lived in the 3.centure A.D. He was put into prison by the Roman emperor for his teaching and was beheaded on the 14th of February. According to the legend he performed a miracle - he cured his jailer’s daughter of her blindness. Before the execution he wrote her  a letter and signed it “From your Valentine”.

Pupil 3: According to another legend, Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time.
е was thrown into prison because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman empire (of the Roman Emperor Claudius 11, who believed that single young men made better soldiers.). The legend says that he was burned at the stake. Roman emperor Claudius did not want young men to get married. He wanted all men to go to war instead. He said no one could get married without his permission. But young men and women who were in love wanted to get married. They went to Valentine and he married them in secret. When Claudius found out, he put Valentine into prison. Claudius killed Valentine on February, 14.

Pupil 4: One more legend says that there also was another St. Valentine who was a good friend to children. While he was imprisoned, the children that he had befriended missed him and brought him loving notes. Valentine wrote to children and friends who loved him from the jail. He was executed on February the 14th . Some people think this is why we exchange friendly and caring messages on this day.

Symbols of St. Valentine’s Day.

Now, St. Valentine’s Day is the day of the sweethearts. On this day, people show their friends, relatives and loved ones that they care. People send valentines, sweets or flowers to those whom they love. What are the symbols of St. Valentine’s Day? Listen to the stories about some of them.

Pupil 1: Perhaps one of the oldest Valentine’s Day customs is sending valentines to their sweethearts, friends and members of their families. Valentines are greeting cards named after St.Valentine’s letters written from jail. Sending valentines became very popular. There are even books explaining how to write valentine messages and verses. Valentines can be sentimental and romantic, or funny and friendly. Valentines can be anonymous, heart-shared or have hearts on them. People buy valentines or make them themselves. But almost all valentines ask “Be my Valentine”. This may mean be my friend or my love.

Teacher: Red is the color most often used in valentines because it is a symbol of warmth and feeling. Pink is a mixture of red and white. White is a symbol of purity and is a colour often used in valentines.

Pupil 2: The red heart is also an old symbol of love. Centuries ago, people thought the heart was the centre of our feelings. Heart symbolizes life and if you give your heart to someone then it means that you love ant trust (доверять) the person.

Teacher: Hearts are the most common romantic symbols. Candy, cookies and even cakes are made in hearts shape for valentine parties.

Pupil 3: One of the early symbols of love is Cupid, the Roman God of Love, who is represented as a young boy with wings and a bow and arrows. He shoots arrows upon people and that makes them fall in love.

Pupil 4: Flowers have been symbols of love and happiness for a long time. Today, people often send flowers as gifts or they use them as decorations on Valentine’s Day. On Valentine’s Day people send roses, forget-me-nots violets and tulips. Red roses are a symbol of love. The rose was the favorite flower of Venus, the Roman goddess of love. Red is a color that stands for strong feelings. That is why the red rose is a flower of love. On Valentine’s Day, one rose or a dozen means “I love you”.

Teacher: Flowers have some specific messages. The language of flowers developed over a period of centuries. 

White roses are for true love

Red roses are for passion

Yellow roses are for friendship

Black roses mean farewell

Pupil 5: Ribbons and Lace have been associated with love and romance since ages. Ribbons go back to the days when ladies gave ribbons to their favorite knights when they went to war. Lace comes from a Latin word, which means “to catch”. Lace was supposed to catch the heart of a loved one. Hundreds of years ago, women carried lace handkerchiefs. It was also usual for a lady to drop her handkerchief in the path of the man whose attention she wanted to draw.  

Ribbons meant “You are tied up”, or “”You are my girl” Lace is the same “You have caught my heart in net”.

Teacher: Today lace, ribbons, and frills (оборки) are still used: we began using paper lace to decorate chocolate boxes and Valentine cards, ribbons to tie flowers.

Pupil 6: Chocolate has long been considered a romantic gift, especially on Valentine's Day. It means that chocolate is as sweet as love. Chocolates and candies are often put in heart shaped boxes. Chocolate in heart shaped boxes are a traditional Valentine's Day gift.

Pupil 7: Rings. In some countries, men and women exchange rings when they become engaged or marry. Valentine’s Day is a popular day for giving an engagement ring. The ring usually had stone or jewel set in it. Diamonds are common in today engagement rings.

Pupil 8: Love Knots : Use of love knots is an Arabic custom and is very expressive. In earlier days the wives used to sent love knots to their husband to express their love. The tradition continues till nowadays. It is a symbol of endless love. People made love knots from ribbon or drew them on paper.

Pupil 9: Love birds and Doves. Lovebirds are colorful parrots found in Africa. Most have red bills.

They are called love birds because they sit closely together in pairs like loving souls do. Doves were favorite birds of Venus. They remain with the same mates all their lives. The males and females both care for their babies. As these birds are symbols of loyalty and love they are also symbols of Valentine’s Day.

Pupil 10: Gloves Long time ago, when a man proposed marriage to a woman, he “asked for her hand”. The hand became a symbol of marriage and love. Soon gloves also became a symbol of love.

How do people in different countries celebrate Valentine’s day

There are a lot of traditions of celebrating St. Valentine’s Day in different countries.

British people celebrate St.Valentine Day by writing verses (poems) about love and giving each other presents in the form of a heart. In all parts of Britain writing poems is a popular tradition on Valentine’s Day. Magazines and newspapers publish love verses. Different regions of the country have their specific traditions to celebrate Valentine's Day but one custom is the singing of special songs by children. These children are rewarded (given gifts) with gifts of candy, fruit or money. In some regions Valentine buns are baked with plums or raisins.

In the USA people give candies packed in cardboard boxes in the shape of a heart. They believe that the more candies the stronger love.

In Germany  Lovers exchange not only chocolates, flowers, and heart shaped gifts, but a pig! The pig represents luck, They can give a picture with a pig, a small statue, a pig shaped chocolate. Germans prepare big ginger cookies in the shape of a heart which contain romantic phrases and messages like “Ich liebe dich” (I love you).

French people have been celebrating Valentine’s Day for a long time. The traditional gift is jewelry, but also candies, lottery tickets, romantic trips, artificial flowers… On that day, French people congratulate not only their love but also their close relatives and friends.

In Italythe "Day of Love" is celebrated in classic style! On Valentine’s day couples get together to enjoy music, they go out for dinners at pizzeria. Just as in several other countries there is a strong tradition to exchange gifts like rose, perfume, chocolates and jewelry. Another popular Valentine's Day gift in Italy is a small, chocolate-covered hazelnuts containing a small slip of paper with a romantic poetic quote in four languages.

In India this Day is the most popular among young people. Red tulips and roses, teddy bears and photo collages are the gifts in India. Coffee shops, restaurants are full with couples. Ice-cream and chocolate candies are sold like fire. Husbands and wives exchange the jewelry gifts.

In Mexico it is considered as a day of romance and love. In January the shops and the streets start getting decorated with hearts and cupids and the atmosphere gets filled with love and romance. Everywhere you see heart shaped balloons, flowers. In Mexico people give gifts not only to their sweethearts but they also greet their family and friends with gifts and presents.

In Australia these days more and more people are using SMS and e-mails to express their love. Surveys reveal that men in Australia are more romantic and open about expressing their love as compared to Australian women. Men in Australia buy more cards than women do.

In Japan people have a Carnival, crowds of lovers gather in the streets and cry out declarations of love. (выкрикивают признание в любви)

In Russia

In Denmark romantic lovers send each other dried white flowers, often rose.

In Finland they celebrate Friendship Day instead of Valentine’s Day. People also exchange valentine cards, candies and gifts as people do in other countries. Friendship Day is the next popular holiday in Finland after New Year’s Day and Christmas.

In Philippine They also have a tradition when many couples gather together and get married at the same time.

In Russia sweethearts give each other valentine cards, chocolate sweets, young people have parties, blow up balloons, take part in funny competitions and spend good time.

Valentine’s week

  1. Rose Day: A Day to Make Life Full of Life

On Rose Day people exchange roses of different colours with each other. For instance couples in love exchange red roses, as a red rose is the symbol of love. People exchange yellow roses with friends. Rose day is the first day of the valentine’s week and it falls on 7th of February.

  1. Propose Day: A Day to Make Promises for a Lovely Life Together

Propose day is the second day of the Valentine’s week. Propose day falls on 8th of February. People promise to their sweethearts a life full of love, care, faith.

  1. Chocolate Day: A Magical Wand That Sweetens the Relationship

People all around the world celebrate Chocolate day on 9th February. It is the third day of the Valentine’s week On this day couples offer chocolate to each other. People are excited because they love receiving a box of chocolates as a gift.

  1. Teddy Day: A Day to Delight the Lady with a Cute Teddy!

Teddy bear is an emblem of cuteness. It is celebrated on the fourth day of the valentine’s week and it falls on 10th of February. Teddy day is celebrated mostly by young couples who exchange teddy bears.

  1. Promise Day: Promises That a Girl Want From Her Man

Promise day is one of the days of the valentine’s week which falls on the 11th of February. Couples make promises on this day to each other that can make their life beautiful. People should only make those promises which they can fulfil.

  1. Hug Day: The True Meaning of a Warm Hug

Hug day falls on the12th of February which is the 6th days of the valentine’s week. It symbolises love, passion, care. It can do wonders if the feeling is pure. Hugging often cure a physical pain or an emotional pain. Researches have proved (They say) that a deep hug full of love can (has the power to) heal many diseases.

  1. Kiss Day: A Moment of Love and Romance

One of the most awaited days of the valentine’s week is what people call, Kiss Day. It falls on 13th of February. Couples kiss each other and it means that they don’t need words to express their love.


In many countries, people express love for their beloved on this day by presenting them a huge variety of gifts such as flowers, cards, chocolates, teddy bears, and other special gifts.

The Story about the first Valentine card

Do you want to know when the first valentine appeared? Listen to the story about the first Valentine card.

The first Valentine card was written by a young Frenchman, Charles, Duke of Orleans - герцог Charles was captured by the English and was put in the Tower of London. He felt very lonely, and to fight his loneliness he started writing love poems to his wife in France. His 'valentines' are now kept in the British Museum.
In 1537, King Henry VIII officially recognized St. Valentine's Day, which is ironic because he wasn't the most romantic of men he had six wives (and two of them were executed)!
The early valen­tines were handmade, and young people spent hours composing their own poems. In 1784, the first book with poems for St. Valentine’s Day was pub­lished.

As time passed, valentine cards became more and more popular. The Victorians decorated their cards with hearts and Cupids, wild flowers, silk, lace, feathers. They were signed “From your secret admirer”

In the nineteenth century, a real Valentine's Day industry was found. Ready-made cards were produced, just as they were for Christmas and birthdays.
Today, many people send electronic valentines to their loved ones. But the person who gets an e-valentine will know who it's from! You can't sign it “From your secret admirer”

Инсценировка легенды.

Teacher: It’s time to put up some short plays. When the Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers for his army, he made a special law against marrying because he was sure that getting married made men want to stay at home instead of fighting wars. But at that time there lived a priest called Valentine. He couldn’t agree with the emperor’s decision. When he saw that young couples were truly in love, he married them secretly

Scene 1

На сцене появляются юноша и девушка, одетые в одежды времен Римской империи.

Он:  Oh, please! Marry us! We love each other truly! We can’t live without each other.

Она: I’ll die, if you don’t marry us. Please, please. Help us! (они оба падают на колени)

Священник: I see how much you love each other. I will help you. My daughter! My son! I declare you husband and wife! Live long and be happy!

Вальс Вивальди (врывается стража, они хватают священника)

Стражник 1: Priest, you have been discovered and condemned to death!

Стражник 2: How dare you break the law? To prison! To prison!

Он и она: Farewell, Father!

Scene 2

Священник в тюрьме. Звучит грустная мелодия. Входит тюремщик с дочерью.

Священник: What a beautiful girl!

Тюремщик: This is my daughter. She is so unhappy. She is blind. She will never enjoy the light of the sun! She will never see the blue sky! She will never see the trees! (рыдает)

Священник: I will help you. Come up to me, poor child! Don’t be afraid!

(через некоторое время дочь тюремщика показывает, что к ней вернулось зрение, она счастлива)

Девушка:  You’ve worked a miracle! Thank you! You are so kind. Even here, in prison, you show your love for everyone.  I’m so grateful to you! May I come to visit you every day?

Священник:  Unfortunately, tomorrow, on February 14, I am to die. But I’m not scared and I want to tell everybody on earth, “I love you. I’m your Valentine”.

Голос из-за кулис: Just before his death, on February 14, Valentine sent the girl a farewell message which he signed ”From your Valentine”.

Юноша: We have just been back to the ancient legend. There are many other legends about how St. Valentine’s Day started, and no one knows for sure whether any of them are true.

Teacher: There are a lot of humorous dialogues about St. Valentine’s Day. Let’s listen to some of them.

– Ben…
– What’s the matter?
– I’m so tired! I’m always alone. You leave home early morning and don’t come back till seven.
– One of us must go to work, dear.
– Yes, but your day is interesting and mine is so boring!
– My work isn’t always interesting.
– Ben…
– Yes, Betty.
– Did you empty the bin?
– Yes, I did empty the bin.
– Did you send the letters?
– Yes, I sent the letters.
– Did you go to the supermarket?
– M-m-m…
– Did you feed the baby?
– I did.
– Did you take the dog out for a walk?
– Yes, I did it, too.
– Did you close the door?
– I locked it.
– And did you … finish the fence?
– I did everything, Betty, everything.
– But did you remember to…
– Good night, Betty.
– He doesn’t love me! He couldn’t even talk to me!

– Hi, Mary! Here you are at last! Have you finished your exam?
– Yes, I have.
– Was it difficult?
– Well? It was quite hard.
– Did you pass it?
– I don’t know. He didn’t tell me.
– What questions did he ask?
– First, he asked me what my name was.
– That was easy, wasn’t it?
– Then he asked me where I came from, and he stared at me so ...
– How?
– So passionately. He also asked if I had a boyfriend.
– Go on!
– Then he was interested in my address.
– Anything else?
– Oh! I’m trying to remember. Oh, yes! He wondered, if I was free tonight.
– Is that all?
– Oh, there were a lot of questions. He asked me what my hobbies were. And then he asked me to go around the room… 
– What!? I’ll kill him!
– Jim! Stop!

But now let's have fun and play. I ask you to take part in different competitions.

Contest: «Famous pairs»  Well, let’s start our first contest. On the screen you can see the names of famous ladies and gentlemen. And now we'll see how good you are at literature and art. Please, help the famous couples to rejoin. You can get one “heart” for each correct answer. Match the famous couples.

Pushkin – N. Goncharova

Romeo – Juliet


Ruslan – Ludmila
Ivan — Princess Frog 

Prince – Cinderella

Othello – Desdemona

Adam – Eve

Vasilisa the Beautiful- Ivan Tsarevich

Carmen – Don Hose
Caesar – Cleopatra
Napoleon – Josephine
D’Artanian- Constance


Rat Buttler – Scarlet O'Hara
Tristan – Isolda

Do the crossword: Guess what it is and get a “heart” for the correct answers.

  • We buy or make it and write a message on it on the St. Valentine’s Day and call it a valentine (card)

  • A bird which is a symbol of love (dove)

  • We do this when we love somebody and have no words to express our love (kiss)

  • The most popular flower on the St. Valentine’s Day which we can smell (rose)

  • A very strong feeling of liking someone (love)

  • In ancient times it was the centre of feelings (heart)

  • A cupid has it in his hands (arrow)

  • A symbol of the St. Valentine’s Day presented as a boy with wings and a bow and an arrow (cupid)

  • Young girls and boys like to give them as a present and eat them (sweets)

  • The month of the year when the St. Valentine’s Day takes place (February)

Complete my sentences:

1. We call the person we love… (a sweetheart)

2. On St. Valentine’s Day people usually send anonymous, romantic and funny… ( valentines)

3. People celebrate St. Valentine's Day …on the 14th of February.

4. The colour which is a symbol of love is …(red)

5. On Valentine’s Day people can give each other sweets, rings, flowers as a… ( present)

6.A symbol of endless love which people tie with the help of a ribbon is a …(love knot)

Task “Word search” Find 16 words





































































































Make collocations:

1. My heart is … fire as cold as 6. My heart is ______ a boiling kettle as hard as

2.Your heart is … ice as deep as 7. Your heart is ______ a diamond as hot as

3.Your lips are … honey as hot as 8. Your eyes are _____ stars as bright as

4.Your eyes are …an ocean as sweet as 9. Your lips are _____ roses as red as

5. My love is … the sky as wide as 10.My love is ______ the Universe as endless as

Task “Write a valentine - написать валентинку друзьям, любимым, учителям и прочитать её. Использовать “I wish”) Very often people speak about love in poems. And now you have to write poems! Make groups of 3 pupils.

1.Happy Valentines Day! - Счастливого Дня Святого Валентина!

2. Be my Valentine! Будь моей (моим) возлюбленной(ым), будь моим(ей) Валентиной(Валентином)!

3.  You always hold a very special place in my heart! Ты всегда занимаешь особенное место в моем сердце!

5. Im yours. Be mine! – Я твой (я) Будь моей (моим)

6. I’m in love with you! – Я влюблен(а) в тебя!

7. I like you!- Ты мне нравишься

8. I love you from the bottom of my heart! – Я люблю тебя всем сердцем

9. We are meant for each other – Мы созданы друг для друга

10. Im crazy about you. – Я схожу с ума по тебе

Let’s make your own valentines: Colour your cards with red, pink, purple and yellow


Task “Fortune tree” So, the next contest for the audienceНа карточках в форме сердечек написаны предсказания, учащиеся срывают по одной и читают вслух We have a fortune tree. There are some hearts with predictions on it. Choose any heart you like and read a prediction it contains.

Let’s play a “mime game” Oh, you are good poets! But sometimes we can't just talk about love, we must show it! Look at the blackboard you can see 6 hearts. Under these hearts there are some words. So, try to pantomime these words so that they can name them. (a heart, a kiss, a letter, a guitar, love, a flower). If you manage to do it, you’ll get a heart.

Contest of valentines: Your home task was to make a valentine. The best valentines are on the blackboard. The winners are ___ Get prizes.

Contest of valentine’s poems Your home task was to make a valentine and learn a short poem devoted to St Valentine’s Day, come to the blackboard and read a poem

Выходят уч-ся с валентинками собственного изготовления и читают стихотворения, написанные на них

1. The sky is high, the sea is deep 
Thinking of you I cannot sleep 
If you love me like I love you 
Nothing but death will part us too. 

2. February the 14th day 
It’s Valentine, they say 
I choose from among the rest 
The reason is I love you best! 

3. Sure as grape grows on the vine 
So sure you are my Valentine – 
The rose is red, the violet is blue 
Lilies are fair and so are you! 

Roses are red

Violets are blue.

It’s Valentine’s Day

And I love you.

Here’s a special valentine

With lots of love for you.

And since you’re very special

Here are hugs and kisses, too!

Today I’m asking

If you’ll be mine

Please say yes

Be my Valentine

4. Roses are red  
Violets are blue 
Honey’s sweet 
And so are you! 

5. Roses are red 
Violets are blue 
But if you’ll love me 
I’ll love you too 

6 Roses are red 
Violets are blue 
I don’t know the rest 
But I know I LOVE YOU. 

You’re my rainbow, you’re my star 
You’re my bright red cookie jar. 

You’re my goldfish, you’re my pie, 
You’re the apple of my eye

The rose is red,

The violet is blue,

The honey is sweet

And so are you!!!

February the 14th day

It’s Valentine they say.

I choose you from among the rest

The reason is I love you best!!!

The rose is red, the violet blue,

Lilies are fair and so are you!

Just a little note to say:

Have a happy, happy Valentine’s Day

Let’s play a game “Who stole  my heart?” I’ll give you a heart, you should sit with your back towards the audience. One of the pupils will take your heart and you have to guess who it was. You should say “Who stole my heart?  Was it you…?” You will be given 3 attempts to guess. If you manage to guess you go on to play, if you don’t the pupil who stole your heart will take your place.

Один ученик садится спиной к классу, в руках за спиной он держит бумажное сердце. Другой ученик очень тихо подходит к нему и забирает сердце, возвращается на место и убирает его из вида. Первый ученик поворачивается и говорит “Who stole my heart? Was it you…?” У него три попытки. Если он угадает, то продолжает играть. Если нет, то ученик «укравший» сердце занимает его место.

Let’s sing songs

If you love me and you know it

Blow me a kiss

If you love me and you know it

Blow me a kiss

If you love me and you know it

And you really want to show

If you love me and you know it

Blow me a kiss

If you love me and you know it

Give me a hug

If you love me and you know it

Give me a hug

If you love me and you know it

And you really want to show

If you love me and you know it

Give me a hug

If you love me and you know it

Say I love you – I love you

If you love me and you know it

Say I love you – I love you

If you love me and you know it

And you really want to show

If you love me and you know it

Say I love you – I love you

If everybody sent a Valentine .

What if everybody sent a Valentine?

What if everybody sent a Valentine?

What if everybody sent a Valentine?

What a great world this would be!

Send your father and your mother Valentines,

Send your sister and your brother Valentines,

Everyone to one another... Valentines!

What a great world this would be!

Cheer your neighbours up and down with Valentines,

Everybody in the town with Valentines!

Spread a lot of love around with Valentines!

What a great world this would be!

Greet the postman on the street with Valentines,

Stop policeman on the beat with Valentines,

Every fireman that you meet with Valentines!

What a great world this would be!

Send the butcher and the baker Valentines,

Send the movie ticket taker Valentines,

Don't forget the pizza maker! Valentines!

What a great world this would be!

Presidential delegations... Valentines!

Kings and queens and their relations... Valentines!

Send the whole United Nations Valentines!

What a great world this would be

Let’s choose our Valentine and Valentina. I have got 2 boxes. There are cards with the girls’ names in the first box and cards with the boys’ names in the second box. I’ll ask our guest_______ to choose one card from the first box and one card from the second box. What are the names? _____ and _____ are our valentine and Valentina. You have a chance to invite your Valentine to a Sweet dance.  Звучит музыка Стива Уандера

«I just call to say I love you” , танец.

Из коробок, в которые до начала программы все присутствующие бросили записочки со своими именами, ведущие выбирают по одной, оглашая имена Валентина и Валентины года.

We hope that you enjoyed our today’s performance. Thank you for your time. Be happy! We love you!

We have a small party with treats and refreshments. 

Find a pair. I have cut some hearts into 2 parts and gave these parts to you. Some of you have questions written on them and others have answers. Those who have questions find answers to make a pair. You will get a “heart”

Let’s find out who the most active person of the audience is. Will you count your “hearts”? How many “hearts” have you got? So, the most active person is…/ people are…

I Just Called to Say I Love You

No New Year's Day to celebrate
No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away
No first of spring
No song to sing
In fact here's just another ordinary day

No April rain
No flowers bloom
No wedding Saturday within the month of June
But what it is, is something true
Made up of these three words that I must say to you

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

No summer's high
No warm July
No harvest moon to light one tender August night
No autumn breeze
No falling leaves
Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies

No Libra sun
No Halloween
No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bring
But what it is, though old so new
To fill your heart like no three words could ever do

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care, I do
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

No new years's day to celebrate
No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away
No first of spring
No song to sing
In fact here's just another ordinary day
No April rain
No flowers bloom
No wedding saturday within the month of June
But what it is
Is something true
Made up of these 3 words
That I must say to you

I just called to say
I love you
I just called to say
How much I care
I just called to say
I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

No summer's high
No warm July
No harvest moon to light one tender August night
No autumn breeze
No falling leaves
Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies
No libra sand
No halloween
No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy
You Bring
But what it is
Though old so new
To fill your heart
Like no 3 words Could ever do.
I just called to say I love you

My Bonnie.
1.My bonnie is over the ocean,
My bonnie is over the sea,
My bonnie is over the ocean,
O bring back my bonnie to me.
Bring back, bring back,
Bring back my bonnie to me, to me
Bring back, bring back,
O bring back my bonnie to me
2.O blow, ye winds over the ocean,
O blow, ye winds over the sea, 
O blow, ye winds over the ocean,
And bring back my bonnie to me.

Last night as I lay on my pillow,
Last night as I lay on my bed,
Last night as I lay on my pillow,
I dream’d that my bonnie was dead.
4.The winds have blown over the ocean,
The winds have blown over the sea,
The winds have blown over the ocean,
And brought back my bonnie to me.
5.Brought back, brought back,
Brought back my bonnie to me, to me
Brought back, brought back,
Brought back my bonnie to me.

Songs Elvis_Presley “Only_You» “Love me tender, love me sweet” I just call to say I love you

Friendship is Love without wings! (Lord Byron)

Конкурс: «Один из трех»
There are sentences without endings and there are variants to end the sentences. You should choose the right one. The first pair with correct answer gets 1 point (“hart”). Your task is to get as more “harts” as possible.

  1. St. Valentine's Day is a celebration of love and ... (understanding, romance, independence).

  2. The students decided to have a large party on St. Valentine's Day. It was a wonderful ... (decoration, celebration, situation).

  3. Many people call the people they love ... (romance, sweetheart, headache).

  4. A young man got married. Now he is a ... (scout, parent, husband).

  5. Romeo and Juliet fall in love with each other but their parents didn't get along with each other. They had a secret ... (weapon, file, date).

  6. On Valentine’s Day the classroom is full of ... (celebrations, decorations, festivals).

  7. Valentine cards have messages of ... (help, affection, protection).

  8. A young girl got married. Now she is a ... (wife, witch, wolf).

  9. On St. Valentine's Day people share feelings of affection with family, friends and ... (flowers, companions, animals).

– Let’s make a date.
– OK! Are you busy tomorrow?
– Certainly not.
– How about three?
– That’s fine with me.
– What about two?
– That’s up to you.
– How about eight?
– Won’t it be late?
– Not at all. The later the better.
– So. What about nine?
– Nine is fine.
– What ever you say, will be OK.
– Let’s meet at nine.
– Settled! Where?
– At the metro station.
– You’ll really come?
– Oh, I’m so happy!
– See you at nine. 
– Oh! My God!
– Oh, be careful! 
– That isn’t a door!
– It’s a window!
– Oh, yes… So-o-ory!
– I was too late!
– We’ll meet at the hospital, then I guess…

He blinfolds her eyes
– Who is it?
– It’s Mike.
– Mike. Mike who?
– What do you mean “Mike who?” Mike Conners, of course.
– Oh, Mike. I’m sorry.
– Yes. We were to have a date last night. Where were you? I’d been waiting for you for two hours in the rain, let alone the biting winds.
– I’m sorry, Mike. I couldn’t come.
– Couldn’t come! Why couldn’t you come?
– Well, I had to wash my hair.
– Wash your hair! I’ve got the flu! Wash your hair! Why didn’t you phone me?
– I wanted to phone you, but I couldn’t remember your number.
– But it’s in the telephone directory.
– Yes, I know, but I couldn’t remember your surname.
– Oh! But why did you have to wash your hair last night?
– Well, I had to do it last night because I was going to the opera last night.
– The opera? Who with?
– G-George. George Johnson. My old friend.
– I see. How did you like the opera?
– I didn’t go.
– Oh! Where were you then?
– At the restaurant.
– What?
– At the restaurant… with Ted Worth, my boss’s son. He asked me yesterday. I didn’t really want to go, but I couldn’t say no…

– Hello, Judy! You’ve been sitting here for an hour.
– I’m looking at that wonderful man.
– What man?
– The one, who’s dancing with Miss Winston.
– Oh, I noticed him, too. He’s big, strong and handsome.
– Yes, he goes in for sports and looks very athletic.
– I can imagine how he plays tennis, or rugby, or cricket, and I think he’s also intelligent.
– Yes, he’s also very smart and is always the life and soul of every party. But he never cooks, sews, irons, cleans,
washes up and so on.
– Has he been dancing all evening?
– Yes, and never with the same girl. He can dance all day long without interruptions.
– Why do you know so much about him? Have you danced with him today?
– Today? No. He’s my husband.

Abstract from “Tom Soyer” by Mark Twain Том и Беки. Они садятся за парту.
Tom: Do you like rats?
No, I hate them.

Tom: Well, I do too – live ones. But I mean dead rats to swing them round your head with a string.
Becky: No, I don’t like them anyway.
Tom: Were you ever at a circus?
Becky: Yes, and father will take me there again, if I am a good girl.
Tom: I have been at the circus many times. I am going to be a clown in a circus when I grow up.
Becky: Oh, that will be very nice.
Tom: I say, Becky, were you ever engaged?
Becky: What is that?
Tom: Why, engaged to be married?
Becky: No.
Tom: Would you like to?
Becky: I don’t know. What is it like?
Tom: Like? Why, it isn’t like anything. You only just tell a boy you won’t ever have anybody but him, ever, ever, ever, and then you kiss, and that’s all. Anybody can do it.
Becky: Kiss? Why must we kiss?
Tom: Well, that – well, they always do that.
Becky: Everybody?
Tom: Yes, everybody who is in love. Do you remember what I wrote?
Becky: Ye – yes.
Tom: What was it?
Becky: I won’t tell you!
Tom: Shall I tell you?
Becky: Ye – yes, but not to-day.
Tom: Oh, I’ll tell it today. (Шепчет ей на ухо. Потом просит повторить ее, и наконец, она тоже шепчет.)
Becky: I – love – you.
(Они вскакивают и бегают вокруг парты. Наконец, Том ловит ее, но Беки закрывает лицо фартуком. Том потихоньку убирает руки с ее лица и целует девочку.)
Tom: Now, it’s all over, Becky. After this you must love only me and walk only with me when we walk home.
Becky: Oh, it’s nice.
Tom: Of course, it’s very nice; when I was engaged to Amy Lawrence…
Becky: Oh, Tom, then I am not the first girl whom you are engaged to? (Девочка плачет)
Tom: Oh, don’t cry, Becky. I don’t love her anymore.
Becky: Yes, you do, Tom, you do.
(Мальчик пытается обнять ее и утешить, но девочка сопротивляется.)
Tom: Becky, I – I love only you. (Никакого ответа, только всхлипывания.)
Tom: (очень мягко) Becky! Becky, won’t you say something?
(Мальчик достает свое главное сокровище, медный шарик, и держит так, чтобы она могла его видеть.)
Tom: Please, Becky, won’t you take it?
(Девочка бьет его по руке, шарик падает. Том в отчаянии убегает. Беки убирает руки от лица, замечает отсутствие Тома и начинает его искать.)
Becky: Tom! Come back, Tom! (Девочка убегает)

1. Who wrote the first Valentine card? The first Valentine card was written by a young Frenchman, Charles, Duke of Orleans.

2. Why did he wrote valentines? – He felt lonely in prison and to fight loneliness he started writing love poems to his wife in France.

3. Where are Charles Duke’s of Orleans ' valentines' kept now? - His 'valentines' are now kept in the British Museum.

4. How did the early valen­tines look like? – They were handmade with a short love poem.

5. What did the first Valentine book contain? – It contained poems for St. Valentine’s Day .

6. When did they start mass-production of ready-made cards? - In the 19th century.
7. What kind of valen­tines do young people often use nowadays? – Nowadays young people often use e-valentines

Match English and Russian proverbs

1) Love is blind. Любовь слепа.

2) Love understands all languages. Любовь понимает все языки..

3) Love will find a way. Любовь найдёт себе дорогу.

4) Love me little, love me long. Люби меня не сильно, только долго.

5) Love me, love my dog. Любишь меня, люби мою собаку.

6) Love of money is the root of all evil. Любовь к деньгам - корень всех зол.

7) All is fair in love and war. В любви и на войне всё дозволено.

8) It is love mat makes the word go round. Любовь движет миром.

9) In love beggar and king are equal - В любви нищий и король равны.

At valentines parties romantic symbols were hidden in a cake. Each guest got a slice, and if he was lucky, a symbol. The symbol told his fortune. Rice meant a wedding. A ring meant a wedding too. A coin meant the person would marry someone wealthy. Sometimes a boy got a red mitten. “To get a red mitten” meant his girl didn’t like him

Конкурс: «Найди пару» Our next task is to match words with similar meanings. You can get one “hart” for each correct answer.

  1. romance 

  2. affection

  3. humorous

  4. decorate

  5. feelings

  6. companion

  7. festival

  8. sweetheart

a. make attractive
b. friend
с. celebration
d. tenderness, warm feeling
e. boyfriend, girlfriend
f. love
g. funny
h. emotions

Task "Correct the Mistakes» Задание на карточке
Deer, Mary! 
I hope that Falentine's Dai well bring you lots ov fun! I thinks you're every nice. And so does everione! 
Best weshes, John.

Dear, Mary! 
I hope that Valentine's Day will bring you lots of fun! I think you're very nice. And so does everyone! 
Best wishes, John. 
(Когда дети выполнили задание, они обмениваются карточками, читают вслух предложение и называют где ошибка, затем смотрят на слайд. Затем полностью прочитать и перевести) 

Составь слово.

С помощью букв, из которых состоит название праздника “St Valentines Day”, надо составить как можно больше слов.


You ought to see my Cindy, she lives away down South
She's so sweet the honey bees swarm around her mouth
Git along home, Cindy, Cindy
Git along home, Cindy, Cindy
Git along home, Cindy, Cindy
I'll marry you some day.
The first I seen my Cindy, she was standing by the door
Her shoes & stockings in her hand, her feet all over the floor
She took me to her parlor, she cooled me with her fan
She said I was the prettiest thing in the shape of mortal man
She kissed me and she hugged me, she called me sugar plum
She throwed her arms around me, I thought my time had come
I wish I had a needle, as fine as I could sew
I'd sew the girls to my coattail & down the road I'd go
I wish I was an apple, a-hangin' on a tree
And every time my Cindy passed, she'd take a bite of me
Cindy in the springtime, Cindy in the fall
If I can't have my own Cindy, I'll have no girl at all

You ought to see my Cindy,
She lives a-way down South,
And she's so sweet the honey bees
All swarm around her mouth.

Get along home, Cindy, Cindy
Get along home, Cindy, Cindy
Get along home, Cindy, Cindy
I'll marry you someday.

The first time that I saw her
She was standin' in the door,
Her shoes and stockings in her hand,
Her feet all over the floor.

Get along home, Cindy, Cindy
Get along home, Cindy, Cindy
Get along home, Cindy, Cindy
I'll marry you someday.

I wish I was an apple
A-hangin' on a tree,
And every time my Cindy passed,
She'd take a bite of me.

Get along home, Cindy, Cindy
Get along home, Cindy, Cindy
Get along home, Cindy, Cindy
I'll marry you someday.

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«St. Valentine's»

Внеклассное мероприятие St. Valentine’s Day Подготовила учитель английского языка МОКУ Нижне-Реучанской СОШ Кузнецова Л.Ю.

Внеклассное мероприятие

St. Valentine’s Day

Подготовила учитель английского языка

МОКУ Нижне-Реучанской СОШ

Кузнецова Л.Ю.

Word List святой любить Saint Sentimential Romantic Arrow Friends Forever Friendship Valentine’s cards Sweetheart Cupid Love Chocolate Roses Flowers Sweet Heart Hugs Kisses сентиментальный романтичный навсегда сладкий дружба объятия возлюбленный

Word List



  • Saint
  • Sentimential
  • Romantic
  • Arrow
  • Friends
  • Forever
  • Friendship
  • Valentine’s cards
  • Sweetheart
  • Cupid
  • Love
  • Chocolate
  • Roses
  • Flowers
  • Sweet
  • Heart
  • Hugs
  • Kisses








February the 14th is a festival of love, romance and friendship. People send greeting cards to their sweethearts and friends and ask them “Be my Valentine”. This means “be my friend or love”.

February the 14th is a festival of love, romance and friendship. People send greeting cards to their sweethearts and friends and ask them “Be my Valentine”. This means “be my friend or love”.

The origin of St. Valentine’s Day  Legend 1 Many historians consider it was held on the 14 th of February to honour Faunus, the god of animal life, hunting, the patron of husbandry. After Christianity spread, some people think this pagan festival eventually became Valentine's Day.

The origin of St. Valentine’s Day

Legend 1

Many historians consider

it was held on the 14 th of February to honour Faunus, the god of animal life, hunting, the patron of husbandry. After Christianity spread, some people think this pagan festival eventually became Valentine's Day.

Ledend 2 One of the legends says that Valentine was a Christian priest who lived in the 3.centure A.D. He was put into prison by the Roman emperor for his teaching and was beheaded on the 14 th of February. According to the legend he performed a miracle - he cured his jailer’s daughter of her blindness. Before the execution he wrote her  a letter and signed it “From your Valentine”

Ledend 2

One of the legends says that Valentine was a Christian priest who lived in the 3.centure A.D. He was put into prison by the Roman emperor for his teaching and was beheaded on the 14 th of February. According to the legend he performed a miracle - he cured his jailer’s daughter of her blindness. Before the execution he wrote her  a letter and signed it “From your Valentine”

Legend 3  According to another legend, Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time . Hе was thrown into prison because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman empire (of the Roman Emperor Claudius 11, who believed that single young men made better soldiers.). The legend says that he was burned at the stake.

Legend 3

According to another legend, Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time . Hе was thrown into prison because he secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman empire (of the Roman Emperor Claudius 11, who believed that single young men made better soldiers.). The legend says that he was burned at the stake.

Legend 4  One more legend says that there also was another St. Valentine who was a good friend to children. While he was imprisoned, the children that he had befriended missed him and brought him loving notes. Valentine wrote to children and friends who loved him from the jail.

Legend 4

One more legend says that there also was another St. Valentine who was a good friend to children. While he was imprisoned, the children that he had befriended missed him and brought him loving notes. Valentine wrote to children and friends who loved him from the jail.

Valentines can be sentimental and romantic, or funny and friendly. Valentines can be anonymous, heart-shared or have hearts on them. People buy valentines or make them themselves. But almost all valentines ask “Be my Valentine”

Valentines can be sentimental and romantic, or funny and friendly. Valentines can be anonymous, heart-shared or have hearts on them. People buy valentines or make them themselves. But almost all valentines ask “Be my Valentine”

T he red heart is also an old symbol of love. Centuries ago, people thought the heart was the centre of our feelings. Heart symbolizes life and if you give your heart to someone then it means that you love ant trust (доверять) the person

T he red heart is also an old symbol of love. Centuries ago, people thought the heart was the centre of our feelings. Heart symbolizes life and if you give your heart to someone then it means that you love ant trust (доверять) the person

One of the early symbols of love is Cupid, the Roman God of Love, who is represented as a young boy with wings and a bow and arrows. He shoots arrows upon people and that makes them fall in love

One of the early symbols of love is Cupid, the Roman God of Love, who is represented as a young boy with wings and a bow and arrows. He shoots arrows upon people and that makes them fall in love

Flowers have been symbols of love and happiness for a long time. Today, people often send flowers as gifts or they use them as decorations on Valentine’s Day. On Valentine’s Day people send roses, forget-me-nots violets and tulips. Red roses are a symbol of love.

Flowers have been symbols of love and happiness for a long time. Today, people often send flowers as gifts or they use them as decorations on Valentine’s Day. On Valentine’s Day people send roses, forget-me-nots violets and tulips. Red roses are a symbol of love.

Ribbons and Lace have been associated with love and romance since ages. Ribbons go back to the days when ladies gave ribbons to their favorite knights when they went to war. Hundreds of years ago, women carried lace handkerchiefs. It was also usual for a lady to drop her handkerchief in the path of the man whose attention she wanted to draw.   Ribbons meant “You are tied up”, or “”You are my girl” Lace is the same “You have caught my heart in net”.

Ribbons and Lace have been associated with love and romance since ages. Ribbons go back to the days when ladies gave ribbons to their favorite knights when they went to war. Hundreds of years ago, women carried lace handkerchiefs. It was also usual for a lady to drop her handkerchief in the path of the man whose attention she wanted to draw.  

Ribbons meant “You are tied up”, or “”You are my girl” Lace is the same “You have caught my heart in net”.

Chocolate has long been considered a romantic gift, especially on Valentine's Day. It means that chocolate is as sweet as love. Chocolates and candies are often put in heart shaped boxes. Chocolate in heart shaped boxes are a traditional Valentine's Day gift

Chocolate has long been considered a romantic gift, especially on Valentine's Day. It means that chocolate is as sweet as love. Chocolates and candies are often put in heart shaped boxes. Chocolate in heart shaped boxes are a traditional Valentine's Day gift

Rings. In some countries, men and women exchange rings when they become engaged or marry. Valentine’s Day is a popular day for giving an engagement ring. The ring usually had stone or jewel set in it. Diamonds are common in today engagement rings.

Rings. In some countries, men and women exchange rings when they become engaged or marry. Valentine’s Day is a popular day for giving an engagement ring. The ring usually had stone or jewel set in it. Diamonds are common in today engagement rings.

Doves are called love birds because they sit closely together in pairs like loving souls do. Doves were favorite birds of Venus. They remain with the same mates all their lives. The males and females both care for their babies. As these birds are symbols of loyalty and love they are also symbols of Valentine’s Day

Doves are called love birds because they sit closely together in pairs like loving souls do. Doves were favorite birds of Venus. They remain with the same mates all their lives. The males and females both care for their babies. As these birds are symbols of loyalty and love they are also symbols of Valentine’s Day

Love Knots Use of love knots is an Arabic custom and is very expressive. In earlier days the wives used to sent love knots to their husband to express their love. The tradition continues till nowadays.  It is a symbol of endless love. People made love knots from ribbon or drew them on paper

Love Knots

Use of love knots is an Arabic custom and is very expressive. In earlier days the wives used to sent love knots to their husband to express their love. The tradition continues till nowadays. It is a symbol of endless love. People made love knots from ribbon or drew them on paper

Gloves Long time ago, when a man proposed marriage to a woman, he “asked for her hand”. The hand became a symbol of marriage and love. Soon gloves also became a symbol of love

Gloves Long time ago, when a man proposed marriage to a woman, he “asked for her hand”. The hand became a symbol of marriage and love. Soon gloves also became a symbol of love

St. Valentine’s Day is one of the most favourite celebrations in the world. The festival falls on February the 14th and is celebrated all over the world. The festival commemorates a Christian saint called St Valentine, the festival isn’t a religious one. Nowadays Valentine's Day is a secular festival which is celebrated by people of all ages and races.

St. Valentine’s Day is one of the most favourite celebrations in the world. The festival falls on February the 14th and is celebrated all over the world. The festival commemorates a Christian saint called St Valentine, the festival isn’t a religious one. Nowadays Valentine's Day is a secular festival which is celebrated by people of all ages and races.

How do people in different countries celebrate Valentine’s day?

How do people in different countries celebrate Valentine’s day?

How do people in different countries celebrate Valentine’s day? In Britain people celebrate St.Valentine Day by writing verses (poems) about love and giving each other presents in the form of a heart. In all parts of Britain writing poems is a popular tradition on Valentine’s Day. Magazines and newspapers publish love verses. Children sing special songs. They are rewarded with gifts of candy, fruit or money. In some regions Valentine buns are baked with plums or raisins.

How do people in different countries celebrate Valentine’s day?

In Britain people celebrate St.Valentine Day by writing verses (poems) about love and giving each other presents in the form of a heart. In all parts of Britain writing poems is a popular tradition on Valentine’s Day. Magazines and newspapers publish love verses. Children sing special songs. They are rewarded with gifts of candy, fruit or money. In some regions Valentine buns are baked with plums or raisins.

In the USA people give candies packed in cardboard boxes in the shape of a heart. They believe that the more candies the stronger love

In the USA people give candies packed in cardboard boxes in the shape of a heart. They believe that the more candies the stronger love

In Germany  lovers exchange not only chocolates, flowers, and heart shaped gifts, but a pig!   The pig represents luck, They can give a picture with a pig, a small statue, a pig shaped chocolate. Germans prepare big ginger cookies in the shape of a heart which contain romantic phrases and messages like “Ich liebe dich” (I love you)

In Germany lovers exchange not only chocolates, flowers, and heart shaped gifts, but a pig!   The pig represents luck, They can give a picture with a pig, a small statue, a pig shaped chocolate. Germans prepare big ginger cookies in the shape of a heart which contain romantic phrases and messages like “Ich liebe dich” (I love you)

In France French people have been celebrating Valentine’s Day for a long time. The traditional gift is jewelry, but also candies, lottery tickets, romantic trips, artificial flowers… On that day, French people congratulate not only their love but also their close relatives and friends

In France French people have been celebrating Valentine’s Day for a long time. The traditional gift is jewelry, but also candies, lottery tickets, romantic trips, artificial flowers… On that day, French people congratulate not only their love but also their close relatives and friends

In Italy  the

In Italy the "Day of Love" is celebrated in classic style! On Valentine’s day couples get together to enjoy music, they go out for dinners at pizzeria. Just as in several other countries there is a strong tradition to exchange gifts like rose, perfume, chocolates and jewelry. Another popular Valentine's Day gift in Italy is a small, chocolate-covered hazelnuts containing a small slip of paper with a romantic poetic quote in four languages.


In India this day is the most popular among young people. Red tulips and roses, teddy bears and photo collages are the gifts in India. Coffee shops, restaurants are full with couples. Ice-cream and chocolate candies are sold like fire. Husbands and wives exchange the jewelry gifts.

In India this day is the most popular among young people. Red tulips and roses, teddy bears and photo collages are the gifts in India. Coffee shops, restaurants are full with couples. Ice-cream and chocolate candies are sold like fire. Husbands and wives exchange the jewelry gifts.

In Japan people have a Carnival, crowds of lovers gather in the streets and cry out declarations of love.  

In Japan people have a Carnival, crowds of lovers gather in the streets and cry out declarations of love.  

In Mexico it is considered as a day of romance and love. In January the shops and the streets start getting decorated with hearts and cupids and the atmosphere gets filled with love and romance. Everywhere you see heart shaped balloons, flowers. In Mexico people give gifts not only to their sweethearts but they also greet their family and friends with gifts and presents .  In Australia  these days more and more people are using SMS and e-mails to express their love. Surveys reveal that men in Australia are more romantic and open about expressing their love as compared to Australian women. Men in Australia buy more cards than women do

In Mexico it is considered as a day of romance and love. In January the shops and the streets start getting decorated with hearts and cupids and the atmosphere gets filled with love and romance. Everywhere you see heart shaped balloons, flowers. In Mexico people give gifts not only to their sweethearts but they also greet their family and friends with gifts and presents .

In Australia these days more and more people are using SMS and e-mails to express their love. Surveys reveal that men in Australia are more romantic and open about expressing their love as compared to Australian women. Men in Australia buy more cards than women do

In Russia sweethearts give each other valentine cards, chocolate sweets, young people have parties, blow up balloons, take part in funny competitions and spend good time.

In Russia sweethearts give each other valentine cards, chocolate sweets, young people have parties, blow up balloons, take part in funny competitions and spend good time.

Match: Famous couples   Pushkin – Ludmila Romeo – Malvina Pierro – N. Goncharova Ruslan – Juliet Prince – Princess Frog Ivan — Cinderella Othello – Vasilisa the Beautiful Adam – Desdemona Ivan Tsarevich - Eve

Match: Famous couples

Pushkin – Ludmila

Romeo – Malvina

Pierro – N. Goncharova

Ruslan – Juliet

Prince – Princess Frog

Ivan — Cinderella

Othello – Vasilisa the Beautiful

Adam – Desdemona

Ivan Tsarevich - Eve

Pushkin – N. Goncharova Romeo – Juliet Malvina-Pierro Ruslan – Ludmila

Pushkin – N. Goncharova

Romeo – Juliet


Ruslan – Ludmila

Prince – Cinderella Ivan — Princess Frog  Othello – Desdemona  Adam – Eve Vasilisa the Beautiful- Ivan Tsarevich

Prince – Cinderella

Ivan — Princess Frog 

Othello – Desdemona

Adam – Eve

Vasilisa the Beautiful- Ivan Tsarevich

WORD SEARCH You can find 16 words W L R H O O V E S G A W E F E X L R Q F E E T D O J P M I W D T S N N S H T E A F E C K N R K I E I U R C Z A H G R N A P I S S O N R T D E S I A T C T M N D D R M O R O E R L V S D O H A T W I P E R


You can find 16 words





































































































Make collocations:

Make collocations:

  • My heart is … fire as cold as
  • Your heart is … ice as deep as
  • Your lips are … honey as hot as
  • Your eyes are …an ocean as sweet as
  • My love is … the sky as wide as
Make collocations:

Make collocations:

  • My heart is as hot as fire
  • Your heart is as cold as ice
  • Your lips are as sweet as honey
  • Your eyes are as deep as an ocean
  • My love is as wide as the sky
Happy Valentine's Day To_____________ From _________

Happy Valentine's Day


From _________

Write your own valentine 1. Happy Valentine’s Day! - Счастливого Дня Святого Валентина! 2. Be my Valentine! Будь моей (моим) возлюбленной(ым), будь моим(ей) Валентиной(Валентином)! 3.  You always hold a very special place in my heart! Ты всегда занимаешь особенное место в моем сердце!  4. I’m yours. Be mine! – Я твой (я) Будь моей (моим) 6. I’m in love with you! – Я влюблен(а) в тебя! 7. I like you! - Ты мне нравишься 8. I love you from the bottom of my heart! – Я люблю тебя всем сердцем 9. We are meant for each other – Мы созданы друг для друга 10. I’m crazy about you. – Я схожу с ума по тебе

Write your own valentine

1. Happy Valentine’s Day! - Счастливого Дня Святого Валентина!

2. Be my Valentine! Будь моей (моим) возлюбленной(ым), будь моим(ей) Валентиной(Валентином)!

3.  You always hold a very special place in my heart! Ты всегда занимаешь особенное место в моем сердце!

4. I’m yours. Be mine! – Я твой (я) Будь моей (моим)

6. I’m in love with you! – Я влюблен(а) в тебя!

7. I like you! - Ты мне нравишься

8. I love you from the bottom of my heart! – Я люблю тебя всем сердцем

9. We are meant for each other – Мы созданы друг для друга

10. I’m crazy about you. – Я схожу с ума по тебе

Valentine’s day is celebrated in...
  • Valentine’s day is celebrated in...

a) January; b) February; c) March

2. One of the symbols is...

a) Santa Claus; b) Jack-o’-lantern; c) Cupid

3. On Valentine’s Day people usually say...

a) I love you; b) Merry Christmas; c) Treat or Trick

4. People send...

a) Christmas cards; b) valentines; c) telegrammes

5. It’s a... holiday.

a) national; b) religious; c) romantic

6. Tradition was born in...

a) Italy; b) Russia; c) the USA

7. People present...

a) apples; b) chocolate; c) books

8. People congratulate who they...

a) laugh at; b) hate; c) love

9. Traditional colours are...

a) white and black; b) blue and yellow; c) pink and red



a) heart; b) head; c) hear

Thank you for your attention and

Thank you for your attention


Let’s make your own valentines Colour your cards with red , pink ,  purple  and  yellow

Let’s make your own valentines

Colour your cards with red , pink , purple and yellow

Roses are red Violets are blue Sugar is sweet And so are you These are the things We often say To each other on Valentines Day Cupid and hearts And chocolates galore Candy and cards say 'It's you I adore

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Sugar is sweet

And so are you

These are the things

We often say

To each other on

Valentines Day

Cupid and hearts

And chocolates galore

Candy and cards say

'It's you I adore"

So if I ask you

"Will you be mine?"

Please say you'll be

My sweet Valentine

In ancient Rome

Father Valentine

Married the soldiers

'Though it was a crime

He followed his heart

And died for his cause

All in the name of love


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