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Сценарий постановки для школьного театра на английском языке по мотивам сказки Л.Ф.Баума "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"

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Сценарий сказки на английском языке адаптирован для учащихся 2-4 классов. Постановка состоялась в марте 2014 года на краевом конкурсе детского творчества на английском языке «Весенняя капель-2014» г.Пермь

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«Сценарий постановки для школьного театра на английском языке по мотивам сказки Л.Ф.Баума "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"»

«The Wizard of Oz»

Автор: Чугунова Татьяна Анатольевна,

учитель английского языка МАОУ «СОШ №111», г. Пермь

Scene 1. Cyclone

Танцевальная группа изображает вращение торнадо. С раскатом грома все садятся, как будто прячутся. (музыка “It’s a twister”)

Scene 2 In the Munchkin Land

Dorothy: (Встает после урагана. С удивлением осматривается вокруг.) Wow! What a beautiful land! Am I over the rainbow?

FAIRY: (Munchkins in costumes of rainbow colours come out)

Come out, come out,

wherever you are

and meet the young lady

who fell from the star.

She fell from the sky, she fell very far

and Kansas she says

is the name of the star.

Munchkins (greet): Welcome to the Munchkin Land.

Munchkin1: We are so grateful to you.

Munchkin2: Your house killed the Wicked Witch of the East.

Dorothy: Oh, dear! What shall we do?
FAIRY: Nothing. Now the Munchkins are free. That is the end of the Wicked Witch of the East.

Munchkins (singing the song) Ding- dong! The Witch is dead!

Which old witch?

The Wicked Witch.

Ding- dong! The Wicked Witch is dead.

Wake up a sleepy head!

Rub your eyes. Get out of bed!

Wake up! The Wicked Witch is dead.

Scene 3. In the Munchkin Land

FAIRY: But her silver shoes are magic, and you should wear them.

Dorothy (puts on the silver shoes): Now, I must get back to my aunt and uncle, they will worry about me. Can you help me?

FAIRY: You should go to the City of Emeralds. The Great Wizard of Oz will help you.
Dorothy: How can I get there?

FAIRY: Follow the yellow brick road! (goes from the stage)

Dorothy :Follow the yellow brick road? Follow the yellow brick road? (steps on the road)

Munchkin 1: Follow the yellow brick road!

Munchkin 2: Follow the yellow brick road!

Munchkin 3: Follow the yellow brick road!

Munchkins (sing the song)

Follow the yellow brick road!

Follow the yellow brick road!

Follow, follow, follow, follow,

Follow the yellow brick road!

Follow the yellow brick

Follow the yellow brick

Follow the yellow brick road!

Dorothy (танцуя уходит, оставляет Жевунов)

We're off to see the Wizard,

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

You'll find he is a whiz of a Wiz!

If ever a Wiz! there was.

If ever oh ever a Wiz! there was

The Wizard of Oz is one because,

because Because, because, because, because.

Because of the wonderful things he does.

We're off to see the Wizard.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

(Dorothy waves good bye to the Munchkins)


Scene 4. Dorothy meets the Scarecrow

Scarecrow: (вдруг появляется и приветствует Дороти) Good day.

Dorothy: (с удивлением) Why? You can speak?

Scarecrow: Yes. How do you do?

Dorothy: I'm well, thank you. How do you do?

Scarecrow: I'm not well. It’s very boring to scare crows here night and day.

Dorothy: Come along with us! We are on the way to visit the Wizard of Oz to help me.

Scarecrow: You are going to see a wizard?

Dorothy: Yes.

Scarecrow: Do you think the Wizard would give me some brain?

Dorothy: I can’t say.

Scarecrow: Won’t you take me with you?

Dorothy: Of course, I will.

Scarecrow: Hooray! We're off to see the Wizard!

Dorothy: To Oz?

Scarecrow: To Oz!

Scarecrow, Dorothy (dancing and singing the song) We're off to see the Wizard,

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Scene 5. Dorothy meets Tin Man

(Останавливаются. Видят Железного человека, осторожно подходят к нему)

Dorothy: Why, it's a man! A tin man!

Scarecrow: What?

Dorothy: Yes. A tin man!

Tin Man: Oil can!

Dorothy: What?

Tin Man: Oil can!

Scarecrow: He said Oil can.(Берет масленку и смазывает Железного человека)

Tin Man: Me - e, me - e-, My- mmm-my, my, my, my goodness. I can talk again! (начинает шевелить руками)

Dorothy: Well, you're perfect now.

Tin Man: Perfect? Oh - bang ! It's empty. Oh, If I only had a heart!

Scarecrow, Dorothy: No heart?

Tin Man: No heart.

Scarecrow: I think the Wizard can help him.

Dorothy: You think?

Scarecrow: Yes.

Dorothy: Come along with us! We are on the way to visit the Wizard of Oz to get him a brain. …. To Oz?

Scarecrow , Tin Man: To Oz!!!

Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man (dancing and singing the song)

We're off to see the Wizard,

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Scene 6. Dorothy meets the Lion

(minus ‘The Forest of Wild animals’)

(Жуткие звуки леса. Озираются. Крадутся.)

Dorothy : I don’t like this forest. It’s dark and creepy.

Toto: Can we meet any wild animals?

Scarecrow: We might.

Tin Man: Lions and tigers and bears.

Dorothy ,Toto: Lions and tigers and bears?

Scarecrow, Tin Man: Yes. Lions and tigers and bears.

Dorothy: Lions and tigers and bears?

Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man: Lions and tigers and bears. Lions and tigers and bears

LION: Rrrrr (Лев выскакивает им навстречу)

Dorothy: Stop. We are not afraid of you.

LION: (crying)

Dorothy: Why are you crying?

LION: I always cry. I haven’t got any courage at all.

Tin Man: No courage?

LION: No. I’m even scared of myself.

Scarecrow: I think the Wizard can help him too.
Dorothy: Come along with us! We are on the way to visit the Wizard of Oz to get him a heart.

Tin Man: to get him a brain (points to the Scarecrow)

Dorothy: I’m sure he could give you some courage.

LION: Well. Come on!

Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion (dancing and singing the song)

We're off to see the Wizard,

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

You'll find he is a whiz of a Wiz!

If ever a Wiz! there was.

If ever oh ever a Wiz! there was

The Wizard of Oz is one because,


Because, because, because, because.

Because of the wonderful things he does.

We're off to see the Wizard.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

Постановка состоялась в марте 2014 года на краевом конкурсе детского творчества на английском языке «Весенняя капель-2014» г.Пермь


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