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Test 6 grade adjectives

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Тест для 6 класса на тему прилагатльные с ответами

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«Test 6 grade adjectives»

I. Степени сравнения прилагательных.

1. I have met … girl in the world recently. 
a) the most pretty
b) the prettiest
c) more prettier
d) pretty

2. This voyage is … dangerous than the previous one.
a) more
b) much
c) a more
d) far

3. You look … than you looked 2 years ago. What’s wrong?
a) the worst
b) badder
c) bad
d) worse

4. When will you be back? – I’ll return … .
a) later
b) the late
c) latest
d) more later

5. I want a much … (намного меньший) piece of pie. And I want the … (самый маленький) one.
a) less/least
b) little/least
c) more little/least
d) less/most little

6. The … you will make an agreement, the … we will be free.
a) soon/soon
b) sooner/sooner
c) more/more
d) so/so

7. That river is four times … long …this one.

a) as/so
b) not/more than
c) as/as
d) too/than

8. Who is … actor at all time?
a) better
b) goodest
c) the goodest
d) the best

9. Where is … hospital? Go … along the street and you’ll find it.
a) the near/much far
b) nearest/further
c) near/far
d) the nearest/further

II. Напишите года письменно на английском языке:

  1. 1989, 2) 2005, 3) 1769,

4) 2017, 5) 1546.

III. Put There is/There are in the gaps.

1. ….. a big tree in the garden.

2. …. a lot of accidents on this road.

3. ….. a good film on TV tonight.

4. ….. 11 players in a football team.

5. ….. a train at 11.30.

6. ….. some big trees in the garden.

7. …..a man on the roof.

8. ….. seven days in a week.

  1. Ответы:
    1. b
    2. a
    3. d
    4. a
    5. a
    6. b
    7. c
    8. d
    9. d

  1. Answers: 1. There is; 2. There are; 3. There is; 4. There are; 5. There is; 6. There are; 7.There is; 8. There are.


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