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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке "Спасем нашу Землю"

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«Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке "Спасем нашу Землю"»

"Keep our Earth clean!"

Цели мероприятия:

  • Формирование представления учащихся о необходимости защиты окружающей среды.

  • Воспитывать у учащихся любовь к родной земле.

  • Вызвать желание у учащихся своими действиями помочь окружающей земле.

  • Формирование личностно-ориентированнных, коммуникативных компетенций обучаемых по теме: «Экология», развитие умения общаться.

  • Развитие разносторонних интеллектуальных и творческих способностей.

  • Воспитание экологической культуры школьников


  • Содействовать формированию коммуникативных качеств личности через имитационные игры, умению анализировать, делать умозаключения, давать оценку своим знаниям и знаниям одноклассников.

  • Воспитывать нравственно - культурологические ценности личности, прививать любовь к родной природе, к родному краю.

  • Расширять театральный опыт, литературную речь, мимику, жесты, дикцию

Ход мероприятия.

1.Leader: Good day, dear boys and girls, teachers and our quests! Now we shall begin our English performance "Keep our Earth clean!"

2.Leader: Why did we call our performance like this?

1.Leader: If you know the Russian president has signed a decree making 2017 the Year of Ecology. The move is designed to attract public attention to environmental problems, maintain ecological diversity and protect the ecological security of the country.

(Просмотр видеоклипа М.Джексона)

3.Leader: Nowadays a lot of people speak and think about the greatest problems of the world. These are Problems of Ecology. From the video- clip by Michael Jackson you have seen that our planet is in danger. ”What have we done? We’ve killed the flowering fields, we’ve turned kingdoms into dust.

1.Leader: Animals are dying from hunting. Children are dying from wars. The Earth is crying. We don’t know what to do.

2.Leader: Well, we begin. Our performance is about this. Come on let’s go!

3.Leader: Many people do not think about the future of our planet, that the ground we stand on could be so fragile.  But it’s time to apologize to the Earth. Listen to the song « Love Song to the Earth». It will be sung by the pupils of class 10 and 11. The video- clip accompanying the song is made by the students and teachers of our school. This song calls for help, to keep the Earth safe. 

(Исполнение песни « Признание в любви к Земле», с просмотром клипа)

Love Song To The Earth

This is an open letter 
From me and you together 
Tomorrow's in our hands now 
Find the words that matter 
Say them out loud 
And make it better somehow 

Looking down from up on the moon 
It's a tiny blue marble 
Who would've thought the ground we stand on could be so fragile 

This is a love song to the earth 
You're no ordinary world 
A diamond in the universe 
Heaven's poetry to us 
Keep it safe, keep it safe, keep it safe 
Cause it's our world, it's our world 

It's not about religion 
Money, or perception 
How many years we might live 
When the only real questions that matters is still a matter of perspective 

Looking down from up on the moon 
It's a tiny blue marble 
Who would've thought the ground we stand on could be so fragile 

This is a love song to the earth 
You're no ordinary world 
A diamond in the universe 
Heaven's poetry to us 
Keep it safe, keep it safe, keep it safe 

Cause it's our world, it's our world 
It's our world, it's our world, it's our world 
It's our world, it's our world, it's our world 

This is a love song to the earth 
You're no ordinary world 
A diamond in the universe 
Heaven's poetry to us 
Keep it safe, keep it safe, keep it safe 

Cause it's our world 
This is our world 
It's our world 
It's our world

1.Leader: We love our planet and want to take care of our nature. We want to be friends of animals and birds. And the poem « Helping Mother Earth» will be recited by the pupils of Class 3.

  1. Walking along feeling free,
    Feeling the earth here with me,
    And I love her, she loves me,
    I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me.

  2. She’s our friend,
    We’d like to be together [tə'geðə] forever. [fə'revə]
    The earth is a garden,
    It’s a beautiful place
    For all living creatures ['kriːʧəz] ,
    For all the human ['hjuːmən] race.

  3. Helping Mother Earth,
    We can peacefully ['piːsf(ə)lɪ] roam [rəum],
    We all deserve [dɪ'zɜːv] a place,
    We can call our home.

2.Leader: In this song the pupils of the 5th and 6th forms will sing about Mother Earth

( песня Motherland)

Mother Earth

Mother Earth, Mother Earth

It’s a great place to be

Mother Earth, Mother Earth

Home planet for you and me

Look after our earth with care

‘Cos it’s a planet we all share

Humans, animals, plants and trees

Let’s live together in harmony

Mother Earth, Mother Earth

It’s a great place to be

Mother Earth, Mother Earth

Home planet for you and me

In ourselves we must take pride

For our future we need to strive

Be kind it’s worthwhile

Light the world up with your smile!

Mother Earth, Mother Earth

It’s a great place to be

Mother Earth, Mother Earth

Home planet for you and me

It’s a great place to be

In peace and harmony

3.Leader: Our world is so beautiful that we can talk about it a lot and a lot.

1.Leader: The poem « We want to see» will be recited by the pupils of Class 5.


We want to see blue seas,

We want to see green trees,

We are defenders of are lands.

We want to breath clean air,

We want to show we care,

We know the future is in our hands.

We want to see birds fly,

Up into a clean sky,

We are defenders of our lands,

We want to see flowers grow,

To pollution we say “NO!”

We know the future is in our hands.

2.Leader: And now you will see a fiery dance and listen to the song “Save the Earth”. It will be sung and danced by the pupils of classes 5 and 6.

Флэшмоб “Save the Earth”

Earth! We’re in it together

Earth! Earth!

We’re in it together

Forever and ever

Saving our water, land and air

This is our planet to share!

We need clean air around us all

Land to walk on and waterfalls

But the world is changing day by day

Listen to what we say

One by one,

We can spread the news

About how to STOP

Pollution blues!

Together, we’re reaching

Out to you

To help us save the Earth


We’re in it together

Forever and ever

Saving our water, land and air

This is our planet to share!

Imagine our world

Clean and litter- free

From the ocean to the sky

Join our hands,

Share the vision we can see

Let’s begin by taking pride!

by taking pride!


We’re in it together

Forever and ever

Saving our water, land and air

This is our planet to share!

Earth! Earth!

We’re in it together

Forever and ever

Saving our water, land and air

Together we can show we care

This is our Earth to share!

We’re in it together!

1.Leader: Our world is so beautiful that we can talk about it a lot and a lot. But let us not forget about the real ecological problems.


They are: -Air pollution -Endangered species -Water pollution -Acid rains -Global warming

-Dangerous radiation -And so on.

3.Leader: The pupils of Class 11 will act out the sketch « Environmental tales».

Сценарий экологической сказки

Действующие лица:

Девочка Маша

Квадрозиг – житель планеты Транзиваг

Девочка Маша сидит с планшетом

Маша: Сейчас посмотрю космопочту. Ура, пришло письмо от моего друга с планеты Транзиваг. Давно ждала от него вестей, соскучилась. (Сигнал).

Jetzt schaue ich meine Cosmo-E-Mails. Hurra, der Brief von meinem Freund vom Planeten Транзиваг. Seit lange wartete ich auf Nachrichten von ihm. ich habe dich vermisst.

Включаю. (сигналы). Здравствуй, Квадрозиг, как дела?

Hallo, Квадрозиг, wie geht ' s?

Квадрозиг: Здравствуй, Маша, у меня радостная новость, у меня отпуск, только я не знаю, где его провести.

Hallo Mascha, ich habe eine freue Nachrichten, ich habe den Urlaub, ich weiß nur nicht, wo ich ihn verbringen kann.

Маша: Отпуск – это здорово, у меня сейчас каникулы.

Den Urlaub – das ist toll, ich habe jetzt die Ferien.

Квадрозиг: И как ты будешь проводить каникулы?

Und wie mochtest du die Ferien verbringen?

Маша: О-о-о. очень весело. Мы будем ходить на речку купаться и загорать на солнышке, поедем в лес, будем там жить в палатках и дышать свежим воздухом, а еще будем гулять по родному поселку.

o-o-o sehr lustig. Wir werden zum Fluss gehen, baden und sich sonnen, wir werden in den Zelten übernachten und frische Luft atmen, spazieren gehen usw.

Квадрозиг: Я тебе так завидую, ведь на нашей планете все по-другому:

Ich beneide dich so, denn auf unserem Planeten ist alles anders:

Деревья из пластмассы, цветочки из стекла,

Bäume sind aus Kunststoff, Blumen sind aus Glas,

Мы все уже забыли, что такое вода.

Wir haben alles schon vergessen, was das Wasser ist.

Дышать здесь очень трудно, повсюду серый смог

Hier ist es sehr schwer zu atmen, überall ist grauer Smog

Маша: У нас все по-другому

Bei uns ist alles anders:

Чистая вода, небо голубое и богатые леса

Klares Wasser, blauer Himmel und reiche Wälder

я приглашаю тебя в Большую Орловку

Ich lade dich in Bolschaja Orlowka

Жалко, что ты не сможешь добраться ты никак.

Schade, dass du nicht fliegen kannst

Квадрозиг: Ой, Маша, а это нетрудно совершить,

Ach, Leila, und es ist nicht schwer zu machen,

Мой папа изобрел «телепортацию».

Mein Vater erfand «Teleportation».

Маша: Вот это очень здорово, жду с нетерпеньем,

Hier ist es sehr cool. Ich warte dich mit Ungeduld!

Квадрозиг: Привет, друг, встречай Квадрозига.

Hallo, Freundin, treffe Квадрозиг .

Маша: Быстро ты прибыл

Schnell kamst du

Чем будем заниматься

Was werden wir machen?

Квадрозиг: Хочу скорее увидеть твою деревню.

Ich mochte eher dein Dorf, Fluss und Felder besichtigen/ sehen

Речку широкую, лес и поля,

Что же это такое – планета Земля?

Was ist der Planet Erde?

Маша и Квадрозиг одевают очки 3д

«Виртуальное путешествие по родному селу»

Мультимедийная презентация – видеоряд родное село»

Квадрозиг: Мне все понравилось, было очень здорово,

Alles war sehr cool

Квадрозиг: Какая везде у вас красота, какая везде у вас чистота!

Wie ist es überall schön und sauber!

Маша: Все жители решили однажды, больше не мусорить.

Alle Einwohner beschlossen einmal,

nicht mehr zu beschmutzen.

Квадрозиг: Устал я, ходили мы долго.

Ich bin müde, gingen wir lange.

Маша: Тогда я приглашаю тебя на реку Сал.

Dann lade ich dich auf den Fluss SAL.

Квадрозиг: Сал?


Маша: Это наша река, она очень длинная и извилистая!

Das ist unser Fluss, er ist sehr lang und gewunden!

На берегу мы с тобой посидим

Am Ufer sitzen wir mit dir

Квадрозиг: Какая чистая вода, неужели и здесь не мусорят никогда?

Das Wasser ist so klar! Beschmutzt man hier nicht?

Маша: Никто в речку ничего не сливает,

Ja, hier beschmutzt man nicht

здесь только рыбу ловят, купаются и отдыхают.

Hier fischt man, badet und erholt sich.

Скорее поедем, Маша, в лес

Schnell , Mascha, fahren wir in den Park!

Маша: Где твой метафон, плазмер и рация, делай твою телепортацию.

Wo ist dein Teleportation. Mach deine Teleportation.

(перемещаются в «парк»)

Квадрозиг: Здесь тоже порядок, тишина и уют, лишь птицы негромко поют.

Hier ist auch die Ordnung, Ruhe und Komfort, nur die Vögel singen leise.

Маша: Конечно, наши жители веток не ломают,

О деревьях заботятся, их оберегают.

Natürlich, unsere Einwohner brechen Zweige nicht, kümmern sich Über Bäume ,

Каждый год сажаем новые деревья,

Jedes Jahr pflanzen wir neue Bäume

Как вы смогли так все устроить,

Wie konnten Sie alles so organisieren?

Мы показали нашу деревню в будущем,

Wir haben unser Dorf in der Zukunft gezeigt

Пусть пока это только мечта.

Sei es nur ein Traum.

Герои кланяются и уходят

3.Leader: And now you will see the play “The guests of Mr. Wood” performed by Class 6.

Действующие лица:

Pupil 1

Pupil 2

A squirrel (белка)

A hare (заяц)

Mr. Wood (a forester - лесник)

A chamomile (ромашка)

A witch (ведьма)

A hooligan (хулиган

Дети (Pupil 1, Pupil 2) приходят в лес с корзинками. Их встречают зайчик и белочка.

A squirrel: - Hello, children! Welcome to the forest! (Показывая на лесника) It’s our forester Mr. Wood. He will tell you about animals and birds. He will show you raspberry bushes and mushrooms.

Mr. Wood: - Would you like to pick up some raspberry? Well, I can show you a raspberry lawn. But remember: don’t rack brunches and don’t tear flowers!

Pupil 1: - We promise not to destroy nests and not to offend animals!

Pupil 2: - My Granny takes mint as a medicine. May I pick up some mint for her?

Mr. Wood: - Of course, you may. Mint is very good for health. I have lots of useful herbs: mint, tansy, hypericum (показывает картинки ребятам и зрителям).

A witch: - I have one more flower for you, my darling (протягивает дурман).

Выбегает Ромашка.

A chamomile (ведьме): - Stop, stop! Don’t try to fool us! It’s a toxic herb called dope! Children will have a headache of your gift. Take it away!

Ведьма убегает.

A hare: - Our forest witch is very cunning. She plants only toxic herbs.

Ведьма возвращается, крадучись.

A witch: - I’m so sorry, my friends. Let’s better go to the forest and take some mint, sage and lilies home…

Pupil 1, pupil 2 (хором): - We mustn’t tear flowers!

A hare: - You are right. We mustn’t take these herbs home. We should bring them to the drugstore, because people make medicines of them.

Ведьма убегает. На опушке появляется хулиган. Он рвёт растения, разбрасывает мусор по полянке, топчет муравейник, разоряет гнёзда, стреляет по птицам из рогатки.

A hooligan (стреляя из рогатки): - Yes! Hit!

Герои окружают хулигана.

Pupil 1: - Why are you destroying nests?

Pupil 2: - Why are you offending animals?

A chamomile: - Why are you tearing flowers?

A hare: - Why have you stomped the anthill?

A squirrel: - Forest is our joy and wealth. Forest is plants’ and animals’ home.

Pupils (хором, грозя хулигану кулаками): - We will beat you! We will punish you!

Mr. Wood (отстраняя ребят, обращается к хулигану): - Look, what you have done! You have thrown the litter, torn flowers, hurt the birds!

Hooligan (бросает рогатку, поправляет одежду): - Please, forgive me, Mr. Wood, animals and birds! I was very cruel. I won’t hurt birds and animals any more. I won’t tear flowers and throw litter. I want to save our forest with you, guys! Please, take me to your team!

Pupils (хором): - You are welcome!

Все персонажи выходят на сцену, становятся в линию и берутся за руки.

Все вместе, хором: - Save our planet together!

1.Leader: Now I want to invite the pupils from the 7th form that can teach you how to survive in the modern world. They want to save you and our planet.

2.Leader: . First comes the poem «There is so much pollution» recited by the pupils of this Class.

  1. There is so much pollution [pə'luːʃ(ə)n]

Poisoning ['pɔɪz(ə)nɪŋ] the air

There is so much litter

We can see it everywhere ['evrɪwɛə]

Wildlife ['waɪldlaɪf] is disappearing [ˌdɪsə'pɪəiŋ]

While [(h)waɪl] everyone ['evrɪwʌn] stands by

The world [wɜːld] we love is dying ['daɪɪŋ]

And we are the reason ['riːz(ə)n] WHY [(h)waɪ]?

  1. WHY are we killing ['kɪlɪŋ] our ['auə] world [wɜːld]?

WHY aren’t we doing our share [ʃɛə] ?

WE can save our planet?

WE can help it survive [sə'vaɪv] ,

All it needs is a little care [kɛə].

  1. If we all work [wɜːk] together [tə'geðə]

Something ['sʌmθɪŋ] can be done [dʌn]

We need a clean [kliːn] up [ʌp] campaign [kæm'peɪn]

Which [ɪn'vɔlvz] involves everyone ['evrɪwʌn].

WE can slow [sləu] down [daun] GLOBAL ['gləub(ə)l] WARMING ['wɔːmɪŋ],

WE can stop the ACID RAIN,

WE can heal [hiːl] our PLANET ['plænɪt],

WE can help it live AGAIN [ə'gen].

1.Leader: This song will introduce you to three magic words Reduce Reuse and Recycle

and help you to take care of the Earth.

We’re going green

We’re going green

We’re going green

We’re gonna’

Take care of the Earth

We’re going green

You can go green

At your home or school

Reduce Reuse and Recycle


Be careful how long you

Take a shower

You don’t need to stand there

For 70 hours!

Turn off the water

When you’re

brushin’ your teeth

… and only use

The necessary energy

Turn off the lights

When they’re not in use

Think how much electricity

You produce

Take quick drinks

Walk to school

Reducing energy is really cool!

Pull out plugs

When you’re not using them

Turn off the computer

Every now and then

Throw away litter

Pick up trash

… and you’ll save The Earth

In a flash!

We’re going green

We’re going green

We’re gonna’

Take care of the Earth

We’re going green

You can go green

At your home or school

Reduce Reuse and Recycle


Reuse stuff when you’re

Out and about

If you can use it again,

Don’t throw it out!

Reuse bottles,

Reuse bags

Reuse containers

And reuse rags

Donate toys

So someone else can use’em

Donate clothes

Don’t just lose’em

We’re going green

We’re going green

We’re gonna’

Take care of the Earth

We’re going green

You can go green

At your home or school

Reduce Reuse and Recycle


Just throwing away

Is not enough

Recycle some things

To make new stuff!

A paper cans a plastic too.

Glass and cardboard up though

Games, CDs and DVDs

Light bulbs, cartridges and batteries,

Laptops, cell phones, and the news

Lots of metals you can choose

We’re going green

We’re going green

3.Leader: Our planet is very large. Many Russian poets wrote about this wonderful land a lot. About Russian land.

1.Leader: And what about English lands?. We can’t miss them : England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland. The world- famous Scottish poet Robert Burns loved Scotland, his Motherland, and Scottish people and wrote a lot of poems and songs about them.

2.Leader: In the well- known poem “My Heart’s in the Highlands” Robert Burns describes nature of his Motherland.

3.Leader: The poem « My heart’s in the Highlands» by Robert Burns will be recited by the pupils of Class 7.

My heart’s in the Highlands

  1. My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here;

My heart’s in the Highlands a- chasing the deer

A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe;

My heart’s in the Highlands wherever I go.

  1. Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,

The birthplace of valour, the country of worth;

Wherever I wander, wherever I rove;

The hills of the Highlands forever I love.

  1. Farewell to the mountains high covered with snow;

Farewell to the straths and green valleys below;

Farewell to the forests and wild- hanging woods;

Farewell to the torrents and loud pouring floods.

  1. My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here;

My heart’s in the Highlands a- chasing the deer

A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe;

My heart’s in the Highlands wherever I go.

1.Leader: We should keep our Earth clean, all people should try their best to do it better.

The poem « How beautiful is our planet!» will be recited by the pupil of Class 6.

Pupil I:

How beautiful is our planet!

We have forests, rivers, lakes,

A person keeps the nature,

And there are no breaks.

Pupil II:

Every year and every day

We should keep our nature clean!

Stop polluting water, air,

It’s a bad, destroying thing!

Pupil III:

Support [sə'pɔːt] green parties, eco clubs [klʌbz],

Plant trees, recycle [ˌriː'saɪk(ə)l] litter,

Love nature ['neɪʧə], be its part

It’s a necessary ['nesəs(ə)rɪ] feature ['fiːʧə]!

1.Leader: And now is another song performed by the students of classes 5 and 6

Earth song

We dream of a world where

People love to take good care

Of Mother Earth

Keep her green and blue

Just because it‘s good to do

From the mountains

To the oceans

And everywhere in between

From the animals

To the waterfalls

Earth is beautiful

Let’s keep her blue and green

We dream of a world where

People love to take good care

Of Mother Earth

Keep her green and blue

Just because it‘s good to do

From the mountains

To the oceans

And everywhere in between

From the animals

To the waterfalls

Earth is beautiful

Let’s keep her blue and green.

2.Leader: There are still some English-speaking countries. The students of our school will acquaint you with them now.

3.Leader: Please. Meet. The catwalk show in costumes from waste material, symbolizing the flags of English-speaking countries.

Дефиле в костюм из бросового материала, символизирующие флаги англо-говорящих стран под музыку “Environmental System song

1.Leader: Let's applaud to our fashion models. But our costumes are very practical too.

2.Leader: And now, please, watch very interesting and beautiful dance. Incomparable Sophia from the 9b form dances to the song of Jennifer Lopez “Dance Again”. Let's applaud to our dancer.

Танец под песню Дженифер Лопес “Dance Again”.

3.Leader: The earth is our home, our and our neighbors on the planet. A man is only a small part of nature, but, unlike other creatures of nature, he's intelligent and can control his actions.

1.Leader: We hope that you will always be reasonable in the full sense of the word: you will be respectful to our "neighbors" across the planet and act responsibly in nature.

Песня “The earth is my home”

The earth is my home

I promise to keep it

Healthy and beautiful

I will love the land

The air, the water and

All living creatures

I will be a defender of my planet

United with friends, I will save the Earth.

United with friends, I promise to keep it

United with friends, I will love the land

United with friends, I’ll be a defender

I will save the Earth.

The earth is my home

I promise to keep it

Healthy and beautiful

I will love the land

The air, the water and

All living creatures

I’ll be a defender of my planet

United with friends, I will save the Earth.

I will save the Earth.

2.Leader: Our English party is over now. We hope that all the information from this performance will be useful for you. And you will be much kinder to nature.

Please :

Don’t kill the world!

Don’t let the Earth down!

Do not destroy the ground!

3.Leader: Don’t let the Earth die!

Help Earth to survive!

Don’t kill the world!

1.Leader: Thank you for your attention. Good-bye, everybody! Please come to our next party.


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