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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "The ball of flowers"

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«Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "The ball of flowers"»

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

«The Ball of Flowers»

(5 класс)

Ведущий: Dear boys and girls, dear guests! We are very glad to see you at our festival « The Ball of Flowers ». Today our children will try to find spring. Let’s enjoy and meet spring together.

(Под музыку на сцену выходит Королева цветов.)

Королева цветов: Hello! My name is Rose. I am the Queen of Flowers. I am very sad because Spring is late. Who can invite Spring?

Цветы: We can help you. ( На сцену выходят дети в костюмах цветов: подснежник, фиалка, колокольчик, лютик)

We will sing songs, dance, have a lot of fun and Spring will come.

(Королева цветов садится на трон. Цветы по очереди представляются)

Подснежник: Hello! My name is Snowdrop. I come out when the snow covers fields and only starts melting. It is still cold in the streets so I am small as a drop of water. My dress is white as snow. I’ll tell you a story about good friends.

( Инсценировка сказки « Теремок»)

На сцене появляется второй цветок.

Фиалка: Hello! I am a spring flower too. But I come out later, in April and in May when the days are longer and the weather is warmer. The sun has coloured my dress violet. And I look nice, as you see. I have sweet smell. I’ll tell you a poem about myself.

Sweet and fresh are violets

On every hill and dell

And, oh! How beautiful they are!

How lovely do they smell.

Королева цветов: It’s very good but Spring is not here.

Ha сцене появляется третий цветок.

Колокольчик: Hello! My name is Bluebell. I am a lovely flower. My dress is shaped like a bell. And I tinkle when a light wind blows. My dress has a nice blue colour as blue as the sky can be on a clear sunny day.

Blue as the sky,

In summer I grow,

I’m a sweet flower

As you all know.

I’ll tell you a story about three little kittens.

(Инсценировка стихотворения « Three little kittens»)

Author: three little kittens

Lost their mittens,

And they began to cry.

1st Kitten: Oh, Mother dear,

2nd Kitten: We very much fear.

3rd Kitten(crying): That we have lost our mittens!

Cat: Lost your mittens,

You naughty kittens!

Then you will have no pie.

(The Kittens run away)

Author: The three little kittens

Found their mittens,

And they began to cry.

(The Kittens run in)

Three little Kittens(together):Oh, Mother Dear,

1st Kitten: (showing the mittens): See here,

2nd Kitten (showing the mittens): See here,

3rd Kitten (showing the mittens): See , we have found our mittens.

Cat: Oh, you’re good kittens!

Put on your mittens,

And you will have some pie.

(Gives them pies)

But I smell a mouse close by.

(All together): We smell a mouse close by. Goodbye.

Королева цветов: It was fantastic. But we don’t see the Spring. Oh, my poor flowers, you’ll never grow!

На сцене появляется четвёртый цветок.

Лютик: I think, I can help you. My name is Buttercup. I am a little summer flower. I live in the fields on sunny places. Look at the hat on my head. It’s like a cup full of sunshine. I am proud of my hat. It’s so nice and fashionable. Listen! I’ll tell you a secret.

Spring is coming

So I’m told

By a crocus

Dressed in gold.

So I hear

From the birds songs

So clear.

( Звучит музыка. На сцене, танцуя, появляется Весна.)

Цветы хором: Look! Look! The Spring is coming. She is so young and beautiful!

Весна: Thank you, my dear flowers. I am very glad to see you.Go to the fields and gardens and make them beautiful.

( На сцену выходят все участники мероприятия и поют заключительную песню, используя музыку песни “Jingle, bells”)

Spring is here, Spring is here,
That’s what people say.
The birds are flying north again,
To wake us every day.

Spring is here, Spring is here,
That’s what people say.
We can run and jump again,
We put out sleds away.


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