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Техническое оснащение на ПОП

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Gas stoves are Widely used in catering enterprises, as they allow to produce almost all types of heat treatment of various food products (cooking, frying, stewing, etc.)

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«Техническое оснащение на ПОП»

Доклад на тему: «Техническое оснащение на поп» Выполнил студент группы ОБ-16  Shromovsky vladislav

Доклад на тему: «Техническое оснащение на поп»

Выполнил студент группы ОБ-16 Shromovsky vladislav

Gas stoves Gas stoves are Widely used in catering enterprises, as they allow to produce almost all types of heat treatment of various food products (cooking, frying, stewing, etc.)

Gas stoves

Gas stoves are Widely used in catering enterprises, as they allow to produce almost all types of heat treatment of various food products (cooking, frying, stewing, etc.)

Electric cooker Electric cookers are Designed for the preparation of first, second and third dishes in a plate, as well as for frying semi-finished products from meat, fish, vegetables and baking small-piece culinary products in public catering enterprises

Electric cooker

Electric cookers are Designed for the preparation of first, second and third dishes in a plate, as well as for frying semi-finished products from meat, fish, vegetables and baking small-piece culinary products in public catering enterprises

Heat lines Heat lines are universal equipment for catering enterprises of any profile (cafe, restaurant, dining room, etc.).

Heat lines

Heat lines are universal equipment for catering enterprises of any profile (cafe, restaurant, dining room, etc.).

Distribution lines Distribution lines are Designed for short-term storage of ready meals, as well as for the distribution of cold snacks, first and second courses, hot and cold drinks, confectionery, providing customers with Cutlery.

Distribution lines

Distribution lines are Designed for short-term storage of ready meals, as well as for the distribution of cold snacks, first and second courses, hot and cold drinks, confectionery, providing customers with Cutlery.

marmite Marmite is a Special device for maintaining the desired temperature of gastronomy with a variety of ready meals.


Marmite is a Special device for maintaining the desired temperature of gastronomy with a variety of ready meals.

Cabinet oven Roasting Cabinet Is a universal device for heat treatment, which is intended not only for frying, but also for baking bakery products, baking, Browning, stewing.

Cabinet oven

Roasting Cabinet Is a universal device for heat treatment, which is intended not only for frying, but also for baking bakery products, baking, Browning, stewing.

Boiler Boilers Are professional equipment used for the preparation of boiling water in public catering enterprises.


Boilers Are professional equipment used for the preparation of boiling water in public catering enterprises.


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