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Suppression of coronavirus activity with mucus from algae, bacteria, protozoa and fungi

Категория: Биология

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Suppression of coronavirus activity with mucus from algae, bacteria, protozoa and fungi

                                                       (Sch102 O.Orlov)

1.Triumvirate: viruses, bacteria and small eukaryotes

 The mechanism of maintaining the balance of forces in the triumvirate of viruses, bacteria, and unicellular eukaryotes is rather rigid. They use "bottle mail" - "exosomes" that maintain a certain balance of power over time. Thus, if you "help" one side, you can reduce the activity of the other.

2. The role of exosomes as bottle mail, warning viruses about the presence of bacteria and algae.

 Signal bubbles - molecules of "exosomes" are inherent in each member of the triumvirate: viruses - bacteria - small eukaryotes and are used as "bottle mail" inherent in the mucus of each of them, so the mucus acquires specificity and can act on and on behalf of each member of the Virus-Bacteria triumvirate - Eukaryotes.

Suspension of Scenedesnus ecornis and Monoraphidium contortum algae also contains a number of accompanying bacteria that feed on dead algal cells. At the same time, the suspension contains a lot of proteolytic enzymes that destroy finely dispersed organic matter, transferring its mineral substances with the release of carbon dioxide. This allows the algae polyculture to exist autonomously for some time without any maintenance methods.

The conditions for growing a polyculture of algae do not require complex equipment and can be reproduced in an ordinary apartme. Coronavirus as a pattern of gene expression:



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«Suppression of coronavirus activity with mucus from algae, bacteria, protozoa and fungi»

Suppression of coronavirus activity with mucus from algae, bacteria, protozoa and fungi

(Sch102 O.Orlov)

1.Triumvirate: viruses, bacteria and small eukaryotes

The mechanism of maintaining the balance of forces in the triumvirate of viruses, bacteria, and unicellular eukaryotes is rather rigid. They use "bottle mail" - "exosomes" that maintain a certain balance of power over time. Thus, if you "help" one side, you can reduce the activity of the other.

2. The role of exosomes as bottle mail, warning viruses about the presence of bacteria and algae.

Electron microscope (internet photo)

Light microscope

Signal bubbles - molecules of "exosomes" are inherent in each member of the triumvirate: viruses - bacteria - small eukaryotes and are used as "bottle mail" inherent in the mucus of each of them, so the mucus acquires specificity and can act on and on behalf of each member of the Virus-Bacteria triumvirate - Eukaryotes.

Suspension of unicellular algae and bacteria

Suspension of Scenedesnus ecornis and Monoraphidium contortum algae also contains a number of accompanying bacteria that feed on dead algal cells. At the same time, the suspension contains a lot of proteolytic enzymes that destroy finely dispersed organic matter, transferring its mineral substances with the release of carbon dioxide. This allows the algae polyculture to exist autonomously for some time without any maintenance methods.

The conditions for growing a polyculture of algae do not require complex equipment and can be reproduced in an ordinary apartment.

Coronavirus as a pattern of gene expression


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