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Сценарий закрытия недели английского языка 2019

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сценарий закрытия недели английского языка 2019

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«Сценарий закрытия недели английского языка 2019»

Сценарий концерта на неделю английского языка

(музыка начало)

Лиза: -Dear friends! We are glad to see you on our concert!

Катя: - Дорогие друзья! Мы рады видеть Вас на нашем концерте!

Лиза: -Today we have a very interesting show. We will recite poems, sing songs, dance, you will watch short plays and maybe learn something new!

Катя: - Сегодня у нас будет очень интересный концерт. Мы будем читать стихи, петь песни, танцевать, вы увидите короткие сценки, и, может быть, узнаете кое-что новое.

Катя: - So let’s start and let me tell you that today we have an unusual guest.

Boys and girls, let’s greet Queen Elizabeth II!


Королева Елизавета: Hello, dear guys! I am very glad to see you! I flew specially from England because

I heard that very diligent and talented children study here.

I’d like to watch your performance and

I want you to get to know my country closer. So I prepared a video about it. Let’s watch.

Переводчик: Здравствуйте, дорогие друзья. Я очень рада вас видеть.

Я прилетела специально из Англии, потому что слышала, что здесь учатся очень умные и талантливые дети. Я хотела бы посмотреть ваше представление и познакомить вас ближе с моей страной. Я приготовила для вас видео о ней. Давайте посмотрим.

(видео о Великобритании)

Катя: - We want to start our show with a short fairy tale THE TURNIP.

Лиза: - Girls and boys from the 5th B form, please.

1 (сказка Репка 5 б)

Лиза: - Thank you, girls and boys!

Katia, tell me please. Do you like songs?

Катя: - Of course, I do. But I prefer to listen to them rather than to sing.

Meet the pupils from the 11th A form with a song.

2 (песня 11 а)

Катя: - Thank you! Today we really have friendly atmosphere in our auditorium.

Лиза: - I agree with you, Katia. I like you enjoy songs but most of all I'm fond of poetry.

Катя: -Let’s greet the student Anastasia Matushanskaya with the poem “BE a Friend” by Edgar Albert Guest 

3 (стих“BE a Friend” Матушанская Настя + музыка + видео)

Катя:: - Thank you, Veronica! And now we suggest you find yourself in a fairy tale.

Лиза: - Our program continues. We are happy to introduce you the students from the 10thA form and Lisa Milnikova with a song and a dance.

4 (песня Лиза Мыльникова + танец 10 A)

Катя: - Thank you, girls and boys!  Liza, we’ve seen a dance and a fairy tale, listened to songs and poetry.

I think it’s time to laugh.

Лиза: - I think so too. The children from the 5thA form would like to show us some small jokes. Let’s meet them.

5 ( шутки 5а)

Лиза: - Thank you!

Катя: - Now we invite you to listen to the song performed by Ekaterina Terekhova

6 (песня by Ekaterina Terekhova)

Катя: - I really liked the song. And what about you, Liza?

Лиза: - So do I. And now it’s time to laugh again. The children from the 7thA form are going to sow you a play “Coffee and a Fly”

7 (cценка 7 a Coffee and a Fly”)

Лиза: - What a funny story!

Катя: - I agree with you. And we continue to talk about poetry.

Лиза: - English poetry cannot be imagined without Robert Frost.

Катя: -Let’s greet the student Veronika Litvinova with the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

8 (стихThe Road Not Taken” Veronica Litvinova + музыка + видео)

Лиза: - Thank you, Veronica. After such heartwarming poem I would watch something funny.

Катя: - Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

Let’s watch a play how pupils learn English. Meet the pupils from the 7th A form with a play.

10 (cценка 7 a At the lesson”)

Катя: - Do you think, we are really such intolerable students?

Лиза: - I would like to believe that there are no such people among us. Our event is coming to an end

Катя: - The Queen Elizabeth II wants to reward the guys taking part in the event.

Королева Елизавета: I’ve got great pleasure and a lot of positive emotions from the evening you organized.

Переводчик: Я с удовольствием посмотрела ваше мероприятие получила много положительных эмоций.

Королева Елизавета: I want to reward participants with certificates.

Переводчик: Мне хочется наградить участников мероприятия сертификатами.

Королева Елизавета: The certificate is awarded to … ( имена участников)

Лиза: - Dear friends! We are coming to the end. We congratulate all participants

Катя: - The week of the English language is over. It was really cool English week in our school. Лиза: - Learn English! Катя: - Speak English!

Together: GOOD BYE!

The pupils are shouting and running between the desks, some of them are sitting on the desks. Two boys are fighting. The girls are laughing loudly. The bell rings. Nobody pays any attention to it. Only one pupil is sitting at the desk and reading. The teacher comes into the classroom and goes to her table.

The teacher/shouts/: Stop it! Take your seats! The lesson has begun! Good morning, children. First of all let’s revise some grammar rules. Do you remember the meaning of the category of person? The verb to be. “I am ill, he is ill, she is ill, we are ill, etc.” Bobby, go to the blackboard and write it down.

Bobby/writes on the blackboard/: All are ill.

The teacher: Oh, Bobby! Alice, if I say: I wash, you wash, he washes, we wash, they wash - what is it?

Alice: I think it is a bathroom and we are all very dirty.

The teacher becomes nervous. She writes two sentences on the blackboard: “John has been learning English for 3 years”. “Jane learnt English at school 3 years ago”

The teacher: Pete, where is the Present Perfect Continuous and the Past Simple Tense?

Pete: The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is next to Past Simple and the Past Simple Tense is near Present Perfect Continuous.

The teacher becomes angry: What are you talking about? Sit down! You know nothing! Albert, where is the subject?

Albert: I don’ know, madam. I haven’t got it. Look! /He turned out his pockets//The rest of the pupils are laughing. A girl is reading a magazine. The boys are playing./

The teacher /almost furious/: Albert, where is the subject? I ask you the second time!

Albert /sadly/: I should like to have your worries, madam!

The teacher: Who can find the subject in a sentence? Ann, please.

Ann: Well, I see there is no progress in the science of language. My father tells me that when he was a schoolboy they were making them look for this thing too. So they haven’t found it yet, have they?

The teacher /angrily/: I can’t listen to such silly answers! Who can write some adverbs? Tom!

Tom: I can. /Goes to the blackboard and writes/Highly, poorly,richly He reads:[higli] [purli] [rihli]

The teacher /screams/: That’s enough! Your English is very poor! You are unteachable! You don’t know grammar at all! What about reading? Have you read the text about O’Henry? What was O’Henry? Where was he born?

Bobby /shouts/: I know! He was an American cosmonaut and was born in Zvezdny Gorodok!

The teacher faints. All the pupils jump and shout: “The lesson is over!”

The 5th form jokes.

Willie is at the party. There are a lot of things on the table.

“Do you want something more, Willie?” asks the host.

“No, thank you,” answers Willie.

“I am full”.

“Well then,” smiles the host, “put some fruit and cakes in your pocket to eat on the way home.”

“No, thank you,” answers Willie, “they are full too.”

Mother to Johnny: “how was your exam, were all questions difficult?”
Johnny: “No mom, all the questions were simple, It was the answers which gave me all the trouble”!

Hi sweetie! How was school today?

— You can read all about it on my facebook, mum! 

Teacher: Tell me please. What is the purpose of having school?
Student: Without school there wouldn't be holidays and summer vacation.

Mom: What did you do at school today?
Tom: We did a guessing game.
Mom: But I thought you were having a math exam.
Tom: That’s right!

Boy: Our boss is so stupid.

Girl: Do you know who I am?

B: No.

G: I am the boss’s daughter.

B: Do you know who I am?

G: No.

B: Good (walks away).

Coffee and a Fly

  • A customer ordered a cup of coffee in a restaurant! The waiter served the coffee. The customer found a fly in the coffee. He called the waiter.

  • Customer: How do I drink this coffee!
    Waiter: Don’t you know how to drink a coffee? 
    Customer: Waiter, see, there is a fly in my coffee. 
    Waiter: Oh yes sir, you are right! There is a fly in your coffee. 
    Customer: Waiter, I said, there is a fly in MMY coffee (He stressed the word MY)
    Waiter: Oh don’t worry sir, the fly won’t drink much! 
    Customer: Waiter, it is swimming in my coffee. 
    Waiter: Sir, do you want me to get a lifeguard for the fly sir? 
    (Annoyed) Customer: the fly dead, it’s irritating! 
    Waiter: I guess, it doesn’t know how to swim properly. 
    Customer: How do I drink this coffee? 
    Waiter: Don’t you know how to drink? I will teach you!

  • He drank the coffee! And said, this is how you should drink a coffee.


  • Grandpa: Oh, what a big turnip we have in our kitchen-garden. I want to pull it up. (Pulls the turnip) One, two, three! It is too big for me. Granny, come here! Help me, please.

  • Granny: All right, grandpa. I’m coming.

  • Grandpa and granny (pulling together): One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it’s too big for us!

  • Granny: Granddaughter, help us, please!

  • Granddaughter: All right, granny. I’m coming.

  • Grandpa and granny and Granddaughter: One, two, three! One, two, three! No

  • result. Oh, it’s too big for us!

  • Granddaughter: Doggy, doggy, help us, please!

  • The doggy: All right, granddaughter. I’m coming.

  • Grandpa and granny and Granddaughter and doggy: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it’s too big for us!

  • The doggy: Pussy-cat, help us, please.

  • The cat: All right, doggy. I’m coming.

  • Grandpa and granny and Granddaughter and doggy and the cat: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! No result. Oh, it’s too big for us.

  • The cat: Mouse, mouse, come here, help us, please.

  • The mouse: All right, pussy-cat. I’m coming.

  • Grandpa and granny and Granddaughter and doggy and the cat and the mouse: One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! One, two, three! (fall down).

  • The turnip: Here I am!

  • All (together): Oh. What a big turnip we have!

Роберта Фрост

The Road Not Taken”.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

перевод Григория Кружкова.

Другая дорога

В осеннем лесу, на развилке дорог,
Стоял я, задумавшись, у поворота;
Пути было два, и мир был широк,
Однако я раздвоиться не мог,
И надо было решаться на что-то.

Я выбрал дорогу, что вправо вела
И, повернув, пропадала в чащобе.
Нехоженой, что ли, она была
И больше, казалось мне, заросла;
А впрочем, заросшими были обе.

И обе манили, радуя глаз
Сухой желтизною листвы сыпучей.
Другую оставил я про запас,
Хотя и догадывался в тот час,
Что вряд ли вернуться выпадет случай.

Еще я вспомню когда-нибудь
Далекое это утро лесное:
Ведь был и другой предо мною путь,
Но я решил направо свернуть –
И это решило все остальное.

Be A Friend

Be a friend. You don't need money;
Just a disposition sunny;
Just the wish to help another
Get along some way or other;
Just a kindly hand extended
Out to one who's unbefriended;
Just the will to give or lend,
This will make you someone's friend.

Be a friend. You don't need glory.
Friendship is a simple story.
Pass by trifling errors blindly,
Gaze on honest effort kindly,
Cheer the youth who's bravely trying,
Pity him who's sadly sighing;
Just a little labor spend
On the duties of a friend.

Be a friend. The pay is bigger
(Though not written by a figure)
Than is earned by people clever
In what's merely self-endeavor.
You'll have friends instead of neighbors
For the profits of your labors;
You'll be richer in the end
Than a prince, if you're a friend.


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