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Test - местоимения

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Выберите ваш вариант ответа вместо пропусков.

I don't know this woman. Do you know-----  ?

  • she
  • her
  • hers


Where is Jane? I want to talk to------  .

  • she
  • her
  • hers


This is not my pencil;------  is blue.

  • my
  • mine
  • me


Jane's friends are very kind people;------  will help her.

  • they
  • them
  • their


I can't find-----  textbook. Have you seen it anywhere?

  • my
  • mine
  • me


I want my magazine back. Please give it to--------  .

  • my
  • mine
  • me


I don't like this friend of-------  .

  • yours
  • your
  • you


Do you know this man? - Yes, I work with------  .

  • he
  • him
  • his


I don't like dogs. I am afraid of------  .

  • they
  • them
  • their


Is this camera------  ?

  • yours
  • your
  • you


Don't keep the children indoors in this fine weather; let------  go for a walk.

  • they
  • them
  • their


I can't visit-----  , I don't know their address.

  • they
  • them
  • their


Willy is wearing a cap that isn't  .

  • he
  • him
  • his


That is not my umbrella;------  is yellow.

  • my
  • mine
  • me


Просмотр содержимого документа
«Test - местоимения»

Выберите ваш вариант ответа вместо пропусков.

I don't know this woman. Do you know-----  ?

    • she

    • her

    • hers

Where is Jane? I want to talk to------  .

    • she

    • her

    • hers

This is not my pencil;------  is blue.

    • my

    • mine

    • me

Jane's friends are very kind people;------  will help her.

    • they

    • them

    • their

I can't find-----  textbook. Have you seen it anywhere?

    • my

    • mine

    • me

I want my magazine back. Please give it to--------  .

    • my

    • mine

    • me

I don't like this friend of-------  .

    • yours

    • your

    • you

Do you know this man? - Yes, I work with------  .

    • he

    • him

    • his

I don't like dogs. I am afraid of------  .

    • they

    • them

    • their

Is this camera------  ?

    • yours

    • your

    • you

Don't keep the children indoors in this fine weather; let------  go for a walk.

    • they

    • them

    • their

I can't visit-----  , I don't know their address.

    • they

    • them

    • their

Willy is wearing a cap that isn't  .

    • he

    • him

    • his

That is not my umbrella;------  is yellow.

    • my

    • mine

    • me


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