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Технологиялық карта "My family" мектепалды даярлық топ

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00.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for basic

classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly.

0.L2 begin to recognize with considerable support a few basic

personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly.

0.L4 begin to recognize basic intonation distinguishing

questions from statements.

0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some


0.S4 respond to very basic supported personal questions using

short answers

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«Технологиялық карта "My family" мектепалды даярлық топ»

Unit 3. My family

School: №10


Teacher name: Iskakova K.S.

CLASS: 0a,b

Number present:


Lesson title

My family

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

00.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for basic

classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly.

0.L2 begin to recognize with considerable support a few basic

personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly.

0.L4 begin to recognize basic intonation distinguishing

questions from statements.

0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some


0.S4 respond to very basic supported personal questions using

short answers

Lesson objectives

The learners will be able to:

recognize simple short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken

slowly and distinctly.

recognize with the considerable support a few basic personal questions

spoken slowly and distinctly.

exchange short simple greetings.

The majority of the learners will be able to:

recognize basic intonation distinguishing questions from statements.

pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.

respond to the very basic supported personal questions using short answers.

Some of the learners will be able to:

describe their families without difficulties and mistakes.



The learners know simple greetings, short instructions for classroom routine,

names for some animals, numbers 1-10, simple classroom objects..

Assessment criteria

learners will have succeeded in this class if they:

1.introduce the learners the family words father, mother, sister, brother;

train to use the structure This is my mother/ father… to make the basic

statements about their families s correctly

2.Say sounds [ð], [s], [f], [ᴧ] [ǝ],[ m] [ i] [ t]:correctly

3.Name numbers 1-10

Language objective

Mather father sister brather

This is

Letter H h

Values links

Respect and cooperation by:

  1. Listening to the teacher

  2. Listening to each other

  3. Take turns

Encourage each other

Cross-curricular links

Russian language and literature (naming things in Russian and English) lifelong learning, math

Previous learning

My school


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



5 minutes

Warm up:

Warm up:

For drills in pronunciation of the sounds [ð], [s], [f], [ᴧ]

play the following tongue-twisters:


This and that,

This and that,

that and this and this.


I saw his six sisters singing at six.


Four furious friends fought for the phone.


Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear

Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair

Fuzzy wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy, was he?

You can use the

following resources for

tongue – twisters:








10 minutes

5 minutes

Exercise 1.Learn the new words and repeat.

Direct the learners’ attention to the pictures and

introduce them the new words mother/

father/brother/sister. Pronounce the words clearly and

distinctly. Then ask the children to repeat word by

word. For better memorizing, you can use finger

puppets. Show finger after finger, make children say

the corresponding family word.

Exercise 2. Point and name the family members.

Ask the learners to look at the pictures, and name

people they see in the pictures. Children may say just

the words: “father/mother”,etc. Ask the more advanced

children to use the structure “This is the mother/


Exercise 3. Learn.

In this exercise, the children will learn the new

adjective ‘tall’. And its opposite form She/he isn’t tall.

Introduce the new word to the students and teach them

how to say differently without using an opposite

adjective “short”.

Dynamic pause

Play a game “Mother says” to revise the basic

classroom instructions learned at the previous lessons.

Say: Mother says stand up. Mother says sit down, etc.

Exercise 4. Listen and learn.

Ask the children to look at the pictures. Play the audio

and make a pause after each phrase. Explain the

meaning of the question “Who is this?”Ask the learners

to point to each picture and repeat. Check the correct


Track 19.

Dana: Who is this? - Batyr: This is my mother. She is

not tall.

This is my father. He is tall. This is my brother. He is

tall. This is my sister. She is tall.

Exercise 5. Listen and sing.

Play the song several times and ask the learners to sing

along. While singing encourage the children to point to

the corresponding family member in the pictures of the

previous exercise.

Track 20.

My mother, my father, my sister, my brother.

My mother, my father, my sister, my brother.

This is my family. This is my family.

Activity book

Exercise 1. Match and name the people in the family.

Explain the task. Encourage the learners to name the

family members correctly and describe them using the

new vocabulary from the lesson. He/she is tall/not tall.

Exercise 2. Draw your family and speak about them.

Suggest the children drawing their family members

using colour pencils and then introduce them.


5 minutes

End of the lesson:

At the end of the lesson ask the learners to summarize

their activity at the lesson. Elicit their answers via

supportive questions: e.g.:

What new words did we learn today?

How do we present our family members?

Then encourage them to say all the words in chorus,

you can say the words in Kazakh/Russian and they will

give the English equivalents or show the flashcards and

name the pictures.

Sing the song of the lesson one more time.

Keep encouraging the young learners for any success

during the class/ whole course to make them feel more

comfortable, confident and motivated to acquire the


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modified worksheets in some tasks with greater support

By means of oral formative assessment – students work in pairs making dialogs – teacher monitors for assessment

  • Work with the SMART board not more than 10 minutes

  • Monitor classroom space when students start moving around

  • Make short breaks while writing

  • Use water based markers

Use safe, odour free glue


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?


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