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Тема: В магазине. Покупки.

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«Тема: В магазине. Покупки.»

Тема: В магазине. Покупки.

1. Learn new words:

antique shop - магазин антиквариата

baker's - булочная

barber's - парикмахерская (для мужчин)

beauty salon - салон красоты

bookshop - книжный магазин

butcher's - мясная лавка

clothes shop - магазин одежды

confectioner's - кондитерская

corner shop - мелкий магазин, лавка

department store - универмаг

deli - гастроном, кулинария

department store - универмаг

fishmonger's - рыбный магазин

florist's - цветочный магазин

grocer's - бакалея

greengrocer's - овощной магазин

haberdasher's - галантерея

hairdresser's - парикмахерская (для женщин)

market - рынок

jeweller's - ювелирный магазин

music shop - музыкальный магазин

novelty shop - хозяйственный магазин

optician's - оптика

pet shop - зоомагазин

shoe shop/footwear - обувной магазин

sports shop - магазин спортивных товаров

stationery shop - магазин канцелярских принадлежностей

supermarket супермаркет

tobacconist's табачный магазин

toy shop - магазин игрушек

2. Read the text and translate.

Doing the shopping

Shopping usually means going to some place to buy something. It is a part of our life and we have to accept it whether we like it or not. There are people who hate shopping, so they usually make a list of the things they need, run through shops and buy them. There are people who go from shop to shop choosing goods at a lower price. For some people shopping is a hobby; they love shops and they can spend hours in large shopping centers. Such people are called "shopaholics" because they sometimes buy things which they do not need and it is like an addiction.

My family usually does the shopping on weekends. My parents work too hard, so they do not have enough time to do the shopping during a week. On Sundays we go to a supermarket and buy food for the whole week. I don't like supermarkets, because there are crowds of people there. You can buy anything in such supermarkets: poultry, meat, seafood, dairy products, etc.

There are a lot of different shops in my city, both expensive and cheap and everyone has a choice where to go. I prefer going to a big shopping centre not far from my home where there are a lot of shops and a food court. There are clothes shops, shoe shops, a florist's, a chemist's, an optician's, a jeweler’s and many others. I usually walk there with my friends doing the window-shopping.

When I need clothes or books I do the shopping alone. My favourite bookshop is just in the centre of my city. I can spend hours inside looking through new books. I also like shopping when I need to buy presents for my family or friends. Sometimes my friend helps me to choose presents. She is a nice girl with good taste and she knows what would be a nice present for my family.

In childhood, I used to like shopping because I felt grownup, but now I see that it can be quite boring and time-consuming. However, we have to go shopping because we need food and other things that are necessary for our life.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What does shopping mean?

2. When does your family do the shopping?

3. Do you like shopping?

4. When do you do the shopping?

5. Do you usually go shopping alone or with your family/friends?

6. What shops are your favourite?

7. Did you do the shopping in childhood?

8. Do you like buying clothes or things for yourself?

9. Do you enjoy buying presents for other people?

10. What's a department store?

11. What's a supermarket?

12. What do you think of shopping on a Saturday afternoon in the supermarket?

13. What are the advantages and disadvantages of them?

14. What do you think of online shopping?

15. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of shopping?

16. What do you think of street markets?

17. Do you think it is cheaper to buy things at street markets?

18. Have you ever been to an auction?

19. What do you think of this system of buying things?

20. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an auction?

21. Do you look at the prices when you go shopping?

22. Are you a shopaholic?

23. What is the best day of the week for shopping?

4. Write about the shopping by the plan.


1. Вступление (what "shopping" means, kinds of people (hate shopping, love shopping/shopaholics).

2. Рассказать о походах по магазинам со своей семьей (when you usually do the shopping, where you go shopping, who you go there with, what you usually buy there).

3. Рассказать о магазинах в своём городе (a lot of/few shops, shopping centres, what shops there are, etc.).

4. Рассказать о себе (prefer doing the shopping alone/with family/with friends/etc., whether you like shopping or not and why, what your favourite shops are, etc.).

5. Заключение (We have to go shopping because we need food and other things that are necessary for our life.).


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