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Test "Animals", form 5th

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«Test "Animals", form 5th»

Spotlight 5 Module 5

Variant I

  1. Choose the correct item.

  1. Indian elephants are very big and…

  1. tall b) cute c) wild

  1. A snake is an animal with long … and no legs.

  1. neck b) body c) trunk

  1. The peacock has got long beautiful … .

  1. legs b) fur c) feathers

  1. … can stay without water for a long time.

  1. lions b) camels c) rhino

  1. Lions don’t eat …

  1. people b) meat c) grass

  1. They have got two pets. They’re a parrot and ….

  1. A guinea pig b) a goose c) a koala

  1. I think my dog’s got a … leg.

  1. wrong b) bad c) broken

  1. What does your pet …? – He likes meat and fish.

  1. look like b) eat c) food

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

  1. The Indian rhino usually … (live) alone.

  2. A giraffe … (have) a long neck and long legs.

  3. His budgie … (sing) all day long.

  4. Does anyone else … (like) dogs?

  5. They never … (drink) water.

  1. Fill in the gaps with do, does, don’t or doesn’t.

  1. … you have lions in your country? – No, we … .

  2. … the deer eat grass? – Yes, it … .

  3. … your pet have any problem? – No, he … .

  4. … vet help animals stay healthy? – Yes, they … .

4. What is the English for:

1) длинная шея 3) густой мех

2) с черными и белыми полосками 4) питаться листьями и травой

Spotlight 5 Module 5

Variant II

  1. Choose the correct item.

  1. Indian cobra is a very … snake.

  1. clever b) dangerous c) furry

  1. A crocodile moves fast with its … .

  1. tail b) teeth c) legs

  1. My budgie has got a little yellow… .

  1. mane b) beak c) paws

  1. Indian people use …to carry heavy things.

a) tigers b) rhino c) elephants

  1. Monkeys like eating …

a) grass b) fruit c) small animals

  1. There are cows, sheep and …on his farm.

a) a goat b) a tortoise c) a deer

  1. What’s … with your pet?

a) colour b) wrong c) doing

  1. What does your cat look like? – It’s … .

  1. three years old b) noisy c) black and furry

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

  1. Many amazing animals …(live) there.

  2. My cat … (play) in the garden all day long.

  3. I … (take) him for a walks in the park every day.

  4. Where do they … (go) every week?

  5. Their thick fur …(keep) them warm.

  1. Fill in the gaps with do, does, don’t or doesn’t.

  1. … you like monkeys? – No, I … .

  2. … koalas sleep during the day? – Yes, they … .

  3. … she read this magazine about birds? – No, she … .

  4. … your pet eat insects? – Yes, he … .

4. What is the English for:

1) короткие лапы 3) опасная змея

2) могут жить без воды 4) с большими зубами


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