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Test 1-guarter 5-class

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«Test 1-guarter 5-class»

Test. (the 5 th grade) guarter 1.


  1. Write the words in the correct order.

Example: 1)What`s your name

1) name?/What`s/your________________________________


3) How/you?/old/are_________________________________

4) spell/name?/How/you/do/your_______________________

5) name`s/My/ Kubat_________________________________

2) Match the words in column A with the words in column B.

Example: Do - f) homework

1) do a)to music

1) spend b)television

3) listen c) to school

4) live d)of grandparents

5) wear e) time with friends

6) watch f) homework

7) take care g) with parents

8) go h) a school uniform

3) Complete the sentences with a country or nationality.

Example: Liliana is from Italy. She`s Italian.

1) Raj is Indian. He`s from_____________________

2) Sabira is from Kyrgyzstan. She`s____________________

3) John is American. He`s from_______________________

4) Complete the sentences with negative sentences.

Example: I play football, but I don`t play tennis.

1) They like tea, but they______________________

2) I play football, but I________________________

4) You eat meat, but you______________________

5) Complete the guestions with How much..and How many..

1) _________________students are there in your class?

2) _________________sugar do you take in your coffee?

3)__________________friends have you got?

4)__________________milk do you drink in a day?


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