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Teacher training in the USA

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«Teacher training in the USA»

Text I


Since 1900 there has been increasing acceptance by colleges and universities of their responsibility for teacher education. Often this began as a section of the department of philosophy or psychology, grew into a separate department of education and by 1960s became a school or college of education, which is an entity within the university. Some institutions of higher learning offer only graduate work in education and have no relevant undergraduate school, such as Harvard and the University of Chicago. Master of Arts in teaching (MAT) programs are expanding in scope and increasing in numbers as a fifth year of study is recognized to be necessary for well-qualified teachers. Some fifth-year programs are designed for persons holding non-education degrees and combine classroom experience with paid teaching internships in the public schools.

Text 2


For decades, there have been two authorized routes in licensed training of teachers in the United States. The main is a four-year bachelor program embracing two years of general studies (the lower division of the undergraduate college) and two years (the upper division) of more specialized studies.

Requirements for education and certification of early childhood (kindergarten) and elementary (primary) teachers are regulated by state governments, which want multiple exams prior to entering teacher education and again following completion of teacher education but prior to certification.

The initial teaching qualification is the bachelor’s degree plus certification. Most states offer higher levels of certification based on experience and additional education, and many teachers at this level earn the master’s degree. Secondary school teachers are certified as competent in one or more academic or vocational subjects and spend their careers concentrating on these subjects, whereas elementary school teachers — especially for the lower grades — may be certified to teach the full primary course or may specialize, particularly if teaching in the more differentiated upper elementary/middle school grades.

All states certify teachers according to subject specializations as well as grade levels/ranges. Specialized non-instructional personnel must also be certified in most states; these individuals include school administrators, school counselors, school health personnel (psychologists, nurses), school librarians and curriculum specialists.


increase v увеличиваться, e.g. The number of teachers in the USA increases.

responsibility n ответственность, e.g. American colleges and universities increase their responsibility for teacher education.

department n факультет, e.g. There are a lot of departments in Columbia University.

grow (grew, grown) v расти, e.g. Often a department of philosophy or psychology grew into a separate department of education.

entity n организация, e.g. A department of education is an entity within the university.

expand v расширяться, e.g. Many university programmes are expanding.

internship n интернатура, e.g. Programmes for teacher training combine classroom experience with paid teaching internships.

embrace и включать, e.g. The main programme embraces two years of general studies.

initial adj начальный, e.g. Some states do not require such initial teaching qualification as the bachelor’s degree plus certification.

grade n (амер.) класс (в школе), e.g. Elementary school teachers — especially for the lower grades — may be certified to teach the full primary course or may specialize.

counselor (counsellor BrE) n консультант, e.g. There are a lot of counsellors in American schools.

health n здоровье, e.g. Non-instructional personnel includes school health personnel.

nurse n медицинская сестра, e.g. Nurses working at school should love children.


  1. Pronounce correctly.

initial, health, internship, entity, increase, counsellor, grow, personnel, decade, combine, qualification, certification

  1. Read the following words paying attention to the pronunciation of the letters in bold type:

  1. responsibility, applied, public, praise, pupil, pay;

  2. embrace, librarian, bell, ambassador, borrow, begin.

  1. Give the Russian equivalents of the following word combinations:

to offer only graduate work; a school counsellor; initial teaching qualification; to expand in scope; teaching internship; graduate work; a school librarian; health personnel; teacher training

  1. Give the English equivalents of the following words:

ответственность; здоровье; медсестра; предлагать; увеличиваться; факультет; расти; организация; включать.


1.Read Text 1 and find the key words in each paragraph.

2.Make up a plan of Text 1. Use the key words and the Vocabulary Notes for each point of your plan.

3.Read Text 2. Circle Yes or No for the sentences based on Text 2. If the answer is No, give the correct sentence.

1.For decades, there have been three authorized routes in licensed training of teachers in the United States.

Yes No

2.The main is a five-year programmer embracing two years of general studies (the lower division of the undergraduate college) and three years (the upper division) of more specialized studies.

Yes No

3.Requirements for education and certification of early childhood (kindergarten) and elementary (primary) teachers are set by state governments.

Yes No

4.The initial teaching qualification is the bachelor’s degree plus certification.

Yes No

5.Most states offer higher levels of certification based on experience and additional education and many teachers at this level earn the doctoral degree.

Yes No


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