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Тест для 7 класса

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Тест для 7 класса

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«Тест для 7 класса»

Test 2 6th form

Unit 2 Visiting Britain

Аудирование (максимальный балл 4)

Listen to the texts and match them with their titles.

a) Pastime (занятие, времяпрепровождение) for Everybody

b) Important Waterway

c) Great Contract

d) Roads Under the Ground (земля)

Text One

Text Two

Text Three

Text Four

Чтение (максимальный балл 3)

Read the text and complete the sentences after it with a, b or c.

Food in Britain

Britain is a fairly small country and it is also an island between the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. People of the country live near the sea and for them fish is a very important kind of food. We can say that fish is a traditional English food. But the types of food people eat change. And at the beginning of the 21st century many
more types of food are different from the British food of the 20th century. It is not difficult to explain (объяснять) why.

People come to Britain from different parts of the world, they bring their favourite food with them and often open restaurants. British people, on the other hand (с другой стороны), travel to many countries of the world and bring new foods back home. And today big supermarket companies can buy food from all over the world and have it in their shops.

In Britain you can find traditional food like roast beef or fish and chips, but you can also have Italian, Mexican and West Indian food. People can buy foods from different parts of Britain and vegetarian food for those who do not eat meat. As you see you can have different foods in the United Kingdom.

1. Nowadays people in Britain ____ .

a) have no traditional food

b) eat traditional British food and other foods too

c) do not like to eat traditional food

2. ____ explain why the types of food people eat in Britain are changing.

a) It is easy to

b) You can’t

c) It is not easy to

3. In the 21st century you in big supermarkets.

a) can’t buy traditional food

b) can buy fish and chips

c) can buy food from different countries

Лексика (максимальный балл 11)

Use the words from the box to complete the sentences.

admiral, as well, also, continent, diary, dome, either, government,

monarch, raven, tradition

1. Pavel Nakhimov, a famous Russian , was born in 1802.

2. The offices are situated on both sides o f Whitehall.

3. You can see the British flag on the roof of Buckingham Palace when the is in.

4. British people have a lot of interesting __________________ s.

5. Brighton is a famous English resort, Blackpool is a resort .
6. The weather was nasty and we didn’t go boating, we didn’t go fishing .

7. Australia is a , a country and an island.

8. Do you know why black ___________________s live in the Tower o f London?

9. My cousin says she is going to write everything about our trip in her .

10. There are a lot of cathedrals with large ________________ s in Europe.

11. Belfast is situated in Ireland, Dublin is __________________ situated there.

Грамматика (максимальный балл 14)

Complete the text with the derivatives of the words on the right.

Jim Porter was a good (run) runner. He (usual) ________ ran very well and was the best in his school. One winter morning Jim got up very late. He was a big (sleep) __________ and didn’t like to get up early. Jim looked at the clock (angry) ______________. It was 8.30. The sky was dark and (cloud) ______________. It was (fog) ______________ in the street. Jim didn’t like (wind) ___________ and (rain) __________ days. He liked (sun) weather. But it was a (storm) ______ morning and he was late. Jim looked (sad) ________ at his little cosy kitchen. He was a big (eat)__________ and wanted to have breakfast but he understood he could not do it. He had no time. It was (near) 9 o’clock. Jim near left the house and began running. He ran as fast as he could. He was (terrible) ______________ tired but was in the classroom at nine. The teacher smiled at him (pleasant) and the lesson began.

ПИСЬМО (максимальный балл - 10)

Write an e-mail to your pen friend about your trip to London and tell him/her:

  • when you were in London;

  • what places you visited;

  • if you liked/didn’t like your trip.

Do not write down the address. You should write about 50-60 words.

0-19 – «2», 20-30 – «3», 31-36 – «4», 37-42 – «5» Итого – 42 балла


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