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Тест для четвертого раздела в 10 классе по учебнику "English 10-11" Кузовлев

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«Тест для четвертого раздела в 10 классе по учебнику "English 10-11" Кузовлев»

Test 10 Form

1. Сhoose the correct item.

1. I want him ____ back at 5.

a) to come b) come c) coming

2. Ann would like us ____to the museum.

a) going b) go c) to go

3. I didn't expect them ____this difficult question.

a) answer b) to answer c) answering

4. Mother never makes us ___ we do it ourselves.

a) to wash up b) wash up c) washing up

5. Daddy, let me ___ them!

a) joining b) to join c) join

6. The children were made ____the poem by heart.

a) learn b) to learn c) learning

7. Robert was allowed ___ the football match on TV.

a) to watch b)watching c) watch

8. I saw my sister____a pie.

a) cooked b) cooking c) to cook

9. Will your parents permit you ___?

a) marry b) married c) to marry

10. Mr Gray felt the little girl____his hand.

a) to touch b) touched c) touch

2. Express the same in English.

1) Мы не хотим, чтобы вы делали это.

2) Я не ожидала, что он знает поэзию так хорошо.

3) "Я заставлю тебя рассказать мне правду!"- закричала Нелли.

4) Мы не заметили, как они вернулись.

5) Ты слышишь, как плачет ребенок?

3. Open the brackets to make the story complete.

It (1. be) a cold and stormy night. A traveller (2. ride) a horse. It (3. rain) cats and dogs and he (4. be) wet to the skin. He (5.ride) for a few hours before he could find an inn.

When he (6.enter) the inn he (7. see) a lot of people there. They (8.sit) in front of the fire and there (9. be. not) a seat left for him.

A good idea (10. strike) him. He (11. call) the waiter and (12. say) to him in a loud voice: "Boy, take a plate of oysters to my horse".

Everybody (13. be) surprised. The waiter (14. put) some oysters on the plate and (15.go) out. Naturally, the other people (16. go) out to see if the horse (17. eat) the oysters.

A few minutes later the waiter (18.return) with the news that the horse (19. refuse) to eat oysters. When the other people (20. return) they (21. see) that the traveller (22. sit) comfortably on a chair. He (23. warm) his feet beside the fire. And suddenly everybody (24. realize) why the traveller (25. order) the waiter to take the oysters to the horse.

4. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. We'd like to find out young people's (views/ looks) on religion.

2. Modern farming methods have (made/ done) considerable harm to the countryside.

3. You can marry if your parents (permit/forbid) you to do it.

4. Children have the right to (protection/ addiction)


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